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' Planning thus far includes individual prizes on costume for the most original, ftinniest, best ladies and the best men's. Tickets are in the mail for local residents including those who are not members but are interested in local improvement. The dance, of course, is open to the public and a fine orchestra has been secured. Plan now to attend and have a big evening on Saturday, Oct. 26. Lilymoor Association The October meeting of the Lfly Lake schoolhouse. Further plans and discussion of the dance will be on the agenda. Big item of the evening will be the election of new officers for the coming year. The nominating committee has met and has a proposed slate of officers for the new year. Prior to the meeting they will be contacted and asked if they will serve if elected. Nominations from the floor will be in order. The nominating committee headed by Mrs. A1 Stineman included Mrs. Herman Crawley. Mrs. Herbert Polinski, Mrs. Victor Bassi and Mrs. E. M. Belford. Lilymoor Garden Club The next meeting of the Lilymoor Garden club will be held at the home of Mrs. Garrison Latimer on Monday, Oct. 7, at 2 p.m. Those attending are asked to bring their favorite vase. Any lady of Lilymoor wishing to learn more about flowers or gardening is invited to join the goup. Silver Wedding Anniversary September 25, 1957 marked a quarter of a century of wedded bliss for Mr. and Mrs. Herman Crawley of Lilymoor. Miss Edna Schippler and Mr. Herman Crawley, both of Kankakee, were joined in holy matrimony on Sept. 25, 1932. in that city. Their marriage has been blessed with two daughters, Charlene and Susanne. The Crawleys purchased their present residence on the lake in Lilymoor five years ago and have been permanent residents for the past three. We extend omr hearty congratulations to this fine couple. Also birthday greetings to Mrs. Crawley for last Wednesday, Sept. 25 and you do look 25! More Birthdays and Births Herbert Fantus celebrated his birthday on Monday, Sept. 3D. Little Lois Schiavone was a year older on Sept. 16. " Greetings to Valerie Sessa, who was five years old on Wednesday, Sept. 25. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dodd of Lilymoor were new grandparents on Sept. 13, when their daughter, the former LaVonne Dodd and her husband. Bill Kilby of Robert's Road became the proud parents Of a 7 lb. 10 oz. baby boy has been named James Albert Kilby. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Piesen are happy to announce the arrival of a baby girl on Wednesday, Sept. 29, at St. Therese hospital in Waukegan. Charlotta and Ray are the parents of one other child, Michael, who was most anxious to greet his new baby sister. Bridal Luncheon Mrs. Fred Karmel was the hostess for a lovely bridal luncheon held at her home on Sunday, Sept. 22. The guest of . honor was Miss Alda Kagan of Chicago, a cousin of the hostess. Mils. Karmel presented Miss Kagan with linens, a luncheon cloth - with matching napkins and an apron. The bride-to-be enjoyed a delicious ham luncheon attended by fourteen guests including aunts aind cousins of Chicago. What's New? There is a lot of local news coverage in the area east of McHenry these days. Lakemoor news reporting is now capably handled by Kathryn Scanlan who took over the pencil on August 29, from Annette Schmidt who did a fine job. On top of the hill to the west of Lilymoor there is a water tower which says Eastwood Manor, and Peggy Garrelts has initiated a new column for the eightysix families" of that subdivision. We ' also note that Florence Noonan has new gathering facilities in Eastwood Manor. The fall column for McHenry High School is being written by our own Dave Fantus. News is a pretty important commodity in any community and the fresher the better. Help us keep Lilymoor informed. Call in your birthdates, anniversaries, out of town guests, and parties this week and every week--596-W-2. Personals Mr." and Mrs. Hollenback are still talking about the pleasant vacation trip they had in Nebraska. They visited with friends and relatives in Gothenburg. John Millinac is a patient in the hospital in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fuhler moved to 124 Pearl St. in DeKalb two weeks ago. Dick has begun his studies for the fall term at Northern Illinois State university. Mr. Fuhler is a junior majoring in accounting. Mr. and Mrs. John Fuhler, Sr. returned from a three week vacation tour of nine southern ^tates including Texas, Arkansas and Kentucky. They also got down into old Mexico. The Fuhlers visited along the way with friends in Louisville, Kentucky, and in Huston and Brownsville, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Stanfel and Debbie were visiting the past week at the home of Mr. Stanfel's mother Mrs. Edith McDonald of Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Veto Sessa and children, Valerie and Joseph, Availability Tour savings are immediately available at Marengo Federal. Withdrawals may be made without prior notice. In over 30 years, every withdrawal request has been paid immediately. Like other financial institutions, our charter provides for the right to defer payment of withdrawals. We have never invoked such deferment. I OUR CURRENT RATE SAKIT Of TOM SfflKS or TO $10,000. START AN ACCOUNT TODAY Savings AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Phone JOrdan 8-7258 v/mAitENGO, ILLINOIS TOTAL ASSETS OVER $7,500,000.00 were visiting at their summer home last Thursday: permanent residence is 749 S.Leavitt, Chicago. ; Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes visited recently with old friends in Lilymoor. Mrs. Hughes is the for* mer Joyce Fioretta. John and Joyce were proudly showing off their new daughter of three months. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Winkle were hosts to a family reunion on Sunday, Sept. 15. The group which,, enjoyed' dinner at their home included Mr. and Mrs. rfenry Jesky and children, Tom and Richie of Norwood Park, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jesky, Albert, Barbara and Charles of McHenry and Albert Jesky and Miss Anna Marie Naughton of Hunterville. Mrs. Robert Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thompson were guests on Saturday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Belford, Mrs. Robert -Thompson "resides in Princeton and her son and daughter- in-law are from Liberty Park where they are building a new home. Mr. and Mrs. James Hurst moved from Melrose Park about six months ago to their present home on Route 120 in Lilymoor. Mr. Hurst is employed at a service station in McHenry. James and Joy have two Children. The Hursts purchased the former Chris Peterson residence. Stork Shower A couple of Sundays ago Dick Fuhler took his wife, Pat, for a ride. The couple stopped at Club Lilymoor and Pat was quite surprised to find a surprise party awaiting her which was given by her three sisters-in-law, Mrs. Stanfel, Mrs. John Fuhler, Jr. and Mrs. Robert Fuhler. This was on Sunday, Sept. 15. Cake, ice cream and coffee were served to the honoree and guests after fylrs. Fuhler had opened all the lovely gifts which filled the bassinette. Pat says she now has, everything except the baby! The guests included Mesdames John Fuhler, Sr. John Fuhler, Jr., Robert Fuhler, John Millinac, Bud Millinac, Don Millinac, Steve Wijas, Art Kurbyn, Richard Stratton. ' Also present were Miss Arlene Wijas Miss Joyce Maher, and Mrs. Helen Maher. These were local guests. Attending from out of town were Mrs. Edith McDonald of Richmond and Mrs. Julie Kisting of Crystal Lake. Safety Corner We wish to mention again that the posted Speed signs have helped a lot in slowing down traffic on Center Street through LilymoOr. There are still a few transient offenders who are endangering the safety of alL bicycles at dusk ate stttl.dangerous t6 the riddft if fffey nive no lights or reflectors. With'evening coming on earlier eqdh day naturally children are 6ft the streets when it is dark, Pedestrifins at night should carry a flashlight ana walk well tor tin left side of the> road. >V Attend P.T.A. Mrs. JBruho Karas, Mrs. Robert Fuhler, Mris. E. M. Belford, Mrs. Fred Kamel and Mrs. Herbert Fantus were among those attending the first meeting of '57-'58 school year. The meeting was held in the new Edgebrook Junior high school on Thursday* Sept., 26. The program included selections by the Methodist Men's Quartet, accompanied by C£lii Page, introduction of all the school building. In the multi-purpose room everyone enjoyed coffee, tea and cookies. In absence of further "information and according to the printed sheet brought home by our daughter, there W how only one P.T.A. serving all the schools of the McHenry area. As many of ybu know the Lily Lake School had its own P.T.A. for many years, attendance has been limited. October with its bright blue skies is upon us. This is the time of year that we start thinking about geese and guns, burning leaves, and weiher roasts. It won't be long until Halloween and ghosts and goblins^. This is Christian r> Education week. Rally and registration day last Sunday at the Community Methodist Church was well attended. There, are presently over 320 students enrolled in the church school and registration is still open in the 11:00 section although the 9:45 sections are filled to capacity. We thought of writing a feature story this month on the deserted graveyard on the southside Of Lilymoor. Anyone know how many dead people are there? The flower for October is the Calendula and the birthStOhe is Opal. Two fine puppies presently living at Freddie Fradinattdo's house are looking for a good home. Dogs should be given a good home and not allowed to run toose; in Lilymoor. ,:i. - with the gicfc ' We were sorry to heir of the recent confinement of Mrs. Velma Douglas, first grade teacher at Lily Lake School. POST 491 by Gladys Soucle A large turnout is expected for the county meeting, Friday, Oct. 4„ for those who wish to attend; the meeting will begin at 8 p.m. The regular monthly meeting of the Junior Auxiliary was held Saturday Sept. 21. Election of officers was held and installation of the new officers was also held. Those elected werfe; President, Elyse Falsetti; secretary, Eileen Homo; treasurer, Roberta JohnsOn; sgt-at-afm, Mary Pat Mrachek; assistant, sergeant - at» anils, Judy HOmO; chaplain, BOfmie-fEinspar; Debra Kuhlman tfas -appointed music chairman. 'v*' The idea of # project was discussed and-agreed upon. The party will be held at Christmas time at the joint meeting with the Senior auxiliary. Proceeds will be used for a- picnic at final meeting of season. Tray favors were made for Downey and after the meeting,' refreshments were served. A benefit dance will be held Oct. 5 at the Legion home for one of our members, Jim Nugent. All members ate urged to attend or contribute to this worthy cause. RUMMAGE SALE The second annual rummage sale of the W.S.CJS. of the First Methodist church, Woodstock, will be held Friday and Saturday, Oct. 4 and 5, at the church. Friday hours are' 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday from 9 to 4 p.m. A CHAT WITH US, Regular check-ups and maintenance by pur experts, means lower car costs to you! Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service . An Mechanical Repalm Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE B16 Front St. McHenry, HL Pfcone Itli Residency 91-K THERE ARE MANY KINDS OF ooo wise Guarantied kMpUg PttMrt No*. 2864264 2864265 Oihtr Pttiiti „ Pending. WUco Alumim Carpotatioo WISCO Product* Are Better on DOORS IVETIME ALUMINUM controiud vrnnunoN "Ml-posmor MlfOMAlK $T0M FINGEtfir oraunHM DRAFT-FREE PtOTICTION THE ORIGIN At SBI-Sf0RING TRttti TRAOt EASE OF CUANlM EXPERT INSTAIUTION HOME DEMONSTRATION AND E S T I M A T E S F R E E © Call... McHenry 1424 ALEXANDER. LUMBER CO. EAST MYMINT TtRMS Highway 31 -- 2 Blocks South of Main Si. PHONE McH&TRY 1424 W WISCO WINDOWS and DOORS ... product* of WISCO ALUMINUM CORPORATION See WVOO before you BUY! EASTWOOD MANOR by Peggy Garrelts New* of Interest . At our regular monthly meeting, Sept. 20, the. by-laws for the Eastwood Manor Property Owner's association were submitted to the members present and were accepted by unanimous vote. At the next meeting Which will be held the third Friday of October, there will be election of three members to the Board of Directors. Once this has been done, we will be in a position to start proceedings to secure a charter ffom the state for our organization. Father and Son A father and son athletic club is in the making. Hugh Saynor called a meeting Wednesday night to discuss the organization of such a Club. - All boys 8 years old and. over and their dads will • be eligible. They will attend Sports events together and will have a closer relationship in many phases of sports -- both viewing and participating. Church Meeting Oct. 8 in our community barn there will be a meeting of persons interested in a Presbyterian church for the McHenry area. There will be representatives from Springfield, Rockford, Libertyville and Woodstock to help in the organization. Anyone interested Is invited to attend. Welcome Mat The latest families to move into Eastwood Manor this past week are the Gilbert Moores the John Andersons and the William Malcolms. .Visitors Mr. and Mrs... ifyank Wooiwine have been host t»* prank's mother the senior Mrs!" \$foolwine for a week while she has been recouperating from a Jiej^t attack.. We hope the rest 1ias put her in the peak of health. Mr. and Mr§. Lee Hansen had guests, Bob and J?an Koenig and their two daii^h,t;ers. from Kankakee. v 1 , Off* A fashion snow held in Bellwood the twenty-fifth of September was attended by Mims Hansen, Rita Simpson, Msg*ilyn Fultz and Pat Kellogg. The $rJs are all set. fashion-wise now! Demonstration Parties Mris. Dorothy Messer was hostess Thursday, Sept. 26, for a demonstration pariy. Eleven women were present and after the demonstration refreshments were served MrS. Emilie Smithson was host- -- . • V ess on frrid&y night for a stration party. These get togethers are nice fori the new-comers to meet their neighbors--and the eats are al-p ways different and enjoyable, Btrthdajfe Mr. and Mrs. Tom Simpson celejjj brated their joint birthdays Tuesk day, Sept. 24 with dinner at Al* gonquin. Later in the evening* they entertained a few friends aft1 their home. Tom's birthday was the twenty-fourth and Rita's was; the twenty - seventh. They are both voting age now! ^ . Little Dennis Wooiwine was 2* years old Sept. 30. Happy birthday/ Dennis. • ' * Home Delivery ; ; Anyone wishing the paper delivered to their home each Thurs-, day can arrange this by calling Mike Noonan at 2628-W. Well, guess that's all for this week. Thanks fOr all the news items you have phoned in, and please keep them coming. - My phone is 2101. ' banted 8»vttu|S: Savings invested! In Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Association Insured by the Federal SanrtntfS and Loan tamp* tuiee Corp., and earn 3%. SS-tf DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST Ai 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) pines, EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOUBd: DAILY 9 TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO S PJL rtptipAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:80 PM. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 I UTTLE BILL says a load r *+ Hv mmm v* ft?;* ^ S 5 RF -SL-JT ! ^. + - , 's T-shirts, 3 pillowcases. 3 chil- *a dresses, 2 luncheon cloths, ing time only 25 to 30 minutes. Nothing's fastery |kOthirig's cleaner-- and electric dryers are completely automatic A new eieciric dryer will wipe out your wife's weather worries on washday (and costs less to buy than any other kind). And fpr just 6^ a load, electric dryers give you the cleanest way to dry clothes. Clean, dry, radiant electric heat--like the sun--turns out clothes that are soft^.swoet-smelling every time. Fast, too. Today's electric dryers will dry a full load in 25 to_ 30 minutes. All electrics are fully automatic, nothing to lijjhtv no igniting dcvices to re* quire semce* We this* you'll be surprised when your appliance elTOW^ryi*00 lt 00948 OWn ® ®ode™ W. COST? ELECTRIC DRYERS cost !30 to *60 less to buy ffakn any other kind fee yMr iy|Jlii>«» dealer 1 Commoa wealth Kdiaoa Cwpum Public Service Company