Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jun 1957, p. 2

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x-' '"-'ij^"* w u. ." ^'Ji" 'jn y M": , , - > t e ' j V ~ ~ • ' • " ' ' • * ' • . • " • ^ ^, *'i* j(•r ^' v " " S ^ ^np*. • ' >. 'i-; •/ ' .» THE McHEtnty PLA1NDEALER i m JaUe Dean Guest At Bridal Shower Miss Jane Dean was guest of honor at a bfidal shower held last week in John^burg. A large group of friends afid relatives helped her enjoy a social eyening during which she received many lovely and useful gifts. delicious lunch served by PERSONALS William Holly flew home front Fort Sill, Okla., to spend a recent day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Holly, before leaving for overseas Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Reinert, Mr. and Mrs. William Young, William Smith of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Young ofj Waukegan were among the out-of-town folks who attended the Smith-Tonyan wedding here Wednesday. Mrs. Annabel Aicher spent the, past week with relatives in Peoria, 111. MrS. Ceil Chamberlin of Milwaukee was a guest of her nieces, M. F. Clark, Chailes Corso, Wal- Mrs. A. .P. . Moritz and Miss Clara A . ter Brooks and Arthur Krause M,»f- «ie P*st w«*- ^ „ left Saturday on a trip to Canada. Mrs. Zena ,fa™\ a"d Mrs. Har- A oeiKious rnncn was servea uy , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weber and | ^ the hostesses, Jan Oker. Charlotte Miss Ellen Walsh motored to Du- ^ j*' R ... „ , Reiriboldt and Sally H<*in. buque. Iowa, last week to bring MlJ jto'lit " Tb? I Ann Loretta Weber home from I&t- fr0U1®* Mo- week by Dorte Olson Honored ! Clarke college for her summer va- j Decorati°n dly ^jests in the At Bridal Shower i cation. ' Miss Doris Olsen was guest of honor at Guests in the home of Dr. J. E. i A. P. Moritz home were Mrs. Eduisen was giiGST 01 | , .. i \V3rd YzckG son Gporpp of \fi1« miscellaneous bridal j Wheeler during the^ Past _wcek ; waukee w{sM'rs Marie Si^" Karl, Kenosha, Wis.; showen held last week at the hbme were Mr, and Mrs. Henry Owens wsoanu,k ee- Wls- : Mrs. Mane Sieger, and of Mrs\Lorean Redwanz; hostess-| and Mrs. Bess Abrams of Rock- (Edna Heimer Mrs rinronrp es -beinV the co-workers at the ford, Mr. and Mrs/Sam Fratfer jE^a• Oarraoe McHerirl Medical Group. • .{ ^f Chicago. Mrs. Dora Hahn and ; MrS" Gertrude Heimer Eighteen friends attended and ; Mr. and Mre_ Roy Felton and Lpo rieimer spent the past week presented gifts to Miss Olsoiv\who • da^hter^ of^^ci^ Wis. ^ _ | in the home of hjs John j Hoffman, and family in Indianapo- I lis, Ind. j Donald Givens, accompanied by Mr .and1 Mrs. Harold Phalin and will become a bride on Juni 29: Miss Mildred Kins&la is va catiofting in Florida this week. Miss Clara Miller : Miss Marion McOmber was a Honored At Dinner ! Chicago visitor Sunday. Miss Clara Miller was honored Jake Buss of Chicago was a Mcby a group of former -co-workers ; H^'^'^rDecoratiOTi Day. | fenlidTh/wike of kughHowcten ooff tthhee IIlllliinnooiiss Beellll TTeelleepphhoonnee Mr. afid Mrs. J6seph Muska j, company at a dinner at Antioch ; spent a few days last week with recently. Presefit were Catherine i relatives in Minneapolis, Minn. in Harvard Friday evening. Among the McHenry frtBcs who attended the wake or funeral of Beattie, . Dorothy Buchert, Lor- j M r e - H a t» R ^ow i Donald Nellls In Chicago last week etta Budler, Marice Dixon, Mary fw&s a recent guest in j were Messrs. and Mesdames Ro- Kay Kenske, Marge Fischer, Margaret Fleming. Mary Freund, Berniece Freund, Frances Larsen, Ronnie Perry and Berhiece Peterson. ^ Hold Party For . Hospital Auxiliary The Tuesday afternoon Card guild for the hospital auxiliary Rhee Nelson, Phyllis Nimitz, Ev ora Petersen, Anita Vaupell, and Connie Thomas, who ^substituted for Dee Olson. Mr. and Mrs. .Paul Reidl : alTM^nir l^R w if Northlake were risitors m the 1 ^.^r. I^Roy Welter, Donald Carl Amonson home Friday eve-i^Jfrt Beryl Simpson Jr., ^ Robert Freund, Frank O Leary, Mrs. Eleanor Nye and Arthur ;^Colby Jam«F<mte and Stani ley West, also Mrs., Joseph Genefer, Mrs. Frank Hamlin, Johnnie French, the George Kalsch family, Dr. and Mrs. William Kohl, Glenn Railton, Arthur Berndt, Clifford Martin called on Harvard relatives Sunday. Mrs. Robert Reynolds and children of Surtingtc^i, Wis., spent met this month at the home of ; a few days this week with her . K^r'AMn'PhaTnes'tiil ^Frank June Allan. Members attending f^ts, Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. i Inrie}^s Ray w&lbaunn ' Arfhur were el Ba ley, Cynthia Fike, ^ ^ ^ j ^ M Skokie were Sunday visitors in 5rs' Kenne*h Mumiy the Robert Newkitk home. " we[e visft0rs in the Mr. aird Mrs. Harold Steber an<J j Adams home one recent j Mr. and Mrs, William Steber of j "g" i v". I Milwaukee, Wis., were Decoration j f 1 ' nna ., m Missouri, day vMM in the Louis Stotfel ' jmep .*2? "?•. ^ 1 visiting relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. Fred Bieinapfl and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Dixdh Attended the Hold Open Honse 4 FV>r Robert Pcppftigs Open house was held Saturday i home. evening at the Fred Pepping home I M* • and Mrs. Arthur Kennebeck, in Edgebrook Heights, honoring ' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams, i newly weds, Mr. and Mrs. Robert I Mr. and Mrs. Joe May. daughter. -Uneral of the foWner S untle- Frf^ Pepping. Mrs. Pepping is the for- i Lois, and girl friend, Mrs. Helen lagt . mer Sherry Allen of Orchard j Heuser and Miss Laura Weber, Beach. I accompemi^d by Mr. And Mrs. A buffet supper was served and j Thomas McCabe of Waukegan, a social evening enjoyed. | motored to: Onarga Sunday to sie Guy Chamberlin graduate as first I lieutenant at Onarga Military school. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sutton, the Charles Martin family, Mrs. Eleanor Nye and Arthur Martin attended a gathering at the Wil- 4 Schmalfeldt, in Kenosha, Wis.; Smith-Tonyan Vows Exchanged One of the prettiest of the early June brides was Miss Dolores Ann Smith, daughter of -Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith of 608 S. Green street, McHenry, who bfecaitte Hhe wife of Mr. William H. Tonyan, Jr., son of the senior Tony&is -of north Park avenue, on Wednesday, May 29, in a 10 o'clock ceremony. Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. S. Nix officiated at the nUptial rite at St. Mary's Catholic Church. The farnrly was very grateful that . Msgr. Nix was able to officiate at the marriage cerertfony, since it was the third generation pf the bridegroom's family that he had married. The others were Mr. and Mrs. Petjer W. Frett in St. Anthony's church, Chicago, on !Rov. 18, 1903, and Mr. and Mrs. William H. Tonyan in St. Mary's church May 14,1930. Sister Andreella accompanied the church choir ih music for the occasion. The radiant bride chose an imported cHantilly lace dreSs, Styled with mandarin neckline outlined in chantilly lace medallibitS, highlighted with sequins ,and a Cathedral train, Her fingertip veil of silk illusion fell from a headpiece of chantilly lace emfbrOidered With sequins and pearls. Her flowers consisted of lilies Qjf thfe valley, 'centered with a white orchid. Mrs. Marion Mendel, 'sister Pf the bride, acted as matron of honor and the Misses Mary Nye andjShirley Dermot't, close friends, were bridesmaids. They were attired In cocktail length gowns of white lace, with huge blUe bows with streamers in back. They had white pillbox hats and carried bouquets of blue snowdrift. The two flower girls, Cheryl and Linda Smith, nieces of the bride, wore poudre blue nylon dreSSes and headpieces of blue flbwers. The flowers they carried were the same, in miniature, as those carried hy the bridesmaids. Charles Tdhyan served, his brother as best man and another brother, Ronald Tonyan, and Richard Adaawts-xvere groowrsmfefi. Jack Smith, the bride'-s brother, and Girrard ZimmerfWan, brother-inlaw of the groom, wer*e yshers. Mrs. Smith chose for her daughter's tve'ddiwg a pink. t^PCaded sheath 'dreSS, with Which Jghfe wore w^hite accessories aWd a #hit^ tir- Thursday, Jun<» 6* 1957 .CLARICE MAY AND SAMUEL BUENZtl WED SATURDAY by Liffian .... With the exoeptiohiOfySister Ve- i liam Martin home in Waukegan leska H6ppe becdming bety ill at j Thursday, honoring their daughmeeting Tuesday, May 28, our jtCr. Patty, who received her First Worthy Matrons' an(} Patrons' j Communion at St. Anatastia's night was quite a success. Please, ! church that morning. Veleska, take good care of your-Donald, son of the LeRoy Smiths, self, we would like having you ! returned home Sunday from a sevwith us for a very lPng while at j eral days visit in the home of his our3 meetings, but, when your j aunt, Mrs. Jack Keefe, and family pressure soars up around the dan- jin Seaford, Long Island. He was • ger mark, we would rather you accompanied home by his grandwould stay home andLtake it easy i parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dathan take^ueh a chance as you vis. who will spend some time with accessories and a "beige orchid cfSt~ The Robert Brugger famUy of chid corga^- Tonyan ch'PSe Kenosha, Wis., and Mrs. Richard j a,g|or Sedar and SPn PT 'Wiftfkfegifn were ^ " Sunday guests in the Fred Bienapfl home. Mrs. Ben Freund and Mrs. M. L. Schoenholtz returned Tuesday after spending a week in the Robert E. Rurfjoldt «home in Michigan City, ind. Mr. 'and Mrs. H. M. Engdahl have rettrrned frorri a visit with relatives in Cafrni, 111. Mrs. Ann Rodenkirch, Sr., has been visiting her daughter and family, the George Fitzgeralds, at Maycrest, Kankakee, for several days. aocaoi aoi BIRTHS ^Following the ceremony, a reception was h&d at thfe VS*.W. clubhouse fqr i350 guests/ ajtier^ which the couple left on a ti#^Ed f Colorado. They will make tlieir home aj McCulTom Lake.: The bride is a graduate tff the j local high school and has been employed at Dtfdley Lock in Crystal Lake. The biidegrootn also graduated from the<j McHewy"" higih school and is an employee of Tonyan Construction company. '.Wt,, Earn up to 4% -- Mcllenry Savings ft Loan, 206 W. Elm, McHenry. did. We urufersttnd about those things. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Letizia of their daughter, Mrs. Smith, and I family before returning to their | Rt. i, Ringwood, are the parents The past matrons and patrons h°me in Kingman, Alberta, Cana- of a son, born June 2 at Memorial filling stations that night were j ^a- ' : hospital Alice Hoeft. William Hoeft, Ar- j Misses Florence and Evelyn A son was born June 3 at Mettiur Klmgberg, Katie Harrison, Carey spent the past week in the morial hospital to Mr and Mrs Roy Dodd, Veleska Hoppe, Marge Past week ui the home of their Larry Beaman of Ringwood * Kingberg, Francis Vycital and sorter, Mrs. J. Albert Woll, and ; Mr and Mrs Rilpw£?t'p,. of Mildred Howorka who is here on a family in Washington, D. C. : Ringwood are the parents of I visit from California. Nice hav- Mrs. Henry Lange of Quince, daughter born June 3 at Mpmnr mg you with us again' Mildred, i Mich.; spent the past week with j iaf hospital. Memor- Mabel Johnson, Elsie Hoppe^ Elsie i her mother, Mrs. Zena Bacon. \ Mr. and Mrs Robert F Ri.h Dicker, Minnie Martin, Ethel Hoi- ! Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Newkirk ! boldt of Michigan Cifv TnH J ly. Lulu Klontz, Arline Pearson, ! and the George Jackson family of tT parent of? EtheJ Smith and George Reiker. ' w ° o d s t o c k were out-of-town 1 May 16 She was wplrnm'pH hv s«ter Dodd was Sister quests in the Robert Newkirk : fou? brothers Mich^ ^vW guest of honor. home Decoration Day, to help Mr. Terrv and Timmv «,• • We had a nice group on the Newkirk and son, Chris, celebrate ' Linda. Mrs Rusbokk 'k tho. fnm' a d d i n e . ; t o o j t h e i r b i r t h d a y s , w h i c h o c c u r a d a y e r r S i r t , " • ' ' * me refreshments committee out- i apart. did themselves. The decorations ! Mrs. Charles Stege, a former were beautiful too. , I McHenry resident, and children. Don't forget our ham and yamlj°hnny and Lorraine Ellen, of rnnner on June 29. Tickets can Van Nuys, Calif.; are spending be obtained by calling me at 1349. J^ree weeks visiting relatives and And as you know, -we would love friends in Elgin and McHenry. to see a large crowd out this ytear j Mrs. David Powers attended as always. j commencement exercises at St. Serving starts at 5:30 and con- ! Mary's high school in Woodstock tinues to 7:30. i Thursday evening. Her two grand- j The meeting to discuss the Job's sons' R°ger and Robert Powers, Daughters bethel will be held on were members of the class. She Monday, June 10, at Acacia hall, a^so attended a gathering honer Delma Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Staines of Woodstock are the parents of a daughter, Joyce Faye, born May 25. She has two brothers and one sister to welcome her home. The grandparents of the new baby are Mr. and Mrs. William Staines of McHenry and Mrs. E. Pennington of East Bernstedt, Ky. WED SATUDRAY Miss Arlis Ann Bouchard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Bouchard of Crystal Lake, became the bride of Mr. Stanley Aim, son of the Harold Alms of McHenry, in Mr .and Mrs. Warren Holly and a nuptial rite solemnized in St. ^ Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Holly visited ' Thomas Catholic church, Crystal ! «/Ierii?S at Milwaukee and Port-i l^ake, at 11 o'clock last Saturday Washington, Wis., Tuesday. morning. June 1. Following a I Mrs. Jack Shetterly of Frank- ' tw°-week wedding trip, the couple Susan Ensminger of Wonder fort- (->hio, spent a ffew days the i wiM reside in Crystal Lake. Lake has been spending her week- j past .week with her mother, Mrs. si ifviavrtT? ends showing her horses at var- i Catherine Young, and other rela- r- i DIES ious horse shows. The season,, has tlves here. i Leslie Tryon of Woodstock just begun and after just three! Miss Carol Fn<rh x. Pass<?^ away early Monday mornweekerids of showing, Susan has! from Alverno coH^pp Mil ?,mC , !nR' . ne 3, in Victory Memorial eight ribbons to her credit. The I Wis., Wednesday tn ^ T n!' ! hospital Waukegan, where he had most recent show was held in ' summer with hnr n* * ili ^ I !^en 3 palticnt a short time. Mr. Milwaukee at the Wisconsin Fair- Mrs. Stuart Eneh ^ S a" I yon was C0URty surveryor for 107 Court street, at 7:30 p.m. SUSAN ENSMINGER HAS EIGHT RIBBONS FOR SHOWING HORSES oring the boys, held afethe George [Powers home later. Ki/A Ut ku*i remember him with a Father's Day gift from McGee's 117 So. Green St. McHeniiy Tliere was a lovely wedding at St.rFeter's Catholic Church, Spring Grove, last -Saturday, June 1, wjien Miss jClarice May, daughter of George A. Mays of RingwPod, hecame the bride of Mr. Samuel Baenzli, son of the Otto Buenzlisbf 414 Groye avenue, McHenry. Rev. FryDaleiden officiated at the nuptial rite at 9:30 o'clock. StT Petet's choir, of which Miss M^y was a member, sang the Mass. The soloist was Mrs. Betty Floer. Who sang "Ave Marie," at the offertory and "Mother at Thy Feet I'm Kneeling" as the' bride placed a bouquet , on the Blessed Virgin's altar. The attractive, blonde bride chose a gown of satin, jchantilly lace and nylon tulle, the cathedral train featuring alternate ruffles of lace and tulle. The dre^s was fashioned with short sleeves and portrait neckline and was trimmed with seed pearls and sequins. Her headpiece Was a crown of seed pearls and sequins, from which fell a fingertip French illusion veil. She carried t a pearl prayer, book with white orchid and streamers and lilies of the valley; also a ory^ stal rosary which belonged to the bride's mother. Iter only jew&ITy was a pearl necklace, a gift of the groom. <" ,' Attending the bride were Pat Busfch as matron of hohor and Betty Meyer and Sharon Sheii as bridesmaids. They were 'attired similar^ in 'gov/rts of helio tcolor. The ruffled skirts had overskrtrts of net, with bustles 4n Isack", %nhd they wore hiatching cr6w¥ils. . The young women had for flowers yellow Rosebuds, white rtiuWis and lities'pJ the Valltey. They wdre rhtnfestWie rtecklass^s and earr&i'gs, gifts 'pf the brid^. "l3ud" llpcia^i served as best man '-and toaVid Shiith and Kfeh- ^ere gTboftisiireh. '*The ushers were Gene Miller and RonaM %ay. tittle Patty Ahn May field of Roekford was the pre:tty flower girl, wearing a gPWn which gave the Appear ante of a miniature brtde. 'She c&rri^d a basket pf naw^rs. 'KcMn freund of Mc- H^hry was ^fitg bearer. The mother of the bride wore blue lace, while Mrs. Buenzli was* attired ih beige lace and linen en- B^rth had white orchid corsages. For Your Finest Selection of Summer " SPORTSWEAR COORDINATES Also Jewelry & Lingerie 306 W. Elm St. McHenry, 111. -- Phone 2713 HE'LL LIKE FOR FATHER'S DAY, *OR tflAmjATlON, TOR CERTAIN! THE SCOTS GUARD A "best seller" he'll enjoy for many months tc come. Contains miniature Jogs of Hedther Shave Lotion, Men's Cologne, Talc and Hairgroom. I2i BOLGERS PHONE 40 McHENRY : riffr* SHIRLEY BER^THOUX p- Mrs. Lola E. Mears of Huemann's subdivision, McHenry/ announces the 'engagement pf her daughter, Miss Shirley Berthoux, to Mr. Harold J. Nye, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nye of 808 N. Park streetf McHenry. No definite wedding date has been set. ,--1 louis oeRtel dies I^otiis Oertel pf Chicago, a native of McHenry, died of a heart ailment Wednesday morning, June 5. He "vfill be' resting ,at the Thompson Funeral Home, 1718 W. 63rd St. Services will be helc} Saturday morning at 9:30 at St. Theodore's Church, 1650 W. 62nd St., Chicago, 111. AMONG THE SICK • McHenry Hospital Patients at McHenry hospital during,, the past week were Patty Guess of Algonquin; Russefl Trash and Nancy Zancha of Crystal Lake; Eva Cromwell, Alva Fuller, Dimple Finney, Bettie Morris, Leland Hewitt, Christopher Elliott, Anna Alf, Lina. Kilday, John Sert^ kerik, Alfred Freund, Dorothy Bell and Richard Pick Pf "McHenry; Joann TGatham of Roselle; Vincent Schiavone, Frank Pogany and Cathy Ferguson of Lakertioor; Ronald Skellstad, John Toffel and John Conroy of Chicago;" Robert Marzahl of Richmond; Catherine Bajorak of Round Lake and Neil Purdy of Wauconda: Woodstock, this past week were Ethel Wilson, Margaret Marchi and Mary Buch, surgical; Earl Bowman of Wonder Lake, William WayadQk. and Barbara ^less," medical. . ' .. Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the Johnsburg Cbhimunity hall, after which the couple left on a trip to Niagara Falls and Canada. Beautiful today, v j* tomorrow • always... * in your wedding portrait b WORWICK'S Set the day... for your Portrait now! Come in or phone for an appointment WORWICK'S STUDIO and Camera Center Fine Portraiture Commercial Photography WEDDINGS - CHILDREN FAMILY "GROUPS Cameras, Bought, Sold & > Exchanged Films Si Photo Supplies Light Meters • Albums • iframes Color Films Processed See tJs Before You Buy Worwick's Studio 117 N. Riverside Drive PHONE McHENRY 275 grounds and with a record of 354 entries, her horse received tiwp secend place ribbbns and one fourth. Other shows entered this season were at Rolling Rock, j Holdorf's Stables 'and the South Shore: Country 'Club where second j and third' place ribbons were awarded. many years. ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE Mr. John M. Matchen, Jr., and Mrs. Marie Buffe weri married Saturday June 1, at '2 o'clock at Zion Lutheran church by the itev. CwrlLobitz. TOTS & TEENS LOCATED IN JOHNSBURG ACROSS FROM THE BOWLING RESORT PHONE McHENRY 1908 Featuring Famous Name Brands, Of Wearing Apparel For Tots Thru Teens GLORIA JORGENSON & JttARGUEKITE JOYCE "SummeT'ize" Your Hairstyle You'll want a cool, comfortable and easy-manage permanent wave for the warm and busy days ahead. Why not phone 147 now for an appointment with one of our expert hairstylists. The individual care we take with every client wftl assure you that you'll look your iQveliest during the summer months. tfOJIR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS & iversi Je 9L trstyling oflulid 6 N. Riverside Drive jMeHenry, in. Phone 147 Memorial Hospital Patierits at Memorial hospital, CANTON SHOW , " Persons interested in Brown Swiss cattle are reminded of the Canton show which will be held Saturday, June 15, at St. Charles pavilion. Canton I has decided to award a prize to the 4-H or F.F.A. exhibitor who show's the top Swiss heifer at their county show. " TAG DAY CHAIRMEN Mrs. Leonard NelsPn of Emer£ aid fark has been appointedchairman for McHenry for Doughnut Day, the Salvation Army's annual tag day, on Friday, June " 14. Rev. Richard Wright of Wonder Lake will actjas chairman for the Wonder Lake area. ' MONEY AND BANKING 1 In Everyday Living • • . A DOUBLE CHECK on expenditures is yours, when, you pay every bill wifh a 'bank check drawn on uS: Complete records {on checkbook stubs); complete receipts (the cancelled checks). Open a checking account at oc/r bank soon! THE ODD-SIZED DRAWING, reproduction, or photograph tliat you cherish and wafit to display presents a framing problem. It will fit npne of the empty frames that you\havfe about the house; none of the inexpensive stapjd^ ard-size frames at the stjyf£\ . . Here is a suggestion^mat can spare you the cost of having a special frame made. ?lace die picture between a piece of glass and a piece of cardboard cut to its dimensions. Stick a gummed hanger on the back of the cardboard. Then neatly join glass and cardboard with four strips of wide adhesive cloth tape--one each along the top, bottom, and sides. Such tape is available in several colors, one of which will harmonize with the decor of the room in which the picture, is to be hung. p WHEN IS A PARADE NOT A PARADE? When it's the line of people who pass through fhe doors t>f our bank each business day. to us, fhaY's ho impersonal procession. Rather, it's a series of visits by separate and distinct individuals, most of whom we kft'ow well; all of whom we like to serve. Fpr pleasanrt dealings, do all your banking "with us. We will welcome your visits McHENRY STATE BANK Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Merrtber Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040 Remember*" Mo perspiration 0«mo9« *hen Sports Shirts are heguiab1* Sanitone ORY Famous Nationally Advertised Sonitone Service Gets Out 411 The Dirt! Sanitone's extra-thorough cleaning action is just the thing for keeping your sports shirts always immaculate and smart looking. They get soiled so easily and are particularly vulnerable to perspiration damage. Try us on these hard-to-clean ones and we're sure you'll soon be a Sanitone "regular" for all your family's clothes. Call for service today. Give Yourself MORE Closet Space. Store Winter Woolens Now. 6 You'll live more comfortably this summer if you'll simply empty your closets of all those-bulky winter garments and send them, to us for storage in our moth-proof fur vault. ^ Moth damage to just., one of your woolen garments can cost you many time^Stnore than the post of storage of ALL your woolens. Phone 927 -- we'll deliver a big box and store all you can stuff into it for only $4.95.' CLEAN AND STORE NOW! PAY NEXT FALL! $ RAINBOW CLEANERS PHONE 927 - Around Corner North of National Tea N. FRONT ST. * McHENRY, n.f. Open Daily 6 A.M. To 6 P.M. Op?n Friday Eves. Til 9 <0 t

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