Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Aug 1957, p. 6

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THE «*, •« ^ V ' ^ f ** - " 1 * ^ ^ ^ $ " ' * t - O | - • • _ '-c'-yrim; J l^uridi^, Jtigittf ls lS87 J - WANT ADS PROVE THAT GIGANTIC JOBS ARE DONE BY MHX5ET& - RING 4000 DOOR BELXS FOB $1.00 WITH A PLAINDEALER WANT AD! Plaindealer Want Adi No ad counted less than 20 words, $1.00 minimum. 1 insertion $1.00 (Count 5 words per line) 25c service charge on all blind ads. Cash with order. Card of Thanks - $1.00 minimum Want Ads close promptly at 10 a,m, Wednesday. BOATS & MOTpRS BOAT TRAILER in good condition--$ 15. McHenry 568-M-2. 14 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: $1.00 Col. inch -- 2 Inch Minimum. Classified Display must include a minimum of one 18 pt. head and one 18 pt. signature or its equivalent. 3 lines of 8 pt. allowed per inch. CASH WITH ORDER On following classifications! Wanted To Rent Situations Wanted Business Opportunities AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 I block East of the riyer bridge. Open weekdays: 9 ajn. to 6 pjn. Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1 pjn. 44-tf 1951 HUDSON. Call McHenry -- 6Q0-R. 14 NEW 1957 Ford Ranchero % ton truck. Driven only 10 miles. Must sell because of death in family. Phone McHenry 1660-R. 1,4 1955 CHEVROLET 2 dr - 210 V8 Powerglide - radio - heater - EZ Eye glass. Very clean. One owner car--$1,195. Call Richmond 3342. 14 CUT DOWN frame, special tran. tow bar, 15" wheels front, 16" wheels rear. Call evenings, Wonder Lake 6872. 14 1951 DODGE, fluid drive $125. 21" self propelled lawn mower $30. Girls 24 inch Schwin bicycle $15. Telephone Wonder Lake 2641. •14 '48 FORD 2 door sedan. Very clean. White walls, radio, heater. $190. Call evenings after 5 p.m. 535-J-2. 14 BOATS & MOTORS JOHNSON MOTORS New and Used -- rfermt Motors and Boats Service - Re finishing and Storage BILL'S OUTBOARD MOTORS 10434 S. Riverside Drive • Phone McHenry 1076 44-tf BOATS ARISTOCRAFT, CROSBY GLASS JET, SWITZER ALUMACRAFT, SPEEDQUEEN PABST, CARVER CHRIS-CRAFT, CAVALIER GATOR & TEE NEE TRAILORS New Motors - 3 to 35 H.P. Also Used Boats & Motors Ed. J. Wendi Boats RICHMOND, ILL. On U.S. 12, 3 blocks north of Rts. 12 & 173. Open daily & I Sunday 9 A.M. -- 9 P.M. 10-tf 2 MAN Aluminum boat, cost $135, sacrifice for $65; ideal for fishing or duck hunting. Also 9 x 12 Firth red rug--$15. Recently cleaned, McHenry 2252-J. 14 REYNOLDS aluminum boat and 7% H.P. Elgin motor. C. T. Wessel. Huemann's Subd. Phone McHenry 1877-J. V 14tf BUSINESS SERVICE Why Run Out? CALL ; Thennes Oil Co. , PHONE 32 Degree Day Delivery 16 FT. BOAT Cover almost new, $15; siren. $15; spotlight $12; girl's bike $12. Phone McHenry 708-J. " 14 IVi H.P K.G.4 racing motor; also Mark 20-H racing motor; 3 H.P. Evinrude fishing motor. Ph. 1745-J, Saturday or Sunday after 10 A.M. Ask for Tom. 14 BUSINESS SERVICE GENUINE CERAMIC TILE. Do it yourself, or we'll do it for you. All necessary material and u&e of tools available. Average bath about $125. Complete instructions. Call Lake Region Tile Co., JAckson 6-7298 or visit 414 Ridge Court, Wauconda, 111. 28-tf Highland Imp. Co. General Contractors Homes, additions, porches, dormers, concrete, plumbing and electricity. Union work. No job too mfiall, PHONE WONDER LAKE 6392 , 52-tf TREE SPRAYING - Dairy barn. F. W. Henkel, P.O. Round Lake, 111. Residence, Volo. Phone McHenry 543-J-l. 48-tf GARAGES 14 x 20-ft. with overhead door, concrete floor and shingle roof. Choice of siding and 2 windows. *695 No Money Down. 5 yrs. to pay. WALSH Home Improvement - Waukegan Call FRANK GANS 300 Riverside Drive McHENRY 1878-W 4-tf Candid Weddings trom Home, Church and Reception KOLIN Photograpners Baby Pictures, Taken In Your Home. Call us for appointment eL 566-W-l McHenry, CI. 44-tf 27rtf PAINTINGj interior and Exterior. Paper hanging, wallboard tapeing -- Free estimates. Nick Huff, Ph. Free estimates. Nick Huff & Son. Ph. 570-M-l. Rt. 4, McHenry, 36-tf I Pump Cesspools aiid Septic Tanks G. A. Douglas Lakeland Park Subdivision Phone McHenry 1480 Station Box 38 38-tf UPHOLSTERING Custom Upholstering All Work Guaranteed Call For Free Estimate McHenry 1184-R 14 Well Drilling And Septic Systems Trenching and Digging Water Lines - Seepage Beds Morrisson Water Systems Installed. Walter M. Garrelts McHenry, HI. Phone McHenry 2101 1-tf Sewers Clogged? Complete electric sewer, sink rodding and root cutting equipment. PHONE McHENRY 1950 EJJMER GLOSSON 406 John St. McHenry, 111. 18 FT. INBOARD $800. Solid mahogany Dunphy hull, with 45 H.P. Gray Marine engine. Ph. McHenry 584-J-l. 14 PACKAGE DEAL -- must sacrifice - 18' Larson C Cruiser, '56. Electric start, complete. '49 Buick convertible, perfect condition both' cash--$1500. Phone JUstice 7-0553. 14 WANT SOME FUN! Have the pleasure and pride of owning a new 16' Peterson with fore and* mid deck and a flashing 1957 35 H.P. Evinrude. This entire fun-filled package can be carried off on a new Tee Nee trailer foi only -- boat, motor, trailer - - $998 We have outstanding values all types .of new and used pleasure boats. New fishing boat and motor • • -- D and F Builders New Homes, Additions and Garages. -- Also -- • Wallboard Service Call for Free Estimates McHENRY 665-W-2 Financing Available 3-tf Free Estimates - Work Guaranteed JIM KREIN ROOFING & SIDING FHA Financing No Money Down 36 Mo. to Pay PHONE McHENRY 591-W-2 Repairs Fully Insured 9-tf SEWING MACHINE SERVICE-- Service on all makes of sewing machines and vacum cleaners. Singer Sewing Center, 221 Benton St., Woodstock. Phone Woodstock 294. 7.9 PIAtfO TUNING and repairing. Expert workman ship. A. G. Skala. Phone 123-J. 8-12 $269 Used cabin trailer - - cruiser, motor and *1,850 Used racing trailer - - - lull/ motor and Norik, Bridge Marine Service Co., (Formerly Hunter Boat? Co.) East Side of Old Bridg* 14 SHARPEN and REPAIR Lawn Mowers. Carry parts for 4 different motors. Also for sale, '49 Dodge, good condition. '47 Fiazer 51 Nash. All kinds of repairing Phone 919, Buchert.'s Garage. 3-tf GARAGE DOORS Wood Sectional Flush or Panel Radio Control Poor Operators LE2BACH DOOR COMPANY McHenry 1187-R 22-tf Jmlhiifft yow Imyronf »|»iW It tfrittty Wi» pwJwi ml MI tM .i* «n* mi (cmpony whan f» conwt b pltlng yvur IMim. TW®; IM it pair* «nd pay* enj #ayi( KENT CORP. Insurance ft Real Estate For Over 29 Years Insure through this Agency . and Feel Safe. PHONE 8 N. Riverside Dr., McHenry, I1L FOR SALE BUSINESS SERVICE Home Improvement Service Carpentry, Floor & Wall tiling "No Job too Small" Free Estimates Howard Reinboldi Sta. Box 42, McHenry, 111. Phone 261 12-4 REXAIR Vacuum Cleaners --new and rebuilt. Parts and repairs. Used vacuum cleaners. Carl Barnikol - McHenry 1995-J. >< 12-tf vVy.LLS DRILLED 01 DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS -- We 8ell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, Wonder Lake 5933 or McHenry Telephone 167. 26-tf Old Folks Haven PRIVATE, convalescent and bed patients; a real home, all comforts; best of food; 24-hr. nursirtg care; spacious grounds; reasonable rates. Tel. McHenry 2880. 14-2 CONTRACTORS of complete septic systems, as low as $235. For free estimates call Nett's Sand & Gravel. McHenry 1260. 52-tf FOR SALE BUILDING on cement foundation, 12 x 22--$50. Call 1074-R. 12-3 TERRA COTTA RESALE and Consignment Shop open daily except Mondays, 1 - 5 p.m. Also 42-tf open Tues. & Thurs. nights 6 - 9 p.m. /Sunday 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Clothes for the entire family in good condition. Also miscellaneous .items. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Road. Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. 44eow Peter A. Freund SANITARY SERVICE I clean and pump septic tanks ft cesspools Phone McHenry 1819-J Residence Fox Street 10-tf "HOURL-. RATES for jackhammer service. Call us for the hard work. Arnold N. May Bldrs., Inc., Richmond, I1L Phone Richmond 4381." 26-tf 17 CU. FT. "Sub Zero" upright freezer, 4 doors. Cost. $600, excellent condition, $300. or best offer. Also 2 dr. Kelvinator refrigerator, used $85. C.L. 2996. *14 FRIENDS -- it's murder -- yes sir, just plain murder to work in stiff, uncomfortable work shoes-- So why do it? Get yourself a pair of Wolverine Shell Horsehides. They're buckskin - soft, dry soft, STAY soft. Just the same, they're the wearingest, money-savingest work shoes you ever slipped a foot into. Sounds good? Well, it's even better than it sounds so get yourself a pair of Wolverine Shell Horsehides at White's Men's Shop that's White's Men's Shop, 208 S. Green St., McHenry, 111. 2-e.o.w. Sears Roebuck & Co. Building Materials Gutters - Plastic Hie Aluminum Comb. Windows and Doors \ «. . . \ Floor Tile - Garage Doors Railings - Jalousie Windows Roofing and Siding Materials or Applied Easy Payment Plan Call 1878-W or Write Frank Gctns, Representative 300 Riverside Dr., McHenry 46-tf PRE-CAST CONCRETE septic tanks, well pits, dry wells and seepage beds, without or with c o m p l e t e . i n s t a l l a t i o n s . Also trenching digging. Phone Wonder Lake 3838. , *6-8 3 GRADES OF DIRT as low as $1.50 per yard delivered. Power leveling & grading. Nett's Sand & Gravel. Phone McHenry 1260. 52-tf Doll Clothing and Wigs DOLLS REPAIRED McHENRY DOLL HOSPITAL 1 block east o£ old bridge Pistakee Road Phone 2725 20eow 10 CU. FT. Frigidaire chest type freezer. Call McHenry 815. GEneral 8-6951 Lake Zurich. 14 Ben Franklin's Lay-A-Way Sale Children Show Suits and Jackets Warm and Washable , $1 Down Will Hold Until Oct. 15 \ 14 DAVENPORT and chair with slip covers. Dinette table and 4 Chairs. All in good condition. G.E. electric heater; vacuum cleaner with attachments. Phone 1382. 14 SPECIAL SALE FENCE WIRE FENCE POSTS HARDWARE CLOTH - GALVANIZED & BLACK SMOOTH WIRE GALVANIZED SHEET METAL - SHEET TIN SHEET ALUMINUM - GALVANIZED & BLACK PIPE GALV. FITTINGS VYCITALS McHenry 98 14 BRAND NEW, Benrus men and ladies^ watches--reg. $57.50, 17J $38.33. Schick elec. razors--reg. $29.50, our price $20.65. 225% Benton St., Woodstock. 14 McHenry Disposal Service Phone 2221 for DEPENDABLE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE FRED WIRTZ 115 3rd Ave. 47-tf 2 WASHING machines, 1 Maytag automatic and 1. wringer type. Reasonable. Phone McHenry -- 556-R-2. 14 Northwest Blacktop Company Drives • Patios - Etc. Tel. McHenry 590-R-l SAW SERVICE. Hand and circular saws machine sharpened and repaired. Edw. Heyward, 106 S. Riverside Dr. Phone 445-M. 47-tf FURNACE oil heating unit, 275 gal. tank and approximately 150 gals. oil. Phone 140-M. 14 GLADIOLAS - mixed colors, 60 cents per dozen or 2 dozen for $1. French. Phone 638-R-2. 14 2% H.P. DAVID BRADLEY garden fractor including disk; drag; 8:inch plow; cultivator with two sets of shovels; new 24 inch rotary mower with leaf mulcher attach. All in perfect condition. Three years old. $195 complete. Phone McHenry 163-R. 14 14 GARBAGE - ASH - RUBBISH REMOVAL RESIDENTIAL -- COMMERCIAL Illinois Sanitary Service, Inc. McHenry 1900 -- JAekson 6-7666 LICENSED and BONDED St-tf FOR SALE DRESSER and vanity; hair dryer; perfect condition; reasonable. JTel. McHenry 2880. 14 UNIVERSAL electric stove, first class. condition. McHenry 568-M-2. 14 BROWN and WHITE pinto pony 12% hands high. Mare parade pony. Best offer. Phone McHenry 1134. ' 14-2 ELECTRIC stove", washing machine, baby bed & new mattress. Call evenings i 6 p.m. Wonder Lake 6872. 14 FOR RENT • . • • / ' 1 y • ! FOR RENT or SALE: Modern 7 room house, .3 bedrooms, cabinet kitchen, full "basement* hot wajter heat. 2-car garage, $125 per mo. Phone 552-R-2. 14 LIGHT AIRY room in town. 269 East Elm St. Phone McHenry 2042. 11-tf 3 BEDROOM ranch house, 2 .car garage, full. basen\ent. Gas heat, $100. Reference required. Call -- 2670. *14 HEAL ESTATE 4 BURNER Universal gas range. Bottle gas type $15. Pot belly coal stove, nickle trim, top condition $5. Private , party. Corner of Tia Juana Drive and Northlake Road, Lakemoor. H. Kampe. 14 RABBITS for sale--3 Does, 2, Bucks, complete with hutches and exercise cage--$10 takes all. McHenry 829. 14 WATER SOFTENER, very reasonable. Phone McHenry 2715-J after 5:00 p.m. *14 •SINGLE BED, box springs, dining table and four chairs, day bed. Also a jigsaw. Reasonable. Call McHenry 545-J-2. 14 EASY SPINALATOR washing machine, like new $80. Phone 985. 14 TAMlS and gentle descented skunks, make good pets. Phone McHenry 1824. 14 $1 Week $1 Week 1/000 pairs Ladies & Girls' Shoes* House Slippers (brand new). Necklace 8c Earring Sets, Lord Prayer Cross Necklace, Glass Fishing Rods, Ladies Hand Bags, Lamps, Foam Sport Caps, Cuff Links & tie Bars, 2 Pr. Nylon Hosiery, Slips 8c Half Slips, Secretary 8c 6 Ball Point Pens, Toys, Levels, Hammers, Pliers, Kids Swim Fins, Door Mats*. Large Hair Tonic, Baby Bottle Warmers, Truck Side Mirrors, Other Items. STORE WITH BEST PRICE 225% Benton St. Woodstock, 111. FOR RENT 60S Third Street Occupancy on or about . August 15th --• One bedroom apt. Large living room, tile bath, large dinette kitchen with cabinet sink, 3 closets, individual gas heat, SO" gas range, automatic defrost refrigerator. Parking offstreet --• $82.50 - Adults. Owner, Phone McHenry 1613 14 3-RM. FURNISHED apt. and bath at McCullom Lake; heat, electric. Suitable for bachelor or working couple. Available Sept. 1. Mrs. L. Bennett, phone McHenry 554-J-2. 14 PISTAKEE BAY, 6-rm. furnished home on lovely estate; gas heat, dishwasher, refrigerator and stove. Available Oct. 1. Tel. McHenry 1886-J. 14 7 ROOM house-- 2 car garage. Possession Sept. 1. Robert Vogt. Phone 2605-J. 14 OFFICE SPACE at 539 Main St. Phone 1119, Elmer W. Jensen, 518 Waukegan Road, McHenry, 111. 14 14 FOR RENT ROOM FOR RENT. With or without kitch. privileges. Phone 131-W. LIGHT AIRY room in town. 209 East Elm St. Phone McHenry 2042. 11-tf 1% ROOM apartment partially furnished. Town Club, 201 Riverside Dr. Phone 12. 14 FOR RENT to responsible couple our modern furnished waterfront home; from September to May. Call McHenry 1624-M. . 13-2 Illinois Bell Telephone Co. "a good place to work" < ENJOY THESE ADVANTAGES Good Starting Salary With Frequent Increases You'll Earn While You Leam Paid Vacation Chance For Advancement APPLY NOW FOR A JOB AS A TELEPHONE OPERATOR SENIOR GIRLS: Assure yourself of a good job after graduation. EX-OPERATORS: Salary credit given for past experience. Drop in and see Miss Marshall at 102 N. Park, or calJ her at McHenry 9901. She'll bfr glad td tell you all the pleasant details. Illinois Bell Telephone Co. . . 5-tf FOR RENT in beautiful Pistakee Highlands new home to be completed about Sept. 1st, three bedrooms, 12 x 27 living room, large kitchen and, utility space, L.P. gas heat, hot water heater, plenty closet space with sliding doors. Will decorate to spit. Rental ,$125 per month on two year lease. Phone Village 8-4369 pr write A. S. Aitken 418 Lake Street, Oak Park, Illinois. 14-2 MODERN FOUR rbom apartment, 2 bedrooms, stove, refrigerator, and washing machine. Furnace heat. McHenry 742. 14-tf FOR RENT - 4 room modern apartment, gas heat. Call 10 or 748 McHenry. 14 2 BEDROOM year round borne on Vz acre ground. Lake rights. Electric range and refrigerator. Regner Road Subdivision. . $95 per month. Inquire ft. McCarthy, Box 181-A, Johnsburg. 10 doors north of Bowling Bar. 14 IJOuW pCHcIg CuUB MfBtArm* tu «r mv ctr*MtH<9 DOW AT McHENRY CLEANERS 106 Elm St., McHenry, DL where you SAVE SAFELY! . We Give and Redeem % Gold Bond Stamps. HELP WANTED WANTED Young Man For Meter Reading ^ 18 to 25 Years High School Education Opportunity for , Advancement Good Wages and Benefits •' Apply in Person NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS CO. 61 N. Williams St. Crystal Lake, Illinois W 14 CLEANING WOMAN for Oak Park hotel, Pistakee Bay. Phone 176. 14 MIDDLE AGED woman to help in, Snack Shop--4 to 6 hours a day. Apply in person at 139 N. Riverside Drive. McHenry. 14 PUNCH PRESS operators; paB Vacations, holidays. Apply D. E. Johnson Tool & Mfg. "Co., McHenry. ,14 PAINTERS and TAPERS--must be experienced and union. Apply Standard Painting Service, 227 Clifton D^ivp, Roiind-Lake or call Kimball 6-4507 after &30 p.m. 14 HELP WANTED CLEANING woman for private home. Qne mile fr6m town. Once a week. Friday preferred. Must furnish own transportation. Write c/o McHenry Plaindealer Box 290 . . . v , 1 2 - t f GIRL for small office, experienced in general office work. Billing, bookkeeping, typing, etc. 5 day week, but must work Saturdays. Reply c/o McHenry Plaindealer Box 284. Give experience, references and salary desired. 12-tf GIRL or WOMAN to work from 9:00 to 3:00--Mon., Tues., Fri. $ Sat. Riverside Drive Laundromat. Apply in person before 9:00 a.m- 14 MAN or WOMAN wanted to take over ball point pen distribute!? ship and service stores in spare time. We are looking for a reliable person in this area who is capable of handling our retractable ball point pen distributorship and will give stores prompt service. The man or woman selected will find this a profitable operation which can be handled in your spare time, (no selling) or (soliciting). Larger territotty is available for prosperous fu»- time business. Experience not necessary. This is a steady, yearround repeat business that is nonseasonal. If you are sincerely ihterested in Handling this territory and. running a business of your own, we want to hear from you. For personal interview write arid give phone number. U.S. Coitimercial Products Company, 7435 R Western Avenue, Chicago, Drive Slower and Enjoy Life FARMERS FARMERS Dead and Crippled Animals Wheeling Rendering Works Phone: Wheeling No. 3 10-tf DOWN and CRIPPLED Cattle wanted, at better cash prices. Orville Krohn, Woodstock. Phone 1651-Rrl, collect. 15-tl WILSON Bulk Milk Coolers fo* sale. Disston and Homelite chain saws sold with service by Lau* rence E. Anderson, Dairyman's Supply Co., McHenry 475. 23-ti GEO, Ps FREUND Authroized Dealer for SALES ft SERVICE PHONE HeHENBY 420 801 Crystal Lake Road HOGS wanted. All classes and weijght for highest net retun$ Monday through Friday 8 am to 1 p.m. Marengo Dafly Hfa Market, phone JOrdon 8-7291. 50-tf R. M. FLEMING & SON NEW IDEA -- PAPEO PFAl.lfiH TRACTORS SALES ft SERVICE A Complete > Farm Implement Service. PHONE McHENRY 83 822 Waukegan Road McHENRY EQUIPMENT CO. •|g. 8AI.ES a GUS rBEDIft) PHONE McHENRY 185 | 808 W. Elm St. (basement! 4'liiititmiTu • arvi i 'r '/":ryggi>n

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