Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 May 1957, p. 7

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•H®dSf. Ma? isrigsT: "-' \ ..L":. IllIT ' > ? " :" i'.." "1 •Ww*.' THE Mctffttt? ttAINDEALEH "% CLASSIFIED : - • • - • • • • %%'••* " 4L FOR SALE OIL FLOOR FURNACE with 275 gal. tank--reasonable. Phone Wonder Lake 4222. 2 YOU'EH BED for sale. Phone Me- Henry 936. > < 2 BABY BASKET, joad and liner; carded; buggy--all for $10; Admlra| phonograph; row boat motbr; 1949 Ford' and Station ftogon; miscellaneous; dishes and itchen articles; clothing; bicycles. Phone 2676. 2 BOXER, male 1% yrs. old. Housebroken. Very gobcUvwith small children--$25. Ph. '&2-M-2. 2 FOR SALE--1 ti^tet: for Fireman's dance. $1 per couple. May 29 at fire house, McHenry. 2 REMINGTON noisless typewriter, j^rte model--$50. Write Box 268 c/o Plaindealer. ' - *2 ALFALFA HAY, 28,. acre field, 2 or 3 cuttings--$20 per acre. Phone Woodstock 1617-W-2. 2-2 FOR SALE--30 gal. oil hot water heater. Good condition. Oil tank included. $25.00.. Phone McHenry 665-J-l after 6 P.M. *2 ^QRIENDS -- it's murder -- yes sit, just plain murder to work in stiff, uncomfortable work shoes-- So why do it? Get yourself a pair of Wolverine Shell Horsehides. They're buckskin - soft, dry soft, STAY soft. Just the same, they're the wearingest, money-savingest work shoes you ever slipped a foot into. Sounds good? Well, it's even better than it sounds so get yourself a pair of Wolverine Shell /jltyrsehides at White's Men's Shop inat's White's Men's Shop, 208 S. Green St., McHenry, 111. 2-e.o.w. 20 GAL hot water tank Phone McHenry 531-M-l. $15. 2 GARAGE for sale, reasonable -- must be moved. Also screens & large crosscut saw, brand new. Phone McHenry 630-M-l. 2 FIVE-PIECE chrome dinette set; <.iUll size bed and folding Army OTt--cheap. Phone McHenry 2427. (K *2 REFRIGERATOR, excellent running condition--$10. Phone McHenry 9854. *2 FOR RENT 3 ROOM APT., second floor, refrigerator, gas stove and laundry tacilities. Available May 15. Ph. McHenry 742. 52-tf FURNISHED Summer" Home, 1 block from river. 5 rooms 2 bedrooms, with boat. By week or season. Call McHenry 428-W. 51-tf FURNISHED APT. for rent; no dogs or children; available June 1. Call McHenry 933-R. . 2 gPACjOUS HOUSE 6n River for rent during summer.' Phone 2179 after1 5 p.m. If no answer call 1668. 2 7-ROOM APT., heat furnished, located in McHenry. Phone McHenry 294. 2-tf, LIGHT AIRY room for rent, 209 E. Elm. 2 FOUR ROOM house on Pistakee (C&y--$100 per month. Heat, gas and electric included. Phone McHenry 967. 2 3 ROOM private modern apt., with wall to wall carpeting, stove & refrigerator, gas heat. Nice neighborhood. Phone McHenry-- 2848. 2 BEDROOM for 1 or couple, use of kitchen in exchange for light £tfties, and small (Salary. Riveriule Drive Laundromat. Ph. McHenry 890. 2 85 ACRES pasture for rent. In Ringwood. Elmer parr. Phone -- Wonder Lake 3637. 2 NEWLY DECORATED five room apartment, heat furnished. Location 541 Main Street. Elmer W. Jensen, 518 Waukegan Road, ph. McHenry 1119. 2 PLEASANT room in modern home for rent"on main floor for working man. Call McHenry 1998-M. t *2 2 BEDROOM apt.,, gas heat, in Johnsburg. Phone~McHenry 1589. 2-tf HELP WANTED x OPENING for 2 Part-Time Men Ages 21 to 59. Must have car. Call McHei$§ 2029 CARPENTER'S helpers wanted. Call Airspun Builders, McHenry 430. i 2 RETIRED MAN, part~firoe, lawn and yard maintenance work. Call Sat. or Sun. McHenry 1860. 2 it HELP WANTED Want to work at the friendliest place in town? ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO. . . . has a few opening for operators. I IF YOU LIKE • People • A responsible job • Good pay and • Pleasant surroundings . . Come in and learn more about becoming a "voice with a smile". EX-OPERATORS: Credit Given for past experience. Salary higher than ever. Call Miss Marshall on McHenry 9901 or/see her at 102 N. Park, McHenry. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO. LADY for permanent position in local office. General office work & bookkeeping. Reply in own handwriting. Write c/o McHenry Plaindealer Box 265. 1-2 Men Wanted For Tree Work Age 18 to 30 Union Scale Wages Phone: Barrington 118-J-l or Wilmette 4020 DAVEY TREE EXPERT CO. l-tf LADY WANTED for cleaning work on Saturdays. Phone Sat. & Sun., McHenry 1860. 2 WAITRESS 4 days a week. Oak Park Hotel. Phone 176. 2 WOMAN wanted for stenographic & general office work. Apply Jan- Air, Richmond, 111. Phone Richmond 4311. 2-3 MALE HELP WANTED if you are interested in earning more than your present employment offers, please fill in and mail for interview. No investment necessary and the right man will be given an opportunity to get started before leaving his present employment. Write Box 252, c/o Plaindealer Name Address Age Phone Present Work .. •*» . 49-50-52-2 MALE or FEMALE kitchen help day or night. Steady work. Phone Crystal Lake 2660. 2 WANTED -- single man for dairy and farm work. Orville Pagles, Rt. 3 Harvard. Phone Harvard 707-W-l. 2 Salesman Wanted Increase your weekly earnings $25--$50 or more supplying consumers in cities of McHenry Wonder Lake, Cary & Fox River Grove. No investmerft .but car needed. For information see or write Geo. Hendrix, 33 Aspen Lane Carpenterville Phone HA 6-4308; or write- Rawleigh's, Dept. ILE-52-326 Freeport, IU. *2-4-6-8 STENOGRAPHER with bookkeeping experience. Position is with firm in McHenry. State qualifications in letter to Box 267 c/o Plaindealer. 2 WHY COMMUTE? Work near home as a solicitor salesman for local expanding firm. Paid vacation & welfare plan. Write c/o McHenry Plaindealer Box 269.. 2-2 REAL ESTATE 3 BEDROOM HOME for sale. Living room with fireplace. All large rooms. Attached garage, gas heat. Also 4 room furnished apt. attached, ptovides additional income. Call Wonder Lake 5654. 44-tf To Meet Our Buyers' Needs we urgently require listings in all. types of Residential River and Suburban property. McHenry Realty 532 Main Street Phone 268 40-tf ALL BRICK Ranch . House, 3 bedrooms ,car port, oak flodrfe, full basement, gtfs heat, Ceramic tile kitchen and bath, $18,500. Call McHenry 609-M-l. 1-3 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE RICHMOND--2 buildings, 1 5- room house, hot aif oil heat, full basement and 1 9-room house, 4 large bedrooms, hot air oil heat. Lot 71x230, full basement, all for only $16,- 800.00. SUNNYS|DE--3 bedroom home, 1 and % baths, breezeway, garage. Recreation room in basej ment. Waterfront. Price reduced for quick sale. $19,600.00 Near Johnsburg, 5 room home, living dining with fireplace, tile kitchen and bath, attached garage, large lot, beach rights. Price $16,500.00. PISTAKEE LAKE -- 4 bedroom home; large living andj^nin^ fireplace, glazed-in por^h facTng lake. Ceramic tile kitchen and 1% baths, gas heat. Large lot. Priced right. Wooded home sites in vicinity Fox River, Pistakee Lake and Johnsburg. $500.00 and up. Small down payment, balance terms. New 3 bedroom home. Ceramic tile bath, garage. Near intersection of Rt. 31 & Johnsburg Rd. $18,000.00 WONDER LAKE--5 large rooms, oil heat, full basement, 2 lots, 2 car garage. $12,600.00 JACOB FRITZ REALTORS In Johnsburg -- Phone McHenry 37 51-tf LEAVING STATE, must sell our beautiful home. 3 bedrooms, 2 Ms baths, 2 car garage. Large back yard, fruit trees and berry bushes. Fishing and swimming. 0 Some income too. Very reasonable. Call McHenry 603-J-l. 51-tf REAL ESTATE 3 BEDROOM HOME plus Utility. Workshop in rear. Second house up from main beach. All modern conveniences, reasonable. Phone McHenry 535-J-2 after 5 p.m. 51-tf SEAL ESTATE GARAGES 14x20 ft. with overhead door concrete floor and shingle roof. Choice of siding and 2 windows. *695 No Money Down. 5 yrs. to pay WALSH Horrfe Improvement - Waukegan Call FRANK GANS 300 Riverside Drive McHENRY 1878-W 51-4 LIST YOUR HOME for sale with Airspun for results. Phone McHenry 430. 2 FURNISHED OR unfurnished -- Will sacrifice for quick sale new two bedroom home overlooking Pistakee Lake. Large paneled living room with twd large picture windows, built-ins, acoustic ceilings, basement garage, woodworking shop. Complete with Hi-Fi radio, lawn tools and furniture for $14,900. Phone 644-M-2 after 5 p.m. or weekends. , l-tf THE HOME for the Executive or Business Man This was the home of one of McHenry's leading businessmen. selling to settle estate. 3 bedroom home, living room, dining room, wall to wall carpet. Kitchen, pantry, 1M» bath, glazed porch, full basement. Gas heat. 2-car garage. Shown by appointment. LIST YOUR FARMS WITH US Contact us if you wish' to buy. L. B. ANDERSON & CO., Inc. WHEELING, ILL. Phone Wheeling 53 or GLENN H. WILL, Salesman Rt. 1, Alden, 111. Phone'Hebron 3114 49-tf FOR SAIJE-- HOMES--FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL, ESTATE 405 Richmond Road McHenry, 111. • Phone: McHenry 421-J 42-tf $150.00 FOR $300.00 equity in $1,700 beautiful lot 100' x 120' in Wooded Shores. Water at lot. Ph. W. L- 6881. 2 Pine Tree Tower McHenry Office Phone 1655 Residence 1216 Rt. 120 and Johnsburg Rd. 1-3 i BEDROOM HOME, expandable upstairs; 2" car garage, near Churches, schools and shopping. Phone J13-W. 44-tf 2BEDROOM h o m e f o r s a l e ; recently remodeled; in Emerald Park Subd.; beach and river rights; reasonable. Shown by appointment. Tel. McHenry 1596. 2 THIS IS IT!!! The time to get TOP PRICES for your waterfront home is NOW. For fast action in getting your property sold - - - - list it with Phone 1126 210 So Green St . FOR SALE 4 bdrm -- 2 story $ 9,500 5 bdrm-- Colonial 20,000 3 bdrm -- Ranch 10,000 2 bdrm -- River Rights 11,000 3 bdrm -- New Ranch & River Rights 14,200 2 bdrm -- Ranch - Best, offer 2 bdrm -- Full Basement $1,000 dowji 4 bdrm -- 2 story on water 16,000 3 bdrm -- Brick - 2 story on River 35,000 2 bdrm -- in town with upstairs apt. 15,000 House with 3 apts in town 28,000 We have houses ranging in price from $4,400 up. PHONE AIRSPUN BUILDERS McHENRY 430 2-tf PRICED FOR immediate sale -- McHenry Town--2 bedroom residence, large cabinet kitchen, dining area, half basement, two car garage. 2 unfinished rooms upstairs. Terms. Stop at Lake Shore Realty, 131 S. Route 12 Fox Lake or call: McHenry 1564. . 2 OK WHITE WASHING & SPRAY PAINTING Ptoime 599 7 ROOM-Tri-Level, on water, 3 bedrooms recreation room, 1% baths, carpeting, all electric „ kitchen washer , and dryer included. C^ll McHenry 609-M-l. 1-3 SMALL HOUSE, close to good fishing lake; modern kitchen artd bath ;oil heat," Cypress paneled living and dining room. Terms. McHenry 609-M-l. 1-3 NEW 3 bedroom ranch house with gas heat; 2 waterfront summer homes, income property; Also 2 houses on 1 lot. We have summer rentals. Also Elm, Ash & Maple tree sfor sale. Ph. McHenry 169. 2 McCULLOM LAKE Spring Road & Fountain Lane, 2 bedroom home birch kitchen cabinets, large utility, oil heat. Call McHenry -- 692-W-l. 2-tf 6 ROOM fully insulated h6use with natural gas heat on Regner Road in Pistakee Bay. All modern kitchen, 2 full baths, knotty cedar recreation room, 2 car garage. On large wooded lot--100' x 100'. Beach & pier rights. No reasonable offer refused. Phone 1307. 2 SOUTH PISTAKEE water front, almost new ranch on 2 level lots, beautiful waterfront setting, large trees, pier, barbecue & beach. Living room with fireplace, picture window overlooking water, large kitchen, 2 car garage. Priced in low 20's. Call June or Howard McDowell, McHenry 1169-M representatives for H. D. Olsen Realtors, Waukegan, 111. 2 REAL ESTATE WATERFRONT--A dream come true. Meyers Bay area. Modern ranch on two nicely landscaped lots, pier & Bar-B-Q, private beach, large living room with natural fireplace. Picture window overlooking entire lake, complete cabinet kitchen, screened-in porch. Low 20's. Lake Shore Realty, Fox Lake, 111. McHenry 1564 2 SACRIFICE--2 improved corner lots; 70 x 140 ea. New subdivision on lake in McHenry vicinity. Private party--terms. Deal for cash. Phone Chicago-- NEvada 8-3681 collect. 2 SITUATION WANTED WANTED -- painting, yard«work, home maintenance or what have you? Phone 797-R. 52-5 CARPENTER work wanted. Remodeling and construction. Sandvik, Wonder Lkke 3934. 1-3 4-BEDROOM home for sale; 2 baths; 2-car garage attached; full basement; gas heat; new blacktop road; river and beach rights; ^ acre site; in Hunterville Park Subd.; shown by appointment. Tel. McHenry 1596. 2 LEAVING TOWN--must sell deluxe 3 bedroom home. Knotty pine living & dining rooms. Tiled kitchen & bath. Large attic. Guest house. Three lots beautifully landscaped. Fruit trees. McHenry --- 2103. 2 WONDERFUL HOME far children while Mother's working by day or week. Mrs. G. Glover, 332 Home Ave., Lakeland Park--one block North of 120. 2 WANTED WANTED -- Elec. water heater. Will buy 1 or 2 used, double element, 50-60 gal. water heaters. Box 326, Twin Lakes, Wis. 2 Wanted INSURED SAVINGS Savings invested In Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Association are insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp., and earn 2%% plus *4% extra. 33-tf WANTED TO BOY TOP PRICE PAID for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock 1610-M-2. 43-tl bROOMS--Scrap iron and metal, top prices paid for any kind of iron, metal and old cars. Phone McHenry "2521. 51tf - 'i- , \ MISCELLANEOUS MOOSE WANT TO BUY 2 display showcases. One 8-ft. and one 5-ft. Contact Mrs. E. W. Peri^r, Wonder Lake 2782 after 4 p.m. 2 WANTED TO RENT RESPONSIBLE PARTY wants to rent 2 or 3 bedroom home year 'round, in Wonder Lake. Phone Wonder Lake 4422. 52-5 CARPENTER foreman, wife & daughters need 2 or 3 bedroom hptise or apartment. References. "Phone 970-J. 2-2 WANTED -- 2 or 3 bedroom house or apt. furnished or unfurnished. In McHenry area. Ph. McHenry 2781. 2 WANT TO RENT summer home in the vicinity of Chapel Hill, McHenry, 111., with or without option to buy. Call ESterbrook 8-9116 collect, Chicago. 2 LOST AND FOUND FEMALE BOXER lost Sundaywhite face, chest & "paws. Chain collar & identification tag. Reward for information leading to recovery. E., Rink. Phone Wonder Lake 5861 please. 2 DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 9 P .M. MEMBERS & GUESTS ONLY at the McHENKY MOOSE LODGE On Route 120 McHenry* HIIdtI HAS YOUR DRINKING become a problem? Men, women, tf so write Alcohol icy Anonymous, Rt. 5, Box 508, McHenry, 111. Meetings every Monday 8:30 pjn. 12-tf Glen and his Blue Rhythm Boys Appear Saturday, May 18 at Club Lilymoor Fish Dinners Friday Night COTTAGE FOR SALE--4 rooms furnished at Lake Delevan, Wise. Full price $3,850. Terms. Call E. F. Collins at Richmond 2177. 2 4 ROOM house at Lakemoor. Lot 50' x 125'. Last house on Lily Lane Road, north. Bargain. Marie Moe. 2 "LISTINGS WANTHlD" HANK Pine Tree Tower Rt. 120 and Johnsburg Rd. McHenry Office Phone 1655 Residence 1216 49-tf Luncheons Now Being Served DAILY 11:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. arbor Boat Club FOX STREET McHENRY, ILL. PHONE 2671 Dinners served 5 p.m.- until 9 p.m. Sunday 12 noon until 9 p.m. AIR CONDITIONED LOST--16' Higgins boat. Red bottom and red deck. White sides, grey inside. Lost mooring at Woodlawn Park Sunday afternoon. Phone McHenry 1665. 2 MISCELLANEOUS JOIN our new Merchandise Club now. $1.00 per week. Toddler Shop, 109 Elm St. Phone 746. 2 IN MEMORIAM In memory of a dear daughter, sister .and mother, Catherine Faxel Wood, who passed away suddenly May 19, 1953. ^ To part with one we love so dear. Our aching hearts cannot forget; We love you darling and miss you more, Vou are in our prayers always. Many a lonely heartache, Many a silent tear Keeps oilr darling near. Mother, sister and her children Radio Analyzers W A N T E D FREE HOSPITALIZATION PAID VACATION PAID HOLIDAYS APPLY ADMIRAL CORP. 507 WEST ELM ST. McHENRY, ILLINOIS Hrs. . 8 A.M. to 4P.M. l-tf FREE PUBLIC IICT1 "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: ITS LIBERATING PRINCIPLE" By: ARCH BAILEY C.S., of SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Chureh, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Corner Throop & South Sts. (Highway 14) Woodstock, Illinois SUNDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 19, at 3:00 o'clock (d»t) (Nursery available for children) -- Sponsored by FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST, WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS ALL ARE WELCOME WOODSTOCK KK3XMiS>H A CHAT WITH US. Regular chesk-ups and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs to you! Call us today and find out for yourself. Stake Service All Mechanical Repain Complete Motor Overhauling < BUTCH"S 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE 616 Front St. McHenry, 111. Phone 811 -- Residence 91-* SHUR CONSTRUCTION MORTGAGES ARRANGED FREE ESTIMATES H. G. FITZGERALD 210 S. GREEN ST. McHENRY PHONE McHENRY 1126 OAK PARK HOTEL PISTAKEE BAY, PHONE McHENRY 176 SMORGASBORD - $1.00 x ALL YOU CAN EAT Every Friday from 5 to 11 o'clock Specializing in Fish Dishes OPEN DAILY Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner 0 ' ' KITCHEN CLOSES 9 P.M. Weekdays Fri., Sat. & Sun. at ll P.M. "I'M A BUSY MAN! "If I want to buy something, I don't out hunting for it. I just look inV, the Yellow Page&" Bad H fast h$ iAe Yellow Pages ,M1

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