..c VVrti,* ' P*ak^xf«.h \ - THE McHEITOY PLA1NDEALEH Treasurer's Annual Report ;0f McHenry Township Of Funds Received and Disbursed for the Fiscal Year Ending March 81, 1957. STATE OF ILLINOIS County of McHenry) SS. Town of McHenry ) Office of Treasurer of the Road and Bridge Funds of said Town. To the Highway Commissioner, Town of McHenry, County of McHenry, State of Illinois: I, Matt N. Schmitt, Treasurer of the Road and Bridge Funds for the Town and County aforesaid, State of Illinois, being duly sworft, depose and say that the following statement by me subscribed is a correct statement of the amount of road and bridge funds on hand at the beginning of the fiscal year above stated; the amount of road and bridge funds received; the sources from which received; the amount expended, and the purpose for which expended, as set forth in said statement. MATT N. SCHMITT. Treasurer Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of March, 1957. (SEAL) WALTER C. SILLIMAN, Notary Public STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS, SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES AND BALANCE ON HAND S ***-** 1958 Matt N. Schmitt, Treas. Distribution of Funds Received General Fund March 31 on Hand $ 5,370.82 June 21 Vernon W. Kays Co., Treas. 1st Dist. of Taxes 10,000.00 August 21 Vernon W. Kays Co., Treas. 2nd Dist. of Taxes 5,000.00 September 18 Vernon W. Kays Co., Treas. Back Taxes 520.92 November 28 Vernon W. Kays Co., Treas. Final Dist. of Taxes 6,756.26 Vernon W. Kays Co., Treas. Back Taxes 156.53 1957 March 16 Matt N. Schmitt, Treas. Withholding Tax Paid by R & B Fund 218.40 TOTAL RECEIPTS $28,022.93 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES $23,151.95 BALANCE ON HAND $ 4,870.98 Hard Road Fund 1956 March 31 Matt N. Schmitt, Treas. Bal. on Hand $11,131.05 June 21 Vernon W. Kays Co., Treas. 1st Dist. of Taxes 25,000.00 August 21 Vernon W. Kays Co., Treas. 2nd Dist. of Taxes 12 500.00 ifrovembfer 28 Vernon W. Kays Co., Treas. Final Dist. of Taxes 13,157.36 TOTAL RECEIPTS ' $61,788.41 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES $56,214.86 BALANCE ON HAND $ 5,573.55 ORDERS PAID General Fund 1956 March SI Gust C. Wilde, Sr., labor on roads t $ April 21 Edward L. Buchert labor on roads Billy P. Lindsay, labor on roads Jack Ray Lindsay, labor on roads James Hergott, patching Thomas F. Landre, labor on roads Gust C. Wilde, Sr., labor on roads Harry Buchert, labor on roads April 26 Int. Rev. Service, 1st Qtr. payment withholding tax April 28 Billy Lindsay, patching roads Thomas F. Landre, patching roads Jack Lindsay, patching roads James Hergott, patching roads May -8 Thomas Landre, patching roads 115.80 Gust C. Wilde, patching roads 225.50 17.60 17.60 263.00 216.50 187.20 175.80 66.00 121.70 324.00 165.70 371.40 71.60 88.80 61.50 91.30 #1.60 327.00 37.8S 175.00 63.95 1.75 25.00 20.30 22.55 11.05 2.50 13.64 8.50 92.00 89.14 182^1 189.75 116.10 372.66 144.00 1.71 522.18 75.74 35.50 92.50 103.93 30.00 50.00 3.5$ 365.36 188.60 137.33 235.68 91.45 13192 90.00 31.00 15.82 137.36 1.65 741.28 250.70 157.78 143.00 Jack Ray Lindsay, patching roads Billy Lindsay, patching roads May 17 Gust C. Wilde, Sr., labor on roads 195.30 Thomas Landre, labor on roads 197.70 Billy Lindsay, labor on roads . 30.80 Jack Ray Lindsay, labor on roads . • 30.80 W. R. Meadows, Inc., repairs 138.18 Fox River Stone Co., gravel 45.17 Ringwood Garage, gas 46.08 W. Lk. Bldrs. Supply, lath & cement 6.60 Eighmy Equip. Co., road marker 945.74 Althoff's Hdwe., shovels & repairs 15.31 W. A. Rakow, engineering-roads 104.00 L & H Television, repair tar kettle 7.46 Patton tractor, repairs 3.30 Hollys Service Sta., gas & oil 86.61 A. S. Blake Motors, repairs 43.83 McHenry Lbr. Co., lath & post : ' 26.46 C. T. & M. Industrial Tar Kettle & Power Spray 1,046.34 McHenry Garage, storage 61.00 George P. Freund, brooms 4.90 May S& Schmitt & Conway, Ins. & Lia. Audit 160.41 June 2 Gust C. Wilde, Sr., labor on roads 188.70 Thomas F. Landre, labor on roads 176.20 June 16 Gust C. Wilde Sr., labor on roads 261.40 Thomas F. Landre, labor on roads 195.10 June 22 Maurice Granger, for right of way 250.00 June 30 Tonyan Bros., gravel & crushing 51.90 Ivar Fredrickson, trucking 339.00 W. L. Bldrs. Supply, concrete pipe 308.25 Verako Prods., Inc., steel catch basin on storm sewer 52.80 C. T. & M. Industrial, road signs 18^.17 W. R. Meadows, Inc., Prefix 119.00 Looze & Kinney, attorney service 55.00 Eighmy Equipment, repairs 206 00 Hickory Falls Sta., gas 3 92 Alexander Lbr. Co., culverts 335 40 A. S. Blake Motor, repair truck 34 54 Ray's Service Sta., gas 4Y2 Thomas F. Landre, labor on roads 21610 Gust C. Wilde, Sr., labor on roads • • Anderson Tree Serv., spraying weeds July 6 • Int. Rev. Service, 2nd Qtr. payment withholding tax 627 August 9 Gust C. Wilde, Sr., labor on roads Thomas F. Landre, labor on roads A. S. Blake Motor, repairs Tonyan Bros., crushed gravel Bucherts Garage, gas Ringwood Garage, gas Al's Welding, repairs Althoff's Hdwe., paint & incidentals Worts Service Sta. gas & oil McHenry Ljt)r. Co., lath & posts Schriners Sta., gas Guettlers Sta., gas George P. Freund, repairs McHenry Garage, storage C. T. & M Supply, paints, etc McHenry Plaindealer, publishing notice on bids August 16 Thomas F. Landre, labor On roads Gust C. Wilde, Sr., labor on roads -- , September 15 Gust C. Wilde, Sr., labor on roads 395.25 Walter Richardson, labor on roads -- Robert McCulla, labor on roads October 13 Gust C* Wilde Sr., iaibor On roads -- Thomas Landre,'labor on roads October Si '"V ,w - Gust C. Wilde, Sr., labor op roads Thomas Landre, labor oh roads November 24 Thomas Landre, labor on roads • • • * Gust C. Wilde, labor on roads . November 29 Bucherts Garage, repairs ... Looze & Kinney, legal advice A. S. Blake Motors, repairs Community Auto, mirror ••.; William Glosson, trucking McHenry Lbr. Co., Calcium Chloride Hettermans Sta., gas George P. Freund, repairs Marticke Nixon, tube repairs Althaffs Hdwe., shovels & repairs AlexanderyLbr. Co. lumber McHenry G§r6ge, rent Justen Service Sta., gas & oil Tonyan Bros., washed gravel C. T. & M. Industrial, road signs Worts Service Sta., gas December 26 Gust C. Wilde. Sr., labor on roads Clinton E. Martin, moving fence Althoff's Hdwe., hardware C. T. & M. Industrial, signs & posts Guettlers Service, gas & oil Tonyan Bros., crushed gravel McHenry Co. Fanners, salt • • • •-- A. S. Blake Motors, & repairs McHenry Garages-Storage Wm, S. Hartis^aumping in pit ' Community Auto stop signs Thomas Landre, labor on roads Harry Buchert, labor on roads 1957 January 5 Thomas Landre, labor on roads January 12 Edward L. Buchert, labor on roads Hettermans Service, gas & oil Althoff's Hdwe., hardware C. T. & M. Industrial Hydraulic, fan drive belt McHenry Garage, rent McHenry Lbr. Co., cedar posts McHenry Co. Co-op, rock salt George P. Freund, paint January 18 Int. Rev. Service, 3rd Qtr. withhouding tax ... January 26 Edward Buchert, labor on roat^s 216.38 Thomas Landre, labor on roads February 1 Thomas Landre, labor on roads Edward L. Buchert labor on roads February 15 Thomas Landre, labor on roads \ 185.23 Edward L. Buchert, labor on roads ^ 177.40 February 19 Robert C. Miller, labor on roads 119,45 March 1 Edward L. Buchert, labor on roads 1§3.0$ Thomas Landre, labor on roads 179.11 March 14 Edward L. Buchert, labor on roads 187.30' William Bockman, trimming trees 198.98 Charles L. Beall, cutting trees/brush ,..$>5,70 Thomas Landre, labor oil roads &wl®fii/88 Charles J. Miller, cutting trees & brush 186.23 Streets Service, gas 10,44 Freund Oil Co., gas • £3.39 Althoffs Hdwe., ax handle & shears ' 11.95 A. S. Blake Motors, repair truck, etc. U5.63 George P. Freund, chain saw & repair 46.70 Hetterman's Service, tire repairs .3.00 Hucks Standard, gas 99.55 L & H Television, dry gas 8.24 McHenry Co. Coop, salt 35.15 McHenry Garage, 2 mo. rent 59.00 McHenry Lbr. Co., laths ' 6.99 McHenry Welding, repairs & grader fuel tank 16.75 Tonyan Bros., sand & gravel 152.54 March 18 Matt N. Schmitt, Treas. - commission ' 805.61 ORDERS PAID Bard Road Fund May 16 Thelen Sand & Gravel, crushed gravel 1,513.75 May 17 S & S Service, trkg. & grading 2,026.08 Suburban Oil Co., premix power spray .. i,094.30 June 30 Sub. Oil Co., oil seal aggregate and premix 2,407.35 July 7 Anderson Fence install fence 1,856.00 August 9 Sub. Oil Co., sealing roads .-. 3,456.90 W. A. Rakow, engineering roads 604.00 September 15 Edward Hassman, Wattles road 41,129.33 November 29 Sub. Oil Co., premix November 29 Dowe Chemical Co., Calcium Chloride • • W. R. Meadows, Inc., premix 1957 January 12 Tonyan Bros., crushed gravel DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENDITURES Earth Road, Construction $ 1,426.80 Earth Road Grading 2,698.29 Hard Road, Construction 56,214.88 Hard Road Maintenance 3,998.94 Bridges and Culverts, Repairs 696.45 Machinery Purchased 1,^92.08 Machinery Repairs 1,089.18 Damages 394.00 Supplies 2,813.34 Miscellaneous ' 3,958.80 frees, Snow & Ice Removal 4,084.07 TOTAL $79,366.81 316.80 742.87 935.00 132.48 I I ' I ------ Mrs.' Elizabeth Schneider, rent f$r poor McHenry StatS Bank, r£ht for pcfaf' y Elizabeth Tonyan, rent for poor . <......... i. ... Wallace Leonard, rent for poor . April 23 , L _ Dr. Anthony J. Eiden, balance medical for pboff McHenry Medical Group, medical for poor • • • • . T _ ' May 1 Barbian Bros., groceries for poor Huppy ,& Leo's Grocery, groceries for poor ...» Wm. Pries Certified Store, groceries for poor Peter J. Schaefer, groceries for poor Cardinal Food Store, groceries for poor • •• Dean's Grocery, groceries for poor • May 8 Vernon W. Kays Co. Treas. Board Co. Home--March Fred Rogers, fuel oil for poor Thos. P. Bolger, medicine for poor Freund oil company, fuel Oil for poor May 4 Althoff's, cooking gats for poor McHenry Oil Burner, repair oil burner for poor ....... May 9 Dr. J. F. Harris, medical County Home May 14 Wonder Lake Oil Co., fuel oil for poor May 19 t Thos. P. Bolger, gas & electric for poor May 21 McHenry State Bank, rent for poor Elizabeth Schneider, rent for poor . • June 1 Barbian Bros., groceries for poor Huppy & Leo's Grocery, groceries for poor Wm. Pries Certified Store, groceries for poor Peter J. Schaefer, groceries for poor Cardinal Food Store, groceries for poor Krugers Oil Company, fuel oil for poor Hester Oil Company, fuel oil for poor Art 'Smith's, groceries for poor Elizabeth Tonyan, rent & water for poor • •. % June 2 Kathryn Conway, rent for poor June 5 Fred Rogers, fuel oil for poor June 7 Vernon W. Kays, Co. Treas. Board Co. Home--April . Althoffs, cooking gas for poor June 8 Thos. P. Bolger, medicine for poqr June 12 Thos. P. Bolger, electric for poor Dr. Henry Freund, glasses for poor June 19 x McHenry State Bank, rent for poor June 21 Elizabeth Schneider, rent for poor '. June 22 George R. Justen, burial of poor June 27 •Memorial Hospital, medical & hosp. of poor Schnieder *$Leuct, ambulance service of poor y? •• 2 Barbian Bmfo groceries for poor Wm. Pries^C^rtified Store, groceries for poor ^ Peter J. Schaefer, groceries for poor Jake Stoffel, groceries for poor Cardinal Food Store, groceries for poor Hester Oil: Company, fuel oil for poor Freund Oil Company, fuel oil for poor Lorretta Palucn, medicine & rent for poor j July 5 Vernon W. Kays, Co. Treas. Board Co. Home--May •.. , , July 10 McHenry State Bank, rent for poor "• Thos. J?. $olger, medicine for poor Elizabeth Schneider, rent for poor August 4 Wm. Pries Certified Store, groceries for poor Peter J. Schaefer, groceries for poor ... Barbian Bros., groceries for poor Violas Midway Store, groceries for poor Dean's Grocery, groceries for poor Cardinal Food Store, groceries for poor August 6 Thos. P. Bolger, medicine for poor Tfiursda^, Mfy 16, 1$£ iW. 75.00 35.00 42.00 65.00 22o.0CT 210.00 11*24 14.97 301.84 33.32 1?.42 246.51 43.80 33.00 62.94 131.57 2L00 2.00 40.00 72.25 13LS6 35.00 62.-50 155.96 15.30 227.72 33.76 9.66 42.10 13.82 53.64 24.60 240.00 33.00 30.80 14.00 42.45 8.12 17.00 35.00 50.00 513.00 900.00 35.00 132.72 187.58 40.03 35.00 27.15 11.72 14.36 90.00 246.50 500.00 .50 493.00 471.20 44.26 46.30 35.91 36.54 4.50 26.70 103.13 48.10 87.53 79.33 319.61 92.00 254.43 3.60 237.10 257.00 18.70 18.70 SUPERVISOR'S FINANCIAL, STATEMENT A financial statement of the Town of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, for the year A.D. 1956, made by Math N. Schmitt, Supervisor of said Town: Amount received from predecessor in office $ 7,112.03 Amount collected and paid over to me as Supervisor $21,189.88 279.80 225.30 TOTAL RECEIPTS $27,301.91 TOWN EXPENSES PAID March 28 Thos. P. Bolger, electric for poor • $ 12.46 L. G. Willis, rent for poor • • • 75.00 April 2 National Tea Store, groceries for poor 114.86 Barbian Bros., groceries for poor 189.19 Huppy & Leos Grocery, groceries for poor • • 10.59 Wm. Pries Certified Store, groceries" for poor 338.88 Peter J. Schaefer, groceries for poor 39.79 Cardinal Food Store, groceries for poor 95.63 Dean's Grocery groceries for poor 246.24 Althoff's, cooking gas for poor 39.60 Art Smith's, groceries for poor 23.52 April 3 Hester Oil Company, fuel oil for poor ; 81.76 Mrs. Elizabeth Tonyan, rent for poor 42.00 April 6 Lester Adams, rent for poor 45.00 Krugers Oil Company, fuel oil for poor 92.55 Afftii i Vernon W. Kays, Co. Treas, Board Co. Home--Febr. 40.60 Dr. Lyle R. Barnum, medical for poor 54.00 April ft Thos. P. Bolger, electric for poor 8.97 April 12 Thos. P. Bolger, electric for poor 23.38 . . April 16 Ideal Oil Company, fuel oil for poor 37.13 1, fu • August 9 Vernon W. Kays, Co. Treas. Board Co. Home--June August 10 Lorretta Paluch, board, room & medicine for poor August 15 ' Dr. J. F. Harris, medical County Home August 21 McHenry State Bank,. rent for poor Elizabeth Schneider, rent for poor September 1 Vernon W. Kays, Co. Treas. Board Co. Home--July Barbian Bros., groceries for poor Huppy & Leo's Grocery, groceries for poor Wm. Pries Certified Store, groceries for poor Peter J. Schaefer, groceries for poor Cardinal Food Store, groceries for poor Dean's Grocery, groceries for poor Lottie Piotrowski, groceries for poor Lorretta Paluch, 4 wk. care & med..for poor September 11 McHenry Hospital, hospitalization for poor September 13 Maud Nash Homes Inc., hospitalization for poor September 15 Rev. Chas. Nix, burial of poor September 18 McHenry State Bank, rent for poor Elizabeth Schneider, rent for poor September 24 Vernon W. Kays, Co. Treas. Board Co. Home--August .... Joe Ritter, medical Co. Home September 26 Fred Rogersr fuel oil for poor September 28 Fred Rogers, fuel oil for poor October 1 Barbian Bros., groceries for poor .' Peter Gies, shoes for poor Huppy & Leo's Grocery, groceries for poor Wm. Pries Certified Store, groceries for poor Gladstone's. Dept. Store, clothes for pOor National Tea Store, groceries for poor Althoff's, cooking gas for poor Peter J. Schaefer, groceries for poor Cardinal Food Store, groceries for poor Dean's Grocery, groceries for poor Gene Piotrowski, groceries for poor Thos. P. Bolger, medicine for poor October 2 Loretta Paluch, care & medicine for poor October 3 Chicago Osteopathic Hospital, hospitalization for poor October 4 ^ Thos. P. Bolger, electric for poor v. v. October 12 Freund's Dairy, milk for poor October 13 Memorial Hospital, hospitalization f6r poor October 18 Mrs. John Reinbolt, rent for poor October 23 McHenry State Bank, rent for podir ? Elizabeth Schneider, rent for poor . Gertrude fiarbian, lodging & eats for ,p6or October 27 Wallace Leonard, rent for poor . • 4 November 1 Bferbiah Bros., groceries for poor • Huppy & Leo's Grocery, groceries for poor Wm. Pries Certified Store, groceries for poor Peter jr. Schaefer groceries for pbdr Cardinal Food Store, groceries for ftbor 32.55 35.00 31.35 50.00 164.52 34.52 33.98 25.81 24.22 20.75 48.43 27.65 110.00 24.00 35.00 62.50 21.70 34.40 20.21 170.28 42.34 24.14 41.92 23.84 90.00 100.60 250.00 15.00 35.00 50.00 21.70 19.50 47.85 16.50 34.70 28:3,0 15.'41 199.73 34.74 50.81 38.50 31.23 15.18 57.45 25.85 40.10 90.00 380.21 41.35 120.00 300.51 65.00 3500 62.50 68.23 125.00 35.60 :16?13 187179 32.24 28.90 oil cwtroany, fuel' oil far •.•poor; .•. i&m Lottie & Gehe4 Cuptery, JBtocerips for poor Art Smith Gi^c^ Itrdtems for goof H e s t e r Oil Company, f u e l o i l for poor U . . . . . . . . . . . November 3 Vycitals, gas for poor ..................... i November 5 Lorretta Paluch, care ft medicine for pOor November 8 Vernon W. Kays, Co. Treas. Board Co. Home--Sept, November 9 Thos. P. Bolger medicine for poor November 14 Wm. Hawkins, rent for poor November IB Public Service Company, electric for poor f 25.71 November 29 Elizabeth Schneider, rent for poor December 1 Fred Rogers, fuel oil for poor • - ; Barbian Bros., groceries for poOr Peter Gies, shoes for poor Huppy & Leo's Grocery, groceries for poor 69^ 49.50- 25.00 90.00 ' 14.70 7.09 55.00 6£S0 ........... 6&31 34.95^ • • • • 26.95 65.56 Wm. Pries Certified Store, groceries for poor 354.03 Peter J. Schaefer, groceries for poor ' 38.35 National Tea Store, groceries for pOor 50.00 Althoff's, gas for poor $ 88.98 Cardinal Food Store, groceries for poor 21.19 Hester Oil Co., fuel oil for poor 64.98 Art Smiths Grocery, groceries for poor 19.18 McHenry State Bank, rent for poor 70.00 December 5 Thos. P. Bolger electric for poor 43.< December 6 Loretta Paluch, board & care of poor 60.00 Vernon W. Kays, Co. Treas. Board Co. Home--Oct 10.85 December & t Wonder View Builders Inc., rent for pOOr 48.00 Wilhelmina Nelson, rent 2 mo. for poor 130.00 December 11 Tilos. P. Bolger, electric for jpoor 51.56 December 12 Thos. P. Bolger, medicine for poor 7.95 December 14 g Thos. P. Bolger, electric for poor • • • 28.01 December 21 Thos. P. Bolger, electric for poor 24.41 December 27 Elizabeth Schneider, rent for poor 50.60 1957 January 2 Barbian Bros., groceries for poor 213.35 Wm. Pries Certified Store, groceries for poor 434.12 Vycitals, gas for poor 9.00 Gladstones Dept. Store, clothing for poor 11.70 National Tea Store, groceries for poor 192.28 Cardinal Food Store, groceries for poor 29.27$ Krugers Oil Co., fuel oil for poor 61.90 Dean's Grocery, groceries for poOr 203.15 Hester Oil Company, fuel oil for poor 114.42 January S Huppy & Leo's Grocery, groceries for poor 65.71 Althoff's, cooking gas for pOor 59.80 Peter J. Schaefer, groceries for poor 29.20 Freund Oil Co., fuel oil for poor 37.05 Art Smiths Grocery, groceries for ppor 4.45 Vernon W. Kays, Co. Treas. Board Co. Home--Nov 11.20 January 4 <• Thos. P. Bolger, electric for poor ~ 28.64Vr January 5 Thos. P. Bolger, electric for poor 26.47 McHenry State Bank, rent for poor 135.00 Leon Sex & Co., rent for poor January 22 Dodge Furniture Store, bal. on electric stove for poor January 28 Elizabeth Schneider, rent for pom* . Janua&y 29 Thos. P. Bolger, electric for poor February 1 Barbian Bros., groceries for poor Peter Gies, shoes for poor Huppy & Leo's Grocery groceries for poor 45.00 25.(& J 50.00 . 11.19 1§0*9* 22.85 97.79 Wm. Pries Certified Store, groceries for poor 579.22 Gladstones Dept. Store, clothing for poor 25.00 National Tea Store, groceries for t>oor 152.23 Althoff's, cooking gas for poor 53.90 Peter J. Schaefer, groceries for poor 30.4$ Dean's Grocery, groceries. for jjoor • '• • • 223.99 Krugers Oil Co., fuel oil for poor 60.37 Cardinal Food Store, groceries for poor 62.^5 . Freddy's Market, groceries for poor 2d.0ft^ Tony's Food Market, groceries for poor 5.44 Hester Oil Company,. fuel oil for poor 290.22 February 2 Dr. Henry Freund, repair glasses for poor 10.00 Thos. P. Bolger, medicine for poor 16.91 February 5 Thos. P. Bolger, electric for poor 24.32 February 6 Thos. P. Bolger, electric for poor 66.30 February 7 Vernon W. Kays, Co. Treas. Board ,Co. Home--Dec 21.70-. Memorial Hospital hospitaliation for poor 113.00% Thos. P. Bolger, electric for pOoV 15.10 February 12 C. N. Carlson, fuel oil for poor •: 101.81 February 13 Thos. P. Bolger, electric for poor • • 9.88 February 19 McHenry Hospital, hospitaliation for poor 251.10 February 26 Villa Nursing Home, care of poor & medicine ••• 208.99 McHenry State Bank, rent for poor 35.00. February 27 * Elizabeth Schneider, rent for poor 62.50 March: 1 Barbian Bros., groceries for poor 255.44 Huppy & Leo's Grocery, groceries for poor 151 45 Wm. Pries Certified Store, groceries for poor 522.51 National Tea Store,1 groceries for :poor 239.89 Althoff's, cooking gas for poor 46.20 Peter'J. Schaefer, groceries for poor 29.34 Cardinal Food Store, groceries for poor 129.57 Krugers Oil Co., fuel oil for poor 18.00 De&n's Grocery, groceries foir poor , 12.76^ Hester Oil Company, fufel oil for poor 229.62 Freund Oil Company, fuel oil for poor 47.89 Thos. P. Bolger, electric for poor 30.22 PAYMENTS OF TOWN INDEBTEDNESS Amount Received $27,301.91 Amount Paid • • 18,941.26 Balance on Hand 8,360.65 STATE OF ILLINOIS, McHenry County, ) ss. Town of McHenry) I, Math N. Schmitt, Supervisor of said Town, do hereby certify* that the foregoing statement is true and 'correct, as I verily believe. WITNESS my hand, this day of March A.D. 1957. Supervisor of Town of McHenry MATH N. SCHMITT, STATE OF ILLINOIS!) County of McHenry ) ss. Town of McHenry OFFICE OF TOWN SUPERVISOR The following,is a statement by Math N. Schmitt, Supervisor of the Town of McHenry in the County ?fnd State aforesaid of the amount of public funds received and expended Jtiy him during th«'> fiscal ye'sr just eiteea, ending-wi the asy 6f March, 1957, showing the amount of public funds on hand. at. the, commencement of said fiscal year; the amount of public funds .received, and from what sources, received; the., amount of public funds expended, and for What purposes upended, (fyrjhg fiscal year ending as aforesaid. The said Math N. Schmitt, being duly sworn, doth depose and say, that the following statement by him subscribed is a correct statement of tbe,amount of public funds Sn hand at tHe commenceirient of the fiscal year above stated, the emOunt Of tfiiblic funds (Continued on Page 17) X i;", •