Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Oct 1957, p. 13

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' ' ' i vi'iic '^%::"y^ :-o4# ^ " r~ * * :/ < T v', • 31. JMT 4 r VvV/N * /l; * V' 2|v :&i /i v ;f 'fee-.. i:." -^^h':^?*;:.^ &jS& jt^4i;': ^;C By Phyllis Oariaoa Hallowe'en Party Tonight there will be a Halloween party at Memorial hall from 7 p.m. 'til 9 p.m. for preschoolers through eighth graders of the Richmond-Burton school -district. Sponsors of this party atfe the P.T.A. and the businessmen of Richmond. A gala party is being planned foi- all. The costume prizes will be tfl^dged in three groups: pre- " *schoolers, first to fourth graders, arid fifth to eighth graders. Games for all will follow. Prizes given will be the compliments of the locr'al businessmen. , At 9 jpjn. the party will be over arid we urge ail parents to piclc up the children then, as we will not be responsible for them after that time. f A • We are hoping to have a good '^urn out of all the ghost and gob- , jUns tonight, so plan on joining us. C • Cab Scouts The Richmond Cub Pack met L .^Monday, Oct. 21, at the high » jBchool for its monthly meeting. A . -skit was put on by Den 1--it was appropriate for Halloween. Barry , ^Valentine was the character with S' the pumpkin. Cider and doughnuts were rved by Den 3. A new den was formed--Den 6 with Mrs. R. Etzkom as den knottier. There are plenty of boys' s interested in Cub Scouting--now • we need a Boy Scout troop to take | care of the older Cubs. Any volunf teers? Store Changes Hands Mr. arid Mrs. Curly Stevens art now operating the grocery storethat was JimMoadinger's. Birthday - Greg Duncan celebrated his tenth birthday last Friday when lief took three of his friends out for supper and to the show. His dad is home from the hospital again, and t0ok the boys but for Greg's birthday treat. Baptized Sunday morning little Michael Keith, son of Mr. aijd Mrs. Wallace Fritz was baptized at Grace church. ' His grandparents, the Waltfer Fritzes, who livted in rural Richmond were Wire for the oaptism. Thw resided nearby ifor 31 years. Michael and his dadjjy and mother live at Grayslake. Rotary Last week several McHenry Rotarians werie visitors at the Richmond club. They were G. Markeson. Dan Justen, and Bert Hecht. This week Frank Bergsma is in charge of the program and planned^ to present Frank Burrows, Jr., who is In charge of the citizens traffic safety board in Chicago. Brownies Tuesday was the day that the I *4iew Brownie troop* planned to have investiture. They invited • 'their mothers as their guests. All l' the little girls are so thrilled with ? their new dresses. Smorgasbord Next Wednesday is the date set for the annual smorgasbord given by the women of Grace Lutheran church. The public is invited. .^Serving starts at 5 p.m. and continues until everyone? has been served. Homemade cookies, coffe cakes put the finishing touches to a meal of meat balls, fish, and many other foods. Night Football Tomorrow night there will be a I night game at South Beloit between the Rockets and that team. . .alt's the last game of the season. ^However, on Nov. 22 the basketv' - ball season will start with a game at Huntley. Cross Country Meet Today the annual cross country meet will be held in which our high school participates. The other towns in the meet are Woodstock, Crystal Lake and McHenry. The boys from Richmond are Dick and • Jack Arseneau. feob Conner, Don Harris, Bob Swartzloff and Glen Fout. Ads for Annual Ads for the high school annual are now being sold to merchants of the community. Here aftd There This weekend the women of St. Joseph's church will hold a rummage sale. Saturday the Wbmen's club will hold a bake sale at the Eastern* Stpr hall. Monday evening the women of Grace church will meet at the church. Helen Klemstein is home from Billings hospital. Vivian Gargaro is a patient in St. Luke's hospital in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bell of Union, called on Mrs. Ethel Bell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cairns from Burlington called on Mrs. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Panek from Ivanhoe called on the Charles Schultz family Saturday. John Schnier spent the weekend with the H. Carlgonfe. Ho is a cousin to the young Carlsons and lives in Chicago. A week or so ago Misses Myra and.Edna SpMker spent f!v* visiting in Hanunond, Ind. wheiift fidna used to teach. They both vfeited school there and one evening Edna was the guest of hoh^r at a surprise birthday party hef$ in fcer honor by the teachers Of the school in which she taught She came home with many cards and gifts. While the H. Carlsons were in Rochester, Minn, they visited Phyllis Behrents who lived in rural Richmond for many years. She teaches second grade in that city. They also visited Chuck Steinke at St. Olaf's college in Nurthfield. Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Sohlberg, formerly Ruth Behrents, visited friends in and near Richmond recently. The Sohlbergs live new Ferryville, Wis. Saturday the senior youth fellowship group had its work day for Christ when they worked at various jobs in the community and turned the money in to the club treasury. They met together at noon for lunch at the Community church. Mrs. Noyce cooked the lunch and Mrs. Runyard assisted. Friendly Beggars The junior youth fellowship will ,go out again this year collecting children's cothing for overseas relief. They will be out Sunday evening, Nov. 3 and returned to the Community church for a Hallowe'en party. Mother's Club Meeting Monday evening the Mother's club will meet at the high school. All ladies of the community are invited. Mrs. Popenhagen will show the colored pictures of her vacation trip. FATALITIES DOWN Gov. William G. Stratton has received a report from safety officials indicating that September traffic fatalities are down 30 per cent from the 1956 figure. Robert Campbell, superintendent of the Division of Traffic Safety, made the report. Projected figures for September, Campbell said, indicate a total of 127 traffic deaths compared with 181 in September, 1956. The 127 figure is a projection of reports received up to Oct. 1. For Better Results -- Shop In McHenry. POST 491 % Miry 3Wtf#ar ' The regular monthly pieeting of the' Aitferican auxiliary was held Oct. 21' With president, Lauretta Homo, presiding. There were fifty-three members present. The speaker for thevevening Was Dan Justen, who gave a very interesting talk on^ the hospital drive. Lee Bassi gave a report on the membership drive and requested those who have not paid their dues to do so as soor\, as possible! We would like to have 100 per cent before the end of the drive, Nov. 11. If there is anyone interested "in joining the auxiliary^ please contact either president, Lauretta Homo, or membership chapman, Lee Bassi. Also, if there anyone who has a new address, or whose address has previously been incorrect, please contact secret tary, Frances Matchen. The monthly party was . held at Downey hospital on Oct. 17. Those who attended were Lauretta and Roy Homo, Dorothy and Stanley Diedrich, Christine and Ford Hanford, Dorothy and Bill Hay, Mrs. Frank Hay, Delia Freund, Lillian Jensen, Ruth Mrachek, Dick Schmitt, Ray Marke, and Skip Wirfs. They presented the boys with cookies, ice cream, candy bars, pocket size books, and magazines. It has been decided to hold the monthly parties on the third Thursday of each month. Lillian Miller informed us of the need for shirts at Elgin hospital. Anyone having any olil white or light colored shirts, ^zes fifteen through eighteen, please contact Lillian Miller. ±2. .President Lauretta Homo pit* tented honor guard pins to the following members: Heieti Rlsting, fifteen years; Theresa Conway, Alvera Durland, and Nettie Fleming, ten year pins. Marie Howe gave a report on the eleventh District Convention held at Crystal Lake on Oct. 19. Also attending this convention were Lauretta Homo, Elaine Gray and Eleanor Reid. The semi-annqal dinner of the past presidents of McHenry county was held at Cary, Oct. 17. Tnose attending were Minnie Meyers, Frances White, Frances Matchen, Henrietta Vycital, Pearl Nerstad, Pearl Pietsch, Marge Mikota, and Eleanor Reid. Marge Mikota was elected secretary of the past presi. dents parley. Past president Eleanor Reid announced that our unit now has their own past presidents' club which will meet four times a year. Marie Diedrich and Ilaverne Gregory were appointed chairman of the junior activities for our junior members between thirteen and eighteen years of age. Donations were made to both for their /annual drive. There will be a pot luck supper held at the Legion Home on Nov. 9 in honor of Veteran's Day. All members are iiivited. Congratulations" were sent to Betty Nugent and Lorraine Frett on the birth of their new baby girls. Get.well cards were sent* to Marion Reinwall and Velma Douglas and a sympathy qatd to Jennie Mae Richardson. Meta Schroeder received birthday congratulations. Delicious doughnuts and coffee were served by Lee Bassi and her committee. Social chairman for the next meeting » will be • Marge Mikota. Her committee will consist of the following members: Margaret Pickett, Helen Smith, RoBe Vol-, pendesta, Mildred Kinsala, Pearl Pietsch, Emma Lieser, Alice Keller, Stephanie Waynne, Elizabeth Williams Bernice Peterson, Phylis, Nimtz, Ethel Conway, Mary Ann Noonan, Lorraine Schwertferger and Lorraine Frett. LILYMOOR NEWS By Laura Belford Buy UB. Savings Bonds FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES DELICIOUS HICKOR¥ SMOKED HAMS LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAQES TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route ISO • lut East ot Route 12 Volo, DL Phono McHenry 667-W-l Your reporter has been reporting to school for the past two weeks. This is the reason for the absence of news you may have expected to appear in recent columns. The Pleaindealer granting, you will read of these events and news in the coming issues. As a substitute teacher it was possible for me to fill in for some of the grade school teachers who were ill. We were certainly sorry that this included one of. our own Lilymoor teachers, Mrs. Velma DOugtas lot Route Mrs. Douglas, our first gra<J* teaqher tuttwelve years' now, became Hi dil. Sunday and yag in bed all lftifc week. She expected to return her dass this week We, hope by now she is feeling -fine. By the time you read this you will no doubt have -had a wonderful time at the Lilymoor association masquerade party on last Saturday night and are now recovering from "trick or treaters." Hoping all is well in your house and you will have more good news to ' report to go along with the other news you have "in store." If you have news -- keep trying -- 596-W-2. •M SAVE MONEY! AVOID WASTE! READY-MIX CONCRETE RADIO DISPATCHED McHENRY READY MIX CO., Inc. Front St. PHONE 920 MoHeary, Ultnels , ' I * ";<V' :.= •' v '. vv• t ^ - V ^ -si * 4 ^ : O*- ^ V V ^ *3 -- ; ^ ^ ^ " '.Mi x ^ ^ N ^ ••• I for better homes for lowest prices SEE us ROBERT HAY CONSTRUCTION Co. F.H.A. & V.A. FINANCING • Masonery PHONE: 1907 Bus. 1377 Home * Concrete • Carpentry 805 E. Elm St. McHenry I've made the Big Change, have you? Now • •• anti-stall De-icer in both new STANDARD Gasolines! Now, Standard's pig Change brings you another big plus --absolute freedom all Fall and Winter from stalling caused by carburetor icing ? With Standard's exclusive De-icer on guard, your carburetor won't ice, you won't stalL And you get Dei-Icer at no extra charge in both new Standard Gasolines... NEW GOLD CROWN Super-Premium .. . an entirely new grqde of, gasoline . . . a must for high-compression engines, a power boost for any car. GOLD CROWN stops power-loss and fuel-waste caused by spark-plug crust-- actually rejuvenates moet fouled plugs after a few tankfuls. That's why users are reporting extra miles per gallon. NEW RED CROWN King-Size Regular . . . with octane higher than premium grades of a few years ago . . . delivers king-size knockfree performance and king-size driving economy, too. Take our advice, sir--get De-icer you'll be glad you did! You sxoect mors from STANDARD and get iH > * f ) ^v •>/ >&}. v<,S 1' J s: ' V V V ^ ^ ^ . ? "-'j i Z " ' } t ^ ' T ' W . j z J * . 1 ^ 9 On display for the first time today is a car that stands apart In any company. It Is very low, very daring, beautffglly pro port ionpd^ its unu^ya) sureness of handling and control reflects tt|e latest engineering advances. To oWn it ls*e n#w adventure. 3^- Swept Wlag 58 by DODGE Blake Motor Sales, Inc. 301 East Pearl St

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