PtolTwilW IOP»)^. Thursday. Jtine Lake News by JaAe Ducey "Nativity Lutheran Church The Luther league will meet at 7:30 in the evening for a monthly business meeting and program. ^Also, as. a service to the church, the leaguers will repair the church hymnals that are showing signs of wear. Final plans will be made for the July" social which will be a swimming party and picriic at Lake Geneva. Monday, June 24, the evangelism committee of the church will meet at 8. The vacation church school will begin its second week on Monday, June 24, and it still is not too late for children between the ages of 3 and 12 to enroll. The school meets from 9 to 11:30 ahd will end on Friday, June 28. On that evening, Parents' Night will be held. There will be the awarding of attendance certificates, evangelism awards and the. presentation of a brief program by each of the departments. The handwork for the two weeks will also be displayed^ All parents of children in the school are urged and invited to attend. Christ The King Almost 100 children enjoyed a full week of fun, handicraft and religious instruction during the week of June 10 to 15 at vacation school. The Missionary Sisters of the Blessed Trinity, assisted by Mrs. Crane and Mrs. Wight, conducted classes in art, Woodcraft and handicraft four mornings of the week, beginning with Mass every morning at 9 a.m. and continuing with instructions and craft work until noon dismissal. On Wednesday the Sisters accompanied a group of forty-three children to Chicago's Loop to see "The Ten Commandments." The same day, twenty-five of the younger children were taken to Deerhaven for a morning of fun with the animals. A beach picnic climaxed the week on Saturday morning with games," swimming and lunch on the Wonder Center Beach. Everyone is grateful to the Sisters who made this all possible, the girls of the Junior Altar and Rosary sodality who so ably assisted with the children and all the ladies who helped in any way to make this week so enjoyable for the children. Scouts To Lake Geneva The Girl Scouts made their final outing of the season to Big Foot State park at Lake Geneva Tuesday, June 11. The girls spent the afternoon hiking, swimmihg, playing vollejr ball and baseball, followed by a cook-out supper and singing around the campfire in the evening. Forty Scouts made the trip under their leader, Mrs. Gail Wrede, assisted by Mrs. John Kline, William Moore, Mr. McMahon, Victor Gustafson, Andrew Knackstedt, Wallace Sinclair and also by Susan Ensminger and Joyce Schimke. Coming Events June 24--Junior Holy name society meeting at the rectory at 7:30 p.m. July 1--Altar and Rosary sodality meeting at 8:30 pjQ. Ray Mendyk home. July 27, 28--Rummage and Bake sale at Mathews hall, sponsored by the Altar'and Rosary sodality. Every T u e s day evening at Mathews hall, games night sponsored by the Holy Name society at 8:15 p.m. • Receives Gift At a meeting of the directors of Wonder Woods on Monday evening, June 10, there was considerable discussion regarding the valiant efforts of the members of our Wonder Lake Fire department on Memorial Day following the drowning of Allison Kilgore, age 10, and their relentless efforts to locate the body. It was unanimously agreed to show the appreciation of the residents of Wonder Woods by a donation of $50 to the fire department for the use of the ambulance and other equips merit necessary in rescue work. Vacation Bound Mrs. Betty Selsdorf of Indiah Ridge left Wonder Lake June 16 -for Washington, D. C., to see old friends. She plans to stop off in Baltimore to visit Tom and Caroline Hay, formerly of Wooded Shores, and then continue on to New York to visit her daughter, Peggy, who is working on Forbes magazine in ° Manhattan. Mrs. S. will then pay a visit to Sharon Sells Wilkins at Schenectady and perhaps bring Sharon back to Wonder Lake with her. Wonder Lake Bible Church A hearty welcome is extended to all to come and worship and fellowship together. It is good to see all the summer folks back. The architects are now working toward making the church building more roomy and comfortable. The pastor and his family are now comfortably settled in the church parsonage Recently purchased by the church. There will be a dedication service and an open house at the parsonage on July 7, between 3 and 5 p.m. Friday, June 14, was the award night for the daily vacation Bible school. There wasJ some very attractive handicraft work on display. The - church is grateful to Wayne Foss for coming out every day and playing the organ; also to all the teachers and assistants who gave of their time so generously. \ The father and son banquet held at Harrison school last Thursday was enjoyed by approximately seventy- five dads land their sons. Dick Leckman was the youngest father and Peter Samkus was the oldest in attendance. Pastor Wright was the master of ceremonies, and Pastor Bob Vought of Lake Regions Bible church, Round Lake, was the guest soloist, while Wayne Foss accompaniqfl hint at the piano. The ladies of the missionary guild earned a vote of thanks for their hard working and contributions toward the delicious meal which they served. A Moody science film, "Voice of the Deep," was shown and thoroughly enjoyed by all. June 30 will be Promotion Sunday. The following awards were made June 14; Achievement certificates in the primary group; Robert Parker, Donna Kiddell, Laura Kiddell, David Sellek,- Paula Parker, Da\id Gustafson, Dan Tomano, Barbara Bridwell, Philip Schimke, Rickie Wright, Morty Frodin, Greg Johnson, Maureen Weide, Kathy Pierce, Joanne Dickman, Gary Beverly Dimon, Jimmy Randy Maggio, Jimmy Sue Ann Jones, Betty Jeffery Tomano, Vicki Robert Kulisek, Lance Leckman, Paul Schwegel, Pamela Sue Schwegel and Michael Laramore. Achievement certificates in the junior group went to Robert Bishop, Eileen Kosmicki, Dale Burlock, Michael Kulisek and Larson, Maggio, Weide, Stoner, Larson, Gary Johnson; those with special honor seal to Wayne Meyer, Norma Swearingen, Sara Mae Kelley, Bob Dickman, Linda Kay Died rick, Ronee Sommers, Karen Weeks, Leanfia Sellek, Cliff Bridwell and Pat Bridwell. The honor award for bringing most students went to Maureen Weide. The following were honor roll stu< dents (perfect attendance with Bibles, scripture memory and workbooks completed): Jack Hill> Douglas Sellek, Kathy Konecny Ann Pliner, Lynne Duke, Sandra Larson, Mary Pliner, Pamela Parker, .Mike Pliner, Drexel Maggio, Glen ^Johnson, Linda Lee Pierce, Kristine Weisenberger, Eugenia Benoche, Kenneth Bishop. David Dimon. Leadership certificates Were awarded to Wayne Foss, organist; Evelyn Gustafson, Louise Johnson and Marge Tomano, primaryx teachers; Anita Sommers, Neva Fuhrer, Grace Sellek and Ellen Osterlund, primary assistants. Waiter Safety Date Red Cross swimming classes will be held at Wonder Center Beach for this area July \ to July 12, Mondays through Fridays, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. There have been articles carrying a different date for Wonder Lake, but this one, July 1 to 12, has been confirmed. Yacht Club News Winners of the race Sunday, June 16, were John Georgeson, whose "Fancy Pants" came in first, and' Ross Dexter who was second. The numbers which have been assigned to the boats and their owners are as follows: W-l Mort Woodward, W-2 Peter Georgeson, W-3 Art Meeker, W-4 Ross Dexter, W-5 Carl Rauchenberger, W-6 Tom O'Brien, W-7 John Georgeson, W-8 George Georgeson, W-9 Don Coumbe, W-10 Lee Strom & Bill Fitzgerald, W-ll A1 Sinden, Wil2 George Draznik. Racing schedule for the season is as follows: June 16, 23, 30 and July 4 for the LaGreca trophy; July 7, 21, 28 and Aug. 4, which is the switch boat race; Aug. 18 and 25 foe the Lyle Shufft trophy. Date of the Yacht club dinner is to be set. All-Subdivision Meeting Representatives from all subdivisions of Wonder Lake met at the fire house Thursday evening, June 13, to discuss the patrol boat program and other business relating to the entire area. Present at the meeting were Art Meeker, Frank Houda, Robert Wiggins, George Gutzman, Henry Setzler, Francis Piller, F. O. Marion, Raymond Slokin, Sidney Weiss and Mr. Lassey. Mr. Meeker, chairman of the meeting, reported on the fish that have been put in the lake to date; also that the C. of C. has approximately $700, which is being held for the purchase of 9 to 16-in. fish later on. These could not be purchased this spring because of unfavorable weather conditions. Mr. Meeker stated that Mr. Jacobson, advised him that this definitely is a private lake; that petmission was given to the former owners of LaGrecca's to rent out a number of boats, but that this does not make it a public lake. The NOTICE 7 THE RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP WILL BE OPEN EVERY MONDAY UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Your Home Deserves the Best MAIN H0MECRAFTERS ILLINOIS CERTIFICATE No. 1062 - 106999 McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHONE 2833 Designers and Installers of Aluminum Storm Windows - Doors and Awnings Mirrors - Glass Tops -- Jalousie Doors ALL ALUMINUM TRACKLES or 3 TRACK SELF STORING • COMBINATION . STORM WINDOWS 0 INSTALLATION OPTIONAL Measured and Installed - $2.50 extra aAd &hbw Boots • 2 Block* East of River on Rt. 120 ^ ^ • RUDY PAUSELU lake is controlled by the WoAde^ Lake Syndicate and the fifteen subdivisions here. A letter from Mr. Jacobson states the program for a patrol boat sounds very good1 and a letter was given George Gutzman, giving him authority to use a patrol boat on the lake and to stop anyone causing a nuisance. Mr. Meeker reported on the meeting of the Yacht club members on Sunday, June 2, regarding a patrol boat. They made George Gutzman an honorary member and agree to pay for vthe display sign on the patrol. boat and the gas consumed by the boat this summer. The boat will be- on the lake on Saturdays and Sundays. A letter from the Coast'Guard regarding their boating regulations was read; also a recommended uniform Boat Regulation act, prepared by the Outbard Boating Club of America, and obtainable at Silk's Sporting Goods at Wonder Center. These rules will apply, as well as our special rules. The following is a list of suggested rules and regulations, over and above those listed in the Boat Regulations Act: No. 1, no sirens; No. 2, licensing of boats; No. 3, cut speed before entering swimming area, as extreme caution must be exercised in entering beach area, No. 4, no refuse in water. Nor 5, limit number of skiers to two people to each boat;' No. 6, any swimmers going outside of swimming areas must be accompanied by a boat; No. 7, recommend life jackets for all skiers. It was decided that the decals would be steel letters and numbers, such as W. W. for Wonder Woods, with approximately twenty- five sets of numbers allocated to each subdivision. These will be purchased by the committee and turned over to the fire department, who will sell them to the Wonder Lake boat owners for > dollar per boat. The Fire department will keep a record of each boat number purchased, which will enable Mr. Gutzman to check -immediately on any boat where police action is necessary. These numbers must be placed on the left side of the boat at the bow. A motion was made thdt all subdivisions pay $10 towards the up-keep of a patrol boat. A vote was taken and all agreed. Checks are to be made payable to the Wonder Lake Fire department patrol fund. A letter will be sent to> the presidents of all subdivisions, asking that they give Mr.'Gutzman authority to arrest anyone disobeying the rules. Mr. Hiffman of Wonder Woods ' reported that there is approximately $96 in the anti-pollution fund and since the lake water is satisfactory now and the commit-; tee is functioning no more, he and' Mr. Woodward suggested that this' money be turned over to the patrol fund. A vdte was taken on this and all agreed. The following committee members were "chosen: Art Meeker, chairman;, guC ffoiida, Joe Barrett, Boyce kihg &nd M. C. Woodward. of WATER PUMPS and WELLS are our only BUSINESS and cRafiidayton Water Systems W« Repair and Sarvic* All MiImi of Pump* Atttfcoriiidi R»d Jackat fr Da>to* Pump Agaacy Wells Drilled or Driven Pumps £ Repairs MCHENRY COUNTY WELL & PUMP COMPANY Fred H. Mattheslus Phone 718 Wonder Lakers In - 'Red Cross Pageant Mrs. Dorothy Thurneau Highland Shores led the parade, "Volunteer in "Action," at the annual meeting of .the McHenry county chapter of the Red Cross June 12. Mrs. Thurneau represented "Home Service" in the pageant. Mrs. Irma Rocksteadt of Deep Spring Woods No. 2"represented the professional nurses on call throughout the county.. Mrs. Elizabeth Booth of. Highland Shores, volunteer instructor in home nursing, illustrated that service. -Mrs. Van Sells Of Indian Ridge narrated the show, s Other services of the Red Cross team depicted were the Gray Ladies, nurse's aides, production, (bandages, etc.) disaster,, first aid, water safety, motor service, staff aides and fund raising. Just a reminder, Mrs. George Weisenberger of Deep Spring Woods is the home service representative for the Wonder Lake area, phone W.L. 4641. Home service assists servicemen, veterans and their families in time of need. New Residents The John M. Hopkins family has bought the home in Deep Spring Woods formerly owned by the John Smales (the Elsie Lozon house to you old-timers). The Hopkins are from Oak Park and will be summer residents for the present, while their youngest son, Pat, is still in high school. Other Hopkins include daughter, Sue, son, Dick, and son, Jack, his wife and daughter, Laura, who is 1 year old.' The LeRoy Beams have moved from Chicago to Deep Spring Woods, where they have leased the home off Mrs. Una Trnsen for the year. The Ijteams have three daughters, Carole, "15, Judy, 13, and Michele, AVz. Kiwanis Softball McHenry."-township Kiwanis is sponsoring a 16-in. softball league for 'teen-age boys from 14 to 20. This is a five-team league--Johnsburg, McCullom Lake, McHenry, Lakeland Park and Wonder Lake. One of the four diamonds at Christ the King field vwill be used, with games at 7 pjn., Monday Business & Service Directory of Wonder Lake - OPEN ON SUNDAY 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. WONDER LAKE BUILDERS SUPPLY Free Estimates and Delivery Phone Wonder, Lake 3231 CRISTY « and STENDEBACH General Contractors NEW HOMES Phone Wonder Lain 5432 MONEY BEHIND YOU . . m You can face the years before you with more confidence when you ve got some money behind youl Best way to accomplish this is to save a pre* determined amount every pay day. Best place for your savings is here . . . whert they keep on earning more money for you all the lime. Best lime to open your savings account is NOW! Savings Marengo Federal AND LOAN ASSOCIATION MARENGO, ILLINOIS 102 N. State St. Phone JOrdan t*725t TOTAL ASSETS OVER $7,000,000.00 SAVE BY MAIL! thrdugli Thursday. L^dgtie play will start Monday, June 24. This is a call for any and all boys in this age group, and any and all dads who would like to take part Picnic Planning Meeting All property owners in Deep Spring Woods No. 1 are asked to meet at the subdivision park arid beach Sunday, June 23, at 2 p m. to discuss the forthcoming picnic July 14. Notice $ * •• • Mrs. Jim Mills has been kind enough- to accumulate Wonder Woods news tips for this column, so if you need some publicity or know some news in that subdivision, you would expedite the gathering thereof by phoning her at W. L. 4261. Junior Legion Ball Sunday, June 16, Wonder Lake lost to Cary in a game played by a score of 25-10. Playing were Bob Cecich , Kurt Weisenberger, Rich Lundborg, Bob Apostolou, Ken Justice, Tom Miller, Buddy Druml, Carl Walker, Tom Roti, Dick Byrne, and Chuck Cashin. Reserves were Carl Weisenberger, Wayne Konecny, Mike Powers and A1 Franz. A1 was injured in the first game, when he was spiked in the toe, but he has about recovered now. Sunday, June 23, game is at Algonquin. Mrs. Ray Rochowicz is scheduled to arrive today from a trip to Memphis, Tenn. Vi and her sister, Mrs. Marie Tusinski, left Wonder Lake Sunday, June 16, for Memphis to pick up daughter, Walterine, who has been visiting for two weeks. On the way back they stopped off at Orient, 111., which is the home town of Vi and Marie. Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Grothmann of Wonder Woods celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary June 14. They went out to dinner and celebrated at home with close friends. " Mr. ahd Mrs. MohaghsdS, who are summer residents of Wonder Woods, had a baby girl, born in Chicago. \ Clayton t>orftbush is home after completing three years' service ift the Army. - He will again be a member of the Wonder Lake cofhmunity. ... The George Janssen family of White Oaks left June 18 for Germany to spend the summer. A group of civic-minded women of Wonde? Woods planted the parkway at the entrance to their subdivision vyith bedding plants and otherwise took care of planting the necessary gardening. Patricia Margaret O'Regan of Wonder Center became the bride of Dale Eugene Ja'ntgaard of Minnesota at a 4 o'clock ceremony Saturday, June 15, „in the Ravenswood Presbyterian church in Chicago. Wonder Lakers attending the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. George Unwin, Mr.' and Mrs. Charles Pike arid family, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wilson apd family and Miss Gladys Moretori. Dominic Buss -of Highland Shores had a birthday June 15, his eighth. 'Just the family' which meant an assembly of twerfty- eigtitr persons in this case. ;':;r M$|L Koerineker of White Oa|ht ijay is recuperating frdni a broken win. "I: . Mrs«. Lilian Forsberg anci Ricky are vacationing in Washington, D. C. % Mr- arid Mrs. Wallace Sinclair celebrated their fifteenth wedding anniversary June J.3 by going out to diiiriey with friends. The JB. R. Redmans had a triple birthday jjarty with the Guy Jones of Chicago last week for Margo and Guy Jones and Ben Redman^. ' ' Garden Club g. The-recent meeting of the Wonder Lake,,Garden club was held in the home, of Mrs. Arthur Hoppe on Thursday, .June 13. Roll call was taken in , an interesting fashion, with each, member present answering with the name of her favorite rose. Mrs. Leo Hartog retired as treasurer and Ailrs. Leon Switzer was named the iwW treasurer. Speaker for the evening was-Leo-Hartog. who spoke to the $ group on care of bulbs. Refreshgathered, ments were served by the hostess. ^faeex^ttcame Chances are you have your property insured to the hilt. But what about your income? As important as it is to have your possessions adequately covered against loss, it's even more important to own insurance that will replace your salary in case of sickness or accident. Although it is impossible to prfr vent sickness and accidents^ income replacement is available. Won't you let me tell you about our non-cancellable policies? You'll be glad you did. No obligation, of course. GERALD J. LARKIN 508'4 Main St McHenry 2685 State Mutual Life Assurance Company OF WORCESTER MASSACHUSETTS DeLuxe Super Champion RAYON Size 7.10-15 Blackwall $17« X He Luxe Super Champion RAYON Sin 6.70-15 BlackwaR Flu* tax PASSENGER TIRE "SALE! TUBED TYPE TUBELESS 25% OFF 20% OFF BUY A NEW BATTERY NOWI FROM $3.00 TO $goo TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD BATTERY FIRESTONE HEAVY DUTY TRUCK TIRES O0FF McHENRY HRE iART Walt Freund, Prop. OPEN FBI. 'TILL 9:00 PM. -- SUNDAY TIL 12 NOON 526 W. Main Street PHONE 294 McHenry, Illinois C