Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jun 1957, p. 11

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mm W m Thursday, June 6, 1957 ~t~<* •«' r THE McHENBY PLAINDEALER McCulIom Lake News By In' Leveaqne £ That's Progress!! "x. "The citizens of our community are exhibiting a wonderful spirit in taking an active interest in civic affairs. Thirty-nine people, including the board members, attended the meeting of the village council on Monday, May 27. In his opening remarks, president of the village, J. R. Levesque, cautioned the new board membjEf to think in terms of good for tnP>entire community, rather that individual gain. Ed Hammerstein, Sr., was appointed chairman of streets, highways and bridges, with Don Parent! and Roy Zody serving on his committee. The^finanee committee will be handled by William Creutz, chairman, Ed Hammerstein and Gene. Piotrowski. John Boyle was reappointed chairman oj^iuilding and zoning and will be assisted by Roy Zody and Bill Creutz. Don Parenti, Roy Zody and Ed Hammerstein" will serve the fouryear terms,( while Bill Creutz, John Boyle and Gene Piotrowski are the two-year men.. The project of house numbering will be in the capable hands of Bill Creutz, with Ed Hammerstein and John Boyle assisting hjt. The next meeting will be held Monday, June 10, at 8 p.m. Be courteous and plan to arrive on time. Everyone is welcome and. should come. Will you be a "regular?" C showing of movies fro ma few years ago when the Screwy Dozen was in existence. Many of the "babies" in the pictures are young ngen and ladies now! The Baumbecks, Sawdos, Emma and Otto Pyritz, the Len Jensens, George Harker, the Thomsens, Otto Ebert and many others were clearly discernible in the scenes. And you should have seen the condition of the roads at that time! A sad note was injected when those present realized that many of the familiar faces in the movies are no longer with us. Excellent music for dancing was supplied by Ken Sawdo on the accordion and Ray Osterby "tickling the ivories." Baked ham, salads and a beaut tifully decorated wedding cake were served to the guests. Here Comes The Bride Radiant in a bouffant white nylon gown, Mrs. Alice Thomsen Johnson and her handsome groom Welcomed the guests at their postnuptial party last Saturday nigh£ at Berenice and Whitey's. Ercell, Harry and Sandy Lock. Mrs. Frank Freisinger, Betty and George Baumbeck, Ina and Harold Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Len Jensen, Sr. plus many more old friends were on hand. Mother of the bride, Marge Thomsen, and mother of the groom. Mrs. Ralph Jtfinson, enlivened the party with some good vocalizing. Near catastrophe almost ruined the party when Mrs. Frank Polenda ignited her hand with lighter fluid. She has three badly burned fingers which will be quite painful for awhile. The young couple received many beautiful gifts which will brighten their temporary quarters in Addison, 111. Mr. Johnsoii ls competing his tour of military service at O'Hare field. Highlight of the party was the WATER PUMPS and WELLS are our only BUSINESS and cffa.fild.ayton Water Systems We Riplir and Service All Maka« of Pumpi Authorized: Red Jackat 6- pay ton Pump Agency Wells Drilled or Drives Pumps & Repairs MCHENRY COUNTY WELL & PUMP COMPANY Fred H. Mattheslus Phone 718 • On The Spot At the right time was our newest member of the police force, officer Paul Nitz, last Wednesday a.m. On his regular early morning tour of duty, he was asked to rush 9-year-old Charles Gibson, son of Mrs. Naomi Gibson, to th£ McHenry hospital for treatment. The young lad had just had four fingers of his right, hand smashed in a car door. One more credit to our courteous and efficient police depart ment. He Who Hesitates Too long, that is, will miss a mighty enjoyable evening. Ticket^ are still available for the McCulIom Lake Social and Athletic club's summer dance, to be held this Saturday, June 8, at the Johnsburg Community hall. This is a wonderful chance to take your best girl out for the evening. Tickets are available from any One of the members or by calling Dave Hansen at 603-W-l. Mr. and Mrs. Theodor Olsen, who celebrated their golde<( anniversary last fall, lent moriil support to Viola and Ben. j Other villagers attending included Mr., and Mrs!. Frank Klaybor and Mr. and Mrs. Will Schultz. Mr. andi Mrs. Ben Hand& eloped to Waukegan May 30, ,1907. We might add that they enjjoyed a unique honeymoon! Sinpe Ben had just purchased a grocery store he couldn't take time off, st> Viola, a brand new bride, travelled to Denver, Colo., minus her groom! There is more to the story1! On the homeward journey, the train she was riding in was involved in a crash and it'was more than ten hours before Ben knew he was still a bridegroom and not a widower! It is to the credit of these two very nice people that they have managed to retain- their wonderful sense of humor and still enjoy life! Our best wishes for many more joyful anniversaries. Rock «N' Roll Addicts The 'teen-age crowd is invited to the meeting which is to be held at the beachhouse tonight, Thursday, June 6 at 7:30 p.m. Miss Phyllis Piotrowski is anxious to launch the very popular 'teener dances and this will be under discussion and plans made. These dances provided many enjoyable hours last summer and wc are happy that they will be resumed. Our young adults have shown themselves capable o£ conducting these affairs with enthusiasm, yet exercising proper decorum. We're with you, kids, and will do everything possible to help you. Fifty Golden Years Were highlighted by Viola and Ben Hands on Saturday, June 1, at the fieldhouse in Franklin Park. Their children, Mr. and Mrs. Richard O'Kane, with Rickie, Pat and Pat's fiance, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hands and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hands and family, plus all the other relatives, were on hand for the momentous occasion. Gossip Gleanings Gfeat news from Travis Air Force base, Calif. Dorie and Ted Olsen arid four young ones called the Senior Olsens the other p.m. and announced their safe arrival from Hawaii. They flew over the Pacific! They plan to visit here some time in August. Dorie and Ted are eagerly looking forward to future tour of duty in Norway Whatz thiss? Eleanor Creutz Earl Walsh, who addressed the and Ed Reid almost caused a assembly, and Mrs. Hildur Stohlscandal the. Wednesday before gren, a nurse from World War I. tn .--j Mrs. Ethel Myers placed the wreath which honored our three Page EWrti Memorial Day. They were parked in the cemetery in. McHenry wait- .. ing for the rain to abate so they war dead. was baptided Sunday afternoon,in Mundelein. A family dinner was served at the Wolowic home to mark the day for both young ladies. could decorate the graves. Oh yes, we forgot to tell you, they were properly chaperoned by half the Legion post! . . . Barbara and Chuck Thacker and two wee ones were sad to bid farewell to Bar , bara's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs^ Jimmy McDonald, of Seattle. The couple was here for a visit over the Memorial Day holiday. Unfortunately, because of the tremendous distance between Washington and Illinois, their reunions are too infrequent . . . The Gemini twins (are for real, too). Greg and Gerry Burg celebrated their birthday Saturday, June 1, with the help of their mother, Mrs. Geraldine Burg, sister Mary, JV^rs. Mercedes Huska arid Lottie and Gene Piotrowski. They launched their doming 'year in great style!!. Lillian Ringelstetter and sons, Tommy and baby, Johnny, have been enjoying the week in Columbus, Wis. Papa Mark chauffered them last'Sunday , , . Mr. and Mrs. Clayt Nelson and Earl and. Elma attended' the ceremony which marked the end of Dr. Don Nelson's schooling. He will begin his practice in Chicago. Our Condolences To Henry Houck on the loss of his brother, Burton Houek, " whto passed away very suddenly in New Orleans. La., Saturday, June 1. He was 57 years old. Veteran's Day. The sun appeared long enough to provide beautiful weather for the solemn occasion. Mrs. Martha Wike sang the "Staf Spangled Banner" with depth And feeling, accompanied by Ken Sawdo. The Rev. Burton Schroeder delivered the invocation and the Benediction. Chryssie Levesque gave the pledge of allegiance and Art Stuhlfeier introduced the invited guests who included the village president, the board of trustees, Dr. John G Who Said Taxis Are A Luxury? Add the cost of cleaning1 this man's rain-soaked clothes and you'll agree door-to-door nahwiiy saves money. A cab can help In a hundred different ways. When you need one. CALL 723 McHEtfHY CAB CLARENCE'S SHOP Lawn furniture, swings, tables, trellises, flower and sand boxes, etc. All kinds of plywoods and wall paneling, garage, house and combination doors. Colored patio blocks, splash blocks, chimney caps, cess pool covers, etc. CLARENCE J. SMITH Phone McHenry7 1515-J Johnsburg, I1L k< r u u * DOLLARS e a r n M o r e h e r e ^ THE TIME TO START YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT IS NOW The sooner you start your sayings account with us, the sooner $ you'll have that nest egg -- to buy a home or business or meet emergency needs. See us today! Open your savings atipounl NOW to provide for your future. SAVE BY MAIL! Marengo Federal StiVfinac AND LOAN Wflfl<J5 ASSOCIATION MARENGO, ILLINOIS 102 N. State St. Phone JOrdaa 8-725i TOTAL ASSETS OVER $7,000,000.00 /7o UVINSS 9^)PI€XIC-MUKG As Low As *17.29 The PICMC-KING combines the beauty of wood with the strength of steel. Strong wood plank tops and bench seats, supported by genuine high tensile rail steel ribs and cross members. All steel parts are finished in attractive, rust-resistant forest green, and all screws and bolts are plated for weather protection. The handsome tables are built for years of usage, and here is another exclusive feature! CAN BE DISASSEMBLED FOR EASY, COMPACT, WINTER STORAGE* -The PICNIC-KING ends the winter storage problem. Can be quickly disassembled for storing in garage or basement, or can be reassembled in your game room or basement for winter use. PICNIC TIME IS HERE! --SPECIAL CHARCOAL 10-Ib. Bag ONLY 95 TIME TO PAINT? VISIT OUR PAINT DEPARTMENT FOR ALL YOUR PAINTING NEEDS featuring the famous GLIDDEN LINE ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. PHONE 1424 r Orchids to the American Legion post No. 491, the rifle squadron 491, which is the drum arid bugle corps, and the women's auxiliary,. Unit No. 491. These groups contributed much to the proceedings. Presented At The Font Kenneth George Ebey, III, 2- month-old son of Eleanor and Ken Ebey, was baptized at St. Mary's church on Sunday, May ZC>. Sponsors for the young lad were Mr. and Mrs. Art Nelson. Feather Reuland officiated! The usually happy occasion \vas marred by father, Ken's accident the night before. Guests during the day included the sponsors ana Mr. and Mrs. William Rein wall of Cooney heights. Mary Ann Michels, the infant daughter of Lillian and Harold Michels, was also christened on Sunday, May 26, at St. Mary's Church. Again, Father Reuland officiated. The wee miss was presented for baptism by her godparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wolowic, of Mundelein. Lillian and Harold Michels were honored to be the sponsors for Sharon Eliabeth Wolowic, who RUPTURE -EASER lakes Life Worth living FOR HUH, WOMEN, CHILDREN 1 Pat No. MHSSI Silver Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Tony Dooling marked their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary with a family party, at their home on Saturday, May 25. Present for the joyous occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schaefer, Betty and George Baumbeck and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Don Doolin with youngsters, Mike and Kathy, Mr. and Mrs. Allen McKim and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hojnacki, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Smith, Mil and Mrs. Dick Nimtz, Mr. and Mre. Harry Reimer, Mrs. Louise Burke and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Hoover. » Plenty of refreshments, liquid and solid, were consumed by all. Cnllom-Knoll tThe first meeting since February was held Sunday, June 2, at the beachhouse, with twenty-:three people attending. Plans to hold an,annual summer festival sometime in July were discussed. The next meeting will be held Sunday, July 7. A delicious coffee ring and cups of hot "java" were served by the refreshment committee. World Traveler ^ Frank Passalasua is back home with his family after an almost record breaking flying trip which (Continued on Page 13)_ T I L E IT YOURSELF AND _ SAVE! Top Quality Wall Tile at LOWEST Prices 28l/j* sq. ft. Wholesale Prices to Contractors SERG ANT'S N rf-G4A„0,Jlea fya/im PHONE RICHMOND 4193 ~ Located on Johnsburg Rd.f S«/2 miles North of Johnsburg (About 2/z miles North of Snnnyside Estates) • _2_ ' v iWwiom», dHkn>e«' . flirfete dtohmln tfoil rWanor.t . Uohi or Laft BRultpf't u4r1e* -3K?-u e•r*.* »S o*f•t#, >r•i awl egarrioning atoe rupturheo lIdni plra«ctea elwbilt«h ouItn tluoiutuf-) .1 INnO*-- nJOo TiTteIeNl Go.r lmeaetrheelyr baadnjdui«! •bnaatkp Ilna cifnrgo nt!a ndG ivele gm tiatiKupref-. dmoereatc oa. roiutintde lroiwgheti t Htt of ab- or left aide er double. Oiw 1,000,000Gratofu/l/aerW PwMe $5.95 BOLGER'S PHOSE 40 AS ADVERTISED IN the DRY CLEANING NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS 207 E. Elm St. PHONE 9791 McHenry, III. Chevy's come up with the new-, est, sweetest, smoothest autc matic drive--Turboglide. It* the first and only triple-turbine Moves outrin a single sweep of motion transmission: Turboglide is something really new and different in automatic drives. In the first place, there's only one forward-speed position on the control panel. There's no "Low" needed. Turboglide handles everything with the oil-smooth action of triple turbines. You travel from a standstill to top cruising speeds with never a lurch or lag to mar your motion. When you see a. steep downhill stretch ahead, you set the selector at "GR" "(Grade Retarder) and Turboglide helps slow you down. Try Chevy's new, nothing-likeit automatic drive. It's optional at extra cost--and .worth it. CHEVROLET MORE PEOPLE DRIVE CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR V p . , C h e v r o l e t with T u r b o g l i d e ! AIR CONDITIONING--TEMPERATURES MADE TO ORDER-AT NEW IOW COST. GET vAJ^EMON STRATI ON I The Bel Air Sport Coupe wilh Body by Fisher. Only franchised Chevrolet dealers display this famous trademark See Your Local Auth%^ized Chevrolet Dealer L c? mm , , •, I

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