Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Sep 1957, p. 2

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_ ;^rsrg?3s=3pi^c=acrr^--n 1 "'I --I" "VPIr ,--i r \ ^ ' *. ~^^^3|vwY»-' 3-j'( i?5 7T *rYf ,,f:Pv Two C •" T-j ', ' ••"~ TTTTT' ~" " - - -~J' ' ' THE MCHENBY PLAIWDEALER "• ,' ,' " ,:" '.'*' --- ^ '* ' ! ' • ' - • Thnnday, SapUmber 26. 1957 ^ RalphPatxkeTo Wed Wisconsin Girl . Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hansen of Eagle River, Wis., announce the ment of their daughter Betsy, to Mr. Roger Moehling, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moehling of Johnsburg, formerly of Arlington Heights. The weddihg will take place sometime early next year. 'L<&i ' ~±J w?' ft-< engagement of their daughter, Andrea, to Mr. Ralph Patzke of McHenry. The wedding will take place Oct. 26. Tell Engagement Of Ann Shnfeldt Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shufeldt of Woodstock announce the engagement of their daughter, Ann Lee, tb Kenneth Moderhacki son of Mrs. Elriora Populorum of Chicago He is a graduate of Lane Tech high school, spent two years in the service and is now employed in Chicago. Miss Shufeldt is a graduate of the Woodstock high school attended comptometer school in Chicago and is employed in Crystal Lake. A spring wedding is planned. Mr. Moderhack is the grandson of Mrs. Ida Kreutzer of McHenry. Family Reunion Held In City Descendants of the John P. Lav? of Johnsburg gathered at the V.F.W. grounds last Sunday for a reunion. Present were Peter Freund, Jr. now 84 years old, and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Vogel of Solon Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Freund and children, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Neiss, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Freund and children, Mr. and Mrs. * Leonard Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Freund and children and Mr. and Mrs. Art Stilling and children. Mrs. Peter Freund Jr., was the former Mary Lay. Also attending were Mr.' and Mrs. Joseph J. Miller and family, Mrs. Clarice Purvey and children of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. William Morgan and children of Elkhorn, Wis., Mr. and MTs. Gerald Miller - and children and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Becker and children of McHenry. Mrs. Joseph Miller id the former Clara Lay. Others attending were Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Freund and family "of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Marshall and children and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Freund and children, Mrs. Peter R. Freund is the former Josephine Lay. Mrs. Tena Lay, wife of the former George Lay, and their daughter and family, Mir. and Mrs. Kenneth Hamsher of Fox Lake, also attended. Sixty-five attended and twenty-one were unable to be present. O. D. of A. Social Meeting Sept. 19 A social meeting of the Catholic Daughters of America was held Sept. 19, with Madeline Mayfield and Lona Brever acting as cochairmen. Cards were enjoyed, with winners in canasta, Pauline Nimsgern and Anna Hay, and in pinochle, Kathryn L. Freund, Ann Rodenkirch,. Margaret Blake, Eleanor Freund and Rase Freund. A public party will be held at the Legion home at 8 O'clock Oct. 3. W.C.O.F. Plans ForLuncheon "" St. Clara's court, W.C.O.F., has planned a luncheon for Wednesday, Oct. 2 at 12:30 p.m. Cards will follow the luncheon. Reservations must be in by Tuesday, Oct. 1, to Helen Williams, phone 896-M or Helen Rodenkirch at 51-J. Cars will be available for those, who have no means of transportation and will leave from St. Mary's at noon. Regular meetings will be \held on Sept. 26 and Oct. 10th. Juvenile W.C.O.F. To Hold Election The Juvenile members of the W.C.O.F. plan an election of officers on Oct. 7, from 7 to 9 p.m. St. Mary's school hall. It is important for all members to attend. A party and refreshments will follow. Wed In September II'H H 11 H I PERSONALS <• 'g. 'g' •> • »< Betsy Hnff To Wed Early Next Tear Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huff of Johnsburg; announce the eftgageito. and Mrs. Robert Weber motored to Dubuque, Ioiwa, with their daughter, Ann Loretta, Saturday, where she entered her third year at Clarke College. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Smith and Mrs. Carl J. Freund enjoyed a fishing trip in Wisconsin a few days the past week. Mesdames Ge r a 1 d Mayfield, Harold Steffan, Ann Rodenkirch and Miss Bertilla Freund attended a Junior Conference of the Catholic Daughters of America held at Kankakee recently. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence^ of Chicago, were weekend visitor? in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Breffeld of Chicago, were Weekend visitors in McHenry. . Miss Agnes Sutton. and Mrs. Mollie Norton of Belvidere arid the latter's son Phillip Norton of Wheaton, were visitors ih the home of Mrs. Nellie Bacon Wednesday. . > Saturday guests in the home of Mrs. Zeria Bacon were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Damm of Kenosha, Wis.; visitors on Sunday wore Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Mitchell of Waukegah and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rapp of Arlington Heights. Mr. and Mrs. George Miller and daughter, Cathy, of Chicago were weekend guests of Mrs. Jack Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bacon left Monday for a visit in the home of his sister Mrs. Hazel Larige in Quincy, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger accompanied by William Van Natta of Crystal Lake, visited the latter's sister, Mrs. Gilbert Burnett in Grayslake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Smith have returned from a week's vacation in Minnesota and Michigan. Mrs. Harvey Ritz and Miss Belle Cary of Elgin visited their sister Mrs. R. I. Overton last week. Kevin Carey of Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., is enjoying a two week's furlough at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. 'A. P. Moritz are spending the week in Milwaukee, Wis. . Mrs. Delia Matthews and daughters, Jean and Mrs. Edward Buchert enjoyed a vacation in Wisconsin the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carey and son, Tim, are vacationing in the east. Miss Marion McOmber, Miss Clara Miller and Mrs. Annabel Aicher were Chicago visitors Saturday. Mrs. Eugene Mendel and son, Jerry of Westchester spent a few days this week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Art Smith. Worwick Studio Photo THE RICHARD BOETTCHERS Miss Judith Ann Hill of White Oaks Bay, Wonder Lake, became the bride of Richard Boettcher of Highland Shores, Wonder Lake, in a ceremony performed Saturday, Sept. 14, in the Ringwood Methodist church. SQUARE DANCE GROUP A beginners' square dancing group will be started on Thursday, Sept. 26, at the Westwood school in Woodstock. Classes will be from 8 to 10 p.m. A series of instructions are being planned under the* direction of John Hock. Drive Slower and Enjoy Life IfynwovMbe COWpleMu buy every drag item from Prescription Specialists • What is more important than die health of your household? Why "take chances" with the fhealth items" that assure their wellheing? It is safer and more satisfactory to buy every drug itemin* drug store. Only a pharmacist is fully : qualified to dispense such merchandise, and to counsel you in the proper selec* tions. We'll welcome the fwtrooage of your family. Ralph Patzke and Andrea Hansen of Champaign visited fefc- Henry relatives Sunday. The Robert Waypian family of Arlington Heights arid tars. James Wagner and children of Milioil^ Wis.; attended a gathering in the Herb Simon home Sunday honoring the birthday*' of Jlncimie Thompson and Jeahie Hetterthan. Miss Evelyn Rzebka,, Mr^ Upnaid Bauer, Mrs. Adelaide Gausden and Mrs. Grace O'Brien were in Chicago, Thursday, where they saw the latter's daughter, Miss Jean O'Brien received her cap. as a member of the dental assistants certification class in ceremonies held at the Crystal Bidltodm Of the Palmer House. ^ Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, Mrs. Kathryn Worts, Mrs. Lillian Stoffel and v Miss Gertrude Weber are spending the week at Chetak, Wis. Mrs. Marge Strassheim and father Mr. Harke of Chicago, were Sunday visitors in the home of Mrs. M. A. Sutton. V Mr; and Mrs. Peter Schaefer and Mrs. Eleanor Young were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs, Frank- He jmalik of Berwyn. ..Also visiting the Hejmaliks were Mr. apd Mrs, Fred Schoewer, Mr. and Mrs. John May and Mr. and' George Felens. '• *. v r September Bride Don Peasley Photo Miss Clarene Steadman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorrie Steadman, Spring Grove, was a Sep? tember bride. She was married to Ronald Hoch, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hoch pi Woodstock, at: the Grace Lutheran church, Woodstock, on Saturday, Sept. 7. They will reside on South Madison street, Woodstock, following a two-week honeymoon at Niagara Falls. RteJ the Want Ads Bolger's drug store ]0S So. tiieeu Phono 40 McHenry, PL Our Customers Say: "YOU CAN SEE THE D l f f f E R E N € E WITH ONE EYE!" Indeed you can... SANITONE Dry Cleaning is that much better Exaggeration? You may think ao until you've tried Sainton* Dry Cleaning. One trial will convince you, Sanftone really does get out ALL the dirt aa nothing else can--banishes spots* eliminates deep-down soil--even perspiration, and leaves no cleaning odor. Most amazing of all, clothes come back from cleaning after cleaning with the look and fed of newness restored! Why not call us today? fcfiimo mil RAINBOW CLEANERS PHONE 927 Around doner North of National Tea N. FRONT ST. McHENRY, Open Dally 8 A.M. To 6 P.M. Open Friday Eves. Til 3 Clean * Store NOW -- Pay Next Fall PATRICIA BUSCH BECOMES BRIDE OF PHI&P RINDAl : \ V- % tirie of ttifepr6ttiestof f^ifreddings Was solentfiitea at St Peter's church, Spring Grove, On Saturday morning, Sept. 21, «it 9:30. MiSS Patricib Budch daughter of Mr and Mrs. Sen Busch, was married to Philip ffinda, aim of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rinda, Sr., in a beautiful double ring ceremony performed by the bride's uncle, Rev. Leonard Busch, of St Francis Minor seminary, in Milwaukee. The charming tiride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of chantilly lace and coupioni silk, styled with jeWel-trimmed bateau neckline and long tapered sleeves; Her bouffant cqupioni skirt featured jewel-trinitt&d lace inserts that fell into A chapel sweep. A jeweled crown held h6* fingertip veil and she carried a white prayer book covered with a white orchid and lilies of the valley. ' . , • Mrs. Shaf'pii Shiel, a clbse frlehd of the bride, w&s h&r rtiatron of honor, and hfer bridesmaids were Mrs. Evelyn Elfman and Miss Jeanette Busdh, sisters of tii& bride. All three were dressed similarly. The matron of hdnor'sl dresfr was aqua, while ttie bridesmaids were in fuscfifa. They chose floor length gowns ° of stardust lace, styled with round necklines and puff sleeves: Their bouffant skirts of nylon net featured lace overskirts. All wore thatching picture hats. The little flower girl, Miss Kathy Hahn, niece of the groom, was dressed in white lace similar to that of the bridesmaids. The groom^was attended by Jim Sweeney as .b&it man and groomsmen were Donald Hahn and Kenneth Dammief. The bride's mother chose a taffeta beaded dress of shadow blue, with black accessories. Mrs. Rinda wore a blue lace With black accessories. Both had orchid corsages. Mrs. Betty Floer was soloist at the morning service. A reception was held at Johnsburg Community hall for about four-hundred guests, including many from Kentucky, Chicago, Milwaukee and neighborinjg towns. After their honeymoon to Florida, the young couple will make their home in the Ben May apartment in Spring Grove. Both are graduates of Richmond- Burton high school with the class of '52. The groom is employed with Duncan Construction and the bride works at Abbot Laboratories in Nor,th Chicago. Pint fall UvMtock Outlook MWttag Sept 27 Fall livest«tir outlook meetings will begin tfaggitaonth ip the county* starting Hp. 27 a^t 1 p jtn. on the Bard ^.rpad will be posted frinirtHuiitley-Algtmquin blacktbp,_two riifles east Huntley. . Guest specter that evening will G. B. Wntfman of the. University of IllirtbM College bf Agriculture, who jpfH oover the goieral livestocfc i||^>ok ffer the yesr ahead. : A representative of a livestock marketing afeedi<^ also will be On hand to discuii the current livestock market trends. THE DeWane Studio Piioto LOWlLL ANBE&SONS Cutting their wedding cake f^ lowing a service performed ve-, cently at St Jcim's Catholig church, Johnsburg, are Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Anderson. The bride is the fonner Dolma Adams of Johnsburg. ACCIDENTAL DEATH A verdict of accidental death was returned Saturday in the passing of Edward Walker, 14, of Wonder Lake, who died Sept. 13 after suffering an injury in football practice. , - -/><!ka.tow a*,- / • eKeh 28 days v. . . For' Informatikm • Call ROBERT KREIER MdffiBNBT 1006-lfc dr to, ANDREW CO. WOODSTOCK 428 McHenry Phone 170 Published every Thursday at vIcHenry, 111., by the McHe*|ttT Publishing Company, lift. V| ^ NATIONAL EDITORIAL AS^ci^TI^N - - • .1 ' ' I I ! ! ' " ' I II » ^ AT. BURFEINDT, Gen'l. Manager vDELE FROEHLICH, Editor SVBSCRIFliON BATE In McHenry County ... 1 Year *3.00 • . 6 Months $1,75^*© 3 Months $1.00 Outside McHenry Coiuity 1 Year .;...4.^........... $3.50. 6 Moiiths $2.00 . 1^5 1 1 11 i A1! r'r, .Ti^tfii'" 3^ Months V iS8SCHTISB yy»Bs» Entered as second-class mat* ter at the post office at Mo- Henry, Illinois, under the act of ' May 8, 1879. START TROOP MEETINGS Troop 131, sponsored by the Methodist Men's club, is starting its regular weekly meetings on Monday nights at 7:30 in thc| Methodist churdi. All boys are. welcome to Attend. ... We're going to New York Wfe'ise bound for Broadway, tall building^ and WhaVa, morp i mpqrtant the Robert Fianc^ Studio of Hair Design tb obtain for you the very latest in style and technique. Therefore, living up to our moto - your lovliness is our business. We Will be Closed Oct. 7th thru the 12th v.r.V, Air Conditioned for Tour Comfort YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS Open Tues., Thurs. and Fri. Evenings tfl 9 Averstica/ee 126 N. Riverside Drive sdirstfuyllitnngg oftuJi McHenry, 111. to Phone 141 tocab i B A N K AND ITS SERVICES AND YOUR DRIVEJN BANKING • "i ! • To hfelj) recjCif^'the ever growing parking problem, we have one of modern bankings latest, services, that of Drivein Banking Is^ilities. So convenient for your quick \bsnking transactions. One of the mafy| f^ie services the McHenry State Bank provides for our many friend* presjifti and future. .214. .••/lie MEMBER FEDERAL DUPOSlT' lffSU&ANCE CORPORATION MEMBER Tmt&ftL RESERVE SYSTEM Phonel040

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