Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 May 1957, p. 2

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v.v^- vrl'&v > V* 7 J " -i U j > McHENHT FLAINDEALER ' :m; •^m. *'•? ;5••-=^ ::• * • - •:» .Woman's Club Talks Of School Bond Issue " S An informative discussion concerning the Wauconda high school iiOnd issue referendum highlighted the May meeting of the Holiday Hills Woman's club. Twentysix women attended the fourth monthly meeting of the organization, held Wednesday evening, May 8, at the subdivisioN^office. Other issues brought before the membership included the possibility of natural gas service ^nd the problem of non-property owners fishing in the channels. After the business meeting, coffee and cake were served by hostesses for the evening, Kay McWilliams, Josephine Janik, Irene Weiss and Arline Hill. The club meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month and all women residents of the -subdivision are urged to attend. Tell Engagement Of Karen Alice Olson Mr. and Mrs. Milton E. Olson of Mineral Springs announce the engagement of their daughter, Kart < x i , J <. ' ^ * sx, en AJice, to David Thomas ,Kent, son of Mrs. Verona K^nt qf Riverside Drive, No date has.been set for the wedding. Hold Benefit For Hospital Auxiliary Mrs. .June Allan was hostess to a group of ladies gathered fur a social evening which will benefit the r woman's.. auxiliary of the McHenry hospital;-;?-' Present were Marion Petersen, Barbara , Reardon, Ollie Garner, Clara Adams,, r,Blanche Kaufman, Kitty Ablemgn, Ethel Cajthaml, O. Petersen, Adeline Zeiger, Betty LsHowske, Lois Anderson, Connie Thomas, Kathy Bute and Dee Ameche. Beautiful today, v torhorrow f ' - % 1 £ ^ in your wedding portrait by , ^ WORWICK'S STOW© Set the day... for your Portrait now! Come in or phone . for an appointment WORWICK'S STUDIO and Camera Center Fine Portraiture Commercial Photography WEDDINGS - C HILDREN FAMILY GROUPS Cftmeras Bought, Sold & Exchanged Films <& Photo Supplies Iilght Meters - Albums - Frames . Color Films Processed See Us Before You Buy IIforwidc's Studio * 1 1 7 N, R i v e r s i d e D r i v e IHONE MdHENRY 275 The evening was concluded by the beautiful singing and piano playing of the very talented Dee Ameche. Club Meetings To Benefit Hospital A new monthly club meeting will benefit the woman's auxilinvy to the McHenry hospital. The first meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Rhee Nelson. Others presfnt \yere Ethel Bailey, Evora Petersen, Cynthia Fike, Phyllis Nimtz, Dee Olson, Anita Vaupell and June Allan. Hold Annual C. D. of A. Mother's Day Banquet The annual Mother's day banquet of the Catholic Daughters of America was held at the high school cafeteria last Monday evening, with Miss Genevieve Knox as chairman of the oommittee. Guests attended from DeKalb, Naperville and Elgin. Among them were the state vice-regent. Miss Eleanor Quinn of DeKalb; the state treasurer, Mrs. Dolly Leonard, of Naperville; and District Deputy Ethel Ronan of Elgin. Rev. Fr. Coakley, Fr. Collins and Fr. Nilges were also-present. Mrs. Mary Agnes Boetsch acted as tOastmistress. The program included numbers by Miss Mary Etheridge, contralto, accompanied by Mrs. Carl Weber. Prize for being the youngest mother present went to Mrs. Thomas Murphy (Joan Weber). Mrs. Clara Olson's mother of Chicago was the oldest mother present. Tell Engagement Of Elsa Mary Reese Mrs. Norman Reese of 173 N. E. 107th street, Miami Shores, Fla.. and Pistakee Bay announces the engagement of her daughter, Elsa Mary, to Lt. William Bell Zollars, USAF, of Shaw AFB, Sumter, S. Car., son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde W. Zollars of Wallingford, Vt., and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Miss Reese graduated from Miami Edison Senior high school and® Lt. Zollars from St. George school, Newport, R. I. Both, attended Puke university, where Miss ReeSe was a member of Pi Beta Phi social sorority and Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Iyappa Delta and Kappa Delta Pi honorari^s. She is an eighth grade teacher in Miami. Lt. Zollars, while at Duke, was a member and president of Phi Kappa Psi social fraternity. The Couple will be married in the fall. ; . The bride-to-be is the daughter of the late Norman N. Reese, known in this community. Police Dinner Held Thursday The, annual policemen's dinner was held last Thursday evening, May 9, at the McHenry Country club, with city police, Mayor George P. Freund, Don Johnson of the Chamber of Commerce, judges, police magistrate and constables present. A most enjoyable evening was spent, serving to promote good will among these law enforcing agencies. Announce Troth Of Dorothy Haley Mr. and Mrs. John Haley of Mc- Cullom Lake and Chicago announce the engagement of their daughter. Dorothy, to Donald Arvidson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben M"I"M llllll M DOROTHY HALEY Arvidson of McCullom Lake. Miss Haley and Mr. Arvidson will be June graduates, she from Mundelein college and he from the University of Illinois. *•*•••• 1 11 Keep your clothes | "HEW PERSONALS fr »}• i|i .Mi.!, <"}•<• > t1 fr fr fr < ' Mr. and Mrs. Nick. N. Justen, daughters £larene and Mrs. Marie Martin, and the latter's daughters Gretta, Carla , and Martha visited Sister Nicele at Alverno college, Milwaukee, Wis., Sunday. Mrs. James W?st Of Lomrafrtf visited McHenry relatives Friday. Her aunt Miss Ann Frisby returned home with her for a weekend visit. Master Sgt. James Doherty returned to England Saturday after spending a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Doherty and other relatives here. Mrs. David Powers, Mr. and Mrs. Sibre Whiting, and Mrs; Leonard Burge, of Grayslakfe, paid their last respects to Mrs. Albert-^ommers in Elgin Sunday. MrS. \Nellie Bacdn was a Mother's ^)ay guest in the Harold Bacon home in Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nieman, the Herb Nieman family of Woodstock and the Edward Winters family of Crystal Lake visited Mrs. Agnes Nieman Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Adams and daughters enjoyed a weekend trip to Patosi, Wis., where they visited relatives; also Dickeyville, Wis., Dubuque, Iowa, Stockton and attended the archery invitational at Freeport. Out-of-town Mother's day guests in the Nick B. Freund home were the Charles and Floyd Freund families of Woodstock, the Merle Blowers family of Fox Lake and the Victor Hunt family of Wonder Lake. The Bud Freund family and Merle Freund of McHenry completed the party. Mrs. Clarice Purvey, Peggy arid Allan, of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. William Morgan and children, of Elkhorn, Wis. Mr. ancl Mrs. Gerald Miller and children CRYSTAL LAKE GARDEN CLUBS TO 'V; HOLD FLOWER SHOW The garden clubs oi Crystal ^ake, which include the Green Twigs, Countryside, Home Garden club and Crystal Lake .Garden club, will hold theirannual flower show on May , 22 and 23 at the Lakewoofl village hall, The, theme of the show, "Arts and" slower!" will combine artistic floral arrangements and . table settings, suggested by famous paintings, as well as a competitive horticultural display.. ,A number of neighboring garden clubs 'will participate by invitation, including the McHenry-. Garden club. In addition, the. McHenry'Gpunty Civic Arts association will; 'exhibit the, creative work of $o*ne of its members. The hours oh ;Wednesdayr May 22, are 2 p.m. to'9 p.m., and oh Thursday, May 23, 12 o'clock nooh to 9 p.m. .Follow, the green arrows from Virginia street (Highway 14) and Pole avenue to the Lakewood .Village Hall. Everyone, is. cordialfy invited to exhibit specimen blooms from their gardens in the horticultural display. Entries in this section will be accepted at the exhibition hall betwee^ a.m. and 10 a.m. on Wednesday, - 3$ay 22. \ : c' ; CARD OF THANKS We want to take this opportunity to expr^i bur most sincere thanks to Neighbors and friends for thfevmanj* kindnesses extended at the tlmft Of the passing of Walter Johnson. 1j®tey were all greatly appreciated; *2 < ; His Family. : » &>V. and Mr. anap^ns. Robert Becker, Bonnie and -Kathy Jo, were visitors in tho $>$£ph J. Miller home Mother's Day. . Marilyn Schmitt Saturday Bride St. Ktary's Catholic churcn was the scene of a beautiful May weeding last Saturday, the eleventh* when Miss Marilyn . Schmitt of McHenry , becar^fr the bride of Mr.: Anthony . Appeit.^ The bride is ttiq daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. 5chmitt of Edgebrook subdivision and the groom is the son oi the Leo Appeltjs Of Wauke- gdn. The nuptials were solemnized .at 9:30 o'clock 4n % double .xing service at which Rt. lte>>. Msjgr. C. S. l4ix officiated. . ,1 The attractive bride was pretty in a white taffeta, flqor length gown, princess style£ with small bustle, and bodice; arid skirt irimnjeft in sequins. Miss . Schmitt wore a white lace ca|> to - which was attached a sequin - trimmed fingertip, veil .and carried a white orchid and carnations; ,/• Miss Joanne Schmitt acjfced, as maid of honor for her. sister and bridesmaids were, .another sister, Mrs. Dolores. Brennan ;of Ringwood, and two fr?ehds,.Miss Dorothy Lehman of Racine, Wis., and Miss Judith Gore of Crystal Laicp, All were attired similarly in gowns of light green crystalette. princess' style and waltz length. Matching blusher veils were attached to green crown headpieces and they carried pink carnations. Little Patty Brennan, a niece of the bride, was the pretty flower girl, wearing white organdy over light green taffeta. She carried a basket of baby rosettes and white pom-poms. Bobby Brennan served, as ring bearer, carrying a heart-shaped, satin pillow. Leonard Appelt of Waukegan served his brother. as best man and groomsmen were Richard Schmitt of McHenry, brother of the bride, Frank Mateus and Hen- I'M SlfSS SLAV we THAT ONiy smmni Bgy UfAHIHC GETS CLOTHES SO CLEAN f. •' ' i • Gets out ALL the Dirt • Perspiration's gone • Stubborn spots vanish • No tell-tale cleaning odor It's easy to keep your clothes clean as new. Simply let us Sanitone Dry Clean them regularly. They'll get dry cleaning so thorough you can actually see and feel the difference. With the dirt all gone, colors really sparkle and our careful finishing restores likenew feel and drape . . . and never a trace of dry cleaning odor. Call for Service today. RAINBOW CLEANERS PHOWE 927 Around Corner North of National Tea N. FRONT ST. RfcHENRY, Open Dally 8 A.M. To 6 P.M. Open Friday Eves. Til 9 On Graduation Day Graduation Day and the many social functions which follow make it imperative that you look your very loveliest. Of course, the first step on the road to beauty is a' beautifully styled, easy to , manage permanent w§ve ... the kind of wave for which our salon. has become noted. Because this is one of our busiest seasons we suggest that you phone 147 today for your appointment. JTOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS e XL-- <^R iversiJe *26 N. Riverside Drive - > xttrslyhng McHenry, 111. Gafluch to Phone 147 Open Toes.. Thm*. apU^ Frl. Evening* 'til 9 Open Tues., Thurs., and Fri. Evenings 'til 9 5C of ety"\4 FORfACH PSTOSITOR ENJOf tMHecURlTY OF A '•f , ^ SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH THE McHenry State Ba Member Federal Reserve System In a financial institution where this emblem appears, people's hard-earned dollars are insured against loss as the sign specifies. Moreover, those dollars are protected by sound management, conservative investment policies, periodic examinations and physical safeguards -- a combination 6f safety factors available at a bank. For only a ,bank can be an FDIC member . . . can offer five-way, super safety. THERE'S NOTHING QUITE LIKE HAVING t40N£Y IN THE BANK. WHY NOT SAVE WlTH THE McHenry Stat® Bank INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM PHONE 1040 hlEfi PARKINS #H1LE feANKlMG. ry Ryan of Waukegan, friends of the groom. , Mrs. Schmitt chose for her daughter'?; wedding a brown lade dress, with which she . wore pink accessories and a pink carnation corsage. .; , Bob Brennan, the bride's brother- in-law, and Ray Appelt of Waukegan, his brother, were ushers. A breakfast for members-of the bridal party and° immediate families was served at the, VJYW. clubhouse, following the ceremony and 300 guests gathered there at 5 o'clock for an evening reception. The couplj?. left later on 3 twoweek wedding trip into Wisconsin and upon their return will reside at 32 Wisconsin avenue, Waukegan. iir^G^lRBr Ife 1957^ CARt> OF THINKS I never Before realized the healing powers of cheery cards and greetings until I. began receiving them. My grateful thanks to ^veryone who remembered me while I was m the hospital and convalescing at home. 2 Eve Levesque. BRIDAL COUPLE CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this means of thanking friends, neighbors, the graduating class of 1958, fellow workers and Rev. Corbett for their kindnesses in our bereavement. The 'many remembrances were appreciated so much. Mr. and Mrs. Quehtin Jandt *2 and Barbara The VValter Kalembos Miss Phyllis Smith of Johnsburg exchange^ nuptial vows with Walter J. KS&xilba of Lakemoor in a pretty Service performed May 4 in St. John's- church. CARD OF THANKS Our recent bereavement leaves us with grateful hearts toward neighbors and friends. Your comforting expressions of sympathy, cards and floral offerings meant : a great deal to us. Special thanks to Fr. Coakley and Fr. Collins from St. Patrick's church and also the donors and drivers of Cars for j 6ie service. % The Wiiliam T. Doherty Family Featured for bur *14.95 / See it in Seventeen! Wonderful inel-cotton Swelly laeey and pleated You'll look like a fashion page io, this Candy Jr. This year's important checks bow in magical arnel cotton. Washes and dries in ti wink and travels like a dream. Dainty lace trims the pleated bodice detailing. See it fpr today. Sizes 5 to 15. Blue, pink, gold. Remember You're Cordially Invited To Our Grarid Opening - May 18th - Sat. Store Hours: Weekdays & Saturday 9 A.M. .to 6 P.M. -- Wednesday to. 12 Noon -- Friday t<* $ P.M. i "Towii and Country" (Directly 6crosfe from the A & P) &06 w. i]LM &r. ! McHENRY

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