Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Oct 1957, p. 17

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r ' j . - , , j 7 v F f ^ *7' " fayU Ockobeir 3X i^7^;:'^._.,.u,~.^.: a ^ , h'" Dolores Rogers and Marge Casey ||| Reminder Don't forget the board's monthly. social session held at the Larry Strandquesf home. Let's all mark our calendar and keep Friday, Nov. 8 open/ Wfomen'g Club jmlmbership comjnittee would like to announce that W& are^once again urging all of the women of the community to Join |!*Ur women's club. It is a good club, interesting and entertaining- We work" solely for thp improvement, and. betterment of our community. It is not just a session of gossipy women, it is the women of your community working for the improvement of this community. Don't sit back and let your neighbor doall the work,.you get in there too. Husbands, you should urge your fives to join, it will, do them good, to get out and mingle with the other women of your neighborhbod. Old members who have dropped out ate urged to return. And all new women of the community are also urged to join, meet all your neighbors and make new friends. We meet once a month in the evening, on the first Thursday of every month, except jfluly and August, Every third ^month is a social meeting, which is always enjoyable and entertaining. Come out and join our women's club. Don't just read about it in the paper, see for yourself what goes on. If you need transportation we will furnish it. For any further information call Delores Rogers, 744-J. or Marge Casey, 2859-W. Cake and coffee are served at every meeting and rf"?*4 forget girls, it's night out! ^ At our last meeting we were asked if we could donate some small gifts for the patients of the Elgin State hospital, for Christmas. These people do need some small rememberance at this time. Most of them are so alone in the world and need sortie assurance that someone cares. Anything in good shape is acceptable, plain chocolate candy, a pair of socks. Stationary hankies pr earring^. "The gifts need not be expensive. Surely we can find it in our hearts to give a few pennies for these people. If you don't belong to our club we will still more than welcome any donations. They need not be wrapped, give them to any member or bring them yourself to our next meeting, Thursday, Nov. 7. $>• Sportsmen's Dance Hie hardy sportsmen of McCullom Lake are holding their third annual dance at the V.F.W. hall in McHenry on Saturday, Nov. 9. This year the sportsmen are engaging the band that anyone enjoyed so much at Lakeland Park's first dance held in Lilymoor. Those who have attended previous dances given by our sportsmen give long .and enthusiastic reports on the ^'gay and hilarious times enjoyed by all. So for an enjoyable evening of good fun plan to attend this year's sportsmen's dance. Frank Parisi residence on Heme Ave. Trick-or-treatin', bobbing for apples, roasting marshmallows over a boh fire, costume parties, miniature ghosts, goblins, pirates, treasure hunts, jack-o-lanterns, a' full moon, the nip of Jack Frost in the air, and maybe the last weinie roast of the year. All these things mean that the' Eve of all HOIIOWB is here. Our wee goblins and make believe pirates have long awaited this once-a-year occasion When bedtime is moved back an hour or two so the wee folks can go trickor- treatin' at the neighbors. Remind your children that on Halloween as during the nest Of the year they should be careful. No crossing street without first looking both ways, no dashing between parked cars or playing around them. Last but not least, £Cf easy on the tricks part of this special night.. Let us oldsters bear with the kids and make small allowances for 'done-in-fun* pranks this evening. Most tif ui remember with sly humor the hijinks of our youth. Scoots News The Boy Scouts ]are having a paper drive this Saturday, Nov. 2, starting at 9 in the morning. Mr. Hosie, their scoutmaster, , has asked that you please set your papers, rags and magazines out on the curb. The Girls Scouts had their Halloween party at the Frank Sweeney's residence. They played games and the refreshments wtere domated by the mothers of the Girl Scouts. Those that attended the party were Marion Marie, Elyse Garland, Suzanne Garrison, Bev. and Cindy Grote, Lillian Hosie, Judy Meineke, Candice Morgenson, Barbara Murphy, Adrienne. Ozog, Margaret Parisi, Doris and Dorothy ReHberg and Mary Therese Sweeney. The girls are planning on having a fudge sale aobtt. Th4 fudgte will be wrapped in small pieces. The mothers will make the fudge. Halloween Halloween Party--In case you have forgotten the time schedule for the different parties here it is again: Time 8 years and under 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.; over 8 years -old, 7 p.m. to 8:30 pjn. Place-- Teen Corner •The Junior Teen's Halloween party was a howling success. The teens munched on peanuts, taffy apples, chocolate doughritits 'and served delicious barbequed hamburgers that were made by Mrs. Joan Bucaro. They played games and danced to pop record^ The 'teens held a dance contest. The exhausted but happy winners were Shirley Gtistafson and Sharon CLeary. The 'teens were gayly dressed in i&sttiirte* that were so clever, original, and attractive that your reporters cannot ftyd the words to describe thejr ingenuity and thought in planning their costumes- Among the hgf>py New, instant REUfcF for TIRtD, ACHING BACKS! •AOMAHR* •JSrS&SSSSs Bolgers - TeL 40 9> ( ' { LIBERAL EARNINGS An increasing number of people continue to take advantage of the higher dividend rate of 3 V& per cent being paid our investors. In over 30 years we have never paid less than a 3 percent dividend. START AN ACCOUNT TODAY BY MAIL OR IN PERSON Marengo Federal Savings AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 102 North State St. Ph^ jdrdan 8-7258 MARENGO, ILLINOIS TOTAL ASSETS oVfc* fei&OftfcOft rafter rockers v*ere Linda <kxie, ShiriW^- Ciustafson, Paul fritz, Roger Nelson. Sharon ,<XLeary, Cindy Tomasello, Pepe' Cina, Melody LosCh, Freddie Cooper, Ronnie Chewning, Jim Tonyan, Greg Burg, Ronnie Bucaro and Joan Koerper who were all gue&ts of the Junior Teen Club. Complaint Department We are sad to see complaints in this column but this one is a mttst. We have received several phone calls from the West Beach are& asking us to warn the persoft or persons who own a small nasty tempered, Pekingese dog that- is running loose around our community, please see that it is coilfined. We understand that it has been seen snappiiig at some of our children. Who ever owns this dog, we are writing this for your own protection ais well as ours. Complaints dt> not make enjoyable reading, but we found we had to write about this ohe because of several unpleasant incidents caused by this dog. titepgfr Birthday Tb Marge Dent • Oct. 25 and Mrs. Joe Pentz, Nov. i. 1 Congratulations to Jean Parisi, who had spent her birthday in bed with the flu, but was delightfully surprised with a birthday luncheon given by the Wednesday afternoon girls on Thursday afternoon, Oct. 24. Those present were Fran Cina, Elaine Jett, Dorothy Humphrey Lee "Glorch, Marge Franklin Edith Lavin, Gen Alesi, Jean Parisi and their hostess, Vicki Bottari. The girls presented Jean with a beautiful coffee carafe and a nut bowl set. Vicki served a delicious lunch of hot chicken pie and salad and of course the traditional cake which was baked and beautifully decorated by Marge Franklin. To Bill and Marge Casey who celebrated their fourth anniversary on Thursday, Oct. 24, Congratulations. to Bill and Marge. . Do-It-Yourself Fans Are at it again with |he Joe Pentzs painting their kitchen and Mr. and Mrs. Len Garrison finishing a room addition to their home. PROFEmonfli DIRECTORV DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEL Chiropractic Physician Naprapathle Manipulation Steam Baths and Massage 304 East Elm Street McHenry, HL Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed. &FrL ^ 10 a.m. to It pTriL 1:80 p.m. to S:S0 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to J p.m. f Phone McHenry 748 DR. C. R. SWANSON Dentist Office Honrs: Dally Except Thursday » to 12 -- 1:80 to 5:30 MOIL, Wed. and Frl. Evenings By Appointment Only fdephion McHenry 160 Gravel Limestone TERN THELEN Excavating 9 Black Dirt Dredging TeL McHenry ISM Bt. 5, Box 1020 McHenry, IE EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE fire, Anto, Farm & life Insurance Representing REI.TABT.F. COMPANIES When Ton Need Insoranoe of Any Kind PHONE 43 or OSS Green A Elm McHenry, DL 8CHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental ft Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms S Miles South on Rt. SI PHONE M0 H. F. HARRISON OO. ' Realtors tnsuranoe • Real Estate Appraisals Phone 1910 408 W. Elm Street FOR PROFESSIONAL attention to your LIFE INSURANCE needs call on Larry Booster -- Virgil Pollock Dm. New England Mutual Life Insurance Company to* E. Elm St. Phone 2500 Export PIANO. TUNING and Repairing, A. G. SKALA e/o Steffeoi's Jewelry Store 514 W. Slain Street PHONE 123-J DR. M. D. SAVJtGE VBtGrtirartan Richmond, DL Dally Honrs: 1 to 2 pjn. except fhtufiday. Evenings: Monday, Wednesday And Friday, ,8 . |%o^:Bi^imond,3221 pther hourai by appointment. To'Heiir;: /; ' . J&tf agfe , iv 1° thSff; li^lt^ pheimidnia. Hfs mother, 'jfcyfj; Porters, tells us that Jelt Is, domfirig" qlong just fine and wttt sqpn be., atfle to come home. hope by thes time you re^d about thfe, little Jeff will be well oiij hiaway to good health. Therese Bujak's mother is in the McHenry hospital. Theresa tells us that her mother is doing as well as can bie .exepected. Let's cheer her up" with dur well wishes and .cards. The Aleci family is moving back to Chicago. Sdrry to see them go, th^'ll be nfrssetf. I.T We ?POuld like to >yelcoip|e to our community, Ed and Carol Alt* maniiV from Qiica^o, who are now residing at 79 West Parkway. £d, we understand is Mr. and Mrs. George Loewe's nephew and they are also next door neighbors. Bob and Rita Idsteih and th^lr tivo daughters pat aftd Suzy, from Chicago are now residing at 109 Shqre Drive. Bob and Rita are. eypectin^ a, visit from the stork in ruaty. Family Gatherings Bill and Lyda Radisch Were delightfully surprised by a visit from Lyda"s mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Kendig, and her family on Saturday, Oct. 19, just as Bill and Lyda were about to leave for Chicago. After enjoying lunch they all departed 'for Chicago where Lyda and Bill spent four days with their daughter Mrs. Jackqueline Riley and Mrs. Shirley Lexon and-their families. On Sunday, they attended the first-district installation of the American Legion, at which Lyda gave a speech in honor Of her friend, Mrs. Kalmina Triffon, who was elected as first district director of the women's auxiliary. They returned home on Wednesday Oct. 23, amid all the rain and storm happy to be home again. Late Sunday Ed and Lee Glorch were delighted to havp their youngest son and family; Mr and Mrs. Robert -Glorch and their son, one yea? old Gordon, drop in for dinner1 and a pleasant visit. Later Robert and family had supper'with his older brother and family, Mr., and Mrs. Foster Glorch, on Prairie ave. * Bill and Marge Casey entertained Bill's brother, Frank and his fiance, Louise McKenna for din-- ner. Jetta and Tom Gleason spent last Saturday at Bud and Dorothy Uttich's home. Jetta and Dorothy visited while Tom worked at their former house. Congratulations Baby Elizabeth Lee Doherty was christened last Sunday at St. Patrick's church. The proud godparents were Katherine LeFebvre and Richard Cronin. The new Miss Doherty held court at her aunt's house, Mrs. Cronin. Among the attentive admirers were, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Doherty, Mrs.- John Engeln, Kay Beatty and. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cronin, baby sister, Denielle, and the proud parents, Bernard and Pat Doherty. Mrs. -Cronin served a delicious dinner. Everyone agreed that the newest additiop to the Doherty family was indeed a charming little princess. That's all for now. See you next week! Don't forget to Call in your news. When a woman is dieting, best not to argue with her. Twice Told Tales snurjrv/rirnmfmrjtmTJTiifmwxMm FORTY YEARS AGO (From issue of N«® 1, 1917) Joseph Masquelet, brother of the late Frank Masquelet, of this city, died in Chicago Oct. 25. He was a former teacher in the Johnsburg schOoL The mill pond was frozen over for the first. time on Tuesday morning of this week. It has been many years since the pond has been frozen ovfer in October. While trying to operate a liberty loan bomb, used in distributing advertising matter for the; second liberty loan, C. W. Stenger, county chairman, was badly burned about the face when the bomb exploded. „ The new postal rates become effective tomorrow, Nov. 1. Instead of placing a two-cent stamp on your letter, add another one cent stamp. ' ^ P. J. Dorr, one of the instructors and coach at the McHenry public school, has passed a successful examination for the aviation signal corps and is now subject to call from Uncle Sam. From Ostend comes news that the storm Monday and Tuesday was very hard on farmers. Msmy of them haven't dug their late potatoes, some have apples out, and none have the corn picked after the binder and now it is covered with snow and frozen down. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From issue of Nov. S, .1932 iEzrA T. Taylor, 86 years old, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. N. E. Taylor, Wednesday morning. More than 1,000 people were in attendance at the dance* sponsored by the" young Republican club of McHenry County Wednesday evening. Paul Skallish, 18, of Sharon,. Wis. shot and killed himself in the new jail in the court house at Woodstock Monday. He had been arrested for holding up Elmer Meyers of McHenry in front of the Robert Knox home, south of town, Saturday evening. Miss Florence Freund, who will be a November bride, was honored at a miscellaneous shower given by Mrs. Leo Blake and Miss Anna Blake Thursday evening. On Tuesday evening she was again feted at a gathering at the home of Miss Rocela Freund, with Mrs. George Freund as co-hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dietz entertained a group of friends Saturday evening honoring Mr. and Mrs. M§oc Pilz of Waukegan, who had recently returned from a tour of Europe. While there they visited a sister of William Pries in Germany, who sent bade a package of ddick^ hci&«-n|«de Wtor ies to law- brother. TEN YEARS AGO From issue of Oct. 30, 19f7 A crowd of approximately 4,200 were in attendance at the homecoming ganre last Fridiy evMEng to see the McHenry Watotoirfc de* feat a strong Lake Geneva-sfttfad. At the dance which follgw&l game. Miss Margaret Bolger crowned queen sthd Tom Kcnii, king. • Announcement has been m|6iet of the marriage of JAiss poifttlqr Colby daughter of the'Ear} C&ffi of Crystal Lake, and Walter Felt?; son of Mrs. Ida Feltz of .rttgal. McHenry, which tpok place in Crystal Lake Sunday, Oct. 2$. , ' Miss Pauline Lunkenheimer.became the bride of Raymond Et^en, son of the William Ettens of Volow in a double ring service read hy Rev. Fr. James Vanderpocfl at $i Patrick's church iast Saturday, Bliss Annabel Nett, daughter of the Nick Netts, will leave sitxt week- for Daytona Beach, Flo. where she has accepted * position as receptionist at the Williams hotel. • -i j • ^ J.T;p $•' -h'| VILLA NURSING HOME ON PISTAKEE BAi, NEAR McBENBY Home for the Aged SENILE .... BED PATIENTS PHONE McHENBY 461 SNOWS - JONATHANS $250>n Selected We Will Remain Open Weekends Weather Permitting MARTIN'S ROUTE 31 -- 3 Vi Miles, North of McHenry -- RINGWOOO Be/ Air Impala Sport Coupe-new luxury in the low-pricti Heidi v ^ ' Auaosr TOO NEW TO BE '68 CHEVROIET1 The biggest, boldest move any car ever mode! Meet the '$8 Chevrolet « • • panther-quick^ tUk-smooth . . , with a V8 unlike any other, a Full Coil tuspention, a real mr ride • • • two new super models I Here todayt Look at Chevrolet's aiiy new styling. That's how now Chevrolet is all over! It's lower, wider--nine inches longer* There's an all-new Turbo-Thrust VjJ* engine. Pair it up \yith Turboglide*, and you'll command the quickest combination on the road. There are two new rides--Full Coil suspension and a real air ride*. The body-frame design is new, the wheelbase is longer. There's a hew 4-headlight system, new 6 and V8 power, foot-operated packing brake. And two new super models --the Bel Air Impala Sport Coupe and Convertible, most luxurious and distinctive Chevrolets of all. See ijji that's new at your Chevrolet dealer's soon! •Optional at extra cosL .-'T ^ Bo I Air 4-Door Sedanbold new beauty and Fisher Body quality. -A< 'v"| Only jrancRUed XZKeifavtet See Your Local Authorised Chevrolet W* 4 ^ , * ^ | *• i -v4i

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