McHenry Plaindealer Phone 170 - 171 v Published every Thursday at McHenry, UL, by the McHenry Publishing Company, inc. ' NAT! ON AI E D I T O R I A L AsTbcFATI^N ^ U / fcllUMI.ilLWlf.ilJM W. BURFEINDT, (len'1. Manager ADELE FROEHLICH, Editor SUBSCRIPTION BAT* In BtcHenry County 1 Yea* M&OO 6 Months" U«^^i£75 3 Months -,..^..,.^>.,$1.00 Outside McHenry County • 1 Year $3.50 6 Months $2.00 3 Months $L25 57it»n0isy />««! V-7- warn ,TTjqS7L-TJb,,' V S Entered as second-class mat ter at the post office at Mo- Henry, Illinois, under the act of May 8, 1879. i>r., Walter C. Besley Dr. Walter C. Besley, 81, who was in the McHenry high school's first graduating class in 1892, died in East Moline, 111., on Tuesday morning, July 2. The deceased was born in Chicago July 27, 1875, a son - of George and Sophie Cone Besley. V He was preceded in death by his wife, Cora Bennett Besley, and also Ella Knight Long Besley; and a sister, Mrs. Doris Price. Survivors include two sons, Dr. Vernon Besley of Freeport and Walter Besley of Desmoines, 111.; a step-daughter, Frances Mary Lichty, of Florida, and a sister, Mary Wyncoop, of Woodstock. Rev. Clarence Kerr will officiate at services to be held Thursday from the Merwin funeral home in Woodstock.--- Dr. Besley was a practicing dentist in that\ city for many years. Frank Nealin Frank Nealin, 77, of jHartland, a former McHenry resident, died early Monday morning, July 1, in Memorial hospital, Woodstock. Surviving are two brothers, Thomas of Hartland and Dan of Chicago; and two sisters, Sarah and Julia of Hartland. The body rested at the Merwin funeral home until 10 o'clock Wednesday morning, when services were held at St. I Patrick's church, Hartland, with Naurial. in Calvary cemetery. \ Frank Mikoleit ^ Frank Mikoleit, 59, a resident of the Spring Grove area for the past nine years, died in a Kenosha, -Wis., hospital last 'Thursday, June 27, after an illness of two years' duration. Mr. Mikoleit purchased the Joseph Brown tavern in 1948 and since that time had been a Spring Grove businessman. The body rested at the Strang -funeral home in Antioch until ^Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, when services were held thpre. Sympathy is extended to his bereaved family from the residents of Spring Grove. Classified AOs p!ace yours with tyjday. bring result* the Plaindealer At ceremonies marking the start of major construction work on Dresden Nuclear Power station recently, officials inspected excavation fo rthe 190-foot steel sphere that will house the country's largest nuclear power reactor. Scheduled for completion in 1960, the 180,000-kilovVatt plant will be owned and operated by the Commonwealth Edison-Public Service company system. It is being built by General Electric company for a contract price of $45,000,000, with completion scheduled for 1960. LEGAL PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Proposed Change in Schedule Commonwealth Edison Company and its Public Service Company Division hereby give notice to the public that certain revisions in Schedule 8-R, Information and Requirements for the Supply of Electric Service, have been filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission on June 25, 1957. It is proposed that paragraph (5.22), which relates to service entrance requirements for multiple- occupancy residential buildings, be revised to incorporate as requirements the standards of the National Electrical Code and the applicable local code and, in addition, to recommend standards of service entrance and feeder capacity which will provide for load growth. It is also proposed that, in paragraphs (5.20) and (5.21), the minimum service entrance wire sizes for controlled water heater installations be changed to provide for the higher heater wattages now allowed. COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY * By H. H. NEXON Director of Rates (Pub. July 3-11, 1957) PUBLIC PULSE Propose Memorial It is my understanding that at the time the city of McHenry baseball diamond and athletic field was secured for the youths of our community, it was largely through the cooperation and generosity of the late A. P. Freund that the property was made available The thought has occurred to me that it would be timely and a fitting gesture to name the athletic field in memory of the late A. P. Freund. Your consideration to this suggestion will be greatly appreciated. Respectfully, Vincent Adams Cool, Calm and Collected . Caught...In a PRINCE MATCHABELLI Nine refreshing favors... the nicest gift you can give to your hot-and-bothered self. NEW! 3% oz. Cologne Spray Mist.. .$2 4 oz. Cologne... |1 Stick Deodorant... $1 $ Anti-Perspirant Spray Deodorant... 51 4 Cakes Bath Soap... $1 Dusting Powder... $1 Bubbling Bath Salts... $1 Perfume Creme Sachet... $1 Also, 8 oz. Cologne... $1.65 Mctl ptjS for M4rc««C*« c fir M ioap Bolgers drug store 103 S. Green St. PHONE 40 McHenry, 111. Dear Friends & Neighbors: You Are Cordially Invited To Attend St JOSEPH'S DINNER and CARNIVAL Friday, Saturday & Sunday, July 1213 & 14 It's WORTH traveling miles to enjoy Our FISH FRY DINNER with French Fries FRIDAY, JULY 12- 6 - 9 P . M . BEEF - HAM FAMILY STYLE DINNER SUNDAY, JULY 14 -- 12 - 3 P.M. SUNDAY SUPPER -- 5 - 7 P.M. ^ A W A R D S : 1957 CHEVROLET BEL-AIR SPORT COUPE (8 cyL POWER-PAK) 650-700 LB. YOUNG STEER -- ELECTRIC COFFEE PERCOLATOR CLOCK RADIO -- TABLE RADIO -- &LANKET -- "BRIDE" WALKING DOLL fWf^AMES & RIDES OF ALL KINDS U.S. HWY. 12, A m&vm A 173 ' RICHMOND, ILLINOIS PARISHIONERS OF ST. JOSEPHS, REV. JOSEPH W. KAISER REV. FRANK J. MILLER McHENRY D] GUEST AT ANNUAL HOME BUREAU'MEET t The annual county ^meeting of the Home Bureau wiil be held Monday, July 8, In" Westwood school, Woodstock, at 1:30 o'clock, featuring Mrs. Ann Varese of McHenry, dramatist and musical comedy artist, who will dramatize the book, "Oh, What a Wonderful Wedding." Also part pf the program is the appearance of! "Ten Little Niggers," a skit by the Junior Clovers 4-H club of Huntley, • which was one of the ten best out of thirty-four in the 4-H Sharethe- Fun contest this, spring. The program has been planned to include business, reports and election of officers. The new home economics extension council treasurer will be Mrs. Roy Jacobson, replacing Mrs. Ralph White, and Mrs. Henry Knell will be the new special project chairman, taking the place of Mrs. Erich Schnittke. Other new officers will be announced at the meeting. HUNTLEY VETERAN ELECTED COMMANDER OF COUNTY LEGION Carl Jurs of Huntley, a veteran of World War II, was elected commander of the McHenry county American Legion council at a meeting held in Harvai^ Thursday night. He succeeds Rofxert Wilbrandt of Crystal Lake. The membership rei>ort made at the meeting revealed a new high of 3,383, which is 126 more members than last year, the previous all-time high. Woodstock leads the fourteen posts with 777 members. McHenry ranks third with 510 and Wonder Lake has 43. The next council meeting will be in Crystal Lake on July 25. McHenry State Bank pays 2% on saving deposits. All deposits Insured by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. ^ 9-3 HTfllj RV ll DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEL Chiropractic Physician Xaprapathic Manipuation 25 Orchard Beach Road McHenry, I1L Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs. ft Fit, 30 a.m. to 12 p.m. 1:S0 pan. to 5:30 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 10 a-m- to , 2 pjn. Phone McHenry 748 Wed 63 Years THE .R C. HICKS One of those rare occasions, the observance of a sixty-third wedding anniversary, took (ilace last Thursday, June 27, in Johnsburg when Mr. and Mrs. Robert C Hicks of Millet subdivision passed that milestone. The day was spent quietly, without celebration, although both Mr. and Mrs. Hicks are well and able to be about. They have many friends in the Johnsburg area who join in extending congratulations to the couple, who have lived in this community for almost ten years. Mr. Hicks is retired as an employee of the Chicago post office. His wife remains very active, taking care of the many duties about their home. , They have two children, Mrs. Walter (Agnes) Kloss of Chicago and Mrs. Harry (Celia) Heckart of Winslow, Ark.; also one granddaughter and three great-grandchildren. DR. O. R. SWANSON Dentist Office Hqnra: *\ Dally Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:80 to 5:80 Mon., Wed. and Fri. Evenings By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 160 Sand Limestone VERN THELEN Excavating Gravel Black Dirt Dredging Tel. McHenry 1SS6 Bt 5, Box 1020 , McHenry, I1L EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Ante, Farm At lAfe Insurance Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When Yon Need Insurance of Any Kiitd PHONE 43^ or 953 Green A Elm MeHenry, BL SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental & Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms S Miles South on Rt. 81 PHONE 980 DR. BL D. SAVAGE DR. D. McCONNEL Veterinarians Office Hours: 10 un. xo 12 Noon 1 pjn. to 8 pm Evenings By Appointment none 8221 Richmond, 111. 3 Good Reasons For Always Using McHenry Plaindealer Want Ads * Low Rales * Good Results * Easy To Place Tel. McHenry 170 McHENBY LEGION • BEATS WONDER LAKE WITH NO-HIT GAMS McHENRY LEGION BEATS ... . Gene Freund and Tom Claybaugh- combined to pitch a no hit game at Wonder Lake as McHenry won 4ts eighth straight game 19-2. Gene relieved Ray Bujak in the first inning with the bases full and no out. He got out of the inning after Wonder Lake took a 2-1 lead on a walk and an error on an attempted pick-off play. Tom Claybaugh pitched three scoreless innings, striking out nine. ~ Jim Peterson and John Gates led the attack each with a triple and single as most of the regulars made only token appearances. Bob Meyer also tripled and drove in three runs. Claybaugh scored four runs and Mickey Schaefer three as each got on . and scored every time at bat. This is Wonder , Lake's- first year at Legion baseball and they have the facilities for a very fine diamond, Most of the boys are young .as Legion players go, but are putting up a good scrap. Cashin and Drum! turned in fine defensive plays in the outfigld. -----"-'I;-- / Eichinger--3B, 2B •s* l 'ill 0 Peterson-J-IB * : 2.v 2 Benson--LF 2 0 1 Corey--LF . l 0 0 Moss--^C - ' «S:< © 0 Bujak-^-P 0 0 0 Freund--P, CF 3 2 1 Litwin--CF 1 0 0 Sompel--2B 3 1 0 Bentz--3B 1 1 0 Claybaugh--CF, P 1 4 1 M. Schaefer--RF 0 '3 0 Smith--RF 0 0 0 Totals 24 19 8 Miller--IB, C 1 0 Apostolou--3B .2 1 0 Cashin--LF 1 0 0 Roti--P 2 0 0 K. Weissenburger--2B 1 0 0 Byrne--SS 2 0 0 Drum!--RF 2 0 0 Weissenburger--CF .vt'} • j X % '.jfe'# ' Konecney--G, '2 i 0 "Totals • ••; .2 0 McHenry 166 42 Wonder Lake 200 00 2 -0-4 3BH:. Meyers, Gates, Peterson. RBI: Gates-2, Meyer-3, Peterson, Benson. Claybaugh, Smith. . Base on Balls: Roti-11, Bujak 3, Freund-2, Claybaugh - 2. Struck Out: Roti-4, Freund-5. Claybaugh - 9. Winning Pitcher: Freund 2f-0. NOTICE The police department has two bicycles at the station, both boys' bikes. Owners may claim by identifying them. McHenry (19) J. Schaef^i*--SS Gates--SS Meyer--3B A.B. 1 f 2 R. 2 1 2 H. 0 2 1 Buy US. Savings Bonds OPEN A CONVENIENT T Credit Account Now WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING McHenry Gift Enterprizes Distributors of General Merchandise OUTLET PHONE 2828 WAREHOUSE 523 MAIN ST. McHENRY MAIN H0MECRAFTERS ILLINOIS CERTIFICATE No. 1062 McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHONE 2833 - 106999 Your Home Deserves the Best Designers and Installers of Aluminum Storm Windows - Doors and Awnings Mirrors - Glass Tops -- Jalousie Doors „ >--' On All Types of Aluminum - Fiber Glass -YOU INSTALL Roll-up Awnings YOU SAVE 80* PER SQ.FT. NELS STARK Office and Show Blocks East of River on Rt, 120 RUI>Y PAUSELU H. F. HARRISON CO. Realtors Insurance - Real Estate Appraisals Phone 1910 405 W. Elm Street FOR PROFESSIONAL attention to your LIFE INSURANCE needs call on Larry Booster -- Virgil Pollock The New England Mutual Life Insurance Company 204 E. Elm St. Phone 2500 Expert PIANO TUNING and Repairing A. G. SKALA? te/o Steffan'g Jewelry Store ' 514 W. Main Street PHONE 128-J Nothing gives your kitchen the modern look like a,modern electrie range and nothing cooks cleaner, cooks cooler or cooks food, faster! mm 'iw.iiwii iliiiiii Today's trend is to electricity--in the kitdhen and in every other room of the modern home. Probably nothing reflects this trend better than today's electric ranges. They're trim, attractive and easy to use. You get exactly the heat you select. No guesswork. And you'll cook everything from peas to pot roast, See your electrie appliance dealer perfectly--first time you try. You'll like a lot of other things your dealer has to show you about today's electric ranges (you'll also be surprised how easy it is to own one). And, no matter which model you choose, you can be sure it will be as modern in the years ahead as it is today. y Public Service Company C CoBWMBWMtth EdiMS