Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Sep 1957, p. 8

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Mtuin and Meanderin (Continued From Paj^ 1) V] morning, but if the weatherman ^ thinks we're going to get up that • early to give a hearty welcome to the approach of winter he's going to have to provide something better than 50 degree temperatures. And speaking of cold weather, there are going to be two boys who find the trip to school each day a long one without bikes. Local police report that two red ones have been at the city hall, without owners, for some time and they would be happy to find homes for the vehicles. We ^ realize there are weeks honoring almost everything, from dill pickles to hats. Just the same, as a' lover of man's best friend we can't help issue a reminder that this is National, Dog Week. Experts in the . field of dog care tell us this is a good time to explode some of the fallacies such as the one that raw egg white makes a dog's coat shine or that milk makes worms and potatoes cause skin rashes. Feed him cooked corn, rice and potatoes occasionally, even cooked fish --bones and all --and above all milk, says the expert we quote. Personally, we would throw out those bones and substitute a good bit of affection for one of the most loyal creatures on earth. NAME CHAIRMEN FOR HOSPITAL ^ FUND DRIVE f -- y r (Continued from "Page 1) FOUR GENERATIONS PUBLIC INVITED TO INSPECT NEW JUNIOR HIGH (Continued From Page 1) continued to take in new territory as the need arose. District 15 District 15 history will also bring fond memories to old timers who recall the mslny changes since division of the districts after World War I. The grade district included only McHenry until the early 'twenties, when the Sherman Hill area west of the city was added. Later came the Lincoln area in the Pistakee Bay region, and in the late 'forties a general consolidation took place which took all grade schools into the district with the exception of Wonder Lake, Ringwood and Johnsburg. The late Ben Adams inaugurated the first bus service after the Sherman Hill pupils were admitted to the district and this, like the high school project, has -continued to grow. Post-War Growth Throughout the years, all grade! pupils were educated in the old Junior high until the early fifties, when the sudden post-war growth made board members aware that a bond issue must be presented to the public. It was in the amount of $300,000 and met the approval of voters, resulting in the erection of the original portion of Edgebrobk, a beautiful structure which serves the educational needs of youngsters through fifth grade. An addition requiring $200,000 was completed about two years ago, after which the board was forced to make plans for providing more space for the older students. Following the passage of a $600,000 bond issue, the new Junior high was begun, marking the last^, step of an extensive expansion program which is a credit to the cooperation of the voting public of two McHenry school districts and the foresight and untiring efforts of board members through the years. ATTENDS MILLIKIN Don Hicks, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Hicks of McHenry, was recently pledged to Tau Kappa Epsilon, one of the four national men's social fraternities at Millikin university in Decatur. Mr. Hicks is a 1956 graduate of Dundee Community high school. He is enrolled as a sophomore for the fall semester at Millikin. kicked off its segment of the campaign on Tuesday, Sept. 24, at.a meeting for the entire section. Special Gifts will begin work with a meeting on Sept. 30. Largest of the four soliciting arms of the campaign organization will be General Teams, headed by Virgil Pollock, with Mrs. Gertrude Barbian as co-chairman. An Area section to solicit neighboring communities within the hospital's service area will be headed by Joseph Frett. Recruit Hundreds Recruitment of several hundred volunteer workers to man these two sections will' occupy the remainder of this month Service committees in the campaign will include a speakers' bureau headed by Dan Justen, and an auditing cbmmittee headed by Elmer Adams. John J. Neuharth will.act as treasurer for the drive. Members of the Pattern Gifts committee present at Tuesday's kick-off were Albert Barbian, Bernard Bollman, Floyd E. Covalt, Jr. Kinley Engvalson, Dr. Lee Gladstone, Bud Huch, Dick Jager, Don Johnson, J. R. Levesque, Sam Nathanson, Arthur R. Nelson and Henry B. Tonyan. Civic Arts To * Present Concert The McHenry County Civic Arts association will open its fall season Saturday night with a concert of varied music by the Madrigal Singers. The Madrigal Singers a group of eight outstanding vocalists, will sing in the auditorium at Westwood school, west of Woodstock on Franklinville road, starting at 8 p.m. The group will sing "O My Heart" by King VHI, "Come, Holy Ghost" by Christopher Tye, "Weep You No More. Sad Fountains" by John Downland and "Why" Thou Heavy, O My Soul" by Orlando Gibbons. In the lighter vein, a group of contemporary songs will be presented. Included are "It's a Grand Night for Singing," "Getting to Know You" and "If I Loved You," all by Rogers. The Madrigals made their first public appearance at the county fair here last month. The forthcoming concert is open to the public. There is no admission charge. NICK YOUNGS I WED 50 YEARS AGO IN CHICAGO (Continued from Page 1) NEWLYWEDS LIVE IN WONDER LAKE AFTER HONEYMOON Seldom have we seen a happier, healthier looking group than the • folks who made up this four-generation picture. The greatgrandmother, Sophie Dolderer, is seated in front, holding Baby Linda Sue Olson. Standing in back are Linda's mother,. Marian Olson, and the latter's mother, Paula Springman. WE OFFER YOU CONGRATULATIONS (Continued From Page 1) K OF C WELCOMES VISIT BY DISTRICT DEPUTY A. F. HAMMER The Knights of Columbus Council of McHenry will be host to Albert F. Hammer, district deputy of District 28 of the Knights of Columbus in Illinois, who is making his official visit to each of the councils in his district. He will confer with Grand Knight Arthur Nelson, and Secretary Joe Wilson and other local officers and chairmen on Knights of Columbus administration and program activities. District Deputy Hammer is one of the fifty-nine district deputies who is supervising the activities of 230 councils and over 85,000 members in the state of Illinois. Plans are being made for a golden anniversary third degree to be held in November. The local council is aiming for a goal of fifty new members, one for each golden year. Catholic men in the area will have the opportunity of joining and being a golden anniversary candidate. also observes an anniversary; her eighty-second, today at the Villa Rest Home, where she is confined. M^s. Davis spent "much of her life in Chicago but has many friends acquired daring her younger days in this community and since her return. Mrs. Clifford Shermjjfi recently observed her eighty-first birthday by entertaining friends at her home on Center street. She is extremely active and possesses a keen mind which makes her an interesting conversationalist--to those of all ages. Martin Conway of John street will observe his eighty-first birthday" anniversary on Saturday, Sept. 28, and a brother-in-law, George Buss, will observe the same anniversary at the Villa Rest Home on Friday, Sept. 27. Both men are well known and highly respected residents of the community, where they have lived all their lives. HURT IN ACCIDENT John Deneigen was confined to Memorial hospital this past week with neck and shoulder injuries, facial bruises and shock suffered when his car skidded into a ditch and hit a pole on the" Pistakee Bay blacktop road. Buy U.8. Savings *EAD THE WANT ADS! THERAPY CENTER IN COUNTY WILL HAVE NEW HOME At the annual luncheon meeting of the McHenry county chapter of the Illinois Association for the Crippled, Inc., the board of trustees voted to purchase a new home for the aster Seal physical therapy center. The building chosen is that which formerly housed the Ozarka Boat company, located on Washington street within the northwest limits of Woodstock. Expansion of the center's facilities and' the number of patients served coupled with the increased space demands of the VFW its former home, have made a change within the next six months a necessity. ELECTED TO BOARD Two officers of the Civic Arts association have been elected to the board, Dick Stolzke of Woodstock, president, and Nancy Thornton, McHenry, secretary. September 19 W.S.C.S. Dinner for Little League Baseball Team and Parents -- Ringwood Church Dining Hall. W.S.C.S. Meeting--12:30 p.m.-- Church Hall. Luncheon and Cards -- Kenneth Jensen Home, Regner Road t- Sponsored by Woman's Guild, St. Paul's Episcopal Church. C.D. of A. Social Meeting. September 24 O.E.S. Advance Night--8 p.m.-- Masonic Hall. -- September 26 Regular K. of C. Meeting--8:15 p.m.--K. of C. Hall. W.C.O.F. Meeting -- 8 pjn. -- St. Mary's Hall. | P.T.A. Meeting -- Open House and Reception at New Junior High October 3 C. D. of A. Public Party--Legion Home--8. p.m. October 5 Lutheran Friendship Guild. Bake Sale -- Justen Furniture Store, "tireen Street. October 7 ; League of Women Voters -- 8 p.m.--McHenry Loan Company. October 8 Mothers' Club of St. Patrick's school--2 p.m.--Church Hall. October 9 Adult Girl Scout Neighborhood Meeting (Valley View) -- 1 p.m. --Legion Home. October 2$ McHenry Community P.T.A. Meeting Junior High School -- 8:15 p.m. October 29 Bazaar and chicken dinner sponsored by the Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid--5 p,m.--Legion home. November 5 McHenry Garden Club Holiday Show--"Harvest of Holiday Happiness"-- Legion Home. November 13 Valley View Neighborhood Meeting--Legion Home. I £ vv k v v v; v v i V y u if a NEW service for the Mc• Henry Community; designed to relieve the problem, of learning how»to-do-it-your* self. Simply call us with your problem. We come to your house or business with a complete mobile6fix-it9 shop. Our work is both guaranteed and bonded. Service begins Tuesday, Oct. 1st. Don't wait to call, though; our recording phone is waiting for yon to leave your message. TO SERVE YOU BETTER WHEN WE RE OUT . . . . . . . . s e r v i c e a n d r e p a i r lb mobile ftjaf unit fat tityppj|te mdintendnteof home, shop and office ire cor ding phono 391 route 6 box 1174 mchenry Illinois Mm gnhyiw... Chtek lew-ettf *Btik Phi' fhiiehf Tboiuand* of car buyers ha v» used thin plan of low-co«t financing and insurance ... and many have saved as as much as $150 by using the State Farm "Bank Plan". So, call me before you buy any car .. . new or used ... and find out how you may •eve -- on financing ... on insurance... and on the cost of the car itself, by paying cash. Just a call from you will bring you complete information. H pays b km jtqk STATE FARM Aptf INSUUXtt ill Mr. , Young, who is now retired and his wife have one child, a daughter, Mrs. Joseph (Adele) Weber.. They also have three grandchildren, Dan, Joyce, and Bill Weber, all of whom are at home,. A Mass of Thanksgiving in their honor will be read for the couple* on Oct. 2 at 8 o'clock at St. Patrick's Catholic church. During the Sunday celebration, a buffet supper win be served for an estimated 175 guests. Both Mr. and Mrs. Young are in fine health and enjoy life to the utmost. Two Cars Collide On Rt. 1&0; No One Hurt No one was injured last Saturday morning when a car driven by Richard Grenell, 17, of " Fox Lake smashed, into a car driven by John W: Wallace Of Wonder View.. Both yehicles were reported driving east on Rtr 120, between McCullom Lake and McHenry. The cars were damaged but there were no injuries. 0SRITAL * McHenry Hospital Patients at McHenry hospital during the past week were William Phillip, of Rt. 1; Lina Kilday, Gwen Lynch, Ann Douglas, William Pries Sr., Olga Nordin and Anna Joknis of McHenry; Howard Anderson of Crystal Lake; Kathryn LeFebvre and Donald Schumacher of Wonder Lake; Richard Cochran and Dorothy. Darrow of Lakemoor; Carl Rolander of Rt. 4 and John Sanberg of Ingleside. Memorial Hospital Patients at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, this past week included Mrs. Julie Sim of Wonder Lake, medical; and Mrs. Kate Wegener and Henry Overson of McHenry, also medical. hlr. and Mrs. Ronald E., Olson returned last Sunday from their honeymoon on Queen Island in Pistakee Lake, where they have been staying since their marrikge a week ago Saturday, Sdpt. 14th. They are now at home hear Wonder Lake. The wedding took place in the Community Methodist church in McHenry, with the Rev. J. Elliott Corbett officiating. The bride Is the former Miss Sally Wessels, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wessels of Algonquin, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Olson of Chapel Hill, McHenry. McHENRY FOLKS WILL APPEAR IN THREE-ACT COMEDY NAME W. FOR V6£ HEART TAG SALE !EI®r: • At the closeof the "Red Heart" tag day held on Saturday by the Volunteers of America to aid destitute mothers with children in care of the organization in this state, Mrs. Roy Homo, who had charge of the affair, reports that Edward Parks was entitled to the first prize, haying secured $29.87. The second was won by Dominic Toiria&Ho, Jr., who had $24.37 and the third winner had $18.83. The other workers were made happy with movie passes. The, sponsors are grateful to , those who worked so faithfuyy ' all day and to Svieryone who contributed in any way toward the success of the occasion. FOUR YOUTHS GIVEN SUSPENDED FINES; p ONE OTHER CHARGED When the Little Theatre of Crystal Lake presents its latest production, "See. How They Rim" a three-act farce-Comedy, Friday and Saturday, Oct. 4 & 5, at Central school in Crystal Lake, two McHenry people, Rita Weyland and Bob Barclay, will be jn the cast. Rita, life-long resident, will be seen in the meaty characterization of Miss Skillon, a prudish spinster, forever carrying tales to the vicar about his ex-actress wife. What misadventures befall Miss Skillon to turn her from a "prune" into a "pickled herring" is just one of the many hilarious situations everyone getj|,involved in. Bob Barclay is the other McHenry resident in the comedy. Bob, a new L.T.C.L. member, will be seen in a brief roll as an army sergeant looking for an escaped prisoner. Bob studied dramatics at the Barnum studio in Chicago, and was seen with this group in "The Rainmaker." He is interested in acting as a career. WE THANK YOU To the students and faculty of McHenry high, we wish to express our sincere appreciation to all of you for the sympathy and understanding you all extended during our bereavement. We are proud to think our son was one of you. God bless all of you. 21 The Carl Walkers. VA AID Q A Veterans Administration representative from the Rockford VA office will be on duty at Woodstock Tuesday, Oct. 1,. to inform and assist veterans, their dependents and the general public regarding all benefit programs of the VA. Their representative will -be on duty from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the U.S. pbst office building, second floor, in Woodstock. KILLED IN CRASH Mrs. Betty Jahn, 32, Marengo widow and mother of three children, became the county's thirtysecond highway fatality of 1957 when she was killed Friday night, Sept. 20, on Rt. 20, a mile east of Marfngo. The accident involved four cars. Besides the death of M^s. Jahn, nine others were injured but none seriously. Fashions... with a FLAIR for FALL Fall Sportswear Coordinates 406 W. Elm St. McHenry, 111. -- Phone 271J Four WoriderLake ; youths were given suspended fines and placed on probation by a Wood* stock justice of the peace oflr charges of disturbing the peace and having beer in their car. They were James Smith, who was given a suspended fine of $100 and put on probation for a year .on each of two counts, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. Given the same fine and probation for disorderly conduct were James Bell, 17, Vince Coupe, 15, and Richard Selsdorf, 16. ^ Earl Kronckle of rural M<P Henry was fined 1 $25 and was charged with issuing $50 worth of checks to defraud Schreiner Service Station. He was fined $25. He must pay^$25 costs and make. restitution of $50. tlARDEST BUSIEST CHEAPEST WORKERS m TOWN j PLAINDEALER WANT AD8f WORWICK'S STUDIO Featuring Quality . .. Reasonably Priced Come In or phone for an appointment Fine Portraiture Commercial Photography WEDDINGS • CHILDREN FAMILY GROUPS Cameras Bought, Sold St Exchanged Film St Photo Supplies Light Meters - Albums - Frames Color Film Processed See Us Before Yon Buy 24 HR. PHOTO FINISHING WORWICK'S STUDIO . and Camera Center GEO. W. K0TALIK 117 N. Riverside Drive PHONE McHENRY 275 ir Bob Conway 312 E. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois PHONE 285 • 768 Always At Your CERTIFIED STORE On Green Street a SPECIALS FROM OUR MEAT DEPT. U.S. GOVT. GRADED BLADE CUT POT ROAST 39* SMALL LEAN 3 to 4 lb. Avg. Pork Shoulder 39 c lb. Our Own Sliced HICKORY SMOKED BACON 59i SPECIAL EXTRA FANCY Red »is ||K PotatoesVV ROYAL GELATIN STRAW-LEMON RASB- UME I* CHERRIE - ORANGE V BLACRBERRIE each PINEAPPLE While Supply Lasts Libby's TOMATO JUICE 4 «-ih. tint •i ""1 Country Delight CHEESE SPREAD 2-». loaf 59^- ' •• " Farm Fresh COUNTRY EGGS 3 *»e» $|®® CERTIFIED FOOD MARKET GR3BH& ELM STREETS PHONE 80 McHENRY. ILLINOIS Free Parking In The Rear Of Our. Store Cf 4 G IS

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