Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Jul 1957, p. 2

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Christen Daughter Of James McMaJions v The adopted baby daughter of Dr. and Mrs. James R. McMahon was baptized on Sunday, July 14, by Fr. Edward C. Coakley at St. Patrick's church." Patricia Helen was the name giv^en to the 5-\veekold infant. The godparents were Mrs. Donald Schaefer of McHenry and Robert McMahon, Jr., Of Virginia. A buffet supper .for several relatives was held at the new home of the McMahons in Country Club subdivision. Bridal Shower For ; Miss Arleene .lost Miss Arleene Jost was guest of honor at a miscellaneous bridal shower held-, at the Joseph Jost home in Sunn.ys.ide Estates Sunday, with Jessie and Burdell Simonis as hostesses/1 About forty-five friends and relatives enjoyed a social afternoon, which included • luncheon served from an attractively decorated table. They attended from Chicago, Johnsburg and Sunnyside. Miss Jost will become the bHde of Gerald Thiel of Johnsburg on Aug. 3. •M"!"!* •!' 'M"{' •!' <• •!' _i[PmSONALS[[[ Entertain Friends The Albert Schumachers of River Terrace, entertained the eighth ward republican club members of Evanston and their families last Thursday. About 100 came to spend the day and enjoy gboatirig, skiing, swimming and picnicking on the river. Among thpse present with their families were, William E. Erickson, township committeeman, Marion E. Burks, state representative, Morris Brown, president of the Evanston republican club, James Hoge, president of the Evanston young republican club and many others. HUGH W. GILLILAN TO SERVE SPRING GROVE CHURCH Bishop Charles W. Brashares of the Methodist church has recently appointed Hugh W. Gillilan, formerly associate minister of the First Methodist church of Kenosha, Wis. to serve as the pastor of the Spring Grove Methodist church. Rev. Gillilan and his wif£, Janet, are both Phi Beta Kappa graduates of Ohio university and Rev. Gillilan is presently a Howes scholar attending Garrett Biblical Institute in Evanston. Mrs. Gillilan is a personal secretary for an insurance company in Skokie and also a house counselor for Kendall college in Evanston. Rev. Gillilan plans to spend his weekends, Friday evening through Monday afternoon in Spring Grove and the remainder ot the week attending seminary in Evanston. He may be reached at any time through the church office located above the post office in Spring Grove. Our recent bereavement leaves us with grateful hearts toward neighbors and friends, firemen and the pullmotor squad. Your helpfulness and kind expressions of sympathy will always be remembered. *11 The Patzke Family. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Martin accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Loren Martin of Jacksonville, Fla., left recently on ,a trip. through the west. • • . \ Mrs. Kathryri Worts accompanied by.iytrs. Gladys Ames of Gurnee left Thursday on; a motor trip to Colorado. Dan Weber, sister Joyce and Miss Betty Lou Weber left last week for a visit in' the home of the ratter's sister, Mrs. Varney Tanner and husband near Denver, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. George Koltz, children Judith and Robert of T'elham, N. Y. were overnight guests in the Robert Thompson home last week. Mrs. Tena Kist and Mrs. Emma Hartley of Chicago, spent a few j days last week, with" their sisters, j Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson and j Mrs. Kathryn Worts. Among the out of towii folks ; who attended the funeral of Al- j fred Patzke hfere' last week, were ( Fred Nickels, Barrington; Mrs. Efla Nohr, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Nickels, Roy Nickels, William Martini and Mrs. Edna Sorenson of Woodstock; Williapn Schwake. | of Belvidere; Mrs. Otto Geiger and Mrs. Lillian Soder of Ingleside. Mrs. Emma Roberts and Mrs. Carrie McBride of Waukegan, were guests of Mrs. Kathryn Worts, Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Krause, daughter Joan and friend of Edgeley, N. Dakota visited his sisters Mrs. Frances Patzke and Mrs. John H. Greene the past week. Mrs. David Powers spent the past week in the home of her daughter. Mrs. George Freund, in Woodstock, making the acquaintance of her new grandson. , Mr. arid Mrs. James Mahoney of Chicago, were weekend visitors in the home of Mrs. Eleanor Foley. Mr. and Mrs, Louis Stoffel"enjoyed a trip through Wisconsin last week. The Junior Alford Pouse family of Temple, Penn., spent a few days recently in the Raymond Powers' home. Alford Pouse, Sr., returned home with them, for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Emil Popenhagen of Woodstock were Salem, Wis. visitors Sunday where the ladies attended a shower for a cousin,, Miss Joan Fleming, at the home of her grandmother Mrs. Dave Elfers. The Roland Ekstrom family of Bartlett spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stoffel. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brugger and family of Kenosha, Wis. were Sunday visitors in the Dale Dixon home. Gerald Blake spent the weekend at Ft. Jennings, Ohio, Clarice and Joan Blake who had been spending the week with relatives there returned home with him. Mirs. Ben Doetsch of Northlake spent a few days last week in the Bernard Matchen home. Mesdames Matilda Asp, Medda Nelson, Anna Pearson, Caroline Prahl, Hulda Nystroih, Bertha Pearson? EnlnSa Pearson, Sadie Hansen of Crystal - Lake, Mrs. Edith ^Anderson of Cicero, Nancy Butler of Johnsburg arid Junp Oxtoby of Richmond helped Mrs. Magnus Nelson celebrate her birthday Wednesday. Math N. Schmitt left, last week for a month's visit with his children in Chehallis, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Haufe of Neenah, Wis. were recent guests in the home of her sister,- Mrs. A. J. Grever. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Schmitt, Mr. and Mrs. Art Smith, Mrs. .Catherine Young and daughter, Rosin a, were guests in the Louis Young home in Waukegan Sunday. Mrs. Eleanor Manning and sons of Oak Park were weekend guests of McHenry relatives. Among the out of town folks who attended the funeral of Mrs. John Matchen here last week were: Mrs. Ben Doetsch, Northlake; Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Doetsch, son Charles and Mr, and Mrs. George Matchen. Des Plaines Mr. and Mrs. John Feingen, son Frank, Wilmette; Mi*, and Mrs. Wm. Reitpieir and Miss Helen Reitmeir, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. John Doetsch, Bristol, Wis.-; and Mrs. Albert Amo and daughter Kathleen of Kenosha, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Ensign and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Peterson, Mr. and MrS. J. C. Holly and Mrs. William Spencer were ameng the McHenry folks who called on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ensign at their home in Antioch to extend congratulations on their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Miss Marion Jean Blake has returned from a two week's trip through the West., Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lieberenz of St. Petersburg, Fla., are visiting E. J. McCormiek. who resides at the corner of Richmond and Mc- Cullom Lake roads. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nimsgern attended the funeral of Math Klapperich at Meyer, Iowa, Saturday. Frank Schafer and family have just returned from a 5,500-mile trip which took them to Detroit, Mich., Canada, Gettysburg, Pa., Washington, D. C., Mammoth Caves ijn Kentucky, Smoky Mountains, Tejuvy through the state of Florida, Keywest and the Gulf of Mexico. After spending several weeks with a brother in Fort Pierce, Fla., they returned, tired and happy to be back in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Justen spent a few days with their son, and family, the,. George Justens, ?nd their granddaughter, Mrs. Harvey Sand, and husband at Waukegan JSst Wfegkendf""' ' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blake and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blake have -Returned from a ten-day tour through Yellowstone, Salt Lake City, Colorado Springs and Denver. The trip was made by bus and train. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Behnke and daughter, Marilyn, of Independence, Mo., yisited recently at the home of Mr. Behnke's brother, Carl Behnke, and at the homes of his niece and nephew, Mrs. Dorothy Hollander and Hans Behnke. BONITA WRIGHT MARRIED JULY 13 TO MICHIGAN MAN CHANGE ROSARY HOUR A change has beeh made in the time the "Pilgrim Virgin" statue will be at the Frank Zimmerman home. On Saturday, July 20, the rosary will be recited at 6 o'clock instead of 7, so that the statue may be returned to ChicagQ. St. Paul's Methodist church in Manitowoc, Wis., was the scene of a beautiful summer wedding last Saturday; July 13, which.united in marriage Miss Bonita Mae Wright niece of Mr. and Mrs. Edward. Everett McClellan of Manitowoc, and Richard Ralph Kingscott, son of Mrs. Florence Kingscott of Kalamazoo, Mich. Rev. Allen P. McCaul officiated at., the ceremony, which was performed at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The attractive, brown c haired bride chose a floor length gown of imported jsilk taffeta that cascaded into a sweeping chapel trail?. From the isabriha neckline to the hem, alencon lace trimmed with sequins and seed pearls adorned the front of the gown. Her sheer, imported, illusion veil was held in/place by a lace and tulle half hat at accented with pearly and iridescent sequins. She carried a cascade _ bouquet of phaelaiiopsis interspersed wjtlv white garnet roses and stephanotis. Mrs. Dewey T. Sherden of Des Plaines, a cousin of the bride, acted as matron of honor, attired JOHN GOETSCHELSr^- RESIDE IN CITY FOLLOWING^ TRIP : On the twenty-eighth wedding anniversary of her parents, Miss Marlene Brurikhorst, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Brunkhorst of Masonville, Iowa, became THE JOHN GOETSCHELS Mangold of Omaha, Nebr., a college friend as bridesmaid, Michael Lichty of Wonder Lake was ring 'Bearer 'aWil Monica' BBunkhpfttf sister of the bride, was flower girl. Orville Lichty of Worftler Lake served the ^troom as best man and John F. BjlcFadden. of Rapdalia was groomsman. Dr. John B. Brunkhorst, brother of the bride, was usher. After a trip through the southern states an4 Cuha, the newly? weds will reside' at 25 Orchard Beach road, McHenry,; ; The bride -attended Clarke. ,college, Dubuque, Xowa, and taught last year, at Harrison school. Wonder Lake. The wrqom attended National college in Chicago and is a practicing chiropractor. in ^McHenry. ft Pays to Advertise Thursday/ July Ig, 1957, CARD OF THANKS: parishioners aitd Rev. Miller -jari'd ReV.jKaiser of St. Joseph's^? parish, Richmond, want to exraegs,. our sincere thanks to/.-, the prowt1 of McHenry and sur-H rounding territory for their patronage of our very -successful carnival. Many, many thanks. 11 ttagffijS.: saving® Bond* today, tthe bride of!Dr. John C. Goetschel of McHerirygson of Dr. and Mrs. George G^techel of Cicero. The ceremony was performed in St. Mary's Catholic church, Lamont, Ibwa, op June" 29. .. Th|c feride, charming in a gown cjf coronati^rr^ace and nylon tulle, h&d as herjat|$udants her sister, Mrs. John M$fe\adden of Randalia as matron of ^onbr and Miss Joan ' ttf* $ j 'i ' 9 Open Tues., Thurs. «id Frt. Evenings 'ta 9 m. i. . (.'IH}.!/,• The ficstif*tep on the road to glamor is;a" hafrdo which brings but all of your ljetter features. Let one of our expert hairstylists put you right in style with an individually-styled, easy-to manage permanent wave, Phohe 147 now for, your, appointment. ^ ^ •« AIR-CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUH BUSINESS <^R,iversiJe 126 N. Riverside Drive ursiyhng McHenry, 111, Lnq oftudi i o Phone 147 # in a street length dress, princess style, of turquoise iridescent faille with a floating back panel. Shej carried a cascade bavifluet of yellow garnet roses a^fgtephanotisL with ivy. Her bridesmaid, Mrs#* Robert F. Shea, of Madison, Wis., was attired similarly. Joseph W. Hamilton of Kalamazoo, Mich., served his brotherin- law as best man and Kenneth E. , Gunther of Kalamazoo w^s groomsman. Ushers were Dewey T. Sherden of DesPlaines artj3 Robert F. Shea of Madison. The bride's aunt wore a lavender lace, street length dress, with white accessories completing her outfit. She had a corsage of Anfjhzon lilies and stephanotis. ^ The bridegroom's mother w^te a dress of navy silk shantung and had pink accessories. Her qbrsage consisted of pink garnet rapes and stephanotis. A reception followed ^ithe ; care mony in the church oariors, aftei •e „ ... _ _, ;er which the couple le'/t on a trip through the West. After their return, they will reside at 1356 Pinehurst blvd., Kalamazoo. The bride is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin and for the past three years taught in the McHenry high school. The bridegroom attended Western Michigan university and the University of Michigan. He is a vice-president of Louis C. Kingscott & Associates, Inc., in Kalamazoo. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend a sincere "thank you" to all our friends and neighbors for their cards and other expressions of sympathy at the time of our recent bereavement. We are especially grateful to Msgr. Nix, Rev. Reuland, Rev. Nilges, the Christian Mothers and the American Legion auxiliary. We are truly grateful. The family of 11 Mrs. John Matchen, Sr. SEMI ANNUAL SHOE SALE Entire Stock of Summer Styles DRASTICALLY REDUCED ROTH SHOES 118 S. Green St. Phone 2087 McHenry, 111. MAIN HOMECRAFTERS ILLINOIS CERTIFICATE No. 1062 - l66§§9 Your Home Deserves the Best McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHONE 2833 Designers and Installers of Aluminum Storm Windows - Doors and AWaings Mirrors - Glass Tops -- Jalousie Doors • - Lookee On All Types of Aluminum - Fiber Glass -YOU INSTALL RoU-up Awnings YOU SAVE PAID ON T-32 SAVE SO. FT N£LS STARK Office and Show Room • 2 Blocks East of River on Rt. 120 RUDY PAUSELLI SANITONE Dry Cleaning Gets Out All the DirtI And we do mean ALE the dirt... every trace of spots, even perspiration whisked away like magic. Colors, patterns and .textures look like new again. And never a sniff of dry cleaning odor. Try id Phone today., R A I N B O W C L E A N E R S Around Corner North of National Tea North Front Street PHONE 927 Open Fri. Eves. 'Til 9 A tiny hand placed trustingly in his has a very special meaiir ing for a father. Along with a heart-lifting ge of pride comes a sobering sense of responsibility, a firm determination to fulfill this precious faith through the ahead. It is at just this moment that many a successful program of systematic saving is born ... to make a youngster&:|uture brighter, happier, more secure! Let us help you initiate a savings program that will perpetuate that "sense of security" fo^your child. Come in soonT^ YOU TOO WILL ENJOY THE "FEELING OF SECURITY" WHEN YOU OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT AT McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation , Member Federal Restore System Phone 1040 "Fate Time is Fun Time; McHenry County Fair, August 1-2-3-4 a & V

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