Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Sep 1957, p. 14

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There is always a first time for everything in,, each girl's life and on Saturday evening, Sept. 14, Came a special "first" in Betty Jtluffs life. On this very special ' evening, she received a beautiful diamond engagement ring which t she proudly wears on her third ; finger of the left hand. The lucky bellow is Roger Moehling, son of Mr. and Mrs. ltalph Moehling. Betty, as you know, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huff. . Wedding plans for this young Couple have not been completed as yet Entertains Workers Gerry Hettermann entertained his workers with a chicken dinner served on the lawn last Tuesday evening. Besides the workers get- _ ting together for an evening, there was another reason for celebration. Jean Hettermann celebrated her sixth birthday by passing slices of birthday cake to all present. The group sang a hearty "Happy Birthday" in Jean's honor Joining in on the fun were Mr. land Mrs. Harry Freund and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill May and sons, Harold and Richard, Mr. and '^flrs. Richard Dehn and family. Mrs. Helen Hettermann, Carol ^Ann Stilling and the Gerry Hettermann family. Obi Scout Nnn . The meeting of Sept. 17 was 'Called to order at 3:15, with all in embers present, and opened with the Girl Scout promise. Election S*>f officers was held and the following girls we're chosen to fill the vacancies. President, Nancy |Kay Miller; vice president, Diane ^tilling, treasurer, Pam Marshall; :and secretary Sandy Hettermann. r:. Mrs. Wilson was at the meeting to present second class rank Radges to the following Girl Scouts: Donna Jean Frett, Diane • Stilling, Kathy Hettermanrt, Pam ^Marshall Nancy Kay Miller and Bandy Hettermann. Previous to the meetings, the girls will travel to Pistakee Highlands each week to participate in Scout activities. . Their future meetings will be held in the Community club hall under the leadership of Rita Miller, Dorothy Whiting and Delma Monte. Congratulations Comer Mary Jo Haag entertained several of her young girl friends at her home in King's subdivision last Ttifesday after school. 'The young ladies who Joihed in on the festivities were Carol Ann Dehn,' Sheila Marshall, Nancy Jorgenson, Nancy Schaefer, Mary Ellen Freurid, Diane Hiller, Karen Bosenberg, Laura Ullrich, Judy Kollenkark, Susan Oeffling Mary Anderson, Colleen Joyce, Nancy Soiiripel, Donna Megler and Carol Hauser. The occasion was Mary Jo's seventh birthday. Kevin Freund and Judy Schaefer, who share Sept. 21 as their mutual birthday, were honored by their first grade class singing "Happy Birthday" to them Friday afternoon. Kevin and Judy were both 6 years old. Dorothy Hettermann will be celebrating her birthday on Sept 26. Best wishes to all. Returns To College Pick Heller left for Lansing, Mich., last Sunday, where he will Start his junior year at Michigan State. Dick halted his college studies temporarily four years ago to serve that time in Uncle Sam's service. His sister Dorothy, also left on Sunday to resume her studies as a senior at Iowa university In Iowa City. Bridal Shower Marilyn Smith' was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower in Woodstock at the home of Mrs. Wilbert Ohlrich last Sunday afternoon. Hostesses for the afternoon were Wilna Davis and Hazel Lang. The table was attractively decorated with a beautiful centerpiece of bronze mums and the traditional bridal umbrella. Hi£ color scheme was carried out in brown and yellow. A dessert luncheon was served to some thirty guests which included the bride's mother, Mrs. Peter Smith, the two grandmothers, Mrs. Catherine Smith and Mrs. Anna Brown, and her sister, Mrs. Phyllis Kalemba. New Troop A new Brownie troop which meets in the public school basement each Wednesday afternoon has been formed. Leader for this new group is Harriet Marshall, with assistance coming from coleader Sarah Oeffling and. committee women, Joan Haag, Marilyn Miller and Catherine Dehn. Brownies making up this troop are Susan Benoche, Thesea Daly, Carol •»> Ann Dehn, Mary Ellen Freund, Mary Jo Haag, Nancy Jorgenson, Coleen Joyce, Susan Oeffling and Nancy Schaefer. At the last meeting the girls wrote the Brownie promise and proceeded to draw their interpretation of it. Susan Benoche was hostess for this meeting and served to cookies to all the girls. for better hbmes for lowest prices SEE us ROBERT HAY CONSTRUCTION Co. F.H.A. & VA. FINANCING • Masonery • Conoite • Carpentry PRONE: 1907 Boa. 1877 Home 805 E. Elm St McHenry YOU No purchase necessary! No registering to do. To win, just watch for and read our ad each Thursday, you could'be the lucky winner. A new winner each week. b ttb your telephone number? U to, stop In this week-end before • PJK. Saturday. McHENRY 2598 Lt. and Mrs. William Herdrich and family, formerly stationed in Texas, were dinner guests at the Ed Hettermann home last week. We were sorry to learn that Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Wilde vacated their apartment on North ayenue recently. We wish them success in their new residence. On Sept. 5, Mr. and Mrs. Geoi'ge Oeffling, Jr., celebrated their fiftn wedding anniversary, while on, Sept. 23, the George Oefflings>(Sj* completed twenty-two( years of wedded happiness. Dinner guests at the George Hiller home last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. George Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miller Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Freund and family. Mr. ter and Mary Beth Fi$ Sir. and Mrs. Leonard Lois, Mr. and Mrs. John Ketterhagen and Bill Kreft, all of Burlington, Wis., and Mrs.' Helen Hettermann visited Father Raymond Hettermann at his new parish in Apple River, Wis., last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schniitt visitde his parents wer last weekend. New Grandson ' Our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hiller upon the . arrival of their ndw grandson. Tfieir daughter, Mrs. Robert Knox of McHenry, gave birth to her fifth child last Friday, Sept. 20 at the Woodstock hospital. Our congratulations to the nejv parents and to "Pat" and Mary. You will recite 10 gallons of Ethyl gasoline Free ol Chargel [ . •:: • '* Guettler's Cities Service ' i "SPECIAL DISCOUNTS hPO COMMUTERS Waafctng • Lubrication - Repairs • Complete Car Bervloe . PHONE 9831 t ; t Blocks SonUi ol MM* Street * a- SPEAK IN G OF CARDS « * <SRAMDPA'S TEACHING- ITUMIOfc HOW TO BE A GOOD LOSER.^ Despite Grandpa's Intemperate outburst, Junior will probably Istrn how to be a good loser (and a good winner too) if he continues to play card games with members of his family. Today several on children maintain that card games will help to teach a how to win and lose gracefully. In addition, these authorities also wnthtfohy cards stimulate a child's recognition of letters; forms and and even help teach him to count WE WILL tt CLOSED MONDAYS UNI*. FURTHER NOTICE RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP 111 RIVERSIDE DRIVE PHONE 44 McSfSiNRY AND ^.S.|lews by Dave Fantua Refreshments At Games The mighty snior class is in chaise of the refreshments at.the home football games this season. Because , of hungry tand thirsty fans at the Wauconda game, the refrsehmnt stand was sold out at 9 o'clock. At the next home game, Sept. 27, the seniors promise to be prepared to meet your demands. Chorus Maybe many of you are Wondering what the ringing of four bells mean during different times of the day. These bells are rung for chords members who are to report to room 118 for chorus practice. The first week and one-half was very confusing, as. many of us found out. The bells, rang and we wondered whether it was meant for us. Our chorus is under the direction ^of Miss Froelich, arid she does a lot to make our own unprofessional voices sound $s a professional chorus. Game And Dance Tomorrow (Friday) Tomorrow night there is a home game again Zion-Bent6n. Everyone who attends our football games hag a good time and also helps our team fight toward victory. At this game, our high school marching band will perform before the game and also at the half. Following the game will be ' after-tfitne tissmk, : Ifrjp sored by the band and orchestra. ThCSanep ISalOtof fOnso ifSOtne of #uu ibis hayien't been aik&d,' conje anyWay, thane are plenty of stags floating ground looking; for you; and you boys, if you haven't got a date you come also. ^vfiinlor. ClSsa Petiflmi ' Hie senior class last week v^as busy signing petitions for individuals who wished to run for a class office. These petitions had to have twenty - five student signatures and alsp five teacher signatures. The class election will have been held by the time you read this. The senior class officers for 57-58 will be announced over the P.A. system in school. m t * i QJS..A. Magazine Sales The G.A.A. (Girls Athletic Association) is now very busy ^ getting magazine subscriptions to raise money for their banquet next spring. Prizes are given to the girls who sell the most subscriptions. Hie winning class'receives twenty pounds of candy. Science Club The officers of the science club held a meeting last Thursday morning at 8:05 to set up the program for the first regular meeting which will be at 7 p.m., Sept. 30 in the chemistry room. All the members of last year's club are urged to attend this meeting, because a,new membership roll is to be made. Buy your rubber stamp* at the MfeHenry Plalndealer. CLAIRE BEAUTY SHOPPE -- Our Operators are All Hairstylists -- ZOO 8o. Gveen street McHenry, -I1L Appointments Accepted -- Mon. thru Sat, 8 AJH. to 6 PJL COLD WAVE PERMANENTS -- $5.00 & up Induding cut, shampoo and hair set ALL WORK DONE REASONABLY PHONE McHENRY 10 AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT A free press is vital to pe liberty of any .people and when you dee goveinmenta surpressing freedom of speedy yo«| witness a government that is getting ready to rule without regard to the wishes of the'majority. EAGLE r P1CHEB /Ihuninum STOHM WINDOWS . . and DOORS iAtotism DOORS & WINDOWS • Narrow Sturdy Frames All Iriserts. Glide Easily • Self Sioring • Simple Seasoned Changing Liberal Trade In Allowance on your Old Doo^a and Windows. ORDER NOW Zephyr Ventilated Aluminuin Awnings and Door Canopies. Color and Style tot Every Home. ARTHUR BOGEB PHONE 1180 *07 E. Waukegan Road McHenry Eyes Right... All eyesr will approve the beauty of this springolator i^ rich black suede and you. wilt' applaud its matchless comfort. The slim high heel and faille bow are beauty spots. tee Our'; ; Window Display ROTH SHOES ; , JFOOTWEAR FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY ,.j X-Ray Fitting • Free Parking! 118\8, Green St. - McHenry PHONE 2087 WAT?? Submersible SYSTEMS ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK EASY TERMS MeHeary County Well & Pump Co. WELLS DRILLED OB DRWEN X , We Repair andSservtce ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake One mile from- McHenry on the McCullom / and Wonder Lake Road PHONE 713 2"* PRIZE *SOO°°; 3"« PRIZE *250°° plv» BONUS AWARDS!* Here's all you have to do! nun" Just go to your nearest Northern Illinois Got.Compony store or any gas range dealer located in the area we serve. There, you'll learn about the marvelous new gas "Burnor-with-a-Brpin") You'll discover for. yourself how automatic modern OAS cooking can be. Vow just dial the temperature you want and heat is perfectly maintained by q dependable thermostatically controlled device, colled the "Burnerwith- a-Brain". It makes your pots and pans automatic! Food can't scorch or bum . . you can relax'instead of being ehained to the kitchen "watching the pot". ... It's the really automatic burner that adds exciting new delight to all fop of the range cooking--to more than 80% of your cooking duties. All you do is set the dial to the cooking temperature you wish, iust as you do with your gas oven. Then the "Bumer-with-a-Brain" takes 0*er, raises and lowers the flame to maintain that temperature precisely, for as long as you Gke. Obtain an Offfcial Entry Blank! Ask for an official entiry Wank at the store where you see the GAS "Burner-with-a-Brain". Complete the statement in 25 words, or less, on why you like the GAS "Burner-with-a-Brain". That's all you have to do. Another nice thing about this contest is that it's limited to yow and your neighbors served by Northern Illinois Gas Company . . . •o .you have a better cfiarice to winl Don't delay ... contest closes midnight, Saturday, November 30, 1957. * Special Bonus Awards, tool Prize winners will be a special bonus award if they have purchased a gas range during the contest from Northern Illinois Gas Company, or a gas apftfance dealer located in the area we serve. This award will be in an amount equal to the purchase price of the range bought by the prize-winner. 0 . . . And t h i s s e l f r e g u l a t i n g t o p I Is |ust one of the many comer features of the . wonderful AUTOMATICAU- THE-WAT 1957 OAS eet official eatry blank* of year Oee Reage Oeoler er oar nearest efere. N O R T H E R N I L L I N O I S ; Gas., C O M P A N Y **••••«• eeieeeeeiee e eeee eeeee •••**

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