Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jun 1957, p. 9

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57r3 r-*- ^~r ^ Thursday, June 6, 1957 THE McHENRT PLAINDEALEH ^ r > ,^ "- '-•v- Iff Wonder Lake News by Jane Dndey Nativity Lutheran Chnrcft Saturday, June 8,^ the Luther league of Nativity Lutheran church will have a "June Jubilee" at Harrison school, starting at 7:30. All young people of high school age are invited to this party, at which there will be games and refreshments. Sunday, June 9, is Pentecost. All are welcome to services on great festival of the church .year. The sermon topic for the day will be, "His /Eternal „Presence." The junior choir will sing a^ the 8 a.m. service. • The Altar guild of the church will meet Wednesday evening, Jime 12, at 8. The study period for thie evening will he devoted to Bible study and the shoudng of Biblical filmstrips. All ladies are welcome. ; '^Everyone is reminded of the Vacation church school that will be held at the church starting on Monday, June 17, and ending on Friday, June 28, with "Family night." Registration will begin on Sunday, June 16, at Sunday School, and at 8:30 Monday morning. There will be instruction manuals for every child, with the emphasis this year being on the fc/es of famous Bible characters, with these manuals they will learn by doing. There is also handcraft, recreation and refreshments for the children. All children from 3 to 12 are welcome to attend. Bible Church Daily vacation Bible school begins in the Wonder Lake Bible church Thursday, June. 6, 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., and will continue tor seven days. Bible instruction, Handicraft and recreation will make each day's session an enjoyable time for all who attend. The Bible school is conducted for all children of grade school age. Tickets are now on sale for the father and son banquet to be held at Harrison school Thursday evening, June 13, at 7 p.m. The church is sponsoring this event for the purpose of giving i fathers and sons a good night of enjoyment together. They welcome ^-any outside the church Who wish r to attend. „ . Saturday evening, June the Couples' Club will meet-for a) pot luck picnic supper at the Skemp residence located on the Fox River: Various lawn games are being planned, plus an evening of good Christian fellowship. bert VanderBranden and Leona Mafertens as his godparents. , Father Kruk, baptized Glynn Patrick Smiw^son of Robgrt and Jean Jones Smith, on 'May 26, having Patrick and Judith jO'- Rourke for his Godparents. The same day, Father Kruk baptized Laura Lee Simon, daughter of Steve and Wilma Burns Simon, with James and Elizabeth Hughes as h££ godparents. During this week, there will be only one Mass daily, at 8 a.m. The novena in honor of the Holy Ghost, which began on Friday, May 31, will end on. Saturday, June 8, after 6:00 a.m. Mass, which is the Vigil of' Pentecost and a day of fast and partial abstinence. Friday, June 7, is the First Friday of the month and confessions will be heard before the Mass, starting at 7:30 a.m. At 7:00- p.m., the final meeting of the altar boys wilfc be held at the church. Vacation school will start on Monday, June 10 at the 9 a.m. Mass and will continue until Saturday, June 15, inclusive. Remember the Altar and Rosary pot luck on Thursday, June 6, at 7:30 p.m. at the Ray Mendyk home in Indian Ridge. Bring your favorite dish and save your appetite.- Mrs., Leo Hartog will highlight the evening with a "Flower Arrangement" demonstration. Don't forget to purchase your tickets to the dance on Sunday, June 16, at the American Legion hall in McHenry, sponsored by the Holy Name society. Everyone -is invited to attend. / Coming Events: Bake sale sponsosjeel by the Altar and Rosary sodality. August 31 and Sept. 1--Annual church carnival on the church grounds. Kiwanis Ladies Night The committee set the date for ladies night June 10 at LaGreca's Lake-View Inn. Please call Art at Wonder Lake 8211 for reservations for steak dinners. Home Bureau "Hie Ringwood Home Bureau met iit the home of Mrs. Muchow last (Tuesday, June 4, at 1:30 p.m. The ladies answered roll call with "Outdoor Meal Suggestions". The lesson, titled "Your Social Security," was given by Mrs. Alice Condren. Mrs. Marie Milbrandt assisted Mrs. Mupchow as cohostess. Republican Women's, Club Theatre party plans have been announced by the Republican Women's club. For tickets to the June 25 play, see any board member or contact Mrs. M. Brady, Rt. 1, Fox River Grove, Mercury 9-7781. News Briefs The , Wonder 'Woods Women's Association met May 28 for the last time of the season for a social evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Halbauer of Deep Spring Woods entertained their two grandsons, Pat and Mike, for four days last week. The'boys live in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Vogts, the former Nancy Swanson, spent a ten-day leave in Wonder Lake, visiting their parents and friends before returning to Virginia Beach, Va.» where Cecil is stationed. Jack Tallman graduated from high school in Ft. Worth, Texas, May 27, where he now lives. He is the son of the Warren Tailmans, former residents of Hickory Falls. High School Graduation Twelve Wonder Lake sejniors are among the 123 being graduated from McHenry high school in commencement exercises held in the gymnasium, Friday evening, June 7. Those from Wonder Lake are Judy Bastian, Les Bergdahl,,;, Mny Ke] Roberta Clinton, JohnJ^by^ferT "tfig*-sarn Roger Graumann, Nancy Gulczynski, Albert Horn, James Mahal, JoaniT Miller, Ronald Miller, Wally Schimke and George Taylor. Rummage Sale Resulte The Wonder Lake Garden club cleared $152 on its bake and rummage sale Saturday. Due to the diligent work of the ladies, the affair was,a great success. St. Mary's Graduation Two Wonder Lake girls are in the graduating Class of St. Mary's in McHenry. They are Ann Sullivan and Joan Marke and they Will receive their diplomas Sunday morning, June 9, at the 8:30 Mass in church. Following the ceremony, there will be breakfast for the graduates and their families, served in the school hall. The following evening, June 10. the graduating class and--4heir parents will be honoredNby^aydfrt^ ner dance at the McHenry C<Hj try club. w Summer Resident Dies Harry Vaughan, summer resident of Wonder Woods, passed away at 5:30 a.m. Friday, May 31, of a heart attack. Mr. Vaughan had just returned from Florida. New to Wonder Lake in recent weeks are Mrs. Patricia DeWald and her three children, who reside in Indian Ridge. S Christ the King Church ; There have been seven baptisms during the month of May. On Saturday, May 4, Father Alfred Kruk baptized Leonard Thomas Pavon, foster son of Mr. and Mrs. Lucian Lazalde, with Thomas and Anna Smialek as his godparents. Congratulations, Leonard, on this happy occasion. Father James Vanderpool baptized Jeffrey Brian Hunt, son of victor and Dolores Freund Hunt, on May 12, with Nick and Delia Freund as his godparents. The same day Mark Michael Wyatt, son of Samuel and Eleanor Sherrie Wyatt, was christened, having Robert Sherrie and Shirley Borens as his godparents. On May 19, Daniel John Coughlin, son of Edward and Gloria O'Connell Coughlin was baptized v^ly Father Vanderpool, with Martin and Alice Murphy as his godparents. The same day, Gary Wayne VanderBranden, son of Peter and Mary Pabst VanderBranden, was christened, with Al- The Truth *About Rug Cleaning Clean Rugs Last Longer, Look Lovelier You wouldn't think of wearing a wool suit for more than two years before having it cleaned, ould you? Yet the carpets in our home are in constant use vand subjected to far more dirt, grease and grime than any single piece of clothing. That's why many woman suffer disappointment when their lovely carpets become dull and lifeless. This is caused by incomplete removal of grease from the "roots" of the carpet-grease which traps soil .&nd grime, thus sap: $>ing the "life" of the pile. Ordin-,, ary home cleaning methods allow up to 50% of the grease to remain in the rug. * Only by taking the carpet from the floor and subjecting, it to professional cleaning can 100% of the damaging grease be removed from your 'carpets. This should be done once a year for maximum protection of ti^p investment you 'have in your carpets. •Our metnods are based, on recommendations made by the National Institute of Rug. Cleaning and are guaranteed to- restore your carpets to like-new beauty. Call TIDY RUG CLEANERS at Woodstock 1000 for free pick-up and delivery. For new carpets and rugs visit our beautiful showroom. Junction of Routes 120 and 4, Woodstock, 111. vViLBE WISE • ••• Marine Mat Elliott's Boat and Canoe Enamel will give lasting satisfaction even under the most trying conditions to which such a product may be subjected. Can be used, on both wood or metal surfaces. East to apply--is self-leveling and dries free of brusl| marks. V Y CIT A L'S Hardware 132 S. Green Phone 98 Sheet Metal Shop McHenry, 111. Store Hours: 8 A.M. 'til 6 P.M. Daily Friday 'til 9 P.M. Sunday 9 A.M. 'til Noon Jll THE 6REAT NEW^ -EWWORLD ojj pictUAJ^td<iA/U} KODAK 300 PROJECTOR New excellence... luxury .. .in slide projection Never before a slide projector like it! Superbly styled, ultra compact and portable . . • and outstanding in performance. Fine optics, powerful new-design lamp, and flawless operation provide slide shows of matchless excellence. Self-cased, in cardinal red or teal green. ~ KODAK Siamt 40 CAMERA Brilliant new styling ... convenience... performance Newest in Kodak's superb line of Signet color-slide cameras... and a really outstanding buy in precision miniature equipment. Has fine f/3.5 lens, 1/400 shutter, rongefinder, jiffy loading and other easy-operation features-. . . comes with flasholder and dual reflectors. See it soon! Bolger's drugstore 103 So. Green St. PHONE 40 ftcHenry, HL Harrison School Graduation ' TWnty-six eighth graders were graduated Wednesday, May 29, in exercises at the Harrison School, district 36. The invocation and benediction were given by Rev. Burton Schroeder and the presentation of diplomas was made by Dr.^Watkins. iMr. ThomaS presented the class and made the following citations of honor, to Jackie Specht and Gary Pierce, the Legion award for honor, courage, scholarship, leadership and service; to Judy Lange, top student in the class; Tim Mieling, healthiest boy in class; to Joyce Motulewicz and Lenny Benson, thfe Kiwanis award which had been-presented earlier. Jackie Specht gave a talk on the Student Council; Tom Miller on the class trip to Springfield; Pat Bonnivier's subject, "What Harrison School. Means to Me;" and Joyce Motule\yicz spoke on "What the Future Has For Me." The > graduating class pres^Sfcd Mr. Abbs and Mr. Thomas with gifts of remembrance. The girls were lovely in their pastel dresses, corsages and class ribbons-of blue and gold; the boys wore light coats and boutonnieres. After the exercises, there was dancing and refreshments in the jgym which had been provided by the eighth grade mothers and was Pigt Xloft served by the seventh grade/ mothers. Graduation Parties A party was given Friday evening, May 31, at the Legion hall ih Wonder Lake in honor of Sara May Kelley, who graduated earlier tfi?^same evening from the Westwood elementary school in Woodstock. * The following night, a party honoring Diane Caley was given th^T dining room of the Rolaine Diane is a Harrison gradu- Both parties were well attended and the girls received many lovely gifts. Junior Legion Baseball All boys between the^ges of 14 and 17, years interested in playing baseball under the sponsorship of the American' Legion^should ifhmediately contact John Eber!e7 W,L. 7354. for further details. This is a highly competitive league, with the'games played o.n a county- wlde level. - , ThWirst gapie was played June 2 witfKIJ^iorf-Marengo at Christ the King field in Wonder Lake, with a score of 25-0 and Wonder Lake on the low end. Due to the bad weather, the newly organized club had only four practice sessions. The g&me with Harvard at Harvard had not been played when this type* was sejf, but there will be a game Sunday, June 9, with Crystal Lake there. The club has the equipment and will' get uniforms as soon as the team lineup is crystalized. ,, William Tonkinn Died 'William Fred Tonkinn passed away in his sleep May 28. Services were held May 29 at 3 p.m. at the Schneider - LeUcht funeral home in Woodstock, the Rev. Burton Schroeder officiating. Burial followed in the Memorial Park in Woodstock. Mr. Tonkinn /was born Ji%ly ?9, 1907, in Cornujall, England. He came to Wonddr Lake in the fall 6f 1950 to operate the Rolaine Grill. * He is survived by his widbw, Lillian K.; and two sons, William R; and Thomas J. Also surviving arer his mother, Mrs. Chapman, and his brother, Ronald, of London, England. Legion Convention The Eleventh district convention of the Legion will be held at the Legion home in Elgin Sunday. June 23, at 2 p.m.. The eleventh district is composed of. Legion Posts in Kane, Will, DuPage and McHenry counties. Harrison School News Mrs. Emma Stork left Harrispn. school at 2 p.m. May 29 for Minneapolis to get her summer vacation off to a good start. She was travelling with her son, Ray Keith and they planned to spend the Memorial Day weekend in Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. .Stork will leave June 14 for a two-week vacation to Washington, D.C., New York City and points of interest in the East. Mr. Josserand plans to rest up from the year of teaching seventh grade by staying at home in Me- Cullom Lak^ to enjoy the vaca; tionlandywhi£h is the Fox River valley.^/Tbe Josserands will spend a" week during the summer in Oakland, home town of both Mr. an^Mrs., located about 50 miles southeast of Champaign-Urbana^ Mr. Abbs and Mr. Tolson will hot be back in September. Kindergarten party May 29-- forty very proud 5 year olds, forty much more proud mothers with' twenty-five pre - school brothers and sisters in tow, climaxed by presentation of diplomas by Mrs. Stork, after which morning mothers served delicious cookies with coffee and mints. Ladies responsible for the refreshments were Mrs. Ruzicka, and Mrs. Schwegel. Movie Fallows Meeting A social program has been planned for the June 13 meeting of the Holy Name society. Following the business meeting at 8:30 at Matthews hall Thursday night, a movie with the enigmatic title, "Mr. Fiiiley's Feelings," will be shown. Everyone come and bring guests. Song Of The Open Road" The Gail Wredes of Wickline Bay, intrepid campers that they are, left ^May 29, between showers in the afternoon, for a camp-out at Devil's Lake, Wis. over the morial Day weekend. There th met the Homer Cooks of E Claire, Wis., formerly of Wonde Lake, and brought Pat Cook back with them for a visit. They report one very' rainy day and much cold last two days, so they stayed in their tent and played bridge and had a wonderful time. . Which proves that the important thing is to "get away from it all." ALFALFA FOI MTIRITIS? AIDUA TAPI ETC containing concentrated #%fcl flM IADLCIJ powdered extract of the amazirfg vitamin and mineral rich. ALFALFA plant plus fast, working pain relieving agents offer effective same day relief from the agonizing pains of arthritis, rheumatism, neuritis, and neuralgia. ALPHA TAB* LETS are sold on a money back guarantee. 100 Alpha-Tablets $2.49 -- 300 Tablets $5S5 BOLGpR'S DRUG STOR£---- S. Green St. Phone 40 " McHenry Home From College ' • '• Sandra Sells is home from the University of Illinois, where she has completed her freshman year as a physical education major. Sandi was the only girl from Northern Illinois living at the 4-H. house on the campus tfiis past year. Bob'Cormier has completed his year at Loyola, where he is in the school of business administration. He is continuing his job with an insurance firm in* SkokieN full time this summer, to which he commutes daily. Jean Selsdorf flew to Flint, Mich, for a four-day holiday with, her roommate, Rene Ducharn, be- Kiss '! .41 (Continued <Dn Page Ten) Business & Service Directory of Wonder Lake OPEN ON SUNDAY 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. S WONDER LAKE BUILDERS SUPPLY Free Estimates and Delivery Phone Wonder- Lake 3231 CRISTY and STENDEBACH General Contractors NEW HOMES Phloonnee VWI onder I^ke 5432 Greatness Is Never Achieved Suddenly T It has long been true, in the affairs of men, thai only time can confirm the gift of greatness. Artist, writer, craftsman--each njusf; await the yeare for the maturity of his talent and for the verdict of his judges. •And as it is in the affairs of men, so it is in the world of commerce. Nothing great was ever created suddenly--whether the product be that of an individual or of an organization. Here, most certainly, is the veiy genesis of Cadillac 's/iinique position in the hearts and; minds of the world's motorists. Since the first Cadillac car made its appearance more than fifty-five years ago/it has always been created to a single objective: to make it as fine a motor car as it is possible to produce. And, without question, the mission and the accomplishment have been one and the same. =. The goodness of Cadillac has, in fact, been so apparent over that lengthy span that the Cadillac name stands today as an accepted synonym for quality wherever highways exist. The pretenders have come--and they have gone. For time is an taskmaster--and only the principles that have created the great Cadillac car and only the devotion thac has given it being have been equal to the challenge. Never has this fact been more deeply etched in the public consciousness than it is during the present automotive year. The magnificent motor car that now represents Cadillac on the highways of the ivorld has advanced the Cadillac tradition to an extraordinary degree. . If you have yet to discover this fact for yourself, you should hesitate no longer to visit your authorized Cadillac dealer. Waiting for you in his showroom is proof beyond doubt that' Cadillac is--in fact as in reputation--th® ^"adard of the World I <r Ij- VISIT YOUR AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALER *

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