Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Sep 1957, p. 21

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^ ^ . . W . . •SlWday. Safrtrolxtt 36. ?, Tig McHENRY PLAJNDEALER PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS by Wanda Dobecld ' -I It's that time of the month - Jtgain find meeting night for the -association is next Wednesday, October 2. Some of the big plans tor the enthusiastic new administration will be discussed so come tod add your ideas to theirs> If iyou will remember not too many people accepted the nominations for officers when they fvere suggested from the floor but the least we can do is co|ne out to - meeting and back the ones who JUd accept these important jobs. Tsome have said the association is ' not important to a community but i /Without it we would not have a - Community center or a new beach or a//Scouting or youth program, plus the many parties and good times we have had. I, for one, think these are important. But they did not happen without the organized cooperation of members who came to meetings to do V^Sheir part. So reserve next Wed- ' nesday and come out ^o community meeting at the center,, See V you there. to the homes of the present leaders. It would be much: better for them if a leader could be found, that lived nearer to theft- section, especially since it will be getting dark much sooner now. If there are any mothers In these sections near the lake that: would like to volunteer for den mothers for these boys just call one of the present -leaders. They need your help badly and will be glad to help you get started. Saturday Night s is the big night for the dance to honor the incoming and outgoing Officers. Are you going? Don't , miss it, for it promises to be a ?eal night of fun for all. There .will be dancing, refreshments and ftitertainment all for the price of your 1958 dues. The time is Saturday. Sept. 28, about 9 p.m. Put in your dancing shoes and come prepared for a merry time. There Will be refreshment Notice . There was a notice in the Chicago papers recently that the congressmen will soon vote on keep- <&& or dropping the personal property taxes. This affects us all and naturally most people are in favor of less taxes. The article Informed all people to write their Congressman and voice their ,opinipn on the personal property taxes. This is the only way that we as voters can have a voice in the way things are decided in our state. If you are interested in i ^rthis matter then find out who i •fSpur state congressman is andj Write him today. i / Brownie Those busy little brownies turned out in great numbers last Tuesday at the center when the first gathering of the season took place. There were seventeen brownies that took part in the games and fun of/the afternoon.. Refreshments were served during the mating which were enjoyed by bne and all. The leader is Mrs. Janquart and the co-leaders are Mrs. Conway and Mrs. Montalbano. They will welcome all girls of brownie age that would like to join the troop. TJiey have planned a busy year of fun and activities that the browrifefc will enjoy. Silence I'm sure that we all have come to realize during this past week just what a convenience the modern telephone* is. With the service at a minimum rate we were all at a loss when we picked up the phone and could not make instant connections With a certain party. Plans became eonfused and people left waiting. Maybe we should remember this in future when we pick up that handy receiver and a cheerful voice answers. Cnb Scouts The first meeting' of the cub scouts was held Monday after • school at Lee Conway's home. She : is in charge of the regular troop that she had last year and Mrs. > Lammert is in charge of the troop . that was handled last year by Sherman. Any members that "formerly belonged to her troop r are to meet at Mrs. Lammert's, % 304 W. Oriole Trail, in the future. The cubs got off to a wonderful •: start and more are expected in the coming meetings. It has been pointed out that the ; cub scouts in the area near the lake have a long distance to walk SurpHstf - The Hansens were pleasantly surprised recently with a housewarming given by their friends from the Eikundasund club, which they have been a member of for 35 years. Cars were filling the drive, the street and very, available parking spot. The happy friends that gathered for the occasion .were the Thompsons, the Larsens, Leversens, the Scottbergs, the Grandalls the Hansens, the Hagelands, Husteds, and the HJwis. Tfcegr atthnfr* wendeifttl time visiting with their old friends and presented the Hohaens with a cash gift for their new home. The Hansens were a littel flabbergasted by it all but wei$ very-happy with the surprised n»ther whft wq* In •WftSefc tainly l*ope thfcy. ai£ $11. up gift' feeling a lot better by now. Bllljr. who just turned eight had to postpone his birthday get-together with his friends 'till they^are all feeling good again. Block Captains The first meeting, of the new block captains was held at the center last Thursday. The president, George Van Zevent was preseiit as was the chairman of the block captains, Meryl Fletcher. Their duties were explained and discussed and they are now ready, to take on their jojps for the coming year. Pistakee Pa Hie Moreths entertained' their good friends from the city, Mr. and Mrs. Neville and Mr. and Mrs. Stillwell and their two children. They spent a very enjoyable day visiting and seeing th sights. Jimmy Bales is at reserve training camp for a few weeks so spouse Carla took a day off to do the town last week with Dolly Novotny and Wanda Dobecki. The gals left their little cherubs at home and spent the day at Old Orchard shopping and taking in the sights. They had lunch in the Crabapple Room, shopped and then headed back for home and, their chores once again. Forrest Reinhardts' vacation will soon be over but he has quite a freezer full of fish to show Tor his three weeks of rest. MTs. John Pechous is a good neighbor to all those who live near her. She always has a cheery greeting for all and sends fancy pastries which she bakes to the Dobeckies and others that are lucky enough to be her neighbors. Those busy Rogdes were surprised by company again last Thursday when Hazel's mother, Alice Perkins, and sister, Mabel Gates, came in from DeKalb with Hazel's other sister from Kentucky Mrs. Sadie Tr&yner. The surprise was d pleasant one as they visited for the day and then Came the weekend the Rogdes took off for DeKalb for a return visit. This is old stuff for the Rodges since they are always having company or going some place. The Jackson family was on the sick list last week when this reporter called for news. Billy answered the phone since he was home sick from school and informed us that the whole family was sick with the flu, including his T I L E IT YOURSELF AND SAVEI Top Quality Wall Tile ai LOWEST Prlcts , _28'/2* sq. ft. Prices to Contract-- - SERGANV8 Qai*jQ,Jlea rf-anm PHONE RICHMOND 4108 Located on Johnsburg Rd., 8V& utiles North of JohnHmif (About ZVi miles North of Sunhyslde Estates) MX . The first get acquainted meeting of the P.T.A. Was held on Tuesday, Sept. 17, at the Johnsburg school. The new officers and committee chairmen were on hand to greet everyone and the new speech explaining some of the principal, Mr. Dority, made a speed) explaining some of the new rules and regulations of the school. The teachers were all introduced and then a game was played to help get everyone acquainted. The enjoyable evening was climaxed by coffee and ca&e. prepared and served by the eighth grade mothers. Not* . Hie purpose of the P T.A. is to promote a better understanding between the teachers, the parents and the students of the school. But the attendance at these meetings is never on the spectacular side. If we have children in school surely we can spare one evening a month to meet his teacher and discuss some of thfc problems of the child and thie school. If you are a parent'.of children in school try supporting the P.T.A. and attending; meetings. You'll be glad you did.. P.T.A. Fun Fair Plans for the P.T.A. fUn fair are rolling now. It will be similar tb the bazaar held last year and all kinds of interesting wares will be on sale. There will be games and fun for the children as well. The chairmen are accepting donations for the various booths from now on. If you sew. any home made items will be appreciated as well as baked goods and white elephants. If you are interested in donating anything or helping with the fair then call Mrs. Peterson 697-R-2 and she will be glad to accept your help. Do it now. -EASER late Lift Worth Living rot MEH, WOMEN, CMMEM Ml IMI Or I.nmwo Bbwd , BOLGER'S PHONE 40 4 < * WE'RE (LAD IT'S OVER, 100! The strike of Western Electric installers is over and the "Vbice-with-arSmil|f has replaced the "bass notes" of our emergency operators. Although Dj|^Nl people weren't on strike, thle picket lines set up by the Western Electric men who put in central office • equipment, slowed jup^^lephone service here in McHenry. , " £ * * \* v. Supervisory'^e6ple stepped in to man the switchboards and it didn't take them long to get the knack of putting through your calls. I We think they did a good job ... but they're glad the regular operators are back. And so are we, If any of your calls didn't get through right away, we're sincerely sorry. We appreciate your patieince and cooperation tlurough it all. •::00VCandle Bloww* A W|; sincece happy birthcg&y goes to* Mr. Haddock who had a birthday last week. His age Isn't available but if he is just as old as he feels, well then he couldn't be much over 20. ~ Also celebrating this week is Carla Bales whose birthday is on Sept. 24. We hope she has a very happy day even though her hubby Jim is away to camp and won't be here to share it with her. Happy birthday,. Carla. Tables And Chain ' Are needed for the dance Saturday night. If you have a card table or chairs that you could donate for the evening just drop them at the barn with your name Posted on them somewhere. The officers will see that they are returned to you. Dont Forget to call with those little bits of news, for this column. My old regulars that used to call each week have been absent without leave lately and their calls and news are missed. Keep it coming. Call Wanda 583-R-l. New Mechanical Brcrinbuster Proves Popular At Museum Of Sciente If mathematics prove too much for your brain power, you can now solve some of the mysteries by simple use of your muscles and the aid of an entirely hew section just added to the enticing "World of Numbers", exhibit at the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry. The new mechanical brainbuster, built especially for the display by the International Business Machines corporation, is a network of weights, cables and pulleys towering from floor to ceiling. It enables the visitor to demonstrate to himself how by different ways of lining up the pulleys and cables, the amount of muscular effort required to lift weights can be sharply reduced. The new exhibit is three-sided, making'it possible for three visitors to work out its different mechanical formulas at the same time. On one side, the visitor has to exert 100 pounds of pull to stir the 100 pound weight; with the second pulley combination, the . "v 100 pounds may be lifted with only 50 pounds of pull; and the third on enables him to lift the same 100 pounds with only 25 pounds of effort. * The exhibit was developed to prove, under entertaining "audience participation" conditions, that mathematics is the basic for even the simplest mechanical. dt>» vice, that a knowledge " tics is essential to an umltr*' anding of physics, and tltat every mechanical device known to man operates in accordance with, immutable mathematical laws.. 4^ One rat in farm grain storage sheds annually about one million hairs, voids 10,000 droppings 01*1 one gallon of urine, and may huS bor as many as 10,000 lice. OP IN HeHMBT > • FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMB LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON It VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Boate ISO - Just East of Route U Vat* Phone McHenxy 667-W-l iuo Lie- ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE A PAINT DEPARTMENT WILL Satisfy All Your Painting NEEDS FEATURING The Famous. GLIDDEN OUR V. PAINT »i ua A««A ) tieiiiftpN* CtavtilHtly • OUTDOOR PAINT • INDOOR PAINT • WOOD FINISHES • TURPENTINE Courteous Salesmen to aid you in selecting your color schemes and help you solve your painting problems. MCAHONIIIAIYVO f Conveniently Located on Highway 81 South of Main St. ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING SPACE OUR COMPETENT STAFF IS EQUIPPED TO ASSIST YOU WITH ANY BUILDING | PROBLEM BRING YOUR HOME UP TO DATE It's easy to modernize your present home. Increase the value and livability of your home by remodeling. ' WE CAN HELP YOU WITH THE PLANNING - MATERIALS - FINANCING NO MONEY DOWN ALEXANDER LUMBER <0. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" in Highway 31 - South of Main Street - McHenry, PHONE 1424 "ALWAYS FIBST . . . SERVICE TO OUR CO STOMERS" r Jr • ^,i • /.JtoM;, . ..•k# .:

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