Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Oct 1957, p. 16

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•5A yv*- ~ v" 1- <"r*ev 'Vx jr'47 -,[. ^ % "r, SlfSliM^ ThHCT4ay>,Octob»riai9S» The October meeting of the PHCA took place last Wednesday at the center with the neW- administrations taking charge. Heports were given frorft the various committee chairmen and counpUmen. It was pointed out by the new president, Mrs. George Van Zevern, that all meetings and social affairs in the coming year will be for members only. Admittance to all affairs will be by membership card only and these cards will be given to members who have paid all or part of their dues for the year. It was announced that a Hallowe'en costume part# will be held oh Saturday, Oct. 26, for association members. There will be entertainment, and fun for all who attend. At next month°s meeting there will be another speaker on Incorporation who will give a different view; of the matter than was previously' given. All: who are interested > in-- this vital matter are urged to attend but re*" member members only! A Real Gay lime. was had by everyone who attended the annual fan dance in honor of the incoming and outgoing officers. Tables with candles were arranged around the dance floor cabaret style where everyone could get a good view of the dancers and of the spectacular entertainment. The floor show got off to a good start with the talented m.c. John Reilly doing the announcing. Carl Haefliger did his stuff with the banjo with the crowd joining in on all the old time favorites. The song fest was enjoyed by all and got them in the mood for the number done by the Sexy Seven, consisting of Harriet Wilson, Vi Johnson. Terry Pfingston, Wanda Dobecki, Marcia Dowd, Marilyn Van Zevern and Hazel Morley. They sang an original salute to the officers to the familiar tune of Davy Crocket which proved amusing to all who were good sports. The finale of the floor show wa» the familiar group The Pistakee Highlands Symphonic Quintet which did a number that defies description and must be seen to be appreciated. Those funny fellows that kept us all in stitches were Floyd Johnson, Don Dobecki, Ron Jackson, Skip Wilson, Jack Erbin and Ed Pfingston, With a little more, practice they should be ready for the Chez Paree soon. After the unbelieveable floor < show the couples enjoyed the music and the atmosphere and 8i>ent the remainder of the dancing and making merry. Later in the evening a certain officer i$ charge started gathering coast and blowing out candles. After this small hint dicjn't get results he smilingly whisked themout<of the door. twenty plus oh Sept. 30,; a very happy birthday.' ' P.T.A. Meeting "ftie P.T.A. meeting next TOes* day at Johnsburg promises to be a very interesting: one for all so why not plan to attend.' Frank Burrows from Chicago is coining to speak oh bringing safety to our children. This will be a wonderful opportunity for all you means and pops to come and meet Junior's teacher and to he&r a very important discussion. So plan to come and bring the man of the house along. The time is 8 p.m. at the Johiwburg public school. P^A. Fun Fair Saturday Nov; 16 is the day set for the big Fun Fair sponsored by the P.T.A. This should be an even bigger affair than the bazaar held last year and there are many interesting booths planned. There will be games refreshments, and prizes for the children. .. Donations will be gratefully accepted for the • ckke* booth, the handicraft (sewing etc.) and the white elephant and general store booth. If you would like to sew something just call Marge Moreth and she will supply you with the material. Any home canned food or jelly is needed for the general store and white elephant booth and if you would like to help with these booths call Wanda Dobecki and she will see that your wares are picked up at the proper time,. Volunteers will also be needed tohelp serve behind these booths, so if you are available call Muriel Peterson or one of the above people. We're Sorry we- forgot to wish a happy birthday to Sybil Peterson who had a birthday on Sept. 20 when she became nine. Please forgive us Sybil and we hope you had a very happy birthday and many, many more. Congratulation Cor*ar Congratulations for a happy anniversary are sent to Jerome and Helen Kolb who celebrated seventeen happy years of matrimony on Sept. '30. They celebrated on Saturday by going to the fall dance at the center. Happy birthday wishes go to Douglas Mayer who turned the ripe old age of one on Oct. 1. And to Dot Orlowski who was Her First Party was a big thrill to Kathy- Hayner who became 7 years old last Friday. A small group of her neighborhood friends gathered for. the usual-ice cream and cake and surprised her with some very nice presents. The day was complete with games and all the things that make birthdays such fun and made one little girl very happy with her first birthday party. RUPTURI -EA5ER Hh Worth Uvtaa FM MBl WOMBt, OMMBI FatattHMB required A RUNE* r»lssi MP to ftfjt Ow BIIWI wrws IMS OMrUOUNflMaMtai BOLGER'S PHONE 40 LIBERAL An increasing number of people continue to take advantage of the higher dividend rate of V/i percent being paid our investoss* In over 3ft years, we have never paid less; than a 3 percent dividend. START AN ACCOUNT TODAY BY MAIL OR IN PERSON Marengo Federal Savings § | AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 102 l^orHi State St. Phone JOrdan 8-7258 MARENGO, IUINQIS 1 *»***> V JijpoTAI, Mftuft* OV» $*50*690*0 - % • Blue . . „ : are in* ordir all homeste^whferjfci thj^si^rlitfler Mclnevny joined^ tta;4^py-hein^. bearing the title, John Patrick"; Mclnerny, He' first made his entrance at St. Therese hospital on Sept. 29 weighing 6 lbs. 3 02. He was greeted by two happy parents and four excited' sisters andt brother. Congratulations to the happy family and best wishes to little John Patrick. Goafd and Bad NHwnik It was good news when Joyce Mitchell came home from the hosf pitai after a recent operation but not so "good when she arrived home to find that her son, Scotty had the mumps; Both are feeling much better now and we wish them both a very speedy recovery; Also bad news is that the Mitchelss will be leaving soon. Mitch has been transferred and they will he moving around Nov.- 1. H>ey. have been very active in community affairs and scouting and will be missed by the many good wish them all the good luck and friends-- they have made here. We wish them all the good luck and health .that the future can.hold. Bowling The bowling league is doing fine and having, loads, .of fun every. Monday night when the. local bowlers gather to do their stuff. If you are interested in bowling call Marilyn Van Zevern at 2695. That Flu Bag seems to be making the rounds and whether it has an Asian or American accent doesn't make much difference in the usual miserable symptoms. Dolly and Jeff Novotny were feeling the effects of it and were not feeling too well last weekend. And Audrey Zetterburg was in bed with the flu bug too. So watch out for this is the season when most of the little germs, come arouna: Entertaining At a buffet supper for friends and relatives were Mr. and Mrs. Mares last month. Guests from Chicago were the ^Busch, Mares, Kallum, Evans, Delaney, Shay and the Koseluh families. Also Mesdames Kubis and Neuberg of Berwyn^, .And Mr. iahtf 'Mrt." Paul IrtHlr and-1- * cousih Mtot - Rdienkr6fis.< gMd m* 0S& Thomas, Betty and - little'rt»mmy Warciak and broker Robert Minton went to Indiana-to - Bettys grandmother's for a family r6ufr« ion. They spent a very enjoy&ltfe weekend there. They returned just in time for Betty to stint' packing for sunny California where she will spend three weeks; Lucky gitli Hazel Morley escorted-Her son, Dickie, to school l$st toeek for k little birthday celebration in- his honor. . Mr. and Mrs. Jones of Meadow Lane are busy getting their house ready and they will be moving in soon. Donna Tomao is very .happy to have her sigteiv Cheryl,' to" wAlk with to catch the school bus now. 'Cheryl just entered first grade at St. Peter's in Spring Grqve and is very excited about going-to school:. Have' you noticed that new marker with the Ficks' nameand address on their front lawn. They may be. a little off the beaten path but no one can miss filling them now. Jane Malek is going to tak«e driving lessons so she can .have the car instead of walking. Good, luck Jane. Little Kenny Krumweide Had two stiches taken in vhis fore* head when he fell and, cut his head on the edge of his bed. He is feeling much better but better take it easy in the future, Ken. Hazel Morley is doing a grand job as councilman in her sectlofi'. and has almost 100% pai^diukea. Keep up the good. work. Peterson Hospital It aljnost seemed as if we had a hospital in the Highlands last week when the Peterson household all became sick at the same time. Every bed in the. house; was filled with a patient since all of the five children cEfmo downwith a virus Infection. Even the dog was sick and had to be taken to the vet. It was quite hectic for mother Muriel who lost- a good deal of sleep and she is glad $FOO FOR ANY Jf Trade-In KNIFE that they, , are ail feelLgig.. better • "' '• HaUbWeeft is just around the corner as any youngster can tejl you, and there will be Halloween parties a% the center for them this year as last: They will be held on Oct. 31 after school. There Will be more details in next week's papier about the fun in store so watch for them. Church Meeting The next informal church meeting such as was held last month will be this Sunday,. Oct. 13 at 7:30 pjn. at the center. There will be a short service led by Harland Shaw, followed by a discussion group. Anyone that would like to come is cordially inyited to attend. This might be the start of a churgh for .the Highlands so if you are interested in having chucch services or Sunday school then be sur® to .attend. Farewell, Party , There will be a farewell appre* ciation party given by the sea scouts for George Mitchell Who will be leaving as their leader spm. |4\.wlll be^ori Qfijt. «nd im^ati&is;: s^'.tb.^tlw guests who wlH:be^ invited-; • B*y , There will be a special one day fund drive on dct> 13' for the boy scouts and volunteers are still needed to help collect these funds; If you can spare a couple hours on this coming Sunday please call Floyd Johnson and offer your services for this worthwhile cause. We have a lot of scouts who are enjoying our scouting program in the Highlands so let'B all give them a haind wtth th&t equipment that they need. Girl Scoot*- Troop 416 The ' eleetidn of offfceri-Mook place at the Oct. 1 meeting of the girl scouts and the girls elected to office were, Patsy Wallace, president; M&ireen Schuble, secretary; and Barbara Beamer, treasurer, dood luck gals, we know you will do a, grand job. • 9rpwnlea The Brownies entert^ned their mothers at a little tea last Tuesday at the center. A little ceremony was. held for , the f]|y. qp will be in »dv«nd ilOttipletlT^tN j . The tart Mdjlaughter ^>lan for bruceilosis {nf^ctied dairy and breedings thapr four monthB otdiMttf.^fteen put into effect in F'oird?t:'ffepe and Wabash counties,.according,to the Illinois Department 6f Agriculture. A survey revealevt^jt^^iess than 3 percent of the c4tjg^i|n th^se counties are infected withxhrucellosis^ ' IPPPOU^ON INCBEAfB Gov. , Willing G. Stratton ha^ ,the|;/ vmage of Bartonville may anneal the area of Peoria State hospitaL| AnnexaticHi would virtually .doublei the Bartonville population, now 2,- 743. Thi%wa8 the firet action u^ dw* a new law (Senate Bill 83* which provides that st^te-owned real estate situated in unincorp- i orate^ territory adjacent to a^ municipality may, with the writ-v, i ten consent of Qie governor, b?^ annexed by the municipality. A CHAT WITH US. RagtAar che«k-ups and maintenance i^rour expert*; means lower car costs to you! Oall us today and find out for youxaeKi - • Bialte Serrtee AHMtchukal OomplcOe Motor, Owrtwnl^ • r 'nV>lo «lf Front 81,. I • llpp SOWING SESV1GSB 811 - RpUfNaM 91-Br . . . towards the purchase of Vanadium Stainless FLINT CUTLERY " V . VIS-; mi# • U DEPARTMENT Satisfy All Your Painting T H E L A f # X W O N D E R W A L L P A I N T It pajrs to be aa Egrly BSi decorating. Yotall fcaye cli^;Ij^aiitift»l rooms nQw and far less housedeamngthisSprioE. Thsi'iJ^ecamc SPRED SATIN Stay-Fresh colors resist airt, kcejgKlopldi^ ne;W for yea« and are guaranteed wsuhablf. ^ D«moattr«t*d oB tb» NB€-T¥ Sddct exacdr tlw color* rat want from the ISO beand&l mmc* on our giant coiot cud. $24® a|ok suMMiscoim Pilot in comfort with window* doted on coldest day* wid>- out drafts or irritating odor*. The Famous COUNTS With Lifetime Pakkawood Handles REGULAR PRICE WITH ITEM PRICE TRADE-IN 9" Bread & -Cak* Knif* $3.50 $2.50 8" Steak Slicsr 2.95 1.95 9" Utility Knif* &50 2.SO 9" Rooit Slicer 3.50 2.50 1" French Cook's Knife 2.95 1.95 8" Swedish Cook's Knife 2.95 1.95 Jrade-ln FOR ANY OLD KITCHEN TOOL ...towards the purchase of Vanadium Stainless FLINT Kitchen Tools "2000" Continental Tapmd Styto REGULAR PRICI WITH ITEM 3 PRICE TRADE>IN Deep ladfe f $2.95 $2.45 Mixing Spoon . 2J25 1.75 Hamburger Tlimw 2J25 1.75 Pancake Tumev 1.95 1.45 • Potato Atosher 2.95 2.45 Skillet Fork 1.95, 1.45 ^FOO FOR ANY OLD • F ' " EGG BEATER ...towards the purchase of "Precisian' FLINT EGG BEATER With Stainless Construction, Nylon Pinion Goare NOW frln •Only On* Old ttom May It Tradidjln On Each New Item. Ne Uml), To Number Of Trade-lnf On On*-Fa|r^On* Basis. VYCITAL'S Hardware 18? S, Green Phono 98 ifceit Stoti^ Shop • HWIIV 7V McHenry, III. Store Hours: 8 A.M. 'til 6 P.M. Daily Friday 'til 9 P.M. SuiKlay 9 A.M. 'ta Noo® fOR UM; AIM ) BICNMON* • OUTDOOR PAINT • INDOOR PAINT • WOOD FINISHES • TURPENTINE Courteoqi Sulfiniiffl aW you in selecting your c^blot schenquMi ami help you solve your nalntinn nrnhlflwa. Vfit MKW LOCATION IS IASY TO OrnnaknUs Located on Highway si Sevtfa ot Blatn SI. ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE OUR COMPETENT STAFF IS EQUIPPED TO ASSIST Y^WITH ANY BUILDING PROBLEM BRING YOUR HOME ItV easy to mpderni^e youy present home. Inexiease a|v4 liva^iUty of your home by rei£p4.eU ag, WE CAH KELP YOV WITH THB PLANNING - MATERIALS - FINANCING NO MONEY DOWN ta « "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING Ftp|HE BUILDER" Qn Miahwoy 3T> South of Main Strei^l^ McHenry, Hfinois PHONE 1424 "ALWAYS FIRST. . .SERVICE TO OOR OT8TOMERS" 4 o

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