Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jun 1957, p. 5

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sSv ^V® "*f^ - > '0' f 6>* ; -v.'^ . -~i Thursday. Juhfr 6,1957 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER McHenry Plaindealer 'hone 170 • 171 JilcHi Tubli Published every Thursday at enry, 111., by the McHenry tblishing Company, inc. £ n a t i o n a l E D I T O R I A L AstocFATl"©N V U I SUSTAINING MEMBER W. BURFEINDT, 'Gen'l. Manager ADELE FROEHUCHi Editor SUBSCRIPTION BATE ^ In McHenry County 1 Year ;. $3.00 6 Months $1j75 3 Months ; $1.00 Outside McHenry County 1 Year ;.... $3.50 6 .Months .. $2.00 3 Months $1.25 k Jf57 \ HSSOCIflTtOn Entered as second-class matter at the post Office at McHenry, Illinois, under the act of May 8, 1879. - RINGWOOD NEWS By Mrs. George Shepard Graduation Graduation exercises were held in the church basement Wednesday evening. Those to gradual from the eighth grade were Ker neth Rudolph, Edward Ski and Harry Bruce. John McMahon John McMahon, a former local resident and of recent years a frequent visitor, died in a Chicago hospital Tuesday, June 4. He resided at 5815 N. Sheridan road. Services will be held in Chicago Friday. The deceased was an uncle of Dr. J. J. McMahon of McHenry. Mrs. VeraShales „ Funeral servie&s/for Mrs, Vera Shales, 53, of Terra Cotta, were held Saturday from St. Thomas church in Crystal Lake, with burial in McMillan cemetery, south of McHenry. Mrs. Shales died Wednesday afternoon,< May 29, in - McHenry hospital, where she had been a patient for two weeks. She had been employed as a laboratory technician for two weeks. She had been employed as a laboratory techniciah at the National Grain .Yeast company,' Crystal Lake, for several years. Survivors include, the widower, Arthur; a daughter, Mrs. Richard (Claire)" Rosing of McHenry; t\\;o sons, James Longhway of McHenry and Charles Longhway of Minneapolis, Minn.; six grandchildren; two sisters and a brother. LEGALS TV ATTRACTION • • • -MS-" mmmmm m m mm m m m m m NOTICE OF CONSTABLE'S* SALE Public notice is hereby^given to Merry Hansen, et.^aL.^hat by virtue of a certain judgment ^entered in the Justice Court of Justice Chas. M. Adams, against said Merry Hanseri, defendent, and in iavor of Lloyd P. Kuehn, plaintiff, the, following items of personal property of the said Merry Hansen will be sold at public auction by me on the 15th day of June. A.D. 1957, at the hour of exactly 3:00 p.m., at the Sports Unlimited Clubhouse near Pisftakeg Lake, in the Township and County of-McHenry, 111. . 2 Western Style Saddles 8 English Style Saddles ^ 10 Bridles 2 Martingales • ^ Frank C. Meyer, Constable Pub. June (8-13-2Q, 1957) <» Graduation Party £ Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce entertained -a few friends at their home Wednesday evening in honor of jtheir .son, Harry's graduation. /Those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Shook and Mr. and Mrs. Axel Carlson of Woodstock, Mr.' and Mrs. Colvey of Belvidere, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerman and family and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ackerman and family. ^ \ School Picnic The Ringwood school held their , picnic at the school house Sunday. School will close June 4. Hugh Howden Hugh E. Howden of Harvard, 57, brother of Mrs. LeRoy Conway of McHenry, died Wednesday, May 29^ in St. Anthony's hospital, Rockford. He was a native of Richmond. Services were held Saturday morning from St. Joseph's church. Harvard, with burial in the chuich cemetery. Hospital^ Auxiliary , by Marie Schaettgen Mr. and Mrs. William Heine of Chicago spent several days th§ past week with Mrs. Rudy Shep*- ard. Mr. and Mrs. William Montanye wand family of Huntley were caltc ers in the Beatty-Low home Thursday evening. Mrs. Emily Beatty spent Decoration'Day in the Charlie Frey home at Richmond. Mr. and, Mrs. George Miller, daughter, Judy, and son, Billy, of Chicago Were gliests in the John Skidmore home on Decoration Day. Mrs. Ruby Shepard spent the ,0yeekend in the Alan Ainger home at Hebron. Mjs. Luella Schneider and Mrs. Armor Bourke of Woodstock were callers in the Beatty-Low home Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morrison and Betty Walton of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Skidmore arid family. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wajkington are spending a few days in the ^iPaul Norman home at Glenview. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low attended their card club in the Glen Benoy home at Hebron Saturday evening. The baking' guild of the McHenry hospital auxiliary will hold a bake sale at the Pink Lady Shoppe on Green street on Saturday, June 8. Mrs. Blanche Green, chairman, hopes this will be only the first of many such sales. „ Pastries and other homemade bakery itAns will be available from about 10 a.m. until all the merchandise is sold. Many women will want to avail themselves of the opportunity to have homemade cakes, etc., for weekend guests and still have time to visit with the guests, or to participate -in the many other Summertime activities of our busy little town. /*" ; The shoppe also features hand knit iterris, fancy aprons and things of this sort, made by the ^auxiliaries knitting guild. Do stop in and browse around You may see just the thing you've been looking for. 4-H News The Ringwood Sunshine Girls met at the Ringwood church May 31 at 7:30 p.m. for a business greeting and to be measured for _ skirts. We also decided we would p pay ten cent dues at every meeting. The motion was'S made by Karen Schmelzer and seconded by Annette Smith. Our leader, Mrs. Paul /tyalkington, measured us for our skirts. Three demonstra- • tions were given, orfe by Leslie Dicker, one by Pat Hogan and Donna Low, and the last by Kav- 4 en Sdhmelzer. We also had a new ^nember, Linnea Larson. Her mother visited us. Susan Fossum,* ClutoV Reporter Post 491 All- members of Post 491 are urged to be present at the regular monthly meeting on June 10. whten the yearly election of officers will be held. A lunch and social evening will follow >the meeting. On Sunday, June 23, approximately fifty active members of Post 491 will be treated to a trip to Milwaukee, where they will see a double-header game between the Milwaukee Braves and Philadelphia. Chartered busses will leave the Legion home at 10:30 a.m. Members are reminded to be on time to avoid disappointment. It is anticipated that a stop will be made on the way for lunch and refreshments. It sometimes happens that the man who thinks he is a genious can't think of anything else. mr- •SKROOTi TO MILLIONS SAVE MONEY! , AVOID WASTE! READY-MIX CONCBETE RADIO DISPATCHED McHENRY READY MIX CO., Inc. 606 Front St. PHONE 920 McHenry, Illinois PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Proposed Changes in Schedules | ~~ ! COMMONWEALTH EDISON HELENE E. HARTH FOR VAJRCOMPANY and its Public Service 11ATION UNDER THE MCCULCompanyv Division hereby give j LOM LAKE ZONING ORDINnotice to the public that certain ANCE, NOTICE IS HEREBY revisions in Schedules 9 and E-3, rTVP7ST. ^ affecting Rates 5 and 6--General Service, and Standard Contract Rider 7 -- Meter Lease,^ have been filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission on May " 29, 1957: The proposed revisions in Rates 5 and 6 provide for a standard monthly minimum charge of $1.00 ! for all customers served under these rates. The rates, as now in effect,.provide for a higher monthly minimum charge for larger customers. The proposed revision of Rider 7 adds 'rent^f charges for certain meters and metering equipment not heretofore listed. These rental charges apply only in the event the Customer requires the Company to provide these items as part of metering facilities in excess of a normal metering installation, and do not affect existing metering installations. Further information with respect to these revisions may be obtained either directly from the i Company or by addressing the! Secretary of the Illinois Com- j merce Commission in Springfield,! Illinois. | A copy of the proposed revisions J may be inspected by any inter-'jested party in any business office j of this Company. | COMMONWEALTH EDISON j COMPANY j By H. H. NEXON Directqr of Rates , • . (Pub. June 6-13, 1957) Rudy Becker, left, of McHertry, who appears every Tuesday afternobn on WTTW---Channel ll's TOTEM club program for children, chats with th^ show's host, Joe Kelly. His dog, however, seems more interested in tjie television camera. - * GIVEN 3Jiat in compliance with tW provisions of the Village of Mc- Cullom Lake, McHenry County, Illinois, zoning ordinance Relative to the re-zoning and classification of property in the Village of McCuilpm Lake, McHenry County, Illinois/** public hearing will be held before the Village of Mc- Cullom Lake Zoning Board of Appeals in connection with the application of, DAVID REED, WILLIAM E. CREUTZ, and HELENE E. HARTH, to vary the building set back line for the property owned by the parties hereto, and legally described above , along Park Avenue and Fountain Lane. Said property is legally described as follows: •Lots 15, 16 and 17 in Block thirteen (13), in MeCullom Lake Estates, being a Subdivision of part of the Northeast quarter of Section twenty-one (21) and the North half of Section twenty-two (22), Township forty-five (45) North, Range ei£ht (8) East of the Third Principal Meridan, according to the Plat thereof recorded in the Recorder's Office, on May 31, 1929, in Book 6 of Plats, in McHenry County, Illinois. The hearing, will be held at eight o'clock P.M. (DST) on Monday, the 24th day of June, 1957, in the Beach House, in the Village of MeCullom Lake, oIllinois, at which time and place any person or persons desiring to object to suc|j application will be entitled to be heard. McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS By JOHN BOYLE, Its. Chairman (Pub. June 6, 1957.1 SHOP AT HOME AND SAVE NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF DAVID REED, WILLIAM E. CREUTZ, AND hell be proud }/\s^ June 16 with a Father's Day gift from McGee's 117 So. Green St. McHenry + + McHENRY + + ONE DAV ONLY VETERANS PARK CIRCUS GROUNDS TWICE DAILY 2:30 & 8:00 P.M. RAIN or SHINE Under Mammoth- Waterproof ^Tent AMERICA'S FINEST FAMILY CIRCUS' Veterans Foreign Wfcrs Fox River Post Number 4600 PROUDLY PRESENTS mr 3 RINGS & WILD ANIMAL ARENA 25 - ALL STAR CIRCUS ACTS - 25 SCORES OF AERIALIST -- ACROBATS! GYMNAST -- RIDERS -- JUGGLERS! HERD OF PERFOMNING ELEPHANTS CONGRESS OF MIRTHFUL, CLOWNS CAPT. CRISTY'S Jungle Bred Lions ADMISSION ADULTS--90c CHILDREN--60c MAIN H0MECRAFTERS ILLINOIS CERTIFICATE No. 1062 - 106999 McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHONE 2833 Your Home Deserves the Best Designers and Installers of Aluminum Storm Windows • Doors and Awnings Mirrors - Glass Tops -- Jalousie Doors ALL ALUMINUM TRACKLES or 3 TRACK SELF STORING - COMBINATION STORM WINDOWS /. '16 80 INSTALLATION OPTIONAL Measured and Installed - $2.50 e^tra Office and Show Room • 2 Blocks East of River on Rt. 120 NELS STARK ' RUDY PAUSELLI News About Our Servicemen ~ Sp.-3 Charles E. Tonyan, who has been spending a thirty-day leave, in the home of his parents, left Sunday morning for Fort- Lewis, Wash., from where he will go to Redding, Calif. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Tonyan, and sister, Louise, accompanied him to Midway airport. Pfc. Jack Miller,, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller, who has been Stationed at Fort Totten, New York,' is home on a thirty-day furlough. He will return by plane on June 16 to New York and from there will leave for overseas service in Germany for one more year. Army Pvt. Carl E. Schramm, recently began six months of active military training under the Reserve Forces act program at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Schramm of McHenry. An interesting letter was received at the Plaindealer office this week from Cpl. R. J. Bitterman, which reads as follows: "I would like to use this time to extend my thanks for sending me the Plaindealer. It sure is nice to read all the news that is happening back home. "I am a graduate of the class of 1955 and entered the Marine corps in July of 1956. "I'm now stationed at Camp Pendleton with the first battalion, eleventh Marines, first Marine division. I'm a telephone repair man and chief switchboard operator. I also have just been promoted to corporal. "If anyone would care to write me, they may use the following address: Cpl. R. J. Bittermann, Hq. 1-11 Mar. Div. FMF., Camp Pendleton, CaUf." .g. .g. .g. SPRING GROVE By Mn, Charles Freund Those from here who attended a club meeting at the home of Mrs. Elred Johnson in Woodstock on Monday night,-were Mrs. Art Kattner, Mrs. . George May, Mrs. Charle^ Freund,, Mrs. Ray May and Mrs. Edwin May. A delicious chop suey supper \vas, served, followed by cardsr . Prizes went to Mrs, Regina Schaefer, Mrs. Arthur Klein and Mrs. Norbert Klaus. Mrs. Klaus was also remembered with a birthday gift from her secret pal. . ' The Catholic^ Youth club entertained the Youth club from McHenry on Monday night at. St. Peter's parish halk Potluck supper was served and the entertainment for the evening included a ball game, record playing and dancing! The graduating class of St. Peter's schoolenjoyed a picnic and ball gatpe' at ,, the school grounds on Thursday. According to all reports, a good time was had by all. And then to really make, a full day of it, a movie was taken in at night. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tinney visited in Chicago on'Wednesday. Father Eugene Jung returned ige Fhrt to Sacred Heart' seminary In Shelby. Ohio, on Friday, having; spent the past two* Weeks at his home here. The Walter Brown" family ^pent the weekend in Stacyville, Iowa.' While there, they attended the wedding of Mrs. Brown's sister, Isabelle Elliott, who became the bride of H£§1 Mullenbach on June 1. Mrs. Belle Isackson of Chicago and Mfs. Nell Hawkins of Phoenix, Ariz.,.are visiting Mrs. Alice Wagner. A meeting was held at St. Peter's hall on Friday night by the committee in charge of a card party and Smorgasbord, which will be Nheld on July 2. Mrs. Shirley Dawson has moved to a new location. Th^baftk : i building has been remodeled and j is fully equipped as a modern lunch room. - Anniversaiy greetings go out this week to Mr. and Mrs. Ar-. j-thur Kattner, Mr. and Mrs. j Geouge W. May and Mr. and Mrs. I Frank Tinney. j Miss Mary Lou 'Kagen is home I for summer vacation.. She is a student at St. Mary's high school i in Milwaukee. Classified AOs bring results, ^'ace yours with the' Plaindealer today. - V } 's-w ' A CHAT WITH US. Regular cheek-ups and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs to you! Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complex Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S 24 HOUR TOWDfS SERVICE 516 Front St: o McHenry, HL Phone 811 -- Residence 91-K DeLuxe Super Champion RAYON Size 7.10-15 Blarkwaii $1T95 uxe Super Champion RAYON 95 Size 6.70-15 Blackwall "3 Plus tax PASSENGER TIRE SALE! TUBED TYPE TUBELESS 25% OFF ,20% OFF BUY A NEW BATTERY NOW! FROM $3.00 TO $£00 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD BATTERY FIRESTONE HEAVY DUTY TRUCK TIRES ^3"/ooff 25% McHENRY TIRE MART Walt Freund Prop. OPEN FRI. TILL 9:00 P.M. -- SUNDAY TIL 12 NOON 526 W. Main Street PHONE 294 McHenry* Illinois

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