Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jul 1957, p. 16

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NEWS Corky and Larry, are visiting with Village Sfe*s News comes that tht» roads are now being graded and Highland Drive and Sheridan Road on the south side are already completed. In order to see that the grading is done in the manner that the village wishes it done, Mr. McDermott rode along with the grader. The ruts and holes in the village will soon he a thing of the past. Notice the weed gutter on the lake? It's on the go now and will be in operation until the weeds are under control. It will take many man hours and hard labor before this job is complete but the end result will be worth waiting for. ~ Kittens While the entire area has "kittens" about the damp weather we've been having, Mama Kitty Schmit did something about it- She announces the birth of her four new kittens, Itchie, Scratch, Needles and Pins. Mama Kitty complains that her kittens give her little rest and no time off for galavanting. Ladles League The Ladies League met last Wednesday, June 26, at which time they held their annual election of officers. Elected to office were Irene Leon as president; Helen Para as vice-president; Mrs. Kate Wegener as treasurer, and Anne Bolda as secretary'. Trustees for the ensuing year are Helen Harder, Jessie Corbett and Marie Hyatt. An installation dinner is planned, to be held in September, "and points on that discussion will be brought up at the next meeting. The card and bunco party planned by the'Ladies League will be held on Saturday evening, July 20. Tickets can be ha«t by contacting any member of the organization. furlough Isst Mc.TsJay. June 24. and is/roporitxl ss being wr> happy to be back honx* with hss family. if only fo«r swrito a short time. Dale will kw on Tu^iay. July 2. to return to bis gmtp at twenty- nine P&imk. Calif. Welcome home. D»k\ »nd in the same breath may wv say "aufweidersehn." In Canada Hear Phil Kibbee took off for Canadf to spend a week fishing for the bi^grst ones. He* went with a friend and returned loaded down with the catch no one thought he'd get. I understand there were some pretty good sized ones in the batch. Welcome Lakemoor wishes to -welcome into our midst Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bostler and family. The ^ostlers have just moved into the Krieger residence here.. Among the family is a son, hard working and handsome, a daughter, finishing high school, and fine young 9-year-old boy who can not doubt beat the boys out: here in marble games. News Forthcoming Last Sunday found the McDermott home buzzing with excitement as Jen and Mac awaited the telephone call that would have "Sonny" on the other end in Honolulu, Hawaii. He didn't let out the big secret yet but warned mom and dad that a bit of good news was on its way and that he will share it with us when he's sure of very detail. Wonder what's up! Congratulations Congratulations are extended this week to Mr. and Mi's. Anthony Leon on the birth of their eleventh grandchild. June 26 was the very special day in their..lives when their daughter and son-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith, presented them with a beautiful new daughter weighing an even 9 Dale's Home Dale O'Leary arrived home on -RUPTURE -EASER lata life Worth Living FOB MEN, WOMEN, CMIUMfN No Fitting Required 1 M9 m* Imdn t» A •win. lam, llfl Ihlnti! Wart. » • -«< E.1V- 'IMP- <">> Mb* "Mine. H0M or W1 BuptuR-Euer. Soft. fl»» unto SMt pad holds ndnetbl* Inguinal A a ab rupture In plat* without gave- C fl DC In*--no itwl or leather bandi! # 7 J NO nrriNQ. merely adjart back Ueiag and let itrapa. •V Mpla trait! Oir* anion- • Meat mround lowest put of abdomen. atata riiH or Ml atda or doable. Ovar 1,000,000Grateful Ufni BOLGER'S PHONE 40 Pat No. M0CU1 cost oh w " ' sc V ' V , * " / " A - > * *y'A Nc the cost is high--# lot higher than any of as can afford to pay. But fortunately one needn't drag along with "half-way** health. Call on your Doctor to help yon. Accept his care and counsel. We'll play our part, of course, by carji fully compounding the prescriptions he writes^ BOLGER'S Drug Store PHONE 40 10S S. Green St. McHenry, EL CURT TEICH FARM grandmom and giandpop until the guests in the home of Mr. and Mis. Kunz. Lincoln Park 200 was the fnoin^ of interest for the entire Ste$dman family last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Hyatt, jSiv, spent Sunday at Aurora, vltsiting stork says their mom can take their new little sister home. Grandman and grandpop a^e reported as holding up gracefully under the strain. Doris Kibbe blew her candles out last.» Wednesday, June 19. Many happy returns. Doris. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Kibbe, Jr., celebrated their sixteenth wedding anniversary on June 21. May all your years be filled fuller, than ever before. Happy Apffti^ersary! j Socials !* The socials held every week on j Thursday evening at 8:30 at Wal- ' ly's are still going strong and all are invited to attend. They are j held for the purpose of obtaining ! recreational facilities and providing quarters for community projects. • July Joy Riders Mr. and Mrs. Gene Petlak and family of Chicago were- weekend guests in the home of Raymond Petlak this past week. Last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Louis McDonald of Inglfeside were \yith a cousin, Mrs. ^Catherine Bruch. . Entertained in the home of Doris and Phil Kibbe last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Kurt and family, Doris' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude -Moody, and grandmother, Mrs. Louis Mayer. Mrs. Helen Para and her two children, Tommy ^and Barbara, visited in Chicago last Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Para. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Vacondio left last Friday evening, June 28, to spend an exciting week in Boston, Mass, Mr. and Mrs. Vacondio expect to Return home by July 5. Here for a week's vacation to visit his aunt and uncle-is 9-yearold Gregory Hintz of Chicago. He's been staying with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brady and family. for better homes for lowest prices SEE US ROBERT HAY CONSTRUCTION Co. F.H.A. & VA. FINANCING * Masonery • Concrete • Carpentry PHONE: 1907 Bus. 1377 Home SOS E. Elm St. McHenry Is 2 Little Barbara Ann Para, who just celebrated her second birthday on June 28, has given us a list of her luncheon guests on her birthday. Th„ey were Mrs. Ti <3eiof Duck Lake, Mrs Dorothy ruble*.vski and daughters, Linda and Debbie, Ronnie Romowske, Ann Brzezinski and daughter,, Mary Ann, and Rita Erickson. Demonstration Party Mrs. Helen Para was hostess al a demonstration party given at her home last Wednesday night. A large number of guests arrived to enjoy the vast display and Refreshments were served to ,climax an evening of fun. SaveMore w mmwm ww m mm mm w wm w w mm mi M •• mm mi 1 T I L E IT YOURSELF AND SAVE! Top duality ,WaU Tile at LOWEST Prices 2BVi* sq. ft. Wholesale Prices to Contractors SERO ANT'S PHONE RICHMOND 4198 Located on Johnsburg Sd., S'/z miles North of Jnhnstmrg (About ZVz miles North of Sunnyside Estates) / Z E P H Y R - - '--v.-:: --- iJWU. ALL-SEASON r - ' i X VENTILATED ALUMINUM AWNINGS ROLL UP AWNING# \ DOOR HOODS COLOR AND STYLE FOR EVERY HOME Aluminum Combination Windows & Doors LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD DOORS & WINDOWS ARTHUR BOGER SOT E. Waukegan Bd. Phone 1180 , McHenry, Illinois Having decided to discontinue farming the undersigned will offer the following personal property for sale /at public auction on the farm located, Similes Southwest, of Antiofch, 111., 2 miles West of Route 59 on Beach Grove Road, (Watch for Arrows) on SATURDAY -- JULY 6TH Commencing at 1:00 o'clock ; CAR, TRUCK & TRAILER -- 1950 International % ton pick-up with cattle rack, A-l condition; 1949 Packard station wagon; 2-wheel trailer. COOLER -- Walk-in 10 x 18 Cooler with 3 compartments, 3-way control, 2 unit like new and can be taken apart and moved. DAIRY EQUIPMENT -- McC-D 4-can cooler, like new; 3 wash tanks; pails; drinking cups; stanchions and other articles. CHICKEN EQUIPMENT -- Laying Battery for 400 chicks with auto, waterers and cleaners; Chicken pickers and funnels; Electric Brooder; Brooder battery for 400 Broilers with waterers and cleaners. . BUILDINGS -- 12 ft. Com Crib, like new; 3 chicken houses. "TRACTOR & XTARM MACHINERY & Miscellaneous Items -- McC-D Cub tractor with plow, mower, cult., snow plow, disc; 2-wheel tractor type manure spreader; Corn sheller; spring tooth; dump rake; Swiss rotp tiller; 4 ventilator fans; feeders; steel tank; Viking small feed grinder With motor; 2 scales and General Electric refrigerator: Briggs & Strat^on motor; Lawn roller, hedge, cart; Table saw; Field & Whitewash sprayer; 2-wheel chemical cart %nd other articles. (10 Acres of property for sale). , ifcOBT TEICH. Owner v . BrOBERS & BEHM, Auctioneers WISCONSIN SAt>E& 66RPORATJON, Clerk # • Vi Uttton Clroye, Win. -- Phone 195 AN ORDINANCE MAKING THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1957-1958 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE City ot McHenry, Illinois; SECTION 1. That it is deemed necessary in order to defray the necessary expenses and liabilities of said City for the current fisb^l year, that there' be ahd there hereby is appropriated to provide'f0r the general tax levy and other revenue for the current fiscal year, the aggregate sum of Three Hundred Eighty-six Thousand One Hundred Twenty No/100 Dollars ($386,120.00); that the object arid purposes for which said appropriation is made and the amounts appropriated for the same are as follows, to-wit: Interest on bonded indebtedness -- $ 4,970.00 Payments on Maturing Bonds 23,000.00 Special Assessments adjustment fund • • 4,500.00 Public Property-- . Improvements to park property 5.0QO.OO Materials and supplies 4, Labor and repairs . 3,000.00 .Telephone • r 300.00 Light and gas 250.00 ] Miscellaneous --. 500.00 \ New equipment *. • • • 5,000.00 Athletic field 1,500.00 Police dept. gas, oil & repairs 3,500.00 Water Works and Sewerage System-- Salaries 12,000.00 Equipment purchases -- 7,500.db Equipment maintenance J 2,000.00 Labor, repairs & supplies ° 7,500.00 Power 2,000.00 Meters 2,000.00 Collection fees ••••, 1,000.00 Miscellaneous 5,000.00 Watchman service 1,500.00 New well 15,000.00 Insurance 500.00 New construction 100,000.00 Salaries-- Police *25,000.00 City attorney 450.00 City clerk 3,600.00 Zoning 3,000.00 Mayor and alderman • \ • 3,000.00 Treasurer 1 250^00 Collector 1,200.00 Board of health 100.00 Streets and Alleys-- Salaries 15,000.00 Lighting 6,000.00 Street lights - 1,500.00 Material and supplies 5,000.00 Construction 10,000.00 Miscellaneous 2,500.00 Snow removal 2,000.00 Labor on streets & repairs 15,000.00 New equipment 6,500.00 Legal Fees and Court Costs 5,000.00 Band 1,000.00 Library : 1,500.00 Printing and Publications 5,000.00 Loss and Cost of Collecting Taxes 3,000.00 Contingent-- Sidewalks 1,000.00 Auditing 1,000.00 Special Salaries and Wages 3,500.00 Supplies " 400.00 Printing 800.00 Election 500.00 Insurance 3,500.00 Sundry 3,000.00 Official Bonds 450.00 Parking Meters-- Salaries 5,000.00 Collection Tees 350.00 Repairs and Supplies ; 1,000.00 Miscellanepus 500.00 New Meters 5,000.00 Engineering 6,000.00 Civil Defense 500.00 Motor Fuel Tax 25,000.00 State Employees' Retirement System 1,000.00 $386,120.00 SECTION 2. AU unexpended balances of any item or items of any general appropriation made by this Ordinance may be expended in making up any insufficiency in any items in the same general appropriation and for the same general purposes or in a like appropriaticm made by this Ordinance. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage, approval and publications,' according to law. Passed this 17th day of June A.D., 1957 Approved this 17th day of June A.D., 1957 GEORGE P. FREUND Affpef• Mayor of the City of McHenry EARL R. WALSH City Clerk (Pub. July 3, 1957X \ Want A a Place" Kitchen - 9 _ \ BtCHMONO Q\IINO«OOft M'HIMKY V CmvwIMMV •VU VAUIT AHA A FINE EXAMPLE OF WHAT ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. CAN DO FOR YOUR KITCHEN * Custom Designed To Fit Your Personal Tastes & Needs. * Finest Quality Materials Matched Hardwoods Beautifully Finished for Lifetime Beauty & Service. * Fine Craftsmanship By Carpenters Who Really Know Fine Workmanship. So pay us a visit soon and see about that new kitchen that will save you work and give lull satisfaction. P• : OUR NEW LOCATION l« EASY TO PINO Conveniently Located on Highway Si South of Main St. ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING SPACE OUR COMPETENT STAFF IS EQUIPPED TO ASSIST YOU WITH ANY BUILDING PROBLEM s BRING YOUR HOME UP TO DATE s EE It's easy to modernize your present home. Increase the value and livability^ of your home ^ EE by remodeling. == 55 WE CAN HELP YOU WITH THE -- EE | PLANNING - MATERIALS - FINANCING 1 == NO MONEY DOWN j= iiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii "SUPPORT McHENRY COUNTY YOUTH AT THE FAIR AUG. 1-2-3-4" ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" On Highway 31 - South Off Main Street - McHenry, lllinds PHONE 1424 "ALWAYS FIRST . . . SERVICE T6 OUR CO STOMERS"

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