Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jul 1957, p. 11

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'"1 Wednesday, July3, 1957 THE McHBMltY gLAINDEALER Page Eleven NEWS FROM Wonder Lake by Jane Ducey • Marine In Atomic Ifest.- Pvt. Ronald J. Vacula juSfyC, jSon of the Paul Vaculas, tpok pari in the first extensive troop e#er- ,cises in' the current fries' of atomic tests, last Friday .at' Camp Resort Rock, near the atomic energy commission's Nevada test jsite. The 4th Marine corps provisional atomic exercise, bright}? IjVnducted the exercise in connection with a series of comparatively low-yielded tests being .Jteld by the AEC and the Dept. of jjgfense. Kiwunis At thie June 24 meeting it was unanimously agreed to donate $50 to the Girl Scouts in a sponsoring capacity, in consideration of the cooperation the scouts have given Kiwanis in, their many activities. iWrs. Elain Spuehr, Girl Scout organizer in Wonder Lake, pointed out the need for active sponsor- " ship in her interesting arid informative speech before the club; following which there was a question and answer session. Also at this meeting, a grant of $25,000 was alloted the Little League to help defray the expense of operation. _ Bridal Shower Mrs. T. P. Mathews was Jiostess at a personal bridal shower honoring Miss Jean Dickman Wednesday, June 26. The party was a complete surprise to Jean who received a great variety of very lovely gifts. The hostess served delicious strawberry shortcake and cookies to culminate the enjoyable evening. 0 The guest list included Mrs. George Hartmann and Mrs. Mary Schwaller, mother and grandmother respectively of the groomto- be, Mrs. Fred Dickmah, Mrs. George Dickman, Joan's grandmother, Mrs. Pearl Mathews. Mrs. Mary Ann Cristy, Mis. Esther Sturm, Mrs. Mary Ruggero, Mrs. Janis Wegener, Mrs. Doris Crane, Miss Mary Jean Berner, Mrs. ^Sally Reuter, Mrs. Carol. Com- ™ tock, Mrs. Ora Parker, Mrs. Ronnie Perry, Mrs. Barbara t'aGreca, and Mrs. Barbara Fiala. Graduates Fall Plans Judy Bastian plans to enlist for 3 years in the W.A.F. She has (taken her exams and her final (physical exam, and will go t^> Texas for her primary training in the fall. jA1 Horn has not yet reached a decision but he h^s narrowed down to two schools, either Valpariso university in Ind. or Carroll in Waukesha, Wis. for engineering. John Feyerer has completed his registration at Bradley in Peoria where he plans to enroll in engineering. This summer he is doing construction work tor his Dad. Roger Graumann has undertaken a 3 year hitch--as an apprentice butcher in Northbrook. Roberta Clinton is working this summeV as a mother's helper in Round Lake and has not yet decided what she will do in the fall. Wally Schimke will be at Northern Illinois State university at De- Kalb this fall where he will major in Math. With this background he plans to prepare himself for the Examinations for Cadet in the U.S.A.F. ' George Taylor is going into the $fayy ftjr a twq, year hitch in September; meanwhile he. is doing construction work. Joann Miller is employed this sumn^er doing' .secretarial wqrk for a local firm. She plans to writer business college in the fa^l, but is not sure where as yet/ James tylahaj is in the Air Foi*qe Reserves aqd will be mpvirig on to Texas when he is called up. Rbhald Miller Will be on the Evanston campus this .. fall^;5in Northwestern U. Technical school of engineering. He has a job at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center Tor the summer doing office work. Nancy Gulczynski is working in Elgin in a secretarial capacity and pl$js to stay on in the autumn. 4-H Handy Helpers Tjie Handy Helpers have been taking sewing instruction and are busily working on their dressmaking projects to finish for the county judging, July 11. The girls in the group are Bebe Liedtke, Rosemary Roti, Sue Etheridge, Jackie Specht, and Janet Wright. Mrs. C. L. Wright is the leader. Bating f$eauty Contest The Ijidian Ridge improvement association is {sponsoring a bathing beauty contest to determine "Miss Woh'der Lake." The judging will take place July 20 at 9 p.m. at the South beach, in conjunction with the annual .picnic July 20 and 21. Application blanks for entering the contest are available at all local stores. All aspiring young ladies are urged to enter at once. News Notes ^Ir. and Mrs. Paul Marke of Wonder Center leave July 13 for Gordon, VjTis. With six of their chj^ren they WilLspend a week at Sunset Resort pn Middle Eau Glaire lake near Duluth, Minn. Pvt.' John W^ght has abouf completed ills training at Ft. Riley and Will be home on his first furlough in July. News of the Fred Whitfields from Kansas • City described them still trekking West, driving both cars and trailing the boat and expecting to be in California in five or six days. The C. L. Wrights of Wooded Shares will leave July 6 to spend a week at Delavan lake, where the golf is "par excellance." Mrs. Weight has been returning to this vacation spot for 30 years, and her three brothers and sister and their ||mii.i£s will all vacation there at 0ne iux|<e for a familV reunion. The misses LareU and Cheryl Vacula, accompanied! by Aunt Ann Yaicujls of Bepyyn, \left Wonder Lsike-Monday for a tek^day vacation in Florida. They will make the trip both ways by plane. Pfc. Peter Bastian of the U.S.M.C. is now iii the Phillipines. The Charles Cranes of Wonder Center celebrated their eighth wedding anniversary on June 25. Jean Selsdorf is giving four hours of every day to the Villa Marie camp at Pistakee Bay where she is a volunteer counselor, swimming instructor and life j guard. The camp is spopsored by Chicago Catholic Charities for children fropi the orphanages in that city. The Charles Millers of Wonder Woods are enjoying a visit with their grandchildren, Craig 9 and Bruce 6, who an'ived June 30 to stay a week. Terry and Ghuck Eniig of Chicago celebrated their eighth anniversary June 24 at the home of her parents, the William Tarrants of. White Oaks Bay. Pel and Charlene V^oQdypard-of Chicago pre vacationing at Wonder Lake this week. Mary and Bob San^lgren of Wonder Woods will have 9 family reunion July 4 for fifty guests. Happy birthday to John Noble, Thursday, June 27. Fir^prkf ijeraonstrajion Tonight, just at dusk, there will be a parade of boats lit with flares from LaGreccas pier to the Yacht club island to start off the American Legion annual demonstration to celebrate the fourth of July. The fireworks will be launched from the island which is off shore from Wonder Center and Indian Ridge subdivisions. Scout Day Camp Forty scouts will attend Neighborhood 7 Day camp from Wonder Lake, July 15 through 19. They are Nancy and Louise Raggero, Joyce and Donna Setzler, Pamela Hjeubner, Linda Zandier, Cheryl Schwarz, Judith Gamen, Cathleen and Carol' McMillan, Helena and Ivrysia Oleszczuk, Victoria Gustavson, Penelope Hagar, Jackie and Diann McMahon, Donna Kiddell, Kristine Weisenberger, Judy apd Janice Jurgensohn. Kathleen Pederson. Darlene Murdock, Mary Pliner, Ronee Sommers, Jacqueline Burr, Kathy and Charla Paetow, Julie Thompson, Laura Perry. Leslie Decker, Sandra Larsen, Joyce Moore,®Joan Burch. Kathlene Ahrens, Donna Dean, Pamela, Sinclair,4 Pamela Bethke, Donna Dangler, Jeanette and Victoria McCall. Day camp at City Park in Woodstock was a great success last week. Mrs. Sandgren assisted by tyfrs. Hill supervised the girls from flie yypst side of the lake in their actjvitjps; they camped out and cooked out, made mats and baskgji of popsicle sticks, yarn optopqs, etc. Tlie week ended Friday night in a'Pow-wovv, Indian dance clfld all to close camp for the year. Janet Miller and Penny Ullman were two scout's frofn Highland Shores who were at camp. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Devreux are now occupying their home in Deep Spring Woods, the home foriperly owned by the Vanderstratens on Oak Road. J0HNSBURG NEWS by Betty Hettejrman ' A Ring and Three Queens r Old Mister stork was quite busy hovering between the Woodstock and Waukegan hospitals this past week. A bouncing baby boy antjl three little bundles dressed in pink made their first worldly appearances recently. Mr. and Mi's. Joe L. Freund became proud grandparents once again, when their son and wif£, Donald and Lorraine Freund, of -McHenry welcomed their fourth daughter. The little Miss put in her first appearance on June 13 at the Woodstock hospital. The other Freund children are JTrudy, Tim, Roxanne and Karen.' This busy bird delivered another baby girl to St. There^e hospital, where she picked Bob an^ ioan Freund for her very ovyn parents. This very young lady saw the first Carol Swanson" is vacationing with her sister N^ncy Vpgts in Virginia, m^ybe for a ^onth or all summer. Wayne Meyer, son of Mr. apd Mrs. Wally Meyer, for/nerjy of Wonder Center, has gone home to Addison. He has bepn here for a two week visit with the Roy Swansons. Ed Druml of Shore Hills Attended the scout fund-ra|*irig dinner at the VFW in WoofAepck June 19. PATIOS -- CARPORTS UTILITY AREAS PRIMED WOOD PORCHES Il« FANS & Air Conditioners SEE US and SAVE! COOL CASH On All Your Cooling Needs WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING McHenry Gift Enterprizes Distributors of General Merchandise WAREHOUSE OUTLET 523 MAIN ST. PIJONE 2828 McHENRY % BRUSH! Decorates and preserves interior and exterior concrete floors, patios, Srimed wood porches and decks, ries dust-proof in 40 minutes, walkproof in an hour, traffic-proof overnight! Fast, easy application with brush, roller, floor brush. No acid washes needed. Nonflammablel Eight popular esters that wear like iron, last for years! only *6.§0 gal. io qt MAIN PAINT CENTER 418 Main St. PHONE 111S McHenry, III. WATER PUMPS AND WELLS ARE OUR ONLY BUSINESS Fred H. Malthesius, Prop. Phone 713 "7W f And wot* SYsms We Repair awl 8ervloe ALL MAKES of PUMPS. McHenry County Well & Pump Co. WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN POMPS AND REPAIRS Located in the Village of McCnllom Lake One mile from McHenry on the MoCullom and Wonder Lake Road. light of day on June' 23. Proud paternal |randjparents are Mr. arid Mrs. Tony Freund. Another birth of interest which took place on June 23 was the arrival -of the fourth daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Frank May. This young lady will be welcomed home by her three older sisters Beverly. Ardis and Arlette. ^ Now that the three queens have been taken care pf let's get to the master of the, group. Master Michael Roberts arrived at the Wood-, stqck hospital early last Tuesday morning, June 25. Emitt and Dolores are the proud parents arid Michael has even a prouder sistetcalled Cindy. Grandpa George Mieheis can also be put on the list of proud persons. Congiatulations to all the new parents and grandparents. Pot Luck Supper The liiessed Virgin sociality is planning a pot-luck supper for the members 011 July 10 at 6:30 in the school hall.- Each lady is asked to bring a dish to pass. Plan on tittending this meeting coming up on Jujy 10. Jojutsburg Boy's League On Monday evening, Juno 24. the Yanks took a trimming from the Red Sox by a score of 15 to 9. while on Wednesday evening, June 26, the Cards came out on top by a score of 9 to 6 over the Braves. The gqme "bn July 8 will be between the Cards and the Yanks and on July 10, the graves wW try very hard to defeat the Red Sox. These young fellows could still use some moral support so why not get out and watch these youngsters pldy ball. forester Outing The Lady Foresters of St. Agatha's court No. 777, have picked July 31 for a tentative date for their outir.g at Benedict Lake. Final plans haye not been made as yet so be sure to watch for some further information on this forthcoming outing. e" A Day of Fun , Several young ladies frorrKthis vicinity enjoyed :: iun-filled day Chicago at Riverview last week. They w^re driven .in. a station wagon to the park by; Mrs. Ann Peschke and her sen, Alan.,JVlaking up the group were Janice^ and Joyce May, Carol Stritar, Sandra Whiting, Georgette Miller, Nancy Weber," Marilyn Fuchs, Sandy Nellis and Japice Wakitsch. Attends Camp Ardell C)effl«ng, was one of the chosen few who attended the cheerleaders' camp held this year on the campus of Illinois Normal university. Tlie girls were at the camp from Sunday, Juqe 23, until the following Saturday. Other girls from the McHenry high school were from LilymoQr, Wonder Lake and McHenry. Around the T°wn Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bugner and children and Mr. and Mrs. John Bugner all of Ohio, visited at the Arnold Michels home and the Bill May home during this past week. , The Frank Schafer family is spending sometime vacationing in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Hank Nell and friends and Mesdames Betty Freund ami Helen. Mary and Betty attended a summer stock play in Marengo last Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Oeffling are looking forward to having their son, Tom, home on a thirty-day furlough. . Tom has been stationed at a Marine base in California for nine months and is as anxious about costing home as his parents to have lWn. Congratulations Corner The Phil 'Mangold home has reason xfor a double celebration ;this week. Phil and Eleanor completed twenty-one years of wedded bliss together on June 27. They intend to celebrate with friends on Saturday evening. Eleanor celebrated her birthday on June 30. Birthday wishes are extended to Mrs. Marie Busch, who observed her natal day recently, and to our Florida visitor, Betty Lou Keenan, who turned 21 on June 21. ? - Best wishes to all I -M The news was seht in early againthis week because of the holiday. If you have any news items- be sure to call me. I will be very glad to accept them from you. " Call For Volunteers If you have one day fa month to I spare and would lij>e to experience j the reward that comes from help- | ing others, physically, manually, i you may volunteer your services I to any pjie of several organjza- j tions in MoHenry county. YQU may ,ever, have special skills (typing, child training, crafts, nurses aid, laboratory assistant) or you may just have always wanted to become a part of this world pf "men in white." You are needed by the McHenry hospital, the Memorial hospital for McHenry county, or their auxiliary operated shops, if your abilities are in the sales persoit line, or by the loCftl Illinois association for the Crippled, located in th VFW building on Throop street, Woodstock. Business & Service Directory of Wonder Lake OPEN ON SUNDAY 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. WONDER LAKE BUILDERS SUPPLY Free Estimates and Delivery Phone Wonder Lake 3231 CRISTY and STENDEBACH General Contractors NEW HOMES Phone Wonder Lake 3432 FOR FINE CAREFREE COUNTRY LIVING YOU MUST SEE THESE FINE pOMES TO REALLY APPRECIATE THEM TWO FINE EXAMPLES OF WHAT YOU'LL FIND AT WORTHMOOR ESTATES 24' x 37%' Overall Dimensions On A 60' x 135' Lot 3 Bedrooms Full Basement Fully Insulated Only *14,500 Complete With Lot or $2500 Down Completely Decorated • 24' x 48' Overall Dimensions • On A 71' x 141' Lot • 2 Bedrooms 9 Full Basement • All Face Brick with Stone Front • Fully Insulated • Breezeway & 1-Car Garage ' Only *18,500 Complete With Lot Remember "We Feature Quality Reasonably Priced" Before you decide to buy -- pay us a visit and be convinced. A FINE COMMUNITY TO LIVE IN On Route 12 McHENRY, ILL. 3 Miles North of Volo Turn Left on Round Lake Road 1 Vi Miles PHONE -457 HAVE YOU HEARD? NYE proudly announces FAST - DEPENDABLE DELIVERY SERVICE TO THE McHENRY AREA Another friendly convenience we are happy to provide in appreciation of your patronage. NYE DRUGS "Your Walgreen Agency Drug Store" 129 N. Riverside Dr. PHONE 26 McHenry. I1L i V

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