Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jun 1957, p. 7

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Thursday. June 6t 1957 THE MCHENS'? CLASSIFIED HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE, experienced multilith operator, Must have business experience and be able to take complete cKar£e oT small printirig^shop. Write detailed re- -SCfme of experience. Write Box 271, c/o Plaindealer. 3-3 TURRET LATHE OPERATORS Experienced Good starting, pay- plus production bonus. Free life, hospital and •medical insurance. Permanent Apply tylonday "thru Friday .8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. BARCO JWANUFACTURING CO. * 500 HOUGH STREET BARRINGTON, ILLINOIS Phone J3arringtoii 1700 WOMAN wanted to keep house 2 or 3 times a week. No children, hours optional. Phone McHenry 424 during day, 775 evenings. 4-2 HELP WANTED WOMEN ACT NOW: be the Avon representative in your area, and earn a good income close to home. X-V. advertising announces your call, and Avon sells itself. Opening Wonder Lake and McHeriry. Write P.Or Box 56 Rockford. 5-2 ]PART TIME typist for Saturdays and 2 afternoons dtfring the week. McHenry Realty, 532 Main St. Phone 268. 5 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE FOB SALE- HOMES--FARMS CHOICE LOTS BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATE 405 Richmond Road McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry 4214 42-tf 3 BEDROOM HOME for sale. Living - room with fireplace. All large rooms. Attached garage, gas heat. Also 4 room' furnished apt. attached, provides additional income. Call Wonder Lake 5654. ' 44-tf LISTINGS NEEDED Phone 1126 210 So. Green Street 5-tf for house cleaning 1. Jay weak. Friday preferred. Write c/o McHenry Plaindealer, Box 273 Stating/salary expected and references f any. 4-2 TYPIST General Office Worker to need a girl wi'th^a minimum ff \4__yeaTS\of general ^office exerience. Typing essential to work in traffib. and invoicing departments. \ ^ Pleasant surroundings; 5 ~3ay week, paid-' vacation * and sick leave. Liberal insurance plan. This is a permanent position with : ,a progressive local Ixm/ CaJfl'lrTperson. 5UNGW00D CHEMICAL CORPORATION. RINGWOOD, ILL. 5 WOMAN or TEEN ACER to do house work one or two days a week. Prefer Fridays. German girl welcome. We also speak German. Phone 1174. *5 MAN WANTED for janitor work m handy man. Phone 841 or call in person Art and Lee's, 204 Riverside Drive. 5 WOMAN for general cleaning 1 day each week--$1~25 per hour. Phone Wonder Lake 5011. *5 INSPECTOR ^diversified experience in all types of machine shop inspection. Permanent -- Good Wages Excellent working conditions and employee benefits. Apply Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. BARCO MANUFACTURING CO. 500 N. HOUGH ST. BARRINGTON, ILL. Phone Barrington 1700 flpANT REPUTABLE man to work in tavern. Will train. References required. Steady work-- write c/o McHenry Plaindealer Box 275. 5 LEAVING STATE, must sell our beautiful, home. 3 bedrooms, 2 la baths, 2 car garage. Large back yard, fruit trees and berry bushes. Fishing and swimming. Some income too. Very reasonable. Call McHenry 603-J-l. 51-tf FOR SALE 4 bdrm -- 2 story $ 9,500 5 bdrm -- Colonial 20,000 3 bdrm -- Ranch < 10,000 2 bdrm -- River Rights 11,000 3 bdrm -- New Ranch & ' River Rights 14,200 2 bdrm -- Ranch - Best 1 otter REAL ESTATE BUY OF THE YEAR--New 2 bedroom home with attached breezeway & giarage. Large kitcheiv,& living room. 129 foot driven well. Lot 100 x 400'. City gas. McHenry Realty, 532 Main St., Ph. 268. . T 5 2. bdrm' 4 bdrm Full Basement $1,000 down 2 story on water 16,000 3 bdrm -- Brick - 2 story on River 35,000 2 bdrm --. in town with upstairs apt. 15,000 House with 3 apts in town 28,000 'We have houses ranging in price from $4,400 up. • PHONE AIRSPUN BUILDERS McHENRY 430 2-tf 2 BEDROOM HOME, expandable upstairs; 2 car garage, near Churches, schools and shopping Phone 113-W. - 44-tf SALE RICHMOND--2\ buildings, 1 - 5- room house, hot air oil heat, full basement and 1 9-room house, 4 larg air oil heat, basement, all 800.00. ,ot bedrooms, hot 71oc 230, full only $16,- SUNI^YSIDE--3 bedroom ^home, nd ^^baths, breezeway) garage. Recreatioiu--r<5orrr in ment. Waterfront. Price reduced for quick sale. $19,600.00 Near Johnsburg, 5 room home, living dining with fireplace, tile kitchen and bath, attached garage, large lot, beach rights. Price $16,500.00. PISTAKEE LAKE -- 4 bedroom home, large living and dining, fireplace, glazed-in porch facing lake. Ceramic tile kitchen and IV2 baths, gas heat. Large lot. Priced right. LOT, 70 x 150. Near McHenry. Beach rights, surfaced roads. $750 or best oTfer. Leaving state, Ray Riggin, '23 Orchard Beach, McHenry. Phone 1608. 4-tf TWO BEDROOM home, full basement, basement garage, gas furnace, landscaped lot, lake rights. Will sell furnished or uhfurnished. Priced for qtticjk sale. C&ll 644-M-2 after 5:00 p.Yn.' ofc weekends. 5 McHENRY C Tavern, Resturant - .Old stand, 6 room apartment. Corner in the City of McHenry. Owner will make reasonable terms. For appointment call at our .office fti Johnsburg. Tel. Mcrlenry 37. JACOB FRITZ, Realtors Rt. 5, McHenry, Illinois 4-tf 3 BEDROOM HOME on Fox River near Johnsburg. 1 yeac old. Large living room with large picture window, city water, ^natural gas, full basement, attached "giarage," concrete driveway, forced air heat. This lovely home must' sell ttirs week. Owner transferred. Only $19,500* Phone 1126 210 So. Gree|i Street 4 ROOM HOUSE" with bath, fully insulated, half' basement with forced air oil furnace. Electric hot water heater, combination windows & doors. Wall to wall carpeting in living room and 1 bedroom. Recently remodeled--$8,000. Phone McHenry 838-M. 5 REAL ESTATE 4 BEDROOMS, 2% baths, full basement, plastered walls, gas heat,1" 2 car garage attached, landscaped, new blacktop foads, river rights, cabinet kitchen, shown weekends, evenings. Call 1596. 5 REAL ESTATE EXCELLENT BUY for $8,000 Mc- Cullom Lake, 7 room home, 3 bedrooms, garage. Will sell on contract. Phone McHenry 554-W^l WANTED "LI STIING I S WANTED' MISCELI Jak-Ana Heights In Johnsburg, 2 and 3 bedroom homes, face brick on all four sides. Lots 100 x 170 near school and church. For inspection call at our office in Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37. JACOB FRITZ, Realtors Rt. 5, McHenry, Illinois ' " - 4-tf l'a YR. OLD HOME, 4 rooms. 2 bedrooms, lg. utility room, attached garage, gas heat, lg. corner lot overlooking lake. 5; Thin. _JtO. depot & shopping. Includes gas stove & G.E. refrig. . FurnituYe opt. $12,500. Ph. McHenry 688-M-2 evenings & Sundays. *5 NEW 3 BEDR6oM ranch home, full basement, tile bath, colored kitchen cabinets. Private beach and lake rights. Full price $14,500. Worthmore Estates, 1 mile West of route 12 on Pistakee Bay Road. Phone McHenry 457. 5-tf .BUY from owner and save: 4 t^om modern < house, 3 miles east of McHenry. -Very reasonable. Beautiful neighborhood. $500 down. 'Call McHenry 515-M-2. 5 maH mA NK • • II Ei k §m REAL ESTATE Pine Tree Tower Rt. 120 and Johnsbiirg Rd. McHenry Office Phone 1655 Residence 1216 49-tf WANTED TO BUY SMALL 2 bedroom home, four years old, one block from church. Gas heat, Ideal fort couple. Telephone 1876-W or 9856. 5-2 SITUATION WANTED McCULLOM LAKE Spring Road & Fountain Lane, 2 bedroom home birch kitchen cabinets, large utility, oil heat. Call McHenry -- 692-W-l. _ 2-tf Wooded home sites in vicinity Fox River, Pistakee Lake and Johnsburg. $500.00 and up. Small down payment, balance terms. RESIDENTIAL and business, income property 2 houses 150' x 300', pie shaped ground. 3 car garages. Phone McHenry 438. 5-tf New 3 bedroom home. Ceramic -tile bath, garage. Near intersection of Rt. 31 & Johnsburg Rd $18,000.00 WONDER LAK!E--5 large rooms oil heat, full basement, 2 lots 2 car garage. $12,600.00 JACOB FRITZ REALTORS In Johnsburg -- Phone McHenry 37 To Meet Our Buyers'. Needs we urgently require listings in all types of Residential, ' River and Suburban property. McHenry Realty 532 Maih Street Phone 268 40-tf 51-tJ 6 ROOM, 3 bedrooms, inside toilet ?4595.00--Mc0ullom Lake. Will .ell on com tract. Call Wonder Lake 6872 [after 9 p.m. 5 3-BEDROOM home for sale; gar age; cement drive, utility room, water softener, automatic washer, electric range, oil heat: Lakeland Park. Tel. McHenry 695-R-2. 5 "OR SALfivor RENT. Wonder Woods, WondeK Lake. Cute newly ' ecorated two ^bedroom house! Nicely landscaped with fruit trees and evergreens. Close to Lark^, i cross from store. Phone Mc- ! Tenry 2085. 5 Wisconsin Homes For^Sale 2 BEDROOM HOME Complete. Bath, utility room, oil heat. Garage and workshop. Large lot and garden. Located on Route 12, 1 mile to bus and train. J. E. CAREY TWIN LAKES, WIS. WONDER LAKE 3 BEDROOMS 5 room permanent home with large garage on large wooded lot. $9300.00--terms. 5 ROOM HOME with garage on nicely landscaped corner lot. Very nice. Full price $10,500.00. T. P. Mathews, Realtors Hancock Drive - Wonder Lake Phone W.L. 3061 OPEN EVERY DAY -- TUES. & FRI. EVES -- OTHER EVES BY ^APPOINTMENT. 5 2 BEDROOM house fully insulated, recently remodeled, tile bath, cabinet kitchen, ^river rights, Emerald Park subdvvi Shown weekends, evenings. Call 1596. - 5 WONDER LAKE AREA List your home now for professional selling service. We have prospects waiting for new listings.. T. P. Mathews, Realtors Hancock Drive - Wonder Lake Ph. W.L. ,3061--Res. 7171 OPEN EVERY DAY -- TUES. & FRI. EVENINGS -- OTHER EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT. WANTED -- painting, yard work, home maintenance or what have you? Phone 797-R. 4-4' LARGE riverfront, year 'round home, gas heat, near Pistakee Bay, parochial & public schools nearby. Phone Chicago, HAymarket 1-3363 or write Miss Gallagher. 1645-W, Jackson Blvd., Chicago. 5 HIGH, DRY lot in Pistaket Highlands, 2 blocks from Lake, 2 miles from town $2100. includes water. 204-208 Thelen Drive. Phone FOrrest 6-5120, *5 MALE HIGH SCHOOL student wants summer employment. McHenry or Johnsburg area. Phone McHenry 1002. *5 TWO AMBITIOUS high school juniors wanF work ip or near McHenry for summer. Pbone Mary Lou or Suzanne Miller--Wonder Lake 2691. 5 WANTED Wanted INSURED SAVINGS Savings Invested in Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Association are Insured by the Federal Savings abd Loan Insurance Corp., and earn 2*4% plus txtra. 88-tf TOP PRICE PAID for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock 1610-M-2. 43-tl GROOMS--Scrap iron and'metal, top prices paid for any kind of iron, metal and old cars. Phone McHenry 2521. ,• 51tf WANTED TO BUY .. WANT TO BUY small chicken house. B & E Trout Farm. Phone McHenry 610-J-l. 5 RELIABLE MAN with excellent position would "like to buy 2 bedroom house on contract for $8,000 or $9,000 with small down payment in McHenry* or vicinity. Write c/o P.O. Box 399, McHenrv, nil *5 WANTED TO RENT COUPLE with no children, would like to rfeht parking space for 29-ft. trailer. Phone Richrobnd 3033. 5 THE . ^ Roger Williams ; appearing SATURDAY, JUNE 8 Club Lilymoor Fish Dinners Friday Night Newly added to our menu Genuine Hickory Smoked Ribs HAS YOUK DRINKING become a proHem? Men, women, if so write Alcoholics Anonymous,, Rt. 5, Box 508, McHeriry, 111. Meetings every Monday 8:30 pm 12-ti MOOSE DANCE EYERY SATURDAY NIGHT 9 P-M. MEMBERS & GUESTS ONLY •t the McHENRY MOOSE LODGE On Route 120 McHenry, X1L GARAGE for storing 3 rooms of furniture. Contact Opal Naughton, Route 6, Box 626 Lilymoor, McHenry. 5 TO BE GIVEN AWAY WILL GIVE AWAY 3 cute long haired black kittens. Phone McHenry 1824. 5 MODERN HOME for sale, Country Club Subdivision, 2 lots, ideal for couple. Call 1328. 5-4 LIST YOUR FARMS WITH US or Contact us if you wish to buy. L. B. ANDERSON & CO., WHEELINp/ ILL. N Phone Wheeling 53 GLENN H. WILL, Salesman Rt. 1, Alden, 111. Phone Hebron 3114 49-tf 4 YEAR OLD, 2 bedroom house, large living room, abestos shings, outside. Almost finished inside. Deep well, 2 lots with rights tcy Wonder Lake. $7,000 full price. 00 down, $75 per month. John estwood, Box 305, Rt. 4, McHenry. *5 I In a short time you I can become a trained I Comptometer* Operat- I oc No mathematical [ skill required. Hun- | d reds, of career oppor- ' jtunities for qualified ! men and women of all - {ages. High starting pay. Ini expensive training. Morning, | afternoon, or evening classes. | Write for "Your Invitation to I Success." 16 AUTHORIZED COMPTOMIETER SCHOOLS IN THE | CHICAGO AREA * 17184 Merchandise Mart, Chicago 64, 111. SUperior 7-9608 6238 S. Western Ave., Chicago se, 111. I GRovehill 6-6656 §4037 N. Cicero Ave., Chicago | 41, III. I Kildare 51152 15231 Hohman Ave., Hammond, ( Ind. 4 I ( (Room 931) WEstmore 1-1779 | i 228 N. Genesee St., Waukegan, | j 111. I (Room 206) MAjestic 3-6865 j Please send booklet K. "Your | I j Invitation to Success." j |i N ame | | | Address j ! iCity and State j I j'Phone Number • • j GERANIUMS PETUNIAS SALVIA .PHLOX CANNAS BEGONIA • AGERATUM PLANTrSe /--Vi VEGETABLE PLA! ffrs MARTIN'S FARM ROUTE $1 8 Vi Miles North of McHenry -- RINGWOOD 19tf CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere appreciation to all who sent cards and gifts and for the prayers and visits while I was confined in the hospital. Special thanks to Fr. Coakley of St. Patrick's and Fri Eugene Jung from Shelby, Ohio; also to the nurses for their care and kindness. 5 Anna Miller. *"For Shoes Thai Pleas* S«e Pater Gies" .. • Baby Shoes A Boys* & Girls' Shoes Ladies' Shoes Men's Shoes Work Shoes Rubber Footwear . Peier Gies Shoes 8c Shoe Repairs Phone 441.M 107 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, HL 4-3 J! Radio Analyzers WANT E D FREE HOSPITALIZATION PAID VACATION PAID'HOLIDAYS APPLY ADMIRAL CORP. 507 WEST ELM ST. McHENRY, ILLINOIS ' Hrs. - 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. FULLY AUTOMATIC WATER SOFTENERS Mew How P*Uce 295 00 COMPLETELY INSTALLED GIVES YOU ALL THE SOFT WATER YOU WANT . . . ALL THROUGH YOUR HOME . . . ALL THE TIME . . . AUTOMATICALLY 0 l-tf EASY TERMS GULLI6AN . , SERVICE IN McHENRY PHONE 1464 . Automatic Sfalt Delivery WAUCONDA JAckson 6-5421 CLAREMONT HILL SUBDIVISION • 1 * * s\v< \ 'i- * ^ FOR EXCLUSIVE COUNTRY LIVING 3 BEDROOM HOMES INCLUDING GARAGE ON Vi ACBE LOT f FULL BASEMENT • CERAMIC TILE BATH • COMPLETELY DECORATED 3 MODEL HOMES OPEN FOR INSPECTION GOOD FINANCING -- ALSO -- LARGE HOMESITES FOR SALE *250.00 Down ONLY 2'i MILES NORTH OF McHENRY ON ROITE SI ENTRANCE FROM JOHNSBURG ROAD AND ROUTE Si PETER HAMLIN Phone: McHenry 802

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