RINGWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington entertained their '500' club at their home Tuesday evening. High score went to Mrs. Carl Hallstrom and Kenneth Cristy and low to Mrs. Joe McCannon and B. T. Butler. ternoon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Joslin. ' Mr. and Mrs. Roger Stevens of Toledo, Ohio, spent the weekend with his sister,. Mrs- Agnes Jencks. SPRING GROVE By Mrs. Our heartfelt sympathy is extended to, the bereaved family of Miss Virginia Dawson. Funeral services were held for her at St. Peter's church Wednesday morning, Oct. 2 at eleven o'clock. The ^r;/nd B? Walkington ^ chu'rch was filled to capacity as Bunco Club The bunco club was entertained in the home of Mrs. Georgia Thomas at Woodstock Thursday. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Vi- 0ll J?"'J'lV-'"16 Th°mpso" home'smdi-' and Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCannon were dinner guests in the Gus Gratton home at Richmond, Thursday and supper guests in the E. E. Whiting home at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Kulasik of McHenry and Mrs. Floyd Howe of Crystal Lake were visitors in the and Mrs. Nick Young. Mrs. Sebastian Entertains Mrs. Ben Walkington, Mrs. Joe McCannon and Mrs. Lester Edin- Mrs. Pete Sebastian entertained • ger visited relatives at Waukegan the Women's '500' club at her j Tuesday. home Wednesday. A one o'clock j Mrs. Alvin Benoy and children^ dessert luncheon was served- High \ of McHenry were visitors in the score went to Mrs. Lester Carr ! Louis Hawley home Tuesday. and low to Mrs. Oscar Berg. Rummage Sale The W.S.C.S. will hold a rummage sale in the churfih basement Oct. 25 and 26. Community Club The Community club met at the schoolhoiise Monday evening. A pot luck supper was served and the business meeting was held. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fossum are the new presidents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Harvey, the vice-presidents, Mrs. Henry Aissen, secretary and Mrs. Don Holcomb, treasurer. The Walter Low* Entertain Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low entertained their card club at their j cago. Mrs. Fred Stielow and Dr. and Mrs^ Fill Swienworth of Grant Pass. Oregon, were visitors in the Dr. Hepburn home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aissen attended a farewell party for her sister and husband in Chicago Satuday evening. They are moving to California. Mrs. Kenneth Ebey and children of McCullom Lake visited Mrs. Ernest Reinwall, Jr., Wednesday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schultze of Milwaukee visited her parents. Dr. and Mrs. William Hepburn, Sunday. Mrs. Clayton Bruce and daughter, Cindy, spent Saturday in Chihome Saturday evening. Cemetery Meeting There will be a meeting of the cemetery association Oct. 15. Personals Mrs. Nellie Vollman returned to her home in Elgin Monday after a visit with her sister, Mrs. Roy Harrison and family. Mrs. Flora Harrison and Mrs. Ardin Frisbee were visitor^ at Solon Mills Friday. Jim Pearson spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Churchill of Grayslake called on their aunt, Mrs Flora Harrison, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Joslyn visited his parents at Darien, Wis., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Cruickshank left Tuesday for a week's vacation at Denver, Colorado. Mrs. Ernest Reinwall, Jr., is convalescing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley, after undergoing a gall bladder operation at the Woodstock Memorial hospital. Mrs. Ruby Shepard spent from Tuesday night until Thursday in the Mrs. Georgia Thomas home at Woodstock. Mrs. Emily Beatty spent Thursday with her sister, Mrs. Harry Peet at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCannon of Hemit, Calif., spent the past week in the Ben Walkington home. Mrs. Charles Anderson and daughter spent Thursday in the William J. Mortimer home at Barrington. Mrs. Agnes Jencks spent a few days the past week with friends in Elgin and Dundee and in the home of her daughter and family at Barrington. Mrs. Crandall and children of Woodstock spent Wednesday af- Mrs. Roy Harrison and son, Loren, were visitors at Waukegan Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Joslin have returned from a trip to Toronto, Canada. Mr. and Mr?. Ernest Reinwall, Sr., of Fern wood were visiting in the Louis Hawley home Wednesday evening. Mrs. Charles Stephens of McHenry was a caller in the Dr. Hepburn home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison and son, Loren, Mrs. Laura Smith and Mrs. Flora Harrison spent Thursday at Rockford. Mrs. Lonnie Smith and Mrs. Roy Harrison attended Grand Chapter in Chicago Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmitt and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Schmitt and children spent Wednesday evening in the Bob Brennen home and helped Mrs. Brennan celebrate her birthday. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and Mrs. James Wegener spent Wednesday evening in the Jack Leonard home at Lake Geneva and helped Butchie celebrate his birthday. Mrs. Bob Brennan and children spent Thursday at Waukegan. Mrs. Davis of Genoa City spent Friday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mrs. Viola and mother, Mrs. Emily Beatty, were Sunday dinner, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low. i Mrs. Ruby Shepard, William Claxton and John Dreymiller were Sunday dinner guests in the Alan Ainger home at Hebron. They celebrated the birthday of William Claxton. Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert spent Tuesday in the Cyril Pacey home at Wilmot Mrs. Dick Malsch returned home from the Woodstock hosa final tribute 'to a, girl who was loved by all who knew her. Ginny's sunny disposition had won for her a host of friends. Her school-mates and friends of Richmond-Burton high schqpl served .as honorary pall-bearers and pall-bearers. Honorary were Katherine Tinney, Jeanette Busch, Marv^Anne May, Laverne Meyer, Katherine Sweeney and Verna Miller. Pall-bearers were Jerry Dring,. Ken Bergsrria, George Dieterich, Dave Smith, Paul Smith and Don May. Interment was in St. Peter's cemetery. Deanery Meeting. A group: of ladies representing the Christian Mothers sodality of St. Peter's parisH attended the deanery meeting of the National Council of Catholic Women at St. Patrick's parish hall in McHenry on Monday night. Benediction in church preceded the meeting. Following the meeting a lunch was served. Miss Linda Kaut2. has retbrnted to her studies at State Teachers college in DeKalb. Ronald May is also at DeKalJj and Richard Wagner is back at Whitewater college. Miss Betty Meyer is at* in Mil. On Saturday, Oct. 5^ the W.S.C.S of the Methodist church served a lunch to members of the Antique Auto club of America, Chicago region at the home of Bayard Sheldon. W^dir lake Nciwi (Continued from Page 12) Lois Mathews Crane, and Mrs. for the Doris Ninth Great-Grandchild Congratulations to Mrs. William Britz upon the arrival of her ninth great-grandchild. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Daudelin of Chicago are the parents of a son born last week. Mrs. Daudelin is the former Mary Ann Klaus and the proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Klaus of Fox Lake. pital Friday where she underwent surgery. Saturday guests in the George Joslin home were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wick of Chicago, Mrs. Wynnie Jolitz and son, Billie, and Mrs. Henry Drake and son of Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Mahman and sons of Rockferd were callers in the Dr. William Hepburn home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson and Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler attended the dinner given by the McHenry grade school board at the McHenry Country club Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock were Sunday dinner guests in the Walter Low home. Mrs. Emily Beatty and Mrs. Walter Low and daughters, Pat a«d Susie, and sons, Ray and Tommy, visited friends at Solon Mills Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Clara Durlin, Mrs. Valentine and • Mrs. Melvin Regnier were visitors at .Elgin Thursday. Mrs. Clara Durlin was guest 4>f honor at a birthday dinner at the home of her daughter and family the Melvin Regniers, near Richmond Sunday. Others present Mr. and Mrs. Tony Dieterich and son of Glenn Ellyn, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kiefier of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Sloat of Poplar Grove and Dick Wilder. Mr. and Mrs. John Homuth of Iron Mountain, Mich.. Mr. and Mrs. John Bussert and Mr. and Mrs. Russel Soddy of Kenosha were Sunday guests in the Dr. Hepburn home. Mrs. Kline and daughter of Chicago were Sunday dinner euests of Mr. and Mrs. Wolf Shadle. / Homecoming1. This weekend was a^ftusy and exciting one at RBCHS in Richmond. Snake dance and bonfire on Thursday night, parade on Friday afternoon followed by the football game against Harvard.' The fact that Harvard won' did not dampen anyoneS spirit and the dance in the evening was a gay and festive affair. The highlight of the evening was the entrance of the queen candidates as they were introduced by. the football captain Dave Harris, who acted as master of ceremony. Candidates were Jeanette Busch, Sue Johonott, Virginia Runyard, Verna Miller and Judy Stilling. Judy Stilling was chosen as queen and Bruce Sebo as co-captain of football placed a crown of roses on the queen and escorted her to her throne. She was presehted with a trophy and members of her court „ received gifts.- Prize winners for the various floats were also announced. The senior claims won first, the juniors, second and the freshmen Avon third for their float. Other floats winning were the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and the P.T.A. Moves Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oxtoby have moved in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. John Mathews are now living in the apartment Vacated by the Oxtobys. Mrs. Mathews is a teacher in the public school. Fly to Florida Mrs. Emily Foulke and Mrs. Stella Richardson flew to Orlando, Florida on Monday to attend the funeral of their sisterin- law. Callers Mr. and Mrs. W. 'Walker, Mrs. Maggie Wingert of Elgin, Mrs. William Lichty and daughter, Lois, of Woodstock called on Miss Lillian Sanborn Tuesday. >WOOD-»URMIH Installs in Your Home in just ONE day! You can have this full-size wood-burn ing fireplace in operation the very evening or the day workmen arrive to install it! The new Uni-bilt Fireplace is completely prefabricated--including its Own chimney and built-in flexible fire en! No facing, mantel or foundation oeeded. Adds Charm to Any Room Its sin*#, modern design harmonizes with any style room, any furnishings llni-bilt F i R E P l A C E or any architecture. It can be painted to blend with any color scheme. Approved by Underwriters' Laboratories Thoroughly tested, the Uni-bilt rircplace can be safely installed directly against any floor, wall, ceiling or roofing materials. v STOP IN TODAY. See for yourself thfc beauty of the new Uni-bilt Fireplace* UNI-BILT SALES PHONE McHENRY 1717 AFTER 5:30 P.M. BCTIR SCHOOLS BUItft rSrSMSr BETTCR COMMUNITIES Baptisms for September During the month of September Father Vanderpool baptized the new daughter of Frank and Joanne Kula Higgins. Denise Marie was christened on Sept. 8 with John Kula and Jean Higgins as her godparents. On Sept. 15, Linda Lucille, daughter of Robert and Carol Buss Beyer was baptized with Elfred Krepel and Valarie BUSs as her godparents. The same day Nancy Ann 'Etten, daughter of William and Elaine Freund Etten, was christened with Roger Freund and Bemice Etten as her godparents. Thomas Robert Kranz, son of Robert and Marianne Geyer Kranz, was baptized on Sept. 29, with. Richard Kranz and Carol Geyer as his godparents. a Coming Events November 2--Dance at the American Legion hall in McHenry sponsored by the Holy Name sodety. Canasta Play Benefits Hospital Mrs. Ann Weretka entertained the Wonder Center canasta group Thursday, Oct. 3, at her, home in Wooded Shores, Mrs. Prudence Grabovy and Mrs. Sylvia Pearson had the high scores. Other ladies present were the Mesdames Pat Gallas, Marie Milbrandt, Judy Rasmussen, Lenore Jaeschke and Grace Markel. $6.00 was donated to the building fund of the Memorial hospital for McHenry county. The next party will be at the home of Mrs. Milbrandt, Nov. 7. School Board Meeting The board of education of disschool at the Oct. 1. The board was typical cla the coordinated reading program of primary grades, which,is carried out in addition to the regular reading program. Mrs. Seemah's first grade, Brickley's first and second grades, Mrs. Slavin's second, and Mrs Goetchel's third grade held demonstration class room sessions of five or six typical students from each class, "the children picked up where they had left off at the end of the last class session in an unrehearsed recitation. The board visited one room at a time and could see the. progression of the program through the first three grades. The program represents the additional work the teachers do to help children to read, think and spell. It furnishes the tools to attack words, for spelling and pronunciation, and to write stories. Sirfce1'the board meets twice a month it is their practice to devote one meeting to school policies in education and the other to all other business matters. Vacation In East The Roy Norens have returned from two and a hdlf weeks of visiting and sightseeing in the Eastern states. They paid a visit to the parents of theirs daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Packmohr of Brooklyn. They toured through Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont and called on Dr. and Mrs. Don Wilkins at Ballston Spa. New York (they followed Fred Sells and preceded Dorothy Mac). In Toronto tljey visited nephew and niece, the James Norens, formerly of Crystal Lake, and at Port Huron, Mich, they saw Alice's brother, Einar Anderson, \who is an immigration officer there. They then wended their weary way to Muskegan, Mich, where they caught a boat home. The first annual convention of OAK PARK HOTEL PISTAKEE BAY PHONE McHENRY 178 -•1 50 all you can eat EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT year around 5 P.M. -- H P.M. SUCCULENT DEEP SEA DELICACIES GLADSTONE'S S. Green Si. "STORE FOR EVERYONE' sgs* PHONE 182 McHenry, I1L AT LAST! AN Floating Action style to (rest fit youl FOR THOSE WHO WANT 2-sedion cup comfort th« NEW FREE-form (style 172) AND FOR THOSE WHO LOVE A 4-secfion circle stitched cup .. famous style ^92 BOTH with the famous, original Tangent Strap feature. Anchored qf the sides, these fabulous straps hold up the entire bra frame, not just the cup. You can move freely, the bra always stays snugly in place. no drag on tender shoulders, ever! And now, available in both 4-section and 2-section cups. Come try your favorite cup type today, and enjoy the wonderfully trim, sure feeling you get in Floating Action. * SSHl iiyte in vM» broadcloth T A, B and C cupj $4 .Style 392 in P cup. >3.30 A 4 50 c4f£ifthol!c ; Q&tober 6, Mrs. tek, Mrs. hose Gustek, Mra, Andrew Nemsick, Mrs. Thort}&s Thorhe, Mrs. John Condren, |fie Rev. James A. Vanderpool and Rev. Alfred P. Kruk. After the general assembly there were workshops on home and school in which Mrs. Con- Iren was deanery chairman and spiritual development in which Mrs. Bartz taStlpart. Altar and Rosary Sodality joined the National council in 1954, before the Diocesan was organized. There were 458 served dinner at the baniuet which followed. Ladies Monday' Night League Team standing^ after Oct. 7 <rames: Reuters Wta 3 games Monday to' put the lfead with 10 won and 5 lost; Cardinal Store, Handy Pantjry}«n«5 Lake Cleaners tie with 9 won and 6 losyt; Violas and FredricksehS" tie with 8 won *md 7 lost; Guf^man 4 won and 11 lost, and tW., UtiSponsored team has a sponsor 'liow, Mayers won 3 and lost 12 High sjlngle games were Louise T^hnson with 215 and Mary Gnadt 205. A silent auction will Nov. 7. Wonder Lakers present in addition to Ken Grothman, president, were Mrs. Robert Rouse of Sunrise Ridge, Mrs. Howard Hill of White Oaks Bay and Mrs. Jim Mills of Wonder Woods,4 who are room mothers this, Mrs. Walkup, who cooks. coffee for the . group. Greenwood <jJTO Meeting C.T.O. officers, teachers and room mothers met in the school library Oct. 3 to plan the gear's program, they plan' to hold five meetings during the season with the November rneeting slated for STUD* WATER POLLUTION / The Illinois Sanitary Water Board has asked the state attor- j ney general to take action against the city of Villa Grove and the , Truax-traer Coal Company near ' DeSoto, Clarence W. Klassen. technical* secretary of the boardfl^ announced. The board said its investigations revealed that raw • sewage from the city of Villa; Grove was polluting the Embarrass river in Douglas county. The Truax-Traer Coal company, the': board said, was responsible for1-"-, the killing of fish in the Little Muddy river and tributaries in Jackson county. Action was filed^ in the name of the state of Illinois, for $29,926.35 damages. t* Klassen was directed by the board to initiate investigations to' secure voluntary action to halt discharge of raw sewage into rivers or streams near five other communities: Beardstown, Petersburg. MQlihe, East Moline and Silvip. *- \ US TO DEMONSTRATE EAGLE • PICHER Aluminum STORM WINDOWS and DOORS THE MAftVJfiouS, NEW op-it-ifeuitsMif WACl COVERING Ju«» dip in water and apply. No tools; no trimming, no pasting, , :lm Paiiit<!& Supply 208 E. Elm St. McHenry. IU. PHONG 864 JALOUSIE DOORS & WINDOWS Narrow Sturdy Frames All Inserts Glide Easily • Self Storing • Simple Seasonal Changing Liberal Trade In Allowance on your Old Doors and Windows. ORDER NOW Zephyr Ventilated Aluminum Awnings and Door Canopies. Color and Style for Every Home. ARTHUR BOGER PHONE 1180 807 E. Waukegan Road McHenry iiMfe/M fices Fitted With Finesse! Let our experts fit you with the new Fail **hat that is most'flattering to . your features .-a . . most pleasing, to your taste!, Champ Hats Mallory ttats $IO.W?t»:fl6 Store for Men •117 S. <BfM&'St. Phone 47 OpeQ to 6 p.m. Friday # to d j>.m. Sunday 9 *Lm. Til 12 Noon V • :