Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Aug 1957, p. 2

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k'^&: f:' ~ "•'^^^^•A0^y:'--- :i'-;'.4 ^;v!v., ; .. Mrs. John Lieser pbserves Birthday Mrs. John (Mary Dreimueller) Lieser, well known to McHenry and Johnsburg families, celebrated her,, seventieth birthday anniversary on-Aug. 3. She is a very active person who is kept busy sewing, crocheting and visiting her family and many friends during the summer months. Present to help her celebrate were Mr. and Mrs. Herb Lieser .and family, "Mr. and Mrs. Dick Abbott and, son, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Busdhnialtn and sons, Mr. . and Mrs. Roy Gielow and son, Mr. and Mrs, John Dreimueller. Mr. and Mrs. Art Paisler and : family, Mrs. Catherine Fowler, .Miss Ann Dreimueller, Miss Marge Dreimueller and also Mr. jand Mrs. Fred Herdrick and daughters of Island Lake. Miller Infant Is Chirstened Recently The infant -daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller (Joan Wegener) was christened Kathleen Carol by Rev. Fr. Frank Miller at St. Joseph's church, Richmond, Aug. 4. Sponsors were Mrs. Gerald Wegener and James Wegener, aunt and uncle of the baby. The baby's grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller of Richmond and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wegener of McHenry. Bridal Couple •E|l i|j |. iH .|"li* H"M -1 1 1 ! I I'l PERSONALS ><iiMii|iiM"fi'l 111111 Mrs. Rose Walinder is spending some time with hier daughter in Galesburg. - Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bonslett of Evanston called on the Misses Lena and Clara Stpffel Monday. . Mr. and Mrs. Al. Wirtz. Sandra and David, and her mother, Mrs. Clara--Brown.ofSpring Grove park, Elgin Sunday: Thompson-Foley Engagement Told Mr. and Mrs. Leo Thompson of 406 Park avenue ajjpounce the engagement of their daughter/ Gerry, to Maurice Foley, of Mrs. Albert D. Foley of 111 Richmond road, McHenry; No definite plans for the wedding have been made. Photo by Medlar THE GERALD THIELS St. John the Baptist church was the scene of a lovely wedding service Aug. 3, which united Miss Arleene Jost of Sunnyside Estates and Mr. Gerald Thiel of Johnsburg. JThe newlyweds are residing in Johnsburg. Residence Chaiiges Honor Sister Jacob On Silver Jubilee Sister M. Jacob, O.S.F. accompanied by her sister. Sister M The Fred Wirtz family moved Wednesday from their residence on Third avenue to Uplands, Calif., where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pheanis and son moved this week to DeKalb, where he will teach in the university in the fall. Mr. Pheanis was football • coach at M.C.H.S. for two years. NAME K. of C. DEPUTY State Deputy George L. Griffin of Chicago has announced the Victricia, O.S.F. spent one week I appointment of Albert F. Ham with their father, Joe M. Schae- mer Barrington as district defer. Sister Jacob celebrated her silver jubilee and a turkey dinner was served in her honour for about forty guests in the Ben J. Thelen home on Sunday, Aug. 4. Supper was also served to the many friends and relatives who came to participate in this special occasion. a OSPJTAL )lotU puty^ for District No. 28, made up of the councils of Harvard, McHenry, Woodstock and Crystal Lake Mr. Hammer will serve as a personal representative of the state deputy in this district. FAIR WINNER Among county fair winners in the horse handling class was Au drey Albrecht of Oeffling's subdivision, who placed fourth in the barrel-bending contest. McHenry Hospital Patients at the McHenry hospital during the past week were Clara Peters of Niles; Emma Kunz and Hilda Biehl of Lakemoor; George Hutchinson of Rt. 3; Donna Skiba, Margie Rogers, Norman Eggert, Timothy Freund, Helen Creamer and Bob Peterson of McHenry; Lillian Little of Glenview; Robert Schaefer of Ingleside; Karen Schmidt, Elsie Dalrymple, Robert Brownell, May Neidecker and Karen Karlove of Crystal Lake; Kate Foss of Huemann's subdivision; Lucille Stevens of Lakeland Park; Mary Jane Strupeck and Eric Abaramhson of Chicago; Gloria Peterson of Cooney Heights; Lorraine Olson of Elmer aid Park; Mary Jane Herman of Round Lake. Memorial Hospital Mrs. Helen Bohl was a medical patient and Miss Lilly Raven underwent surgery at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, this past week. CARD OF THANKS Our recent bereavement leaves us with grateful hearts toward neighbors and friends. Your helpfulness and comforting expressions of sympathy will always be remembered. We are especially grateful to the V.F.W. auxiliary, Msgr. Nix, Fr. Reuland, Fr. Nilges and Fr. Hettermann. The Family of *15 Mrs. Eugene P. Freund CARD OF THANKS We are sincerely appreciative for the many kindnesses shown by friends and neighbors during our bereavement. 15 The Seebach Family The recent action of automobile manufacturers in de-emphasizing horsepower and speed in their advertising is praiseworthy, says the Illinois Division of Traffic Safety. Now, if individuals will de-emphasize it on the road it will help even more. have returned from a trip to Florida, where they visited his sister, Mrs. W. L. Cain, and family in Jacksonville. Walter Warner of Elgin and brother, Bert Warner, of Phoenix, Ariz., visited in McHenry Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vycital. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tingleff and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Franks of Crystal Lake are vacationing at Egg Harbor, Door County, Wis., this week. Miss Nancy Lockwood spent the past week with relatives in Waukegan. . , • Mr. and Mrs. Carl Courier and son, William of Marengo, visited McHenry relatives Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Ahtonson and sons are vacationing in Colorado for two weeks. - Mrs. Eloise Knor and Miss Elsie Fagan of Chicago, were visitors in the home of Mrs. Nellie Bacon Thursday. Miss Bertha Haven and Mrs. Gertrude Gatlie of Racine called on friends here Thursday. Lynn Cheney, a former Wonder Lake resident, called on McHenry friends last week enroute from Minnesota to his home in Palo Alto, C&lif. Mr. and. Mrs. LeRoy Melsek, and children, Lee, Rodney, and Jeanie, have returned to their home in Ft. Meyers Beach, Fla., after two weeks visit with McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. William Martin of Sterling, were weekend guests of his" sister. Miss Rita Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin of Waukegan called on McHenry relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Chabarberski and son, Mark of Chicago, were Sunday visitors in the Joseph Williams' home. The Carl Hiatt family were dinner guests in the home of Mrs. Zena Bacon, Saturday evening, enroute from a vacation at Portage, Wis., to their home in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Olhava of Chicago spent the weekend at their hpme on Center street Mr. and Mrs. Donald Doherty spent Sunday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Seepe of Evanston, were weekend visitors in McHenry. Raymond Powers of Pekin. a 1st Lieut, in the Naval Reserves, who is soending two weeks at the Great Lakes Training Center, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Powers, Sr., on Center street. Mrs. John A. Bolger. son John, Miss Genevieve Knox, Miss Nellie Doherty and Miss Marya Bousser accompanied by Miss Katherine Kortendick of Woodstock, saw Miss Mary Ann Bolger receive her degree of Bachelor of Science at graduation exercises at Northern Illinois university, Aug. 8. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conway, Judy and Robbie, w^re recent guests of the former's sister, Sister St. Hilda, at Holy Name convent, Chicago. The George E. Johnson family of Skokie were Sunday visitors in the George H. Johnson home. • Mrs. William Dreyer, who is spending some time with hei* mother, Mrs. Minnie Block, accompanied her husband, William Dreyer of Forest Park, and Mrs. Bertha Dreyer, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Knoblaudt of Ft. Wayne, Ind.,on a few days trip through? Wisconsin last week. •, " Mrs. May Baur and Mrs. Thom* as . Raeside and, s$tu Bobbife, of Keokuk, Iowa, -are visiting Mc* Henry relative*. ^ William fcnd Ardelle Voeltz spent a few days this week with their grandmother,' Mrs. Elsie Voeltz: in the Howard Heideman home in Elgin. The Robert Conway faftiily attended a family picnic at Wing. Mr. and Mrs.' Paul Patzke and Mrs. Pearl Patzke visited the flower show at Momence Saturday and also called on Ralph Patzke at Champaign. Mrs. Phil Kane and daughters, of Chicago, called on McHenry relatives Sunday. * Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conway and children spent a few days last week in Michigan where they visited the John Copways in Flint and the Patrick Conways in Detroit. , Mrs. C. J, Dahlen visited in ther home of her mother, Mrs. Caroline Williams, in Racine, Wis., "•# few days the past week while her daughter, Beverly, visited an aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Williams in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Adams returned to their home in Kansas City, Mo., Monday after spending the past week with her aunt, .Mrs. Kathryn Schreiner. McHENRY GIRL RECEIVES HABIT OF ST. FRANCIS On Aug. 12, at a reception ceremony held at the motherHousfe of the School Sisters of St. Fraiicis in Milwaukee, Wis., forty-one ydung women who had completed their postulancy received the ha- Art Faif Success Holds Pleasant Memories For Hundreds Attendirijf^L SISTER MART IDELLE bit of the order. Among tiiem %as Sister Mary Idelle', O.S.F.,, (Bett». Schaefer) daughter of Mrs. Joseph M. Schaefeft Jr^of| McHenry. . . .. 7 Rt. Rev. Msgr. Shanahan sided at the ceremony and bestowed the habit of St. Francis. " The young novice is a graduate of the McHenry Community high school with the class of 1956, where she was active in the Future Teachers, the Girls' Athletic association and was voted the, most sincere girl in the class. Among those who attended the reception were Mt. and Mrs. Joseph M. Schaefer, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schaefer and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Huff and Dennis, Mrs. Florence Freund,' Mrs. Frank Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin May, Miss Joyce and Miss Janice May, Miss Kathleen Anglese, Miss Barbara Schroeder, Miss Laurayne Conway and Miss Jane Blake. by Marie Schaettgen Just a few; ,short days ago/t^e first McHenfy Art Fair passed into the realm of thihgs. historical ' ' The committee was delighted With the response of the commun- IfyT~V1sitors came from the near and the far places in the county. Many from other cqunties came too. Libertyville, s Harvard, Waukegan, Woodstock and Chicago all were represented in tbe signatures on, the guest book. As nearly as can be computed at this early date, the visitors numbered 1800' On Friday evening, a preview of the exhibits acquainted the committee with the contributing artists and: their work. Mayor Fneund apt! softie of the members of the C^bnSieiK o£ Commerce and other of' the town's dignitaries, were present. The local artists were all invited and many came. Everyone was delighted with the arrangement of the paintings as well as the extent of exhibits. There were many works of art other than paintings. Brass and wood displayed the artistry of some of our local people. To all this beauty was added ^he lovely atmosphere of the room and the building itself. Refreshments and good > ; conversation with friends and visitors mige this- a gala event w|r The local i^ists who donated fifty paintin^||nd exhibited 150 others .Were Kafrpy about the enthusiasm displayed by the viewers. Many of th^^e paintings were sold from the regular exhibition. The auction of $fte donated paintings by the locals was a satisfying success. In the w<jrk of the artists a good crosst£«$j6n of the many different -sclipelji of thought on art were represented--from the conservatively the latest nonobjectivisn# - One of ttt#$bntributing reasons for the success of the show was the great enthusiasm with which the local artists entered into the spirit of the project. A number of artists whp,. failed to enter the show expressed their interest in the ne^ts or|e. To, them and to others who may like to exhibit in the futile, the chairman suggests they send their request to Mrs. Richajrd Wilhelm, 611 Grove street,' McHapO'. who is now compiling data' and gathering information for the next art fair. A surprising number of paintings bT the invited artists were sold. These paintings comprised the work of some of the bestknown, contemporary artists of the<2tffcago area. A OT small ^incidents occurred th^t"demo'ristrated the fact that the adult population of the county does not have a "corner" on the market of art appreciation. Young Robert Beckenbaugh, who recently set up business on Riverside driVe asv a shoe-shine Artist, bought three paihtings at ;the auction and paid for them from his own earnings. Another "youngster - unidentified as yet -wa£ .wistfully: peeking in at the. sho\y-. The auctioneer spotted him and ihvited him to. come August 11-18 Flower. Show, "Summertime In The Country"--HarriSbn ' School August 21 Fall Fashion Show -- Sponsored by St. Mary's Home and Schoolin. .The! boy, shook his head -diSf Lfihrmerlv P.T.A.) --Legion Hall. consolately and said he didn't have a dpllar . for a ticket. The. auctioneer gave him a dollar and the boy walked in. Soon' he returned and handed tKiPauctioneei 50 . cents. The price for children was only 50 cente. Many children came to the shottr and seemed to appreciate the exhibits. Children are certainly among those who "Know what they. like", .in att Their expressions of appreciation or of disdain are uninhibited - if ypu seek the iruth ifjlr ?. child. A sincere vote of thanks goes to all who helped. Some have been thanked personally others publicly. The Woman's auxiliary to the McHenry hospital and the Civic Arts association, without whose help this1 show might not have been possible, are grateful to the community for its support. Thank you all and "Come' to the fair next year." McHENRY TEACHERS ATTEND CONFERENCE OF SCHOOL LEADERS Mrs. C. W. Gibbs and Mrs. - Ray McGee have been attending a conference of school leaders which is being held at Northern Illinois university, DeKalb, this week. Approximately 300 leaders in the public shools of the state attendr ed. They discussed questions of school finance, as related to the local schools; teacher retirement; ways and means of keeping the public informed about its schools; the effect of recent legislation on the schools; the selection, prepatatibn and certification of teachers, as well as the-standards of the institutions which prepare teachers, and related items which may aid in the improvement of the teaching profession and the schools. Drive Slower and Enjoy Life August 22 W.C.O;F. St. Clara's Court No. 657. Regular meeting. m:s K. of C. Regiilat. Mating--of, C. Hall. .. • : •; ;:V August 24 - v;. ;';r ?': .Second Annual Dinner -- Ringwood Church -- Free Entertainment. Atagust 28 Job's Dattghters "fteen-age and ttfisses Style Show-- 1:30 p.m. August SI • Sept. 1 Annual Church Carnival---Christ the King Church, Wonder Lake. October 3 -. C. D. of'A. Public Party--Legion Home. \ BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Roman J. jSauer of Ringwood welcomed tjbeir third child, a daughter, on Aug. 9. Little Sheryl Marie has a brother an^ sister, Michael, and Ji^ie. J ;Mr. ^ and Mrs. Wenfcil Stanek are? the^ parents "of sl koii, born Aug. 7 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. New, Instant RELIEF for TIRED, ACHING BACKS! • BACK-EASER® ,' * 1*»«f plipfey* tli t IfPairl llHMrAai. eWga tf<sirtit>arbl<lre> •Mimni dMmM .HM*- mmutcati umutunrnva^.. uuafCtoKll ,b fttsks aii oruuicbibeear. Kbuackd retwllaoi, •tHiwaitiein*.. surnoruoieuni.v Bulnodce rr uIftraehill ndco: tbenlttteir. ntoodwa--r! Itt mar n Peer BACK-BASER Bolgers - TeL 40 Friends of Fired J. Mueller will be sorry to learn that he is confined to a hospital in Georgia. Anyone wishing to write to him may do so by addressing get-well wishes to Miudle Georgia hospital, Macon, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Anglese have returned from a trip through the east. VILLA NURSING HOME ON PISTAKEE BA?, NEAR McHENRl Home for Hie Aged SENILE BED PATIENTS PHONE McHENRY 461 for your ... Ceiiet BUG BLAST BOMB CONTAINS D.D.T. AND PYRKTHKUM Full residual action. One bomb takes care of about 72 rooms. Keep your bouse insect free this ' yean A Cenot Bomb wilt do ft. BOLGER'S 108 S. Green St. McHenry Sg-3 We DYE for You! Spreads - Rugs Drapes Slipcovers TOP QUALITY WASH & DRY & Laundromat 202 N. Riverside Drive Phpne McHenry 890 PROP OFF SERVICE Fast We Wash Pillows Blankets Heavy Work Clothes , Fluff Dry Back To School . . . loveliness • j. Make an appointment now to have one of our highly experienced hairstylist design a coiffeur forv school and the many social activities to come. AIR-CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS Open Tues., Thurs. and, FrL Evenings 'tUi & iversicle rslyk n g ofi J, 126 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. to Phone 147 ANNOUNCES ITS FIRST ANNIVERSARY PARTY THURSDAY, AUGUST 22 THROUGH SUNDAY, AUGUST 2£ Music By The VI RIGO TRIO Featuring ZOE RUTHERFORD EVERYONE'S INlVITEp : v. ;" ite bahki m lay "SMALLER HOLES IN DOUGHNUTS betoken tetter times." You've probably heard the line, amusing because it s meaningless. When we heard it, the thought struck us. that substitution of a single word -- budgets in place of doughnuts -- would transform the phrase into a serious one, fraught with meaning for everybody. By curbing heedless spending, and regularly adding the money thus salvaged to. a bank savings account balance, anyone can h^lp assure increpsingly better times for himself and his family. Try it, with us! SOME BUSYHANPS, perhaps yours ainong them, will be making sets of decorative slip-, covers during these winter months. A lot of work goes injp such a project -- not to mention 'cash. To get full value from both, heed the counsel of professional decorators: Besure to select pre-shrunk fabrics that will not shrink when laiindered. A simple test is* to suds and rinse a sample before- purchase. • * • SIMPLE ARITHMETIC: To elimination Of the risk involved in carrying a lot of cash, add a saving in time and energy . . . phis ease and accuracy in keeping records of expenditures . . plus assurance of receipts, for funds paid out. One need not be a mathematical genius to figure that these advantages add up to the allaround most satisfactory way of paying bills: It's the check way; and banks provide the service that enables folks such as you to enjoy its .benefits. McHENRY STATE BANK Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040 Back To School COKE PARTY and ... T Fashion Show Everyone's invited to attend our exciting Fashion Show featuring our new Fall line. Refreshments in the way of coke & cookies will be served. Plan on coming nowl y FRIDAY. AUG. 23rd -1 TO 5 PJ4. featuring. .. Skirts, Blouses, Sweaters, tapered Slim Pants and coordinates. by • Bobbie Brooks • Canterbury 9 Glenova • Susan Laurie L 0 0 ihey just arrived . . . those fabulous "Kw»tle-Mere" sweaters all full-fashioned &95 The loveliest sweaters of all these cloud-soft FULL-F^SHIQNED "Kastle-Mere" sweaters . . . a magic blending of 70% lambs wool, 20% angora rabbit hair and 10% nylon. Ajid the most beautiful colors under the fashion sun. Store Hours: Weekdays & Saturday 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. -- Wednesday to 12 Noon -- Friday to 9 P.M. "^own ajid Country" (Directly across from the A & P) S06 W, ELM S^. 41 McHENRY

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