+' ' • Thursday, July 11, 1957 *•'$•'** ,'^r'5*& 5 " ' 7 " > < * ~ r ^ ~ x " " ' ' ^ f r CLASSIFIED REAL ESTATE RIVER FRONT all year home. Designed for easy living. Interior completely new. Dry basement. , Automatic laundry, gas heat, fire- ; place, oak block floors. Two baths. Attached garage. Xot 66 x 200, sea wall. $27,500.00 or best 5 offer--leaving state. Ray Riggin, 23 Orchard Beach. £>he mfle narth ' %of McHenry on west bank of river. Phone 1608. 6-tf LISTINGS NEEDED %• Phone 1126 1210 So. Green Street 10 LEAVING STATE, must sell our beautiful home. 3 bedrooms, 2% baths, 2 car garage. Large back yard, fruit trees and berry bushes. Fishing and swimming. Some income too. Very reasonable. Call # McHenry 603-J-l. 51-tf FOR SALfc How would you like a well built two bedroom home near town built on a lot zoned BUSINESS and priced under $15,000.00? A nice place to live now and good possibilities for makiftg some money. j|Or would you like a home of a different type situated on a 75 foot' river lot. This one has three bedrooms, screened patio, 2% car garage, steel seawall, removable, pier, etc. What do you want? If we haven't got it we will get it. List your property, be it farm, business, residential, pr maybe you want to sell your going business -- just phone • McHenry 2527 MR. HEINEN BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. 10 MODERN home for sale. Country Club subdivision, 2 lots. Ideal for couple. Call 1328. 10-4 0 4 FOR SALE North woods Resort Rustic Setting ' Main Lodge with living quarters, 9 cabins (some with fireplaces), 900 feet of frontage on the beautiful and; famous Flambeau-Turtle Flowage. All equipped, ready to go. Price $28,000. Deal direct with owner, A1 Koshak, Park Falls, Wisconsin. 10 McHenry State Batik pays 2% on saving deposits. All deposits insured by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 9-3 HEAL ESTATE To Meet Our Buyers' Needs we urgently require listings in all types of Residential, River and Suburban property. McHenry Realty 532 Main Street Phone 268 40-tf FOR SALEr-- HOMES--FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES BESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATE 405 Richmond Road McHenry, 111. none: McHenry 421-J 42-tf NEW 3 BEDROOM rarich home, full basement, tile bath, colored kitchen cabinets. Private beach and lake rights. Full price $14,500. Worthmore Estates, mile West of route 12 bn Pistakee Bay Road. Phone McHenry 457. 5-tf FOR SALE RINGWOOD - $5,000. buys a well built 4 bedroom home. Full basement, large lot, needs plumbing, some repairs, owners are selling to settle estate. SUNNYSIDE - Sell or trade for Chicago home or two flat, north or northwest, 2 bedroom home. Full basement, garage attached, 3 years old.» Price $14,500.00. iXS. 12 - Near 134. 3 Bedroom home, full basement, breezeway and 2 car garage attached, 1 acre of land. Price $20,000.00. McHENRY - 122 foot w^er front, Fox River, % mile South of Rt. 120, 1st--4 rooms, 2nd-- floor spqce for two bedrooms, only 5 years old. LAKE COMO - Year 'round home. 7 rooms, 4 lots. Oil hot air heat, garage. Price only $12,000. Terms, will trade for Chicago property. For information on the above homes, and many others, call at our office in Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 37. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS - In Johnsburg -- Phone McHenry 37 10-tf FOR SALE: McCullom Lake near McHenry, 111. Lot 80 ft. x 125 ft. 500 ft. from beach. Phone Oak Park, 111. Village 8-7961. 10-3 ATTRACTIVE 5 room year 'round furnished home on 2 wooded lots, McCullom Lake, enclosed front porch, garage, lovely cabinet kitchen, oil furnace, hot water, shower, tile floors. Priced to sell. $8,750. Weekends, phone McHenry 577-R-l. 10 <! Claremont Hill SUBDIVISION For Exclusive Country Living 3 BEDROOM HOMES < Including Garage on Vi Acre Lot i FULL BASEMENT • CERAMIC TILE BATH • COMPLETELY DECORATED 2 MODEL HOMES OPEN FOR INSPECTION <JOOD FINANCING . < • -- ALSO -- Large Homesiies for Sale $250.00 Down 7 ; -- : , Only 214 miles north of McHenry on Ronte SI Entrance from Johnsburg road and Route 31 Mt ' a PETER HAMLIN PHONE: McHENRY 802 SEAL ESTATE 3 BEDROOM home, gas heat, 2 car garage,, fenced double lot. Wonder Lake 5251. *10 2 YR. OLD,modern, fanch "type home, on 2 lots with full basement. Good buy. Phone Wonder Lake 5441. 10 9 ROOM house, 1 mile north of town. Large recration room, 2Vs car garage, 150, ft. frontage with river rights. Priced to sell. Call McHertry 866. 10 Waterfront Home 3 Bedroom Home on Fox River Natural fireplace in knotty pine living room. Enclosed front porch. Natural gas heat. Garage & work shop. Boat house and pier. Must sell -- $16,000. . , Phone 1126 210 So. Green Street 10 PROPERTY in Richmond, size 140-ft. x 127-ft. in town, priced for quick sale. Call Hebron 2639. 10 HOUSE For Side, river rights, 4 extra lots adjoining, one on river front. For information phone McHenry 2714-R. 10 LIST YOUR FARMS WITH US or Contact us if you wish to buy. L. B. ANDERSON & CO., Inc. WHEELING, ILL. Phone Wheeling 53 or GLENN H. WILL, Salesman Rt. 1, Alden, 111. Phone Hebron 3114 49-tf NEW HOUSE on Griswold Lake channel, 4 large rooms, picture window, complete bath, some work to be done--$7,500. Phone McHenry 538-J-2. 10 REAL ESTATE Pon SALE or RENT: Beautiful, modern 5 room,, brick home, 8 years old, oil heat, GO- x 120 lot. Water rights. . Beautiful trees. Carl Pfendt, Oakhurst Subdivision, McHenry, 2 miles south of bridge, east side, of river, near dam. *10 V McHENRY Tavern, Resturant - Old stand, 6 room apartment Comer in the City of McHenry. Owner will make reasonable terms. For appointment call at dUr office in Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37. JACOB FRITZ, Realtors Rt. 5, McHenry, Illinois 4-tf 8% ACRE FARM, modern 4 bedroom home, barn, chicken and ^ brooder houses. Ideal for Mink or Pheasant farm. Partly wooded. 2 bedroom home basement, garage, gas heat, near school & Church 3 yrs. old--$9500. Knox Real Estate, 405 Richmond Rd., Phone McHenry 421-J. . 10 EMERALD PARK, two bedroom home, tile hath, 50 x 150' lot. River rights, insulated, combination screens and storms, cabinet kitchen/ Recently remodeled. Priced for quick sale. Call evenings and weekends McHenry 1596. 10 FARM 37 acres, 3 bedroom ranch home. Tile bath, fireplace, only 3 years old, nicely landscaped. Immediate possession. Also 40 and 50 acre farms. For appointment call Jim or Frank, McHenry 37, in Johnsburg. JACOB FRITZ - Realtors 6-tf 6 ROOM, natural gas heat year 'round home. Located on Regner Rd. in Pistakee Bay- Modern, built-in kitchen. Knotty cedar recreation room, 6 stool bar, 2 full baths, 2 car garage, private beach. Pier rights. Priced for quick sale. McHenry 1307. 7-tf OPEN HOUSE Sat. & Sun. 1:30 to 5:30. Waterfront home. Lovely family home overlooking Meyers Bay. 9 large bedrooms, fireplace, screened patio porch. Attached garage, full basement, good pier and private beach. Turn north in Crockett's Estates off Big Hollow Road. Fol low signs. Phone June or Howard McDowell, McHeqry 1169-M, representatives , for H. D. Olson, Waukegan. 10 WIDOW must sell 5 room ranch home, 2 bedrooms, living , room, dining room, kitchen, attached garag£; gas heat, combination storms & screens, all landscaped. Priced reasonable. Sunnyside Es tates. Phone McHenry 2811-J. 10 sar Clearance SALE Clearance SAMPLES of Our Many Values Ladies' Wear Shorts $1.19 T-Shirts $1.49 Dresses $2-$3 & $4.59 Blouses 99c & $1.99 Skirts $1.00 & up Swim Suits $4,99 & $5.99 Girls' Wear Shorts 99c T-Shirts 99c Dresses 0 $l-$2 & $3 Blouses 99c Skirts $1.59 Pajamas $1.49 Infants' Wear Infants Sleeveless Shirts 3 for $1.00 Training Pants 4 for $1.00 Sun Suits 49c & up Knit Pajamas $1.79 Crawlers 99c T - S h i r t s - 5 9 c Boys1 Wear T-Shirts - Sizes 4-6-8 3 for $1.00 Sportshirts 99c Swim Suits - Sizes 4-6-8 98c Men's Wear Sport Shirts 2 for $3.00 Walking Shorts $2.59 Stretch Hose 69c We Are Discontinuing All Housewares, Sporting Goods, Garden Supplies, Paints & Supplies SAVE UP TO 50% McHHENRY DEPT. STORE OPEN SUNDAY MORNING 103 N. Riverside Dr. Phone: 1843 Jak-Ana Heights In Johnsburg, 2. and 3 bedroom homes, face brick on all four , sides. Lots 100 x 170 near school and church. For inspection call at oup-office in Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37. JACOB FRITZ, Realtors Rt. 5, McHenry, Illinois • • ' 4-tf CHOICE building lots are now available in the new addition to Edgebrook Heights with sewer, water, curb & gutter. These lots can be purchased on contract with small down payment. See us while there is a good choice. Kent Corp., 115 Riverside Drive. Phone McHenry 8. For Retired - Couple NEW -- 2 bedroom home with breezeway and attached garage. Lot 100' x 400'. Ideal for large garden and orchard. Price $12,500. TERMS TO SUIT McHENRY REALTY 532 Main St. McHenry 268 8-tf "THIS IS McHENRY County Fair Week, Aug. 1-2-8-4" ^ 8-5 HEAL ESTATE HILL TOP comer lot overlooking Griswold Lake; 90 x 150 with pfivate road to lake; pumf and utilities. Tel. McHenry 817-R. 8-4 YEAR 'ROUND HOME, ideal for retired couple.' Near town, 2 car garage, oil hot air furnace, full basement, phone 122-R. 10 SITUATION WANTED YOUNG MAN would like farm work. Phone McHenry 2633:R. 10 WANTED -- painting, yard work, home maintenance or what have you? Phone 797-R. 10-2 WANTED Wanted INSURED SAVINGS Savings invested to Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Association are insured by tfee Federal Savings and, Loan Insurance Corp., and earn 2%% lua %% extra. B-tt "LISTINGS WANTED" Pine Tree Tower Rt. 120 end Johnsburg Rd. McHenry Office Phone 1655 Residence 1216 49-tf WANTED By Educational Publisher Experienced Supervisor for Small Warehouse - Shipping and Receiving Operations 5 Day Week -- Blue Cross \ Life Insurance -- Profit Sharing Mail Order Experience Helpful but Not Necessary. ALSO NEED Clerk Typist or Steno Clerk For Manager's Office Some Experience Desired Permanent Position Opportunity for Advancement APPLY IN PERSON SCIENCE RESEARCH ASSOCIATES 104 East Pearl Street McHenry, 111. 10 WANTED BOY, 15 -- wants a ride to vicinity Muskegon, Mich. Must have return' trip with trailer within a week. William Staines. 517 Waukegan Rd. Call 53-J. *10 TOP PRICE PAID for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock 1610-M-2. 43-tf GROOMS--Scrap iron and metal, top prices paid for any kind of iron, metal and old cars. Phone McHenry 2521. 51tf WANT TO BUY 1 small used eemetit mixer. Phone McHenry 523-R-2. *10 WANT USED 26-' girls bicycle. Phone McHenry 845-J. 10 WANT TO BUY 36" stove with good oven for basement. Phone McHenry 32. 10 LOST AND FOUND LOST--Blonde German Shepherd dog near Genoa City. Call Browning 9-6343. ' ' 10 MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS AUCTION, July 10, starting at 1 o'clock. Weather Vane Farm,, south side of Route U.S. 12. Five miles beyond Fox Lake or % mile east of Spring Grove road. Chuck wagon bake siale, & eats. Collection of most unusual things. All proceeds go to Spring GrQvfe Methodist church building fund. ^io JlOOSE DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 9 P.M. MEMBERS & GUESTS ONLY at the MciHENRY MOOSE LODGE On Route 120 McHenry, HL 19tK music by THE SENTIMENT ALS available for WEDDINGS PARTIES DANCES, Etc. Call: PETE HAINES 2282 DAVE FANTUS - 596-J-l 10 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous: Wonder Lake group meets every Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. Christ the King church. * *10 NOTICE Not responsible for debts contacted by anyone other than myself after this date. Geraldine McPherson 10 NOTICE: As of this date, not responsible for debts other than my own. Geo. W. Kotalik, new owner Worwick's Studio. 10 3 PUPPIES and female police dog to be given away. Phone McHenry 639-W-l. 10 FOX RIVER HOME This home, like some people, makes friends. Whether it's because of the cheeriness ..of the rooms on a dull day or the flickering light of the open fire on wintry nights, or whether for some other reason, the casual visitor says, "this is really home." The master bedroom, dressing room and bath may be kept for the privacy of the grown-ups, the two upstairs bedrooms and bath may be used by the children; the upstairs sitting room provides a game room for the youngsters as well as their own place to entertain. The living room opens into the dining room and also out to the screened porch overlooking the Fox River. The paneled den off the large kitchen-breakfast area provides an excellent environment for casual living.1 The home is economically heated -- tastefully decorated -- and arranged for comfort. In addition to the three car garage, this home has a full basement, its own well, a river pump for sprinkling, and all utilities. Drapes, carpeting, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher and other extras included -- Price $31,500. BOX 34 -- ROUTE NO. 1 -- 1 MILE NORTH OF McHENRY ON EAST' SIDE OF FOX RIVER CALL McHENRY 1026 -- or Your Broker 10 THOSE WERE THE DAYS fspgAKUP lir AAARYHADALIDDUL By ART BEEMAN THOSE WERE! THE DAYS THEN I WAS PL/WIN WITH DON'T BE MIL LAMBWITHF LEECc AFRAID / r^Yj/ ASWMITEAZSNOW-- m\( Aw< I bWT KtiOWMi- Moee-- 4 MflW m ts OUNSSTERS USED TO 8E so bashful -"YOU CAN'T SET A . WORD IN . EDGEWISE/ fctkPtvwmidrtt f. N. JS. rrvfcs PBaiWitrfiMlWiiWiiW AND swy-- HOSSFACE HANK By FRANK THOMAS LOOK,MAMA AND PAPA, HOSSFACE Jt HUMPH BUILT US A RUSTEEK BENCH ITWU2 WORTH WORK V-NOVM. WE' SIT ON THE HARD! P LOVE SEAT » WATCH SUN GO DOWN CONCH IT A! **>uN6 AT HEART bt Smith Smkt NJ SONNY SOUTH By COURTNEY ALDERSON (I © © By AL SMITH RURAL DELIVERY 0H.M S AWFUL SICK! JUST LIKE AW UNOLEl HOW VA FEELIN ROMEO? S16K&3S IS JUST MENTALJ VOU IMAGINE V0(J SICK F CHANGE YOUR MIHD AND SAY, 'I F£EL FINEV WELL, HE BETTER NOT CHANGE HIS MIND AW, HE JUST TH0U6HT HE HAD A RELAPSE' ROfAEOS A WEAK LITTLE GUV/ X 60TTA 6H/E HIM COURAGE I NOW/ HE'S DEAD AND UN<?LFC BURIED VESTEROAV HAD A RELAPSE' ,e-3*«s