Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Sep 1957, p. 12

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Wonder by lane Ducey Harrison School News The season's first principal's roUnd table of Northern Illinois will be a supper meeting at Bensonville, Friday evening, Sept. 20. This organization, of which Merle Thomas is secretary, regularly meets, the third Saturday of every month in Chicago. ' There will be a meeting of the school board next Tuesday, Sept. 24, at 8 p.m. at Harrison school. , This meeting is open to the public. .Tuesday, Sept 17, the members of the school board and the faculty and their' wives aund husbands, had dinner in Crystal Lake to acquaint the new faculty members with their co-workers. Twelve members of the Harrison school faculty attended the party Sept. 18 at Clarence Olson school in Woodstock, which served to welcome new teachers in the county. After a smorgasbord dinner complete with birthday cake for the NEA centennial, the evening was spent dancing and playing cards. Hot Dog Sales The sale of hot dogs in the lunchrooms at Harrison school will start Thursday, thereafter. The P.T.A. is handling the project and hope to make its expenses for the year from the proceeds of the sales. This will eliminate . asking for donations for each affair. Letters will be sent home outlining the program soon. of Brownies according to the enrollment at this time. The leaders are well pledged with the turnout of parents, grandparents and friends the two registration nights. The season's activities are scheduled to start next week, Sept. 23. Garden Club Meets Hie Wonder Lake Garden club met at the home of Mrs. Leroy McCall Thursday evening, Sept. 12. Each lfidy brought, a new flower from her garden and answered to roll call by giving the correct name of the flower. Reports were given on the recent flower show staged by the'Richmond Garden Club at which the Wonder Lake club won many blue ribbons. A delicious lunch was served. The ladies have been invited to participate in the flower show to be given by the Elgin Garden dub's in November. . • Monday- Night Bowlers Results of the games rolled by P.T.A. Meeting About 115 persons attended the Sept. 10 meeting of the Harrison school P.T.A., called to order by Mrs. Austin Hood, president. Membership chairman, Mrs. Henry Setzler, reports 130 members signed up and received their year books. Dr. Raymond Watkins. chairman of the board, outlined the functions and integration of the various components of the school system, staff, principal, board, and P.T.A. Mr. Thomas proposed a vote of thanks to Mrs. Wilbur Haak, hospitality chairman, for the wonderful permanent identification pins for each member, which she worked on all summer. Miss Brickley*s room won the attendance award for "the night. Delicious cookies, coffee and tea were served. At the next meeting, Oct. 8, Mrs. Peters, fourth grade teacher, will present the program with pictures and descriptions . of her European trip this past summer.? Legion Auxiliary The regular meeting of the Legion Auxiliary will be held tonight Sept. 19, at 8 pjn. at the Legion hall. The ladies are collecting men's white shirts, playing cards, and books in preparation for their Octoftr trip to the veterans at the State hospital at Elgin. Anyone who wishes to contribute these things to the auxiliary may do so by calling W. L. 7931 and asking Mrs. Michels to pick them up. Old Resident Passes Alex Dorsey died Saturday morning, Sept. 14 at 4 a.m. at the age of 83. He is survived by his wife, Pauline, and son, Virgil of Wonder Lake. The family has been in year around residence in Shore Hills for the past 10 years. Services were held at the George Justen funeral home Tuesday, Sept. 17, the Rev. Burton Schroeder officiating, with burial in Ridgewood cemetery in Chicago. the ladies September 16 at Johnsburg alleys are as follows: Won Lost Cardinal Store 1 2 Violas 2 1 Ivar Fredricksen 2 1 Gutzman 1 2 Handy Pantry 3 0 Unsponsored 0 3 - Reuters 3 0 Lake Cleaners 0 3 Birthday Parties Joan Marke was surprised ,on her fourteenth birthday, Sept. 16, by a party given in her honor by Kathy Majercek. The guests included Joyce Motulewicz, Pamela Carlson, Mary Jane Gillis. Leanna Sellek, and Lynn Gustavson. The girls presented Joan with many nice gifts. Delicious refreshments were served including a home-made birthday cake baked by. mother Marke. Mark Motulewicz celebrated his eighth birthday Sept. 16 with a party for eight of his friends and brother, Wayne. The boys received model planes and the girls cross word puzzles for favors. Strawberry shortcake, (Mark's favorite) ice cream and punch were served. The children danced and played -games;-- ---- Rasmussen lost the motor pff his boat, wh§n it dropped into the lake as he was running the boat. To round out the story, the boat was stolen from LaGrecca's pier Sunday.. Men's Bowling Leauge At the McHenry alleys last Friday 13, the Men's league bowled for the second time this season with the following results: Cristy & Stendebach won 2, W.L. Builders won 1. Over 500 games, E. Johnson 201-532; Jay Cristy Sr., 200-552; B. Ramsby 507; H. Johnson 520. Mill Inn won 2, Lake Cleaners won 1. H. Hill 519. Wonder Lake Oil won 2, Rolaine Grill won 1, with But3 Ditwieler 536 and P. Marke 510. Van's Wonder Lounge won 3, Lake View Inn won 0. Krueger's Oil won 3, Silk's Sporting Goods won 0, with A. Krueger 204-524, A. Dietrich, 531, E. Bell 502. George's Firemen won 2, Paul's Hardware won 1, J. Wurm 202-562. Mrs. Motulewicz's sister, Casimera Trez of Chicago, visited Sunday, bringing Mark gifts from the folks in Chicago, and grandmother Motulewicz of Wheeling stopped in to pay hier respects to the eight year old. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burns of Shore Hills have had house guests for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. D e n n i s B u r n s , Tom's b r o t h e r , a n d ; nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Quinlivan have been visiting from Chicago. - j Mrs. Ann Morton of Chicago arrived last, weekend to spend several weeks with the C. J. Lucys of Deep Spring Woods No. 1 and enjoy the fine autumn weather. Mrs. Wanda McCafferty, Harold wAhnrade, and Mrs. Walter Dean were called for jury duty. They were to appear at the court house in Woodstock yesterday morning. Miss Joann Poch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Poch of Chicago, formerly of Wonder Center, was married to Gregory Wagner Saturday, Sept. 14, in Chicago. Mrs. Paul Marke and her sister, Marie Mammoser, attending the wedding and the reception at the Sovereign hotel afterward. Mrs. Marke then brought her sister home for a visit at the Lake over the weekend. > Natlyity Evangelical Lutheran Church Sunday, Sept. 22, is "Youth Sunday" throughout the Lutheran church, and it will be observed at Nativity with three ,young people from the church presenting the morning's message. Gail Cannon, Andy Thompson Jr., and Preston Christensen will speak on the theme, "Here I Stand" giving the outlook of christian young people on today's uncertain, way of life. All are welcome to the services, and especially on Youth Sunday the young, people are invited to attend. The Luther league will meet in the evening at 7:30. Final plans will be made for the roller skating party at McHenry on Sunday evening, Sept. 29, to which all young people are invited. The evangelism committee, of the church will meet at 8 Monday evening. Sept. 23. Pl^ns for "New Member Sunday" on Sunday, Oct. 13, will be completed. All parents of children in Sunday school are reminded of rally day on Sunday, Sept. 29. This is the "day when the children who will be advanced' to a new Sunday school department will receive promotion certificates. JUso award pins will be given for regular and perfect attendance. Two more lots have been purchased .to add to the new church site in Parker's Highlands which now makes the site 400 feet wide on the blacktop and 300 feet deep. This will assure the church of ample parking and room for future expansion in time to come. Obituary The community was saddened last Friday by the death of Edward Walker, age 14, following an injury received two weeks ago. He is survived by his parents Carl and Catherine Walker, a brother, Carl, Jr.; sisters, Su-' zanne, Cathy, and Mary Jo; and grandmother, Kate Cullaton. Services were held at 10 a.m. Monday at CJirist the King church with burial in the church cemetery. He was born Oct. 17, 1942, in Chicago, and had been living at Wonder Lake for * the last 10 years. He attended St. Mary's in McHenry and the McHenry high school where he was a sophomore this year. He was a member of the football and wrestling teams and the choral group. Oct. 6, when the ters of V-the Holy TrUUty will again travel from Rocfeforil each Sunday morning ; to tea^i catechism to the children of pjarlsb. Registration for these clasps w$. take place tjiis Sunday*. Sept. 22, following all the Masses. Cate chism will be taught each Sunday immediately after the 9 a.m. children's Mass. All the children who are pi age to make . their, first Holy Communion next Spring wiU bave to attend the classes whether they go to St. *lary*s or Harrison schools.. The f mother and daughter breakfast will be held on Sunday, Sept. 29, following, the a.m. Mass, instead of Oct. 6. a$ previously scheduled., Anyone who wishes to go will meet in front of the church after, the. Mass and proceed to "Millie's Pizza rit the North end.of the lake for a delicious breakfast. An open meeting of the NCCW of McHenry county will be held fit St. Patrick's parish in McHenry on Monday evening, Sept. 30. All members of the Altar and Rosary sodality are asked to make a special effort to attendv Coming Events: Oct. 19--Card Party sponsored by the Altar and Rosary Sodality at Mathews Hall. Prizes - Fun - Refreshments. - Each Tuesday evening 8:15 P4JL games night sponsored by the Wonder Lake Bible Church News The Bible church would like to extend a hearty welcome to everyr one to .all the services in which they teach and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Do you know Him, qr just, know about Him? There is a difference and that is the purpose of the Bible church-- to tell you about Him so that you may know Him and have your life filled to overflowing. . The ladies. of the missionary guild had a very nice time at the home of Mrs. Pe,ter Samkus, who J lives ih Lake Zurich. The fellpw-1 ship .was sweet a$ each one pres-' to this fall. Also, starting wixt jmonth, the second; Thursday m Octol&r, there will be. two .missionary guilds. One will , be held in. the daytime, and; one in the evening for those ladies who have not 'been able to attend during the day. All the ladies ,pf tbectmr^ are welcome, young and. old alike. Watch this column as well as the church bulletin for furtWr information. : The Couple's club .consisting joft married couples..of all ages will meet at the parsonage neyt Saturday, trie twenty-first ( at . 7:30 p.m. Pleasp try ,to< attend these informal get-togethers.. The Sunday school convention of greater Chicago , will be yheld ets for the banquet at 6:30 op Saturday are available from the pastor. There will be many points of interest. at this convention as well as iipany; well known speakers --r-- among them Miss Eugenia Price, forhterly writer of the radio program "Unshackled". Coming. Events: Young People's Outing at^Great Lakes Naval training Station--Sept. 28. Rally Day--Oct. ;6. Missionary Conferencer-- Nightly--Oct, .28 through Nov, '2. Pal's club for boys between the ages of 8 and 12--Contact Dan Toinario--1W.L. 6393. . Richmond Flower Show The Wonder Lake Garden club was awarded a red (second) Hon for the occasional table capclub floWer show, Saturday, Sept. 14. Mrs. Leon Switzer and Mrs. Ralph White arranged the table which was an antique, black w»F nut, marble topped, occasional table. The flower, arrangement was an old-fashioned bouquet in an antique sugar bowl, with a daguerreotype and old eye glasses as. accessories,. Individual winners were Mrs. Leo Hartog--floated begonia, blue; 3 glads. blue; single glad, red; dahlia, red; celosia, red; petunia, red. Mrs. Charles Kopp won a. red ribbon for ,hf\ artistic arrangement made wit* red Indian com, strawberry corn. (Continued on Page 13) Directory of Wonder Lake OPEN ON SUNDAY 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. WONDER LAKE BUILDERS SUPPLY Free Estimates an# Delivery Phone Wonder Lake 3211 CRISTY STENDEBAii General Contractors NEW HOMSft Phono Wonder Late 5432 WATER Girl Scout News Girl Scout registration was held at Harrison school for brownies on Wednesday night, Spt. 11, and for intermediate on Thursday night, the twelfth. Registration will remain open until Oct. 1 for those who missed last week. There will be three troops in the inter mediate division; and five troops PUMPS and WELLS are our only BUSINESS _jae_ • and eft afiidayton Water Systems W» Rspiir Md Satvic* All Miki of Puaipt Aatboriiod: R«d Jackat fr Dayton Pump Agaacy Wells Drilled or Driven Pomps & Repairs MCHENRY COUNTY WELL $ PUMP COMPANY Pied IL Mattheshis Phone 71i HI H I ••• " - ' FOB THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO -miA KOENEMANN • OOtTNTBY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS ;• LEAN fBOKQBjr SMOKED BACON .• tt VAniETH» ofc SAUSAGES • TBTTE GERMAN liTLE FLAVORS ' Saute IN • Jnst East of Boote 12 • Vo(o» UL Phona MeHrar? 667-W-l DODI'S INN LAKEMOOR -- RT. 120 FRIDAYS -- FISH FRY 90c (includes boneless _perch, potatoe chips'and slaw) : KITCHEN OPENS FRIDAY & SAT. AT 5 P.M. SUNDAY AT 1 P.M. WEEKEND SPECIALS Served Family Style ALL YOU CAN EAT SATURDAY -- CHICKEN DINNER $1.95 (includes soup, vegetable, potatoes & beverage) SUNDAY -- TURKEY DINNER $1.95 (includes relishes, vegetable, potatoes & beverage) We are also serving Aged Steaks, Lobster Tails and French Fried Shrimp. Orders may be called in advance McHenry 9891 COME AND BRING YOUR FAMILY U Nov/s the time for your opera tion Home" Improvement bnd here's the place to get i\ew ideas on how to improve your home, jtfus practical help with „ - * RrcSWifCuW your plans. Satch ^il\ |f®t mm ^ AS. .I *°° 7aO* •:« V1^ ) t!CNMOM» DOCTORS NOW PRESCRIBE COMFORTABLE, EASILY-REMOVED RIB SUPPORTS If your doctor prescribes a rib support ft? YQV... or if he prescribes any other ^pe . of anatomical support--for obestiy, for i back condition, for ptosis, for protection after surgery^-bring that prescription to ioL Our professional appliance department if here fof just one reasopi--to serve yovur fiee and those of your doctor... with ^ OTCPROFESSIONAL APPLIANCES, carefully selected, skillfully fitted. Bolger's Drug Stor^ S. Green St. McHenry, III. PHO^E 40 NKW LOCATION IS EASY TO Conveniently Located on Highway SI South of Main St. ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING SPACE OUR COMPETENT STAFF IS EQUIPPED TO ASSIST WITH ANY BUILDING PROBLEM I BRING YOUR HOWIE^UP TO DATE It's easy to modernize your present home. 1 nerease the value and livability of yotir home by remodeling. WE CAN HELP VOU VTOI Tlffi PLANNING - MATERIALS - FINANCING NO MONEt DOWN ; LUMBER CO. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" ^ On Highway 31 s South of Mdh Street - McHenry, Illinois PHONE 1424 * ""'ALWAYS FIRST.. • • SERVICE "TO OUR CUSTOMERS" (f

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