Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Sep 1957, p. 9

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•»£«?% //-W, -•.V--.v.. , V".>." '" " > , , ^ J " t ^ H J , ^ ' * ' \ '""""" *~""" fftE McHEHS* PLAlSfiiEAtift* '• •'• :•. ^"e:.' Wonder Lake News by Jane Ducey Real Estate Convention jfthii T. P. Mathews was a delegate to the Illinois Association of Real Estate Boards convention in Peoria last Friday and Saturday. Mr. Mathews represented the McHenry county Board of Realtors of Which he is a director and past president. Mrs. Lois ^Mathews, who is also a realtor, accompanied im. September 16 to 18 Mr. athews attended a Veterans Administration Appraisal Seminar at the Chicago Regional offices, which was a course for all Fee Appraisers and Compliance Inspectors. Mr. Mathews has been a V.A. fee appraiser for McHenry county for several years. Chess Tournamen >. jPlans for the McHenry county <®Chess Tournament are shaping up, and it would appear now that the play-off will take place in Woodstock the last part of October, with about 15 entrants. Mr. Don Laird of Highland Shores, who instigated the tournament, has been making a private telephone survey in the Wonder Lake area to uncover enthusiasts, and on the basis of his polling to date, estiamates about 30 flayers in this ^area alone. A McHenry county club has already been formed, and anyone who enjoys a friendly game is invited to get in touch with Mr. Laird at Wonder Lake 7811. Teen Age Dance The first teen-age dance of the fall season took place Friday, September 20 at Mathews Hall. 4^About forty-five 13 to 19 year olds had an enjoyable evening dancing to recorded music, and refreshed by soft drinks, candy and gum. Chaperons were Mrs. Spuehr, Mrs.. Peterson and Mr. Rice. The dances will be a regular Friday night feature from 7:30 to 11:30 p.m., at the Fire house until further notice. Cub Scout Training Program •w-V ^ training course for Cub leaders will start Wednesday evening, October 2, at the Methodist church in McHenry. The classes will meet every Wednesday for the the next seven weeks with instruction in handicraft, games, stunts and skits. Any Den mother or interested parent in invited to participate^ News Briefs - Mf MiA Mrc the proud parents of a 10 lb. 6% ox. boy born September 19 at Memorial hospital in ^Woodstock. Gary Michael is his name, and he has brothers Carl, and Keith, and sisters Patricia Aftn and Cheryl Lynn who are also very proud of him. A little 6 lb. 6 oz. girl Diane .Elaine, was born to th£ Donald ^Sturms September 17. She also has two brothers and two sisters whose names are Deborah, Donald, David and Delora. Born to Mrs Bob Reynolds of Wooded Shores, Monday- morning, September 23, at the Harvard hospital. She has a sister Penny at home to welcome her. Deborah Lynn Falkenthal of Wooded Shores celebrated her 7th jfcbirthday September 23 with a ™party after school for a group of her little friends and the younger Falkenthal children. Happy Birthday to the senior James Bell on September 22. The news is good of Iona Hood's father- who is home in Helena, Arkansas, after 5 weeks spent in the hospital in Memphis. Tenn. Birthday greetings to Craig Cone, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Cone, formerly of Highland Shores now of McHenry, who celebrated his 11th with dinner at the Mill Inn Sunday with his parents and sister, Nancy, M. and Mrs. William Laier and. daughter Chris of Highland Shores and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hill and daughters Betty arid Jackie of White Oaks Bay. Mr. and Mrs. George Georgeson of Indian Ridge left for two weeks of grouse and partridge shooting in Sawyer county in Northern Wissonsin with the opening of the Wisconsin with the opening of the ber 1. A credit line to Mrs. Madeline Jones (and friend) for the school stop sign at the brow of the hill on the county road and Cedar in Deep Spring Woods. Mrs. Jones puts, the sign out with the first morning bus and takes it .in when the last one passes. She now has more peace of mind and no longer hears the squeal of hasitly applied brakes of motorists who come upon the milling children waiting for the bus. We are sorry to hear that Ethel Van Kanegon's father, Otis Kramer has been "very sick. A son was bbrn to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kranz of Hickory Falls No. 3 at Memorial hospital for McHenry county September 6. The baby weighed 7 lbs. 1% oz. and has been named Thomas Robert. The paternal grandparents are the Ben Kranz's of Wonder Lake and the maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Geyer of LaGrange Park. Ingwar A. and Ingred Haugen have moved into their new home on Acorn Dr. in Highland Shores which they purchased from the Westergrens. Mr. Haugen is retired and the couple will be permanent residents. We also welcorhe Mr. and Mrs. Krisnicky who have moved into their newly built home on Sunset Drive in Highland Shores. Highland Shores residents are very happy these days with their newly located mail boxes right in front of their doors. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cope's son Ricky left recently for Great Lakes and Uncle Sam's service. Norm Specht has been distinguishing himself at golf recently being one of the winning team in the state Moose tourney recently and coming , in seeded with a 77 for nine holes in the fall round-up tourney at the W^p^toek country club, last Thursday. ing bird gives notice of his arrival when he comes to the roost. , Pigeon racing rose to high favor in the United States in 1946 at the close of the war; it started in Belgium and \ spread to England. Today there are 35,000 racing fanciers in the USA. ^Trost Bite Series The Yacht club boys have sailed in two races with the Pistakee Yacht club, Sept. 15 and 22, and have come in about mid-way in a fifteen boat competition, in the Frost Bite series of Class ' "G" boats on Pistakee Bay. Wonder Lake boats entering the series are A1 Sinden's "Blue Jean," George Georgeson's "Fancy Pants," and Ross Dexter's "Jet Dust." They report the Pistakee sailors mighty fine people and hope to give them more competition as they learh the course and the winds on the Bay. Jim Mills of Wonder Woods will be one of 30 guests invited to view the .Marine demonstration^ at Quantico, Virginia, October 3. He will broadcast from a jet plane, a helicopter and the firing range. Pigeon Racing Pigeon racing is the hobby of Harold Young of Wooded Shores, who has a flock of fifty birds ranging in value from $50 to $500. This is the second season for Mr. Young, who belongs to the 20th Century club in the Fox Valley Concourse, which includes nineteen other clubs in the area. Mr. Young had thp winning pigeon in the Aug. 25 race, in competition wtih 2,618 birds. Time for the race was 3 hours, 59 minutes, 48 seconds for 200 miles from Bell Plaine, Iowa; or 1,111 yards per minute which is the speed unit used in pigeon racing. Birds from the area are taken to Elgin the night before the race, where they are loaded in a special van and transported to the point of liberation. Mr. Young has a switch built in the loft to ring a bell in his home so that the horn- Kids Day .. Friday and Saturday, Sept. 27 and 28, is Kids Day at Wonder Lake, and the McHenry Township Kiwanis asks you "to give your whole-hearted support to their effort. Once a year the club tags the community to raise funds to be used in the township for all the projects for kids which Kiwanis sponsors throughout the year. Cub Pack S58 Fifteen new members joined Cub Pack 358 and were inducted with traditional ceremonies Tuesday night, Sept. 17, at the meeting at Harrison school. Those joining were: Scott LaGreca, Sam LaMont, Richard Smith, Clay Kolar, James Keller, Allen Jones, Chester Hood, Richard Huebner, James Smith, Carl Jaeschke, Edward Raske, Gordon Andersen. Dele Jirousek, Paul Misiak and Edward Rawson. Lion awards went to Larry Hensel, Tommy Weisenberger, Fred Sorenson, Garry Mann and Terry Miller. Years pins and denner stripes (aids to den mothers) were also awarded at this meeting. And last but not least, certificates of appreciation were given out to den mothers who served this past year. The meeting was well attended and enjoyed. Men's League Standings Team standings in the Men's League after the game Friday, September 20, are as follows: W L Vans Wonder Lounge 7 2 George's Firemen 7 2 ..Cristy & Stendebach 6 2 Pauls Hardware 5 4 Kruegers Oil 5 4 ^Wonder Lake-Bldns. • 5- 4 Lake Cleaners 5 4 Mill Inn , 4 5 Rolaine Grill 3 6 Lake View Inn 3 6 Wonder Lake Oil '36 . Silks Sporting 1 8 Over 500 games: V. Gustavson 201-225-612; H. Hill 219-590; J. Wurm 218-576; H. Johnson 201- 564; G. Gutzman 218-554; J. Cristy Sr. 227-516; J. Sullivan 212- 500; B. Kusch, 538; J. Gruel, 5225; C. Kopp, 523 ;E. Johnson, 521; A. Nemsick 521; B, Odeen 516; J. Ahrens, 514; El. Bell, 512; B. Ramsby, 504; A. Diedrich 502; J. Weisenberger 500. Monthly Bridge Club The monthly bridge club met at the home of Mrs. Velma Sinclair Thursday, September 19. High Scores were made by Grace Sellek and Marcella Meeker; the consolation went to Martha Thompson. Also present were Greta Weisenberger, Simone Fuller, Ruth Woodward and Harritt McCall. Delicious lemon pie and coffee were served, The next meeting will be at the home of Martha Thompson. A m FINAL 3 DAYS Friday - Saturday - Sunday Everything Must Go UNHEARD QF VALUES COME SEE OUR BARGAIN TABLE 5Q< _ $100 . $200 No Reasonable Offer Refused on Quantity Purchases. McHenry Dept. Store STORE HOURS: Friday 9 - 9 -- Saturday 9-6 -- Sunday 10-5 103 N. RIverBide Dr. Phone 1843 flay |Ud0 The 7th and 8th grades of Harrison school will have a ha^-ride and weiner roast tomorrow,- September 27, sponsored by1 the P.T.A. Committee for Youth Recreation. The school bus will pick the students up at the school at 4:30 and take them to the Haldorf Farm where they will take a ride on a horse-drawn hay wagon, followed by a weiner roast supper. Parents can pick-up their children at the school at 8:15 pjrt. --Suk '"'is?;-tj-5. " i,s^" Page Nb» Monday Night League The Monday night ladies league made the following showing at the Johnsburg alleys this week: Lake Cleaners won 3, Gutszman lost 3, Cardinal Store won ;1, Handy Pahtry won 2, Fredricksen won 1, Violas won 2, Reuters won 2, Unsponsored won 1. High games were rolled by Ardell Brandt, 499, Marge Voase, 476, and Zelda MalOckleb 475. all of Lake Cleaners. High score was Ann Weretka with 191. Last week Louise Johnson rolled a 215 frame. Executive Board Meeting There will be a P.T.A. Executive Board meeting Monday. September 30, at 3:15 p.m. at Harrison school. The meeting will start promptly and last only 1 hour during which the board plans to iron out small details of the Hot Dog Sale program scheduled to start October 3 at Harrison school. All Board members are urged to attend this important meeting. Meeting Notice Deep Spring Woods No. 2 subdivision will hold a general meeting at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, September 29, at Mathews Hall. A program for the maintenance and improvement of the roads- and beaches, and other subdivision ac* jtivity will be discussed. TTndeliverable Mail The Wonder Lake Post office has been getting some mail which is undeliverable for the reason that the addressee can not be located. Anyone living here who doesn't have a mail box, or does not have his name on his mail box, or who has not been receiving his mail, is asked to get in touch with the post office. The change over in delivery is proceeding rapidly and will be completed on schedule. Canasta Party Mrs. Ann Weretka of Wooded Shores was hostess Wednesday, Sept. 18, to the Canasta CIttb which plays for the benefit of the Memorial Hospital of McHenry county. High scores were made by Dorothy Michels and Ann Weretka. Also present were Eloise McCafferty, Delores Wir^es, Prudence Grabovy, Betty Bland, Loretta Vehler and Olga Grasser. $6.00 was collected for the hospital. The n^xt meeting of the group will be on October 16 at Mrs. Grasser's in Woodstock. Home Bureau Meeting The Ringwood Home Bureajl unit .will-meet at the home o1 Mrs. Anne Nagel, Tuesday, Oct.-! Hie local leader lesson will be given by Mrs. Ryder of Lake in the Hills. There will also be a report from the vice president, Mrs. JohnsOn. who attended the District meeting. Bridal Shower^ Mrs. Carol Kantlehne^ of Wonder Woods and Mrs. Gerjy Jensen were co-hostesses at ^ miscellaneous shower honoring Patti Jensen of McCullom Lake Wednesday, September 18. Patti is to marry Gerald Sawter of Mt. Prospect, Illinois. Many lovely "Set All Things In Their Own Peculiar Place" •(Author's Name Below) Your health ha£ been placed by most proper laws into the care of physicians and pharmacists. There is no doubt about the fact that only a physician has the necessary knowledge to prescribe the one medicine that can help you most. It is also a positive fact that only a pharmacist is {taught how to properly compound, dispense and protect medicines. We pharmacists and physicians are dedicated by our Code of Ethics to consider your welfare above any influence of greater profit. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McHenry 26 WHEN YOU NEED • MEDICINE Pick up your prescription if shopping near us, or let us deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yours? NYE DRUGS MM Ay--ctf" 1 PHONE 28 129 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, III. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS •Quotation by John Dryden OfiSl-lfOO) and useful gifts were presented after which a lunch of barbeque and potato salad, lemon punch and cake were served. Those attending were: Mrs. Leonard Jensen, Mrs. Kenneth Gnadt, Mrs. Jack Sauter, Mrs. Robert Ryan, Mrs. George Baumbeck, Mrs. Harold Freund, Paula Reibeck, Dianne Peroni, June Jensen, Mary Ann Trauberg, Carol Comstock and Karen Olsen. Women's Association Meets The monthly meeting of the Wonder Woods Women's Association will be held at the home of Mary Sandgren, Monday, October 30. The organization would like to see as many as possible attend this first of the season meeting. Nativity Lutheran Church Next Sunday, Sept. 29, will be rally day' in the Sunday school. Promotion certificates Will be presented to the children advancing to a new department. Attendance award pins will be given to those who have attended regularly, and special awards will be made to children who have had perfect attendance during the year. Rally day always marks the beginning of a new year in Sunday school and parents of the children are urged to bring their children so that the year will be started in the right way. This is also a good opportunity to enroll children who have not come to Sunday School before. It is here htey will learn of a way of life that must serve them for a lifetime. Their Christian education is too important to be neglected. Pastor Schroeder has chosen the sermon topic, "Truth or Consequences," for both worship services next Sunday. The Lutheran League will sponsor a roller skating party Sunday evening, Sept. 29. Cars will leave from the church at 7:30 and travel to the rink in McHenry. After an evening of skating, the Leaguers will return to the lake for refreshments. All young pople are welcome to attend. Legion Auxiliary The membership drive of the Wonder Lake Legion auxiliary is underway. The Legion post enjoys a large membership, but where, oh where, are the wives, Mlbthers and sisters? The treasurer is asking those members who have not yet paids their dues to do so at this time. So come on girls, and Join the taxi, your Legion auxiliary needs more members. The regular meeting was held last Thursday, Sept. 19. -Those present were Dorothy Michels, Nancy Elbersen, Jerre Elbersen, Marion Ruzicka, Lorraine Stahl. Lou Pedersen and Marie Bendl. Refreshments consisted of coffee cake, cookies and coffee. The women are appealing- to the community for donations of white shirts, playing cards and reading material to be taken to the veterans at Elgin State hospital. Now is a good time to clean some closets and book, shelves. Call Dorothy Michels W. L. 7931, for pick up. Wonder Lake Bible Church News The young people of the chinch will be having an "open house" at the„ Great Lakes Naval base , on Saturday, Sept. 28. They are to meet at the church at 8:30 a.m. and will be spending most of the day at the base. You are cordial? ly invited to what will be a good time for all who attend. The missionary conference this year will be from Wednesday, Oct. 23, through and including Anniversary Sunday, Oct. 27. Be sure to keep these evening dates open and plan to • attend these inspirational meetings. All church families are urged to attend the congregational meeting on Thursday, Oct. 3, at 8 p.m. in regard to the proposed building plan. Remember Rally Day on Oct. 6. with the attendance of every pupil, mother and dadT A special program is being planned which will be of interest to alL Christ The King Church--- All the ladies of the parish are invited to attend the mother and daughter breakfast Sunday morning. Sept. 29, following the 9 a.m. Mass. Anyone who wishes to go will meet in front of the church and proceed to Millie's. Pizza at the north end of the Lake for a delicious breakfast. The members of the Altar and Rosary sodality are asked to make a special effort to attend the open meeting of the NCCW of McHenry county at St. Patrick's parish in McHenry on Monday evening, Sept. 30. This is a very important meeting and Mrs. Nemsick, president, has asked that Christ the King parish be represented with as many of the members as possible. The next meeting of the Altar and Rosary sodality will be on Thursday, Oct. 3, at 8:30 p.m. at the Ray Mendyk home in Indian Ridge, Mrs. Mary Lou Hartog will be the special guest of the evening and will present a fall flower arrangement demonstration. Come and bring a friend. New members are always welcome. Coming events: Sept. 29, mother and daughter breakfast at Millie's Pizza at 10 a.m., Oct. 3, Altar and Rosary sodality meeting, 8:30 p.m. Ray Mendyk home. Each Tuesday evening at Mathews hall, games night. 8:15 p.m. sponsored by the Holy Names society. Every Wednesday, 8:30 p.m. Alcoholic Anonymous meeting at the church. & L "HOW COME THE FLOOR IS PAINTED RED?" Elks Pay Nation-wide | .| Tribute To Free Press a Si Woodstock lodge, 1043, B.P.O.E* appointed a committee to participate in the observance of National Newspaper week Oct. 1 to 8. The committee Frank Tanderic, Crystal Lake, George Sullivan, Woodstock, and Walter Schuld, Harvard, will stress the theme, 'Tour Newspaper Serves." ' H. L. Blackledge of Kearney, Nebr., grand exalted ruler of the Order of Elks, stated, "In gratitude for its signal services to our democratic society, the benefits of which we all share, let us, the Elk's make National Newspaper Week a warm salute to America's free press." EDDIE the EDUCATOR OS «"*s Hi* wIm pawn! Mps Mi «MdiM <M«nnin* Mwir (vtn* tum by c*op« ratio* aad oadwstaadftp dktwn. Hlieois EAicoBo* Business & Service Directory of ' Wonder Lake OPEN ON SUNDAY 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. WONDER LAKE BUILDERS SUPPLY Free Estimates and Delivery Phone Wonder Lake 3831 CRISTY STENDEBACH GeaeralOoatncton NEW HOMES PIknm^ Wonder lake TOP! . . . a t y o u r O l d s m o b l l e D e a l e r ' * ft this wMk and ... •1 . . . a t t h e O l d s " 8 8 " -- l o w e s t - p r i c e d Rocket Engine car. You'll see a car thai tops Its field In power, style, comfort and big-car features. Then • • • LISTE . . . and you'll hear a price that says "This Is the Rocket that's easily within your reach!" Crary Wm* « CBS-7VI -THI Blj^BBCOKD' PATTI PAQI SEE YOUR AUTHORIZED OLDS MOBILE QUALITY DEALER NOW !

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