Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Aug 1957, p. 13

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• •WW " -I Niipjuwa 1111w1.fw.1111Pi111nnjMi11m.JMii, i i , •• • .. • , v;.'.v :V-S ; . .. • ... . . • . * . mm , . . . . . .. 5' ;; £> Thursday. August U 19W * THE MeHENRY 1PLAINDEALER 1? - ^ Richmond Communjty News Br HjUi Gurlm ^ Bud Jairett Chosen To Instruct Scouts Pfc. Norval (Bud) Jarrett, paratrooper' with the 101st Airborne Division, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norval Jarret of Richmond, has returned to Fort Campbell, Ky. after spending some time at the Boy Scout Jamboree in Valley Forge, Pa. There were Scouts from fortyeight states, Hawaii, Canada, .flj^laslca, Puerto Rico, and Cuba; and forty-two enlisted men and three officers were selected from the component units to represent the 101st Airborne as a committee to supervise and instruct the Scouts in a familiarization exercise with the twenty-two caliber rifle. The 101st' worked directly with the members of the national rifle association. ' Bud returned to Camp quite t$>roud of the fact that .they had run ' through 22,000 Scouts in a week with no accidents. Pfc. Jarrett enlisted in the Army in June of 1956 and received his basic training in Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., where he joined the paratroopers and was sent to Fort Campbell, Ky. for training with the 101st Airborne division. ^ County Fair The 4-H Fair has come and gone for 1957. Many young people of the community participated in the fair. They show both talent and good sportsmanship. It is a fine thjng for those of our generation to see a new generation coming up with enthusiasm • and capability. The Richmond Evening Unit of fJ3ome Bureau furnished several "•^ies and also four women .workers for Saturday night at the food stand in the building where meals are served. Solon Nimble Fingers The girls of the Nimble Fingers 4-H Clubs at Solon Mills held their local achievement night Tuesday, July 30 at the Solon grade school. They modeled the clothes they gmade, brought samples of baked goods which "everyone sampled, and entertained their guests. Such luscious food they had, pies, cakes, cookies, coffee cakes, that we are sure the girls will make good wives. Carol London played her flute while Marge Justen sang, Nancy Kane danced. Patsy and Donna Watts and Darlene Justen did a cowgirl dance in costume and '4Klarge Justen did a hula-Jiula dance in a grass skirt. Rotary Plans are all set for going to the Shrine circus in Rockford tonight. As of last week 127 kids and 27 drivers had signed up. Dr. Nye of McHenry was at last week's meeting as well as Mrs. Roy Nord who was a guest of ^larry Anderson. This week the Williams Bay Rotary club planned to come down to hear a talk by Doc Harris and Claud Gordon about their trip to Europe. Mrs. Carl Grandt had a birthday last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schroeder had a wedding anniversary Monday. of George Madden and Darwin Ehorn will go to the Xll-Star game in Soldier's Field, Chicago tomorrow. Camp Alpine Camp Alpine is in its sixth week of camping with 104 children this week. David Carlson of Richmond is one of the campers. Silver Anniversary Today Mr. and'Mrs. J. C. (Curly) Stevens of Richmond, will celebrate' theis silver wedding anniversary, at the Hunter Country club with Open House from 3-5 in the afternoon, and from 7-9 in the evening. Relatives and friends are cordially invited. Mr. Stevens is the former county treasurer and at present is supervisor of Richmond township. Congratulations! Cub Scouts Den 1 and Den 3 visited the therapy' center in Woodstock last week and saw the equipment used for crippled children and adults of the county. The boys presented the center with some hoards they had made to help the children strengthen their fingers, lacing boards, button boards and some on which there were ribbons to tie bows. The pretty, colorful buttons, button holes, ties, etc. were made by Mrs. Arthur Schultz. The boys who made the boards were David Carlson, Gregory( Duncan, Jimmy Hoffman, Frank Hora, David Schultz and Gerry Swartzloff. The boys received cookies and cokes at the center and had their picture taken with the boards they presented. The boards were made available through the courtesy of Edwin Wittmayer. Monday evening the Cub pack will meet in back of the high school for a baseball game and a wiener roast. Birthdays Billy Foley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Foley celebrated his eighth birthday Sunday^ Paul Carlson celebrated his fourth birthday last Friday. He entertained two little girls, Susie Buchert and Karen Sheldon at Camp Alpine on his birthday." Then on Saturday he had a birthday picnic for relatives at the camp. He had his brother ahd sister, David and Ruth, his four cousins, John Schnier of Chicago, Jimmy, Mark and Kathy James of De- Kalb, his grandma and grandpa, Mr. and Mrs. H. Shaw of Chicago his aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. E. JameS of DeKalb, and his 'Aunt, Mrs. E, Schnier of Chicago as well as his mother and dad. ing in Yellowstone National-Bark, wfiSrS he has gone on the train. Rev. and Mrs. Noyce have been vacationing near Minoqua, Wis. and have returned to Richmond. Ralph Noyce, Jr. spent a few days at home this week. -He is attending school at Georgetown University near Washington, D. C. Here and There Mrs. Kenneth Meisel has returned from the hospital in Woodstock. Rouen Duncan is home from" Presbyterian hospital in Chicago. DuWayne Sheldon spent a few days at Madison, Wis. last week at the state university taking exams for his master's degree. Anton Haraldsen is currently going to summer school at Macomb, but was home for the county fair last week. He is the vocational ag: teacher and saw the projects of his F.F.A. boys at the fair. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ozzie Pretzman and their children were home recently for the wedding of _ Mrs. Pretzman's sister, Lois Meyer of Spring Grove. The Pretzman's visited Ozzie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pretzman of Richmond. • Miss Isabel Winget was a guest of Mrs. E. Wittmayer at the Music by the Lake Series at College Camp on Lake Geneva last Sunday evening. The soloist they heard was Edward Gordon, pianist. Ruth Carlson is visiting her grandmother at Lake Geneva for a few days this week. - Fashion Show The Altar and Rosary Society of St. Joseph's Catholic church in Richmond will present a combination fashion show and card party at the Hunter Country club Monday evening, Aug. 12 at 8 p.m. Fashions to be revued are by Dane Kremer of Richmond and the Palmer House, Chicago. What better way to forget the heat of the summer than to look at lovely things to wear for madame. Dessert will be served after the show. 3 All-Star Game A group of boys who have been playing ball under the leadership j Vacationers Edwin Wittmayer is vacation- Awards to F.F.A. Members Several F.F.A. members of the Richmond chapter entered animals or corn at the county fair. For his light "B" steer, Harold Jensen received a red ribbon.. Bill Jensen received a red ribbon for his light "B" steer and a white ribbon for his heavy "B" steer. For dairy cattle entered Dave Smith received a blue ribbon for his Guernsey Junior calf. Clarence Rudolph received blue ribbons for his Guernsey Junior yearling, his Guernsey senior yearling, his cow in the three-year-old and over class, his herd of three animals, his get-of-sire (tvya animals). IncictefifebTTy, hTS" ffrreeyear- old cow is the one that received grand championship a few years ago at the fair. Bruce Gardner received a white ribbon for his senior yearling heifer, and a red ribbon for his cow 3 years old or over. ANNOUNCING that the Jim Jorgensen Garbage Disposal Service has been sold to Mr. William DeVries and is being operated under the name of The McHenry Disposal Service Mr. Jorgensen wishes to thank all of his customers for their past patronage. JIM JORGENSEN GOING OUT «f BUSINESS Save 25 » 50% ON EVERY ITEM IN THE STORE! WE MUST LIQUIDATE 25.000 STOCK STORE HOURS: Mon.-Tues.-Wed. & Thurs. 9 -- 6 ' Friday 9 to 9 -- Sunday 9:30 to 12:30 McHENRY DEPT. STORE 103 N. Riverside Dr. Phone 1843 RINGW00D NEWS By Mrs. George Shepard ft Church ISlews Bible school at. Ringwood will meet for two weeks, afternoon sessions at 1:15 to 3:45«<beginning Aug. 12. Children between the ages 3-13 are invited to enroll. The Senior M.Y.F. met at the church Sunday evening for their meeting. The official board met at the church Monday evening. Personals. Mrs. Agnes Jenckis spent Tuesday with her daughter and family at Barrington. • . Lan-v Shadie left for his home in California Saturday after spending a few weeks here with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Wolf Shadle. Mrs. Chester Stevens, Spring Grove, Mrs. Zoa Myers of .Oak Park and Mrs. Coltren of Lombard were luncheon guests of Mrs. Agnes Jencks Wednesday. Mrs, Sue Scheuer and Mrs., Brown and three children of Waukegan spent Wednesday with the former's mother Mrs. Flora Harrison. Mrs. Ruby Shepard with Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young of McHenry and Mrs. Georeia Thomas and son Loren of Woodstock wer:4s dinner guests in the Willis Stokes' home Bob Howe entered his swine, which are the school's chapter pigs and received white ribbons for his Duroc litter and for hi9 single Duroc gilt. For corn entered, George Diedrich received & white ribbon. Other boys entering corn were Larry Diedrich, Richard Ahrens, Dave Smith, Bob Lawe and Bruce Gardner. In case you want to know the meaning of the ribbon colors-- blue is highest, red is nex,t and white is third. at Monroe, Wis., Thursday. In the afternoon they called in the Jay Williams home at Juda, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson and daughter were visitors at Oconomowoc, Wis. Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Larson of Crystal Lake called on Miss Lona Brever Friday evening. Miss Genevieve Twilliger of Wonder Lake called On Dr. and Mrs. William Hepburn Sunday. Mrs. C. E. Lovelette and daughter, Claudia -of Chicago spent Thursday, Friday and Saturday with her parents lVJr. and Mrs. William Cruiekshank, while her husband was out of town on business. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Jepson of Stanford, Vermont, Mr. and Mrs. Hanson of., Pittsfield Mass. and Miss Hazelton of Racine, Wis., wore callers in the Stanley Jepson. and Ben Walkington homes Tuesday evening, \ Miss Leona Brever^attended a bridal shower for Miss Judy Corey at Lake Geneva Sunday evening. Mr., and Mrs. Don James of Portage, Wis., called on Mr. and -Mrs. William Cruiekshank Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Don Burdick of Black Creek. Wis., wore also callers in the Cruiekshank home. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington spent the weekend in the Lyle Pock home at Elgin. Pvt. Jerry Cristy is enjoying a two weeks' leave from Camp Carson, Colorado Springs, with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy. C.len and Leslie Decker, Linda and Donna Low, Mike Hogan, Koith Jepson and Susie Fcjbsum are spending the week ajf Des Plainos Junior camp. Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Emily Beatty spent Sunday in the Elmer Olson home near Richmond. Quite a few from here were in attendance at the Woodstock Fair during the week. Mr. and Mrs. William Heine of Teacher To Alaska Mr. and Mrs. Ned Morganson visited in Richmond last weekend. Mr. Morganson will teach this coming school year in Calmer, Alaska, about* fifty miles from Anchorage. Mr. Morganson was the coach at R.B.C.H.S. and Mrs. Morganson taught fourth grade. Best wishes as you* go so far away! ..lakes Life Worth Living FOR MEN,WOMEH;<*ni>*EM ruHk MMM| • §a play. (dImupM. .c Hrtnrt tbhfltntlM). w?e Wariongrt ' Mn Bupture-Euer. Soft. Hat ptU praapdt orh*o lIdni pUrecd*o ewlbilt*h ouItn sruolua«*-! nFcI T»TUIeNl Go,r lmeaetrheelyr baadnjduirtt Ilna cifnrga ntta nGd iflte tm t«utru»rp*a-. around kjwrrt part oI abdomen. iuu rlsbt m left (Id* or doubW. 0»*r I,000,0M GrataM Uwnf PewM* *5.95 BOLGER'S PHONE 40 Chicago called--on--Mrs; ~ Ruby Shepard Sunday Afternoon. Mrs. Frank Block and son Franklin and Mr. and Mrs. Harley Rush and daughter of Sheboygan, Wis., spent Sunday with1 Dr. and Mrs. William Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aissen visited relatives in Chicago, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Waldon of Kenosha spent Sunday afternoon in the Dr. Hepburn home. Mr. and Mrs. John Powers and Mrs. Martha Bowman of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon and evening in the Fred Bowman home. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ehlert and sops of Kenosha spent Sunday afternoon with his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert. Mr. and Mrs! Phelps Saunders and daughter of Sycamore spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Freci Wiedrich, Sr. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich Jr./ and Mrs. Phelps Saunders called on Mrs. Davis at Genoa City Sunday morning. John Anderson who has been stationed in Virginia is Visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson. , • Mr. and Mrs, Ray Miller of Hillscorners, Wis. arid Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerman Sr. of Poplar Grove, attended the wedding^ of Charlotte Hogan and Richard Thompson Saturday evening. Miss Mary Hogan and Earl Sonnemaker went to Peoria Sunday where a farewell party was held for Earl who goes to Madison Tuesday and then will go to India as a foreign exchange student. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe of Crystal Lake spent Sunday in the Louis Hawley home and all were visitors at Elkhorn, Wis. Miss Sally Parkerson of Stockton, attended the Hogan-Thompson wedding here Saturday. In 1956, there were 390 persons killed in the U.S. crossing an intersection with signal. Twenty were killed on safety isles. SEVENTEEN GARS IN ANTIQUE AUTO, SPORTS CAR MEET Seventeen cars, representing antique, classic, special merit and sports classifications, will be exhibited throughout the Illinois State Fair in connection with the antique auto and sports car meet. Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier, superintendent of the meet,1 has announced. The feature attraction of the exhibit and the oldest car in the group will be {he 1956 grand champion, a 1905 Cadillac touring car owned by Richard J. Leiser of Mendota, Mr. Carpentier said. Another unusual car to be exhibited is a 1956 Abarth owned by A. Nelson Cornell, of Chicago. The Abarth is an,Italian racing car, and this is the only one ever equipped with a hard top body. Its overall height is only 37 inches, but its four cylinder, 75 horse- Page power motor makes it capable of speeds up to 130 miles an hour. Also expected to attract siderable attention is foreign car, a 1935 Hispona-Suiza, made in Paris, France. This is a 12 cylinder, 220 horsepower lux* ury car which originally cost $23,- 500. Only twenty-five of this particular model were made, and only four of them are in North America. Its Owner is W. A. Boone of Winnetka. --: OIL PRODUCTION Illinois produced an estimated 5.651,000 ^ barrels of oil during June, according to the State Geological Survey. Drilling continued at a low level in June. Production dropped from about 220,000 barrels per day to 150,000 barrels. A refinery strike in Ohio caused temporary curtailment in crude oil production in Illinois. Much of the oir produced in Illinois jus transported to refineries which were closed by the strike. We DYE for You! Spreads - Rugs Drapes Slipcovers TOP QUALITY WASH & DRY Riverside Drive Laundromat , 202 N. Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 890 DROP OFF SERVICE Fast Service We Wash Pillows Blankets Heavy Work Clothes Fluff Dry BOAT STORAGE • PIER SPACE • WINTER STORAGE • COMPLETE LAYUP & REFINISHING SERVICE PISTAKEE LAKE MARINA Chain O' Lakes Newest & Finest Boat Facilities Rt. 12 . 1 Mile South of Fox Lake Phone McHenry 1888 Ready for your bigger, tougher jobsK Another. ..bigger... Forward Control 'Jeep' Truck "go-anywhrre*' maneirrerability carry bulky payloads up to 3500-pounds to areas or* dinary trucks can't reach. Other outstanding features: performance-proved, high torque Hurricane 6-226 engine. • spacious Safety-View cab • big wrap-around windshield • with power take-off, it operates a wide range of special equipment. It's the completely new, more powerful, 7,000-pound GVW Forward Control 'Jeep' FC-170 Truck: t More cargo space on less wheelbase! A 9-foot pickup box on a wheelbase only 103% inches long. Bed is only 27-inches from ground for backsaving ease of loading. 0 New advanced design! Driver is in Forward Control position for greater command of any driving situation. t New high for "big-load'* maneuverability! 4-wheel drive traction and 'Jeep' Get an on-the-job demonstration at your 'Jeep' dealer! McHENRY GARAGE -- Willys Sales & Service Tel. 403 600 Front St. McHenry, HL Jeep/ Forward Conlml FC-170 ST. MARY'S PARISH CARNIVAL FRIDAY - SATURDAY - SUNDAY AUGUST 16, 17, 18 at ST. MARY'S PARISH GROUNDS EXCITING RIDES-GAMES-DELICIOUS REFRESHMENTS FRIDAY NIGHT-CHILDREN'S NIGHT 7-11 MANY SPECIALTIES FOR THE KIDDIES -- ALL RIDES 10c FRIDAY SUNDAY AFTERNOON and EVENING BUFFET SUPPER SERVINC| STARTING AT 4 P.M. CHILDREN UNDER 12 -- 75c ADULTS • $1.25 WONDERFUL ENTERTAINMENT

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