Thursday. June 27.0957 by Annette Schmlf THE McHENBY PLAINDEALER #GIrl Scouts. ^ ^ The Girl Scout troop "N"o. 441 will leave on their outing July 2. The girls will enjoy visiting -in Genoa City. For all the girls in this troop, Mrs. Beahler would appreciate a call telling her whether br not you 'are •feoing on the outing. Please phone her at 591-W-l. Notice: A note of sorrow has been expressed by the scout leader to the girls who did,npt; J,urfr in Aheir $2i5Q for day camp this year. The notice on the day camp was Published several times and warnings were posted for aU^Jlie girls to see. Anyone who did have their money in on not eligible. We're sorry, . Notice: Any girls or former ieouts who have uniforms in their possession - which havo been outgrown or are not in use, or any Girl Scout handbooks, a call for Ohese articles is made by Mrs. Pat Morrison, either to be given away or to be sold. Please call on Pat„or Mrs. Jean Booster. Ladies League, At the last meeting of the Ladies League the ladies held their social after which they had a pre-nuptial gathering with friends invited in to wish Mrs. Sophie qDykstra good luck. Mrs. Dykstra w the new Mrs. Patterson. Refreshments were served and Mrs. Patterson received many lovely gifts. 7 A Happiest Birthday \ On Wednesday, June 19, Ann Brzezinski and her three daughters attended a most unusual birthday party. The party was held for little Carol Para. You it , Carol was three years old last Christmas eve. Since CarQl seems to be cheated on that Christmas birthday her mother had. promised her a happier birthday if were willing to wait. The eiift ,result was mighty gratifying. Carol had the happiest birthday party of all. Happy Birthday, Carol. Gals On The Go . There are a few hard working *jals in our neighborhood who are so busy with their work that they have to wait 'till vacation time to take ,in a .movie, shopping, and dining spree. Marge Beahler, Alice Wade and a few of the other girls they work with are going on vacation starting this Friday and cation starting this Friday and have decided to spend that first vacation day in Chicago, splurging on all the goodies that the feminine heart craves. Live it up girls, it'll be a long year before another vacation. Boy Scout Committee. The ^ corrffaittee for the Boy Scout troop No. 161 of Lakemoor met last week Thursday, June 20, where they began the formation of several committees to handle all the scouting affairs. A partial board x>f review was fpnjied and notices regarding these committees will follow in future columns. Harold Foss, committee head of the Lakemoor troop asks that any boys interested in joining the troop are invited to do 60 by contacting Cliff Todd at Mc- Henry 592-W-t Anthony Leon passed another milestone when he blew his candles out on June 12. Airman third class Richard Beahler celebrated his twentyfirst birthday away from home on June 22.. This was Dick's first birthday away from his family, but we're sure it was a happy one since he is now of legal age. Harry Strom came into his own on June 23 when he too became of age. Happy 21, Harry. King Kong E. J. Jinks, our special angler of Lakettioor, tells us, and he's not kidding, that he's been playing around with a beautiful bass that he has named King Kong. He says that it is really a big one and if it bites he'li not let it get aw&y. Having sefcn some of Ed's catthes I know he means every word of it. Ed says this baby is the dream of all anglers and he lays in wait right here in our own lake. Get the old poles out, boys. Pretty Penny's Mrs. Penny has proved to be quite the mother. She has given her wonderful masters, the Jinks family, a litter of seven pups. However, cton't anyone to ne#r her pen or touch her children. She's so excited about her first children that no one can look twice at her without her acting like an old hag. - Ask Lynne Saynor. She'll tell you that Mrs. Northwestern Construction SPECIALIZING IN: <§Q*a9«i Breeieways Additions No Money Dovnt -- 0 Tears To Pay Phone McHenry 2245 P.O. Box Penny's snapping is worse than her bark. Lynne just wairited to congratulate the old gal, but Penny wasn't listening to her, she was watching, her wee ones. Result: Lynne now carries Penny's teeth marks. New Home It won't be long and we'll have to bid oUr old friends adieu. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Saynor are in the process of building their new home in Eastwood Manor. Excited is not the word for this family. They* are all so anxious about it that I haven't found out yet just when they will be ready some time in July. Keep you posted on the results^ Twenty Year Reunion One does not have' to keep glued to a TV set to see drama at ifs best. It happens in every life once in" a while. Like last week when Alice Wade received a phone call that told her if she would drive out to Elgin depot she would seeher sister pass through on her way to Pennsylvania. Alice, excited with the news, took to her car and took off. Alice's sister, Mrs. Mary Hooley of Portland, Oregon, was enroute to Pennsylvania to take care Of her daughter who has been very ill and in need of her mother's care. On arrival at the station Alice needed no introduction to her sister, and tears along with mild hysteria overtook the small group. Alice cried with joy as she beheld her, sister whom she said was a picture of her own mother come back to her. A very distinguished gentleman entered the scene, placed a haijd on each of the women's shoulders and asked if they were all right to assure himself that there would be no fainting. Mary then asked Alice to try to compose herself and that if it meant that much to Alice she (Mary) would stay for a few days. Alice went to the phone where she quickly contacted her brother, Alfred J. Chambers of Aurora. Alfred picked tip his other sister Esther Chambers of Elgin and together they all met in the Wade home in Lakemoor. On Thursday last Mary Hooley left for Pennsylvania to go to her ailing daughter*. What a reunion. Boy Scout Troop No. 161 The newly formed Lakemoor troop of the Boy Scouts of America. have just completed the^ plans for tlieir two month program this past week. Assistant Scout Master, Cliff. Todd, relates that the boys have received leather to be used in . leather craft work from Bob Fuller, district commissioner. The scouts will now begin their work in leather craft, making such things as scout knife holders, neck slides, and moccasins. The boys have a fine beginning here in Lakemoor with & tew new scouts entering each w6ek. ': . First Father^ Day Got it through the grape-vine that a certain fellow named Jack Strasser received a beautiful new Strato-Lounger for Father's Day. This, fine gift, it was discovered, was not merely a Father's Day gift. His lovely wife decided to treat. him to the lounger for one reason and one reason only. It seems the young Strassers have been wed only one year and will celebrate their first anniversary on June 30. Mrs. Marilyn Strasser believes this will prepare Jack for future years when he will not have to sit in his easy chair by himself. She hopes a future Father's Sunday for a week's vacation whfere' they \Vill spend their tfctie' traveling around Lake Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson will reside in the Patterson* home in Lakemoor. The very best wishes for a life of good fortune are presented to this fine couple by the entire village. Good luck and ^congratulations. Hello Shower A very special event took place in our village on June 18, when a group of friends surprised Mrs. Dale Francisco (the former Roberta Wirfs) with a "Hello Baby" shower. Roberta arrived here in Day gift will come from someone ' Lakemoor just in time to go to the The newly wed couple left on- .Mrs. Birow^I^i^Uj^"',,. Congratulations are extended to the masters of Mrs. Brownie Saynor. Seems Brownie hadnlt beert^tron of honor while Clarence Sosfeeling quite up to par and the Saynor family felt it was |ust a mild depression caused by the fact that Brownie knew they would be leaving the old homesite and entering their new house soon. Ignoring her antics .\yas fine until she decided to su^pfcise them all with a litter of six M^y puppies. Three girls and twee%>ys. This j is a chance for &irl or boy to have a pupi>y$ill ttieir own. The pups can be trad in a few weeks. Put your Orafer in now. hospital to take Cynthia DaWn, her new daughter off the stork's hands. As a result there was not sufficient time to plan a baby shower for h^r. Now, on the aforementioned date the surprise came with twenty-one guests in attendance. Twenty-two gyests if you count Cynthia Dawn as she too was a guest at her own baby shower. The shower was given in song was best man. At'SndTn*! "'e J?"* °f C>™hi.a's srandmothihe wedding also, was Mrs. ASno er' Mrs' Alox Wirfs' ,s Sossong. who will really call him d: ad. I Loves Old Sweet Song1 Life reached its golden peak this past Saturday, June 22, when hand in hand Mrs. Sophie Dykstra and Pappy Patterson said "I Do" in McHenry at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Betty Bockman, daughter of the groom, attended the pair as ma- Mrs. Alex Wirfs. just three weeks Old and received everything a little girl like she could wear. June Jauntera The l^oSs faniily ventured outrtb Riverview in Chicago last Monday and found the entire family weary but happy on their return. Family Brzezinski along with Mary Ann Sossong" visited Riverview list Tuesday and' returned with a gleam in their eyes which said, "home was never like this." 'Company in the Walter Para home last weekend were Helen's aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Murzyn and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wojton and family of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ericksen left for the weekend to visit in Clinton, Iowa with Ed Kamin Jr. and Stuart Clark. Mrs. Marie Fabian spent a weekend here in the village with the Brzezinski and Para families while she was here. Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Arbogast last Sunday wfire -Vi's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wright1 of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laher of Winfajl, Indiana, and Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Laher and mother of Savanna. Company in the Harder home last Saturday were Harold Harder, his daughter, grandson "and friends. Mr .and Mrs.; Harder attended! th^f0^i#h<w;ed(ain{f ahniVfersary* Ui J(4iet last Sunday for Mi*, and Mrs. Dave^Hauser/ Mrs. Hausef is Mrs. Harder's sister. Quests -in the Roy Ericksen home last Sunday were Rita's mother, Mrs. Fallows and Barb&a and Pat Fellows. Last Saturday evenTng, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morrison entertained Tina's sister, Mrs. Coleman of Chicago their friends Mr. aiod Mrs.. Dell Coleman of Fox Lake, and Jessie and Olive Corbett. They all enjoyed a few card games and refreshments. Last Sunday, families Pope and Beahler along with Kenny and Suzy Ehrhardt enjoyed a lovely outirtg and picnic at the Brook* field Park Zoo. The first wedding anniversary of Lloyd and Edith Banks of' Ftingwood, was ' celebrated with the Beahler family in attendance, last Sunday. Last week Tuesday the Beahler family had the pleasure of entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dascher of feau Claire, Wis. It's easier to find a speaker thai! it is to find an audience. SbeiaJP The socials heW evgry Thursday evening at Wally'S^a$£ still going strong and it is tne hope of all the village that you «new-eomers come on over anduneet the crowd. The enjoyment starts at '8^30 p.m. is held for the purpi|6e of obtaining recreational facilities and providing quarters fors community projects. See you there? SAVE MONEY! AVOID WASTE! READY-MIX CONCRETE RADIO DISPATCHED McHENRY READY MIX CO., IlK. PHONE 920 McHenry, it 606 Front St. AIR CONDITIONING--TEMPERATURES MADE TO 0R0ER-AT NEW LOW COST. GET A DEMONSTRATION! <4 Ifs got the fl*,. heart k of a Hon:^p {but it's a lamb to handttif* To know a Chevy in all its glory, head one into the open--the more mountains the better. You'll soon see why so many people dote on that smooth sure Chevrolet response and stout-hearted power. Chevy's performance makes their dollars look big! You don't have to urge this car along. A Chevrolet comes alive with the flip of an ignition key. The power is charged with gumption. The wheel responds in a twinkling to tight corners or turns. And on a back road a Chevrolet steps with ease over ruts that would look like barricades to lesser suspension systems. In short, a Chevy shows "savvy." You can, too. See your Chevrolet dealer! MORE PEOPLE DRIVE CHEVROIJETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR N«w Chevrolet Bel Air 4-Door Sedan with $ody by Fisher 1 Only fr&nchised Chevrolet dealers display this famous trademark See Your Local Authorized Chevrolet Dealer HARDWARE PROBLEMS Mr. Builder? / ! \ ^ ) atCMKOM* »OX UKK INOWOO* AtlA aroNtia IAR AHA M'MINKY fa CMvtnitnlly •UU VA11IV AHA Solve Them Quickly And Easily At Alexander Lumber Co. You'll be pleasantly surprized at our complete department of quality builders hardware. Everything from staples to door knobs. - Prompt - Courteous - 'Helpful Service for all your buildiiig needs. OUR NKW LOCATION IS EASY TO FIND Conveniently Located on Highway SI South of Main St. ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING SPACE OUR COMPETENT STAFF IS EQUIPPED TO ASSIST YOU WITH ANY BUILDING PROBLEM m 1 BRING YOUR HOME UP TO DATE S It's easy to modernize your present home. Increase the value and liva.bility of your home jjs by remodeling. = W£ CAN HELP YOU WITH THE -- 1 PLANNING - MATERIALS - FINANCING =5 * NO MONEY DOWN ' VISIT OUR EXHIBIT AT THE McHENRY COUNTY FAIR -- AUG. 1-2-3-4. ALEXANDER LUMBER (0. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" On Highway 31 - South of Main Street - McHenry, Illinois 'ALWAYS FIRST . . . SERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS' ki|