Jewish Studies Group Hold Second Rummage Sale r.The Jewish Studies Group of McHenry county will hold its second "Old Barn" rummage sale on Friday and Saturd&y, July 19 and 20 beginning at' 10 a.m. The sale will be held at Maurice Gladstone's barn located north on Routes 31, across from St. Mary's cemejcry. Among the items offered for sale will be clothing, dishes, toys, furniture, pictures, jewelry, textiles, hand crocheted items, baby clothes, knick-knacks and many items too numerous to inention. Borchnrdt Family Reunion For 72 A family reunion was held per cently at the F; P. Borchardt. home on Pistakee Bay road, with seventy-two present for dinner. Most of the guests were from Illinois and Wisconsin. The reunions began when Mr. Borchardt's parents celebrated their golden wedding anniversary and at first were held annually. However, because of their size, they are now enjoyed every three years. BRIDAL COUPLE - ^ ; - - - i • • ; IBS :• ' v :V;v? ^ Inaiva /July 11. 1957 New Strawberry Banana Treat Annual Freund Family Reunion The second annual family reunion of the descendants of Michael and Susan Freund was held on Sunday, June 20, at the V.F.W. park in McHenry. There was a pot-luck picnic at noon, with 107 members in attendance. Most of those present live in McHenry but others also attended from Burlington and Kenosha, Wis,, Lake Zurich, Mundelein, Harvard, Waukegan, Bartlett and Gumee. . In charge were Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Spieker, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. George Haldeman, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wagner and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phannehstill. .» ' Medlar Photo The Paul E. Dyes Miss Caroline Jones of Wonder View, Wonder Lake, became the bride of Paul E. Dye Saturday, June 22, in a pretty wedding ceremony which took place in Christ the King church. WED IN JUNE Entertain P.T.A. ] Of Oakton School I The Schumachers of River Ter-; race entertained the P.T.A. of i the Oakton school in Evanston on i Tuesday5 before the Fourth. AI group of about fifty spent thei day enjoying the swimming, j boating and picnicking. Among1 those present were Melton Boll-! man, principal of Oakton school; j Mrs. William Nichols, president | of the P.TA.; and Wm. Nichols, principal of the Dawes school. ! Bak Studio The Anthony Schaefers This pretty bride was Miss Kathryn McMahon of Bull Valley road before her marriage on June 22 at St. Patrick's church, McHenry, to Mr. Anthony Schaefer of Johnsburg. Families who like the flavor of strawberries, bananas and cream (and who doesn't!),-will like this new way of combining them in easy-to-make Banana, Fans. - \ Strawberries can be fresh, frozen, or strawberry preserves.'The recipe calls for whipped cream, but you can use softened ice cream if you choose. The base that holds all these good" flavors together, gives them shape and interesting texture is a packaged banana flip frcini your grocer's ready-to-eat-cake department. One banana flip makes two Banana Fans. Allow one Fan for each serving. Banana Fans With Strawberry Topping § banana flips Defrosted frozen straw- ® 3 bananas, cut into % berries, fresh strawinch diagonal slices berries or strawberry % cup whipping cream preserves • Cut banana flips in half crosswise. Open carefully, using knife. Lay banana slices in opening, top with whipped cream, and close. Make six. Place bowl of strawberries or strawberry preserves in center of serving plate and arrange Banana Fans around it. Serves six. . HONOR COUPLES' FIFTY-FOURTH WEDDING DAY Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schulz were honored guests at a family party held June 30 at their home in Niesen's subdivision. It was a day long to be remembered by this beloved couple for it marked their fifty-fourth wedding anniversary, which fell on June 2T, and the seventy-fifth birthday of the "bride." The couple's five children and their families, including six of their nine great grandsons, and two nieces and their husbands were present to partajte of a delicious buffet dinner which featured a decorated birthday cake honoring Mrs. Schulz and her son. Kenneth whose birthday occurred June 29. THE ANTON BLAKES RETURN FROM TEN DAY MOTOR TRIP The Charles Ensigns Observe Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ensign, long time residents of McHenry and now living at 993 Spafford street Anfcioch, will hold open house Sunday afternoon July 14 in celebration of their fiftieth •wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Ensign were married at the Congregational church parsonage, July 10, 1907. They have two sons, Rolland of McHenry and Howard of Millburn. 0SRITAL ile&i Mr. and Mrs. Anton Blake have , just returned from a 10 day vaca- I tion trip which took them through I some of the most beautiful parts of the United &tatep. Tfiey*"toured i South Dakota, enjoyed the Black Hills, the Bad Lands and attended the Passion Play. Further travelling took them to Hot Springs, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Memorial Hospital • Patients admitted to the Mem- 1 orial hospital at Woodstock the past week included Mrs. Clara Durlin, Ringwood; Mrs. Willie Hall, Master Roger Hyatt and Master John Wirfs, all of McHenry. KATHLEEN GREANEY GUEST OF HONOR ' AT NUPTIAL SHOWER Debra Ann Freond Christened Sunday The baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Freund was christened Debra Ann on Sunday, June 30 at St. Mary's church. Rev.^John Reuland officiated at the rite. Sponsors for the baby were Mrs. Elaine Miller and George Gilpin of McHenry. C. D. of A. Holds Pot-Luck Picnic The C a t h o l i c D a u g h t e r s of America will hold a pot luck picnic Wednesday, July 17, at 1 p.m. on the lawn of the home of Mrs. Wallace Dobyns on south Riverside Drive. i McHenry Hospital Patients at McHenry hospital this past week were Catherine Munson, Mrs. Dora Keck, Laura Loveless, Mrs. Kate Betleyewski, Mrs. Margaret James, Gilbert . Kloeckner, Mrs. Sylvia Pearson, George Creswell, Salvator Parisi, j Rose Hutchinson, James Giddings, Rev. J. Elliott Corbett, Florence Finney and Paul Nitz, all of the McHenry area; Michael Borre, Solon Mills; Elma Johnson and Dolly Sterling, Crystal Lake; Walter Frett, Johnsburg; William Hunt, Woodstock; Mrs. Doris Woodbury, Chicago and Arthur Wanner, LaCrosse, Wis. CARD OF THANKS The thoughtfulness and sympathy extended by our friends and neighbors during our recent sorrow will always remain with is as a precious memory. Our sincere thanks to all. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Conway Mr. and Mrs. Robert Saleans Sister Mary St. Hilda, John, Leo, Clarence and Robert *10 Conway. j CARD OF THANKS j I would like to take this means | of thanking everyone for their j visits, cards, flowers and prayers and the many kindnesses shown during my recent stay in the hos- ; pital. 110 Maria Buenzli McHenry State Bank Pays 2% on saving deposits. All deposits insured by Federal Deposit In- ! surance Corporation. 9-3 Miss Kathleen Greaney was honored on June 30 with a shower; given in her honor by Mrs. Eleanor Higgins of Franklin Park and Mrs. Eileen Klapperich of McCullom Lake. An approximate one hundred guests arrived for the affair which was held at the Lakemoor Fire-Community house. Miss Greaney will become the bride of Mr. Ronald Godina of Lakemoor on Saturday, July 27. CARD OF THANKS , Our thanks to the many friend^" of Andrew Worwick who gave floral offerings at the time of his death, also the casket bearers and donors of cars. For their kind assistance we wish to express our appreciation to Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Brunswick, Mr. and Mrs. John Kirwin, Bob Conway, Dr. John T. Gray, Sgt. Soucie, John Dreymiller, American Legion Post No. 491, Rifle Squad of American Legion Post No. 491, American Legion auxiliary unit No. 491, Members of V.F.W. and Photographers' Ass'n. of Northern Illinois. We are especially grateful to Rev. Corbett for his services. J. M. Mosley Paul Yanda Co-Executors 10 Andrew Worwick Estate July 19-20 Second Annual "Old Barrf' Rummage Sale--Sponsored by Jewish Studies Group. July 20-21 St. Peter's Church Carnival and Chicken Dinner--Spring Grove: July 29 ~ r W.C.O.F. St. Clara's Court No. 657. Regular meeting. July 27-28 Rummage Sale--Mathews Hall, Wonder Lake--Sponsored by Altar and Rosary Sodality of Christ the King Church. July 81 ». y Annual Summer Party Sponsored by Altar tiind * Rosary Sodality of St. Patrick's "ghjirch-- 1 p.m. .f I v August 7 § 1 Juvenile Forester Picnic - Benedictine Abbey - Benet Antioch- August 10-lF ^ Country Art Fair -- Sponsored by McHenry Hospitals Auxiliary-. . Flower Show, "SuirunertJtj&e Di The Country"--Harrisort 'School August 21 • , Fall Fashion Show--Sponsored by St. Mary's Home sinji Sehopl (formerly P.T.A.) -- Legion Hall. August, 22 ••jJ;. - W.C.O.F. St. Clara's :iCQurt N$, 657. Regular meeting, ^ J\: August SI - Septi^; Annual Church Carniv^-^ritt the King Church, Wonder Lake.*" CARD OF THANKS Sincere appreciation and thanks goes to the host of friends whose kind deeds, visits, cards, expressions of solicitude and prayers have been so helpful on my road •to recovery, following a most tragic accident. *10 Harold (Pat) Owen PERSONALS . H'» 111 I iM-i' M-M'-M.* Ralph and Andrea Ham sen of Champaign, spent the weekend-.•Mfith the former's relatives here- Miss . Janice Thill of Aurora, spent the j>sist couple of weeks in the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Anl|fl Diedrich. , Miss Lena Stoffel was a guest in the home of her sister, Mrs. Curtis ^We'stfall in Chicago the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brefeld of Chicago spent the Fourth of July with McHenryA relatives. The Robert Frisby family of Twin Lakes and Chicago, visited McHenry. relatives Tuesday. Betty Eversole is spending a vacation at her home in Houghton, Mich.. ' Mrs... Glen Robinson (Doris Bacon) and, son Warren of Yuma City, Calif, spent the past week with her mother, Mrs. Zena Bacon. Sister Mary St. Hilda ^nd Sister Mary Ignatius Loyola of Des Moines,- Iowa; Mr. and JVTrs. John Conway of Fenton, Mich.; Leo Conway of Chicago, and Mr. i and Mrs. Clarence Conway and ! children Joyce, Dorothy, Tommy j and Dale of Janesville, Wis. spent | a few days the past week here where they were called by the death of Edward Conway. I Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller, Eugene Miller, son Phillip, Mr. and Mrs. ^ Jerome Miller and daughters spent the Fourth of July weekend near Spooner, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Vern McCleman of Manistee, Mich; were recent guests in the> home of her sister, Mrs. William. Wissell and family. Jimmie Jay Mahoney, of Chicago spent the Fourth of July weekend in the home of his aunt Mra.r Eleanor Foley. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Merges of Chicago spent a few days the past week Uj f the home of their daughter, Mi's. Jerome Miller. The James Cornue family of Hebron; Pekrl, Barbara, Linda and Wendy Wissell of Zenda, Wis.; the James Wissell and Charles Wissell families of Alden, Mr. and Mrs". Hilmer Hetke and sons of Libertyville, Mi\ arid Mrs, William Wissell and son Dick enjoyed a reunion of the William Wissell family, at the Bob Wissejl home south of this city July 4. Mr. arid Mrs. James Jamrock and daughters of Chicago were weekend guests in the Eugene Miller home, i Mrs. George Phalin spent a few days the past week with her daughter Mrs. Jack Zoia and fairiily in Milwaukee, Wis. Mrs. Zena Bacon, her daughter Mrs. Glen Robinson, son Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bacon, son Duane and friend were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rapp at Arlington Heights Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Patzke and daughter Sally of Fort Meyers, Fla., spent the past week with McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blake and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blake left Friday evening by train, for a vacation at Yellowstone Park. - Mr. and Mrs. Antori Williams, Mrs. • Mike Degen, Mrs. Fred Smith and Joseph Williams visited their sister, Sister N. Lambert at St. Joseph's Convent, Milwaukee, Sunday. . Miss Florence Antholz and Mrs. Harry Green ' are spending a two weeks vacation at Sayner, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Larson and daughters and Mrs. Ed. Nordin have returned from a trip to Niagara Falls and other points of interest in the east. Mrs. Jennie Mae Richardson left last week for a visit in the home of her son Robert and family in Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. Peter N. Jus tea are spending a* few weeks at Denver, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. William Heimer spent a few days last week with their daughter Mrs. Edward Gitzke and family in Cary. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Burns of Hollywood, Fla. are spending ten days with their son Bob and family at their summer home at Hickory Grange. Mr. and Mrs. K J. Simanek, Mrs. Bruce Nelson and sons of Racine, Wis., were the home of Mrs. John M o n d a y . r rr~ Misses Ermiriie 'arid Grace Carey of Wilmot, visited McHenry relatives Sunday. - ' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sutton enjoyed a vacation in Colorado the past week. Gail apd Tamara Schmalfeldt of Kenosha, were recent guests of Mrs. Irene Guffey. Miss Mary Ann Bolger was home from D'eKalb for a weekend visit with her mother, Mrs. Lillian Bolger. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Buck spent1 the holiday weekend at Mercer, Wis. , Miss Dianne Tonyaif of McHenry and her cousin Judy Behm of Grayslake returned last weekend from a three week vacation. They toured the Grand Canyon National Park, California, and spent one week in Hawaii] They also visited their uncle, Kenneth Tonyan in Sari Francisco before returning home. Mrs. Donald Hayes arid sons of Chicago, visited here Saturday. His mother, Mrsi Edith Hayes returned home with him for a visit. \- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago, spent a /ew days the past week with McHenry relatives. Miss Lucy Howden of Richmond, was a guest iri the home of her sister, Mrs. LeRoy Conway July Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Olhava are vacationing at their home on Center St. BIRTHS CHANGE MEETING NIGHT St. Clara's,Court No. 657 W.C.O. F. announce a change of meeting nights for the months of July and August. The meetings will be held July 25 and August 22 at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Swanson of Aurora, are the parents' of a 9 lb. 4 oz. son, born July 5. Mrs. Swanson is the former Nancy Lange, granddaughter of Mrs. Zena Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Franks Estes, Jr., are the parents of girl born July 2; at Memorial hospital. A girl was. born July. 8 to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Diedrich at Memorial hospital. v O.E.S. News by. Lillian Bossier Our last meeting before the summer vacation was held July 9. No st^t.ed meeting until' August 27. Happy-vacation to all of you. OBITUARIES Frartcis McNamara,' 66, of' Mc- Cuilom Lake, died July 4 in the Villa Rest Home at Pistakee Bay after .^^tong illness. Mi^&pNamara was. born in Chfo cagO .Sejjt. 1890. He was employed as a Jjjtfpkkeeper with a Chicago, electrical firm. Surviving are the toidow, Harriet, three sons, a daughter and one brother. Funeral services were held at St. Mary's Catholic church, at 9:30 a.m. Monday morning. ' CARD OF THANKS | I wish at this time, to take this opportunity to give thanks to my many, many wonderful friends, relatives and co-workers of the McHenry State Bank for their many beautiful cards,, gifts, flowers apd : special prayers offered for rrieJ while I was a patient at Memorial hospital. Special thanks to Rev. Corbett for his-visit and prayers offered and to riiy many other visitors. Again my m«5t heartfelt thanks. 10 Beverly Blish Most of us are not as smart as we look, thanks to our tailors and facial experts. MARRIAGE LICENSE Don B. Bruns, Cary, and Barbara H. Conway, McHenry. KEEP YOUR SEPTIC TANK WORKING SMOOTHLY Inexpensive-- Eaty to apply • Stimulates Bacterial action • Help* prevent Sluggish or clogged septic systems BOYER BAC-TIVAT0R Ace Hardware 130 Riverside Dr. McHenry PHONE 722 CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this opportunity to thank the city council, fire department, police department and all who helped in any way with the American Legion carnival, for their slendid cooperation in ^making the carnival a huge success. Ed Reid, Ameican Legion 10 Carnival Chairman Drive Slower and Enjoy Life For Your Finest Selection of Summer SPORTSWEAR COORDINATES Also Jewelry & Lingerie S06 W. Elm Si McHenry, III.. -- Phone 2713 The average lady today is not "tied down" at home the way she was several years ago . . , She is on the go outside of her home; doing club work, playing golf, attending social functions, etc. As a result, she is more style conscious than at any time in history. She knows that her hairstyle must be individually styled for her to enhance her clothes and her natural features. Our salon is well-known for the expertly styled permanent waves we create for our clients. We suggest that you phone 147 now for your appointment. AIR-CONDITIONED Open Tues., Thurs. and Fri. Evenings *til 9:00 YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR^BUSINESS '(^RiversiJe ^fairsl^ling ofui\ 126 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. to Phone 147 M 4'/" / \ 0 OVER 50 YEARS v. Service # Jy. -• :• - , Accounts PROVIDING * Sound Management * Strong Reserves * Federal Deposit Insurance Modern Banking Facilities With 9- e> PAID ON Deposits Here's a book you'll enjoy more than any other you ever read: your savings account book! In its pages you'll read your own "success story", growing more fascinating from week to week as you see ybur systematic savings (plus the extra money they'll eaim for * aj-.. you) mounting to figures that spell fulfillment of your dearest dreams. Your book is waiting for you here! The best time to start saving is NOW! .7 McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance ^Corporation Member Federal Reserve System Phone 1040 "Support McHenry County Youth at the Fair Aug. 1-2-3-4' ~ ~V " "5T