Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Oct 1957, p. 14

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• " > ' " * P«gt Fourteen McCullom Lake News THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Eve Leveique • Big: Bouquet of Orchids \ To the wonderful generous people of our community. In the current hospital fund drive as in all .Collections, our folks have opened their hearts AND pocketbooks and come through with flying colors. The greater part of the Workers have informed J. R. Le- Vesque, chairman of the local fund ; ilrive, of the terrific response. .There have been very few refusals, and most of these had good cause. The drive ends sometime officially in the middle of November," but we will probably be finished in this area much sooner. When the figures have been computed, a total tall^ of pledges will be printed. Should be a sizeable amount! Hats off to the co-operative spirit bf all the workers and to the donors. A ueport meeting was held Tuesday night at the beachhouse and the next- one wjll be held Monday night, Nov. 4 at 8 p.m. in the beachhouse. i iar with hospital routine, having worked as a receptionist at the McHenry hospital for over a year, became a patient herself, last week.- It air started on Monday with some work done on an ingrown toenail. She recovered from that in rapid order, but Thursday morning she went under the knife for major abdominal surgery. In spite of the tubes of all sorts, the gal looks mighty fine and is doing just great. We're hoping by the time you read this, she will be convalescing at home. ^ Her indomitable spirit and merry outlook should put her back in A-l condition rapidly. .In the meantime, how about a pard or cherry greeting for Betty? Grandpa Olsen were unable to attend. Insure Your Dinner Make sure there is a turkey on your table for Thanksgiving. Come to the feather party sponsored by the Ladies of the ,Lake held at McDonald's tavern, Saturday, Nov. 16 at 8:30 p.m. Cullom-Knoll Ass'n. The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held Sunday, Nov. I 3 at 2:30 p.m. in the beachhouse. j Plans for the winter and spring ; season • will be made. Refresh- ! ments will be served. i Laddies Come Home Packin' enough provisions to keep the family larder stocked for a portion of the winter anyhow. As we reported, Dave Hansen, Glen Huska, Joe Sullivan and Jerry Street returned last weekend with a trailer load of moose, deer, and fish. The second car and trailer returned on Friday with Dick Osterby, Ronnie Tranberg, Bob Brand and Lee Larson, Jr. One more deer was bagged in the final week of the Canadian hunt expedition. Dave claims his moose was minus the horns, since it was a cow. Guess your reporter was more than a little feverish last week! Sure was positive the animal had horns! The men had a good time and none of them shaved for the entire duration of their trip. An Era Has Passed Most of her friends couldn't rebognize the darling young lady with the short, curly bob. On closer observation the young miss turned out to be Sandy Brennan. Those beautiful long braids that were a part of her for ten and a half years were shorn last week. 'Twas a big decision on the part of Sandy and her daddy Bill, but now the deed is done, and the results are most gratifying. Gone But Not Forgotten Norville Reed, Ruth McGinley's brother, who endeared himself to many during his stay in the community will be listed amJng the missing for a while anyway. He was transferred to Benjamin Harrison Field in Indianapolis, Ind. Shortly he will be sent to Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. for six weeks and then it is overseas--destination Germany, for a period of three years. Norville will leave the states before the holidays. He is being sent as a replacement so the current overseas troops, may have their chcuice for stateside duty. 1 We will miss his friendly grin and nice personality, but no doubt he will have many interesting adventures before we see him again. Good luck, Norville! Still Hospitalized Ivar Larson, who was taken to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, a few weeks ago, is still a patient there but coming along nicely. This family was really hit hard, because Mrs. Larson is bedded at home, seriously ill. With a spirit of co-operation, the sons do what they can do during the week, and the married daughters (living in the city) come out on weekends to take their turns at cooking, cleaning and washing. A sincere wish that Mr. and Mrs. Larson, who celebrated their golden wedding anniversary a few years ago, will recover rapidly, and be up and about again! Home From The Hospital Mama Olsen arrived home from McHenry hospital after spending almost a week. As a result of the spill she took last Monday, her back was severely injured and she will be, spending quite a few weeks in her "concrete bathing suit." She is in a cast but at least she is home. Her hospital bed was set up in the living room where she can visit with her friends and be in the center of activity. Mrs. Olsen is as comfortable as can be expected, considering the circumstances. Here's wishing her a speedy recovery. On The Receiving find Mrs. Betty Houck who is famil- Presented At The Font Baby Linnea Jean Olsen, who made her debut into this world, Aug. 1 was christened at* Nativity Lutheran church. Wonder Lake on Sunday with the Rev. Burton Schroeder officiating. Her sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. William McCurdy of the country club subdivision. Her parents, of course, are Shirley and Art Olsen also of McHenry. Proud Ma and Pa put on a buffet supper in the evening for friends and relatives who included the godparents their daughters, Lynn and Patt; Shirley and Herb Rowe and daughters, Karen and Donna; Mr. and Mrs. George Cina and son; Mrs. Ole Olsen with Tom, Ted, and little Margie and your reporter and the young 'uns. Part of the happy group were the Olsens' very grown up daughter, Kaaren, and sons, Butch and Alan. Sad it was that Grandma 'and Quite A Tradition The wonderful dances which the McCullom Lake Sportsmen's Club give are becoming an annual event no one wants to miss. This year makes the third one and will be held at the V.F.W. clubhouse, Saturday, Nov. 9. A superb orchestra has been obtained und this should be QUITE an affair. Extra features and refreshments -intrease the appeal for tickets which may be obtained from any member of the club or by contacting Gene Johnson at 1922. , The money realized from the dance will be Used for lake conservation and improvement. See you there? No Witchcraft Used 'Twas fair and square that Mrs. Louise Hammerstein won the prize for the funniest costume at the Ladies of the Lake Hallowe'en party on Thursday, Nov. 24. It was difficult to make a choice, considering the novel attire the ga:ls put on. Games were played and traditional refreshments were consumed with gusto; The next business meeting will be held Thursday, Nov; 14 at 8 p.m. in the beachhouse. Rummage Sale sponsored by The Altar and Rosary and Mothers Club for the benefit of the school to be held at * St. Joseph's Church Richmond, 111. Fri., Sat. & Sun. Nov. 1, 2 & 3 Your Doctor's order is our law.* • ••we'll compound it without flaw! O Bring your Doctor's prescriptions to this professional pharmacy where precise compounding is a specialty. Skilled Registered Pharmacists and ample stocks enable ua to compound all prescriptions promptly and exactly as the Doctor directs. Each step dovbie<-checked for accuracy. Yet, our prices are always fair. Try us next timet Bolger's drug store 108 So. Green Phone 40 McHenry, HL Strong Backs An SOS is being sent out by Don Parenti for a rugged crew to help beach the diving raft Sunday morning, Nov. 3. This raft is sturdily constructed but will fall* apart if allowed to remain in the water. How about it, fellows, will the "little woman" spare you for a ittle while on Sunday? The time is 10 a.m. With a lot of help it will only take a few minutes of your time. Candidate For Miss A merica In 1957, that is! Mi. and Mrs. Earl Murray. Larry's brother, announce the arrival of their long stemmed American beauty, Patricia Anne on Sept. 17. She weighed in at a mere 6 lbs. 14 Ofc. The Murrays purchased the A1 Wetle home on Maple Hill Drive and plan to move in when school is out next June. It will be mighty fine having them for neighbors. One boy and two cirls comprised the Murray family before Patricia who came ten ana a half years AFTER the last onel That was quite an adjustment. The little lady will be christened this Sunday, in Chicago. Too, Too Cold In spite of the elaborate plans for a really nice party, the cold weather proved to be a deterrent for the 'teen agers. The corn < stalks and pumpkins which were | arranged so attractively on the! concrete platform looked rather forlorn as the party progressed IK the beachhouse. The twelve or thirteen young folks Who did at* tend had a fine time and there certainly was plenty for thfem to eat! Prize winners included Donna DeMar, Andrea Parks, Roger Zahn, and Lance Parks. . Unbelieveable? Well, maybe, but it is true! Bill Sheehan finally broke down and had his" hair cut and deserves honorable mention. Looks ceal sharp, too!! ' ' > Snow Ball Fight! No doubt the Granath kids h&ve set the record out here for making the first snow balls of the '57-'58 season. They were lucky enough to have their neighbor,, Carl Jacobsen drive out from the city with five inches of snow on his car! It didn't last long once Betty Anne and Jackie got their hands on it. Guess we were just plain lucky. Like The Idea? We do, and here is how it goes. Greg Burg made the suggestion that a roller skating party would be fun AND GOOD FOR TH# WAISTLINE. Any one interested can call 2171 and get on the list. If there is a big enough response, plans can be made for a Saturday night. This might grow into a jolly time, and the forerunner for future doings. Fortunate Coincidence Bill Reid's union dinner dance coincided with wife, Jean's birthday, Saturday, Oct. 26. so it was a wonderful way for the couple to celebrate. Garbed in a gorgeous baby blue dressy cardigan and matching skirt Jean was properly gowned. A haircut and new permanent earlier in the week helped her morale, also. The affair was held in Dundee and began with a cocktail hour. Dinner and entertainment followed and the evening was rounded out with dancing, It was a natal day, Jean will long- remember! Back On The Job Hugh Patrick McDonald returned home from Hot Springs, Ark. considerably cleaner and more rested than when he left. Jean is threatening to take off now. High light of Mac's trip was the homecoming affair staged by two of the schools in Hot Springs. He said that the costumes and music'*of the band were of outstanding quality. The queens wore mink capes! La! La! Gathering Of The Clan Katie Lennert's birthday was celebrated with dinner and all the attending hoopla on Sunday, You Hear Strange Things About Catholics Yes, you can hear some strange things about Catholics. You hear it said that Catholics believe all non-Catholics are headed for Hell... that they believe non-Catholic marriages are invalid. Some think Catholics believe the Pope is God... that he can do no wrong... that they owe him civil allegiance and that he should have the political power to rule America. It is said that Catholics want religious freedom only for themselves ... that, they oppose public schools and separation of Church and State as evils which should be destroyed. The claim is made that Catholics pay the priest for forgiveness of their sins...that they must buy their departed relatives and friends out of Purgatory... that they adore statues... are forbidden to read the Bible. . use medals, candles and holy water as sure-fire protection against the loss of a job, lightning or being hit by an automobile. But what is worse, some say, Catholics corrupt' the true teachings of Jesus Christ with the addition of pagan superstitions and practices that are nothing less than the inventions of the deviL If all these things --or any of them --were true, it would be a pity. For at least one out of every six Americans is a Catholic -- and it would be a national tragedy if one-sixth of all Americans entertained such erroneous ideas. The Knights of Columbus is an organization of more than 920,000 Catholic men of reason and intelligence. In our ranks will be found statesmen, scientists, historians, physicians, movie stars, lawyers, educators and others representing every cross-section of American life. And for each and all of them loyalty to the Catholic Faith is the act of a reasonable man. We are deeply interested in the welfare of our Church and our Country. And we believe the interests of both will be served best when fair-minded people know the Catholic Church as it is -- not as it is sonjptimes mistaken to be. If you have heard and believed any of these false claims, and want the truth, we will gladly send you a free booklet which explains many aspects of Catholic belief and practice. It will come to you in a plain wrapper -- and nobody will call on you. Write for Pamphlet No. KC-1. MAIL COUPON TODAY SUPREME COUNCIL KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS RELIGIOUS INFORMATION BUREAU 4422 lindoU Blvd., St. Louis 8, Me. PImm sand m» ft-- PomphUt entitled "You Hear Strange Things About Catho- ««•" KC-1 NAMEADDRESS. CITY S U P R E M E C O U N C I L KniGHTS of COLUmBUS RELIGIOUS INFORMATION BUREAU 1 1 2 2 L I N D E L l BLVD. ST. LOUIS », MISSOURI ly Sponsored By MeHENRY COUNCIL NO. 1288 Oct. 2?7. Mrs. Lennert prepared roasted capons and trimmings. Daughter, Regina Buri, baked the goodies for dessert and they were thoroughly enjoyed by the group. Other guests . included Regina's husband George, Mr. and Mrs. George Buri, Jr., Mrs. Ella Gohler, Mrs. Anna Buri the recent bride, find Mr. and Mrs. John Lennert and children; Mrs. Anna Buri sails Nov. 19 on the S.S. United States to join her husband who is stationed wit#' the" armed forces in Germany. It was a great day for Katie and wonderful to be surrounded by her loving family on this special occasion. Attend. Sales Meeting Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hecht, Sr. attended a sales meeting at the LaSalle hotel, on Saturday night. The purpose of the meeting was to acquaint salesmen with new samples and to learn more about their company. Refreshments served to the group. wer e "• Belated Greeting* To Mrs. Wilma Zody who marked her natal day, Thursday, Oct. 24. Congratulations to Miss Judi Hocin who is celebrating her nineteenth birthday today,. Thursday, Oct. 31. As you can see, we are back in stride again and it feels so good to be healthy. Hope your supply of goodies is ample because the witches and hobgoblins will be ringing your doorbell. See you next week? NEW LEGISLATION PROVIDES RULING ON WHEAT FOR '58 Bert Bridges of the McHenry county ASC Committee announced that legislation enScted this year provides that ncf4 acreage seeded to wheat for harvest as grain for 1958 and thereafter in excess of the farm allotment will be considered in establishing future state, county and farm allotments. This means, he said, that the historical acreages for 1958 and subsequent years on farms exceeding their allotment will be the allotment acreage. Under this provision producers will be unable to build up history by overplanting the allotment. Farmers with no allotment'or a small allotment that raise wheat under the 15 permitted acre provision or those taking- advantage of the 30-acre feed wheat exemption will not receive credit for any acreage in excess of the allotment. Producers planting within their allotment will receive full historical credit as in the past. EDDIE the EDUCATOR says £ "V /-tT "V> ^V** PUPIIS cu**rcuiA rAONtv Now it a good ttmo to thlnlc constructively about &ir schools--their needs, problems and our future. Illinois Education Association « on home improvement Now s the time for your operation Home Improvement and here's the place to get new ideas on how to improve your home, plus practical Help with your plans. dollars otHAT/Q |* »C MMON» REMEMBER TO Beautify and Protect USE GLIDDEN PAINTS THE VERY BEST IN . PAINT PRODUCTS OUR MEW LOCATION IS EASY TO FIND Conveniently Located on Highway 31 South of Main St. ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING SPACE OUR COMPETENT STAFF IS EQUIPPED TO ASSIST YOU WITH ANY BUILDING PROBLEM BRING YOUR HOME UP TO DATE It's easy to modernize your present home. Increase the'value and livability of your home by remodeling. WE CAN HELP YOU WITH THE PLANNING - MATERIALS - FINANCING NO MONEY DOWN i ALEXANDER LUMBER (0 "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" On Highway 31 - South of Main Street - McHenry, Illinois PHONE 1424 "ALWAYS FIRST . . . SERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS"

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