SRMSISl -L-J. •JW* HeffifcflV tsUONtfgjtfJS CLASSIFIED . &* FOR RENT LIGHT AIltY ROOM in town. 209 East Elm Street Phone Mcftenry 2042. 28 5 ROOM, 2 bedroom house with garage, gas heated. Call McHenry 582-J-*. 28 FOR RENT, one bedroom house, ©ountry Club Subdivision. Phone McHenry 1328. . 28 $ BEDROOM ranch home with attached garage in nearby Laketend Park--$85 per month. Airspun Realtors. Phone McHenry toO. 28 i BEDROOM home in McHenry Vicinity with river rights. $70 per month. Airspun Realtors. Ph. 430. 3 ROOMS and bath, in McCullom Aftke. Furnished, heat & electric furnished, also electric stove and refrigerator. Phone McHenry --?• 554-J-2. L. Bennett. 28 ROOM for rent to employed lady. ^Vith or without kitchen privileges. Phone 67-R between 10 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. 28 2 BEDROOM home, completely fijrnished in Wonder Lake. Foreeft air oil heat, basement. Phone Wonder Lake 5283 or 2972, Saturday and Sunday. 28 HELP WANTED PRINTER WANTED -- Man for all-around floor work in newspaper and job shop. Must be experienced in all phases of work, in need of a job and steady. Jfpply at The Wauconda Leader, phone JA 6-2291. 23-tf PAINTERS. Must be union and experienced. Call Kimball 6-4507. • 18-tf Help Wanted •If you would like a business of your own, we have just what you looking for. No capital required. Usel, our money. Good credit and references needed. Car or light truck required. Qualified Lman or woman accepted. Write at once to M. F. Clawson, Furst-McNess Company, FREEPORT, ILL. •27-3 HELP WANTED for several tfteeks, days or evenings, fleshing mink. Also, can use steady man. Phone McHenry 314. Matt's Mink Ranch. 28 McHenry Shores 116 POX STREET FOR SALE or RENT Three bedrofoh frame ranch, attached garage. 60 x 125 ft. landscaped lot, oQ heat, storm windows, screen?, Venetian blinds, electric range PRICE $15,500 - RENT $125. WRITE John C. Swiderski 5708 Throop St, Chicago 36, III. or phone WEntworth 6-0838 23-tf 2 BEDROOM year 'round home, large picture windows, lake view, sumara mahogany paneled living room, draw drapes, built-in book case. Large closets, Textolite counter tops in kithen and bath. Kohler plumbing fixtures including twin pdVcelain laundry tubs^ Full basement, basement garage, landscaped lot Lake rights - 213 So. Highland, Plstakee Highlands. Phone 644-M-2 evenings or weekends. Will, consider selling on contract. 19-tf "1855 -- 102 Years -- 1957" "Faithful Service" WANT TO SELL? "16 OTHER OFFICES" To serve you -- as well as your local office Ready buyers for every type of property in every price range. WANT TO LtlY? We have every type of property in every price range. Chas. B. Schultz BAIRD & WARNER 810 McHenry Ave. Woodstock 1972 Barrington 1855 12-tf FOB SALE-- HOMES--FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATE 405 Richmond Road McHenry, I1L Phone: McHenry 48W 42-tf INDUSTRIAL Registered Nurse. Apply Admiral Corp. 507 W. Elm. 1 McHenry, 111. Hours 8 to 4:30. 28 WOMAN to care for convalescent patient in my home three or four hours a day. Phone McHenry -- 734-M. 28 4jftA N or WOMAN, part time job, apply in person, Albert Krause & Son, 308 E. Elm. 28 TYPIST We have an opening for a girl with electric typewriting experience. Knowledge of key punch Jfelpful. * Permanent Position * Pleasant Surroundings * 5 Day Week * Good Employee Benefits Please apply in person. RINGWOOD CHEMIt CAL CORPORATION RINGWOOD, ILLINOIS 28 1ST qfooc 3T CLASS automobile mechanic, 3d working conditions. 5% day week. G.M. experience preferred. See Earl MarshaU at Clark Chevrolet Sales, McHenry. 28 AN UNUSUAL opportunity: Sales and service position, age 25 to 40. Married, group insurance, hospitalization, retirement. A- life-time career, opportunity for advancement. Starting salary $87.50 jveekly. Call DE 6-8025 days, or QmA 3-6713? Mr. Brown evenings fbr interview. 28-3 SOMEONE to care for two small Children during day, 5 days a week. Phone McHenry 801-R. 28 WOMAN needed temporarily to help out in household. Phone Wonder Lake 5664. 28 BRICK LAYERS and helpers. ^Zion Lutheran church, Rt. 120., !Vt *2$-2 5 ROOM house -- Wonder thrice. ]&dl Wonder. Lftlte 2771,. 28-2 ftimirea Savings: Savings Invested In Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Association are insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp., and earn 3 -f- Vi %• & Modem Ranch Home Shell Full Basement ? 26 x 42 You pan do your own finishing. We will funUsh the materials. $8,600. NO MONEY DOWN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS 25 YR. FINANCING ROBERT HAY CONSTRUCTION CO. 305 E. Elm St. McHenry, Illinois PHONE; OFF: 1907 RES* 1377 % 16-tf 6 ROOM, natural gas heat year 'round home. Located on Regner Rd. in Plstakee Bay. Modern, built-in kitchen. Khotty cedar recreation room, 6 stool bar. 2 full baths, 2 car garage, private beach. Pier rights. Priced for quick sale. McHenrv 1307 7-tf BEAL ESTATE • ' 1 . . . FOR SALE or RENT newly remodeled 3 bedroom house in Oakhurst Subdivision. 2.miles South of McHenry--East side Qf river. Ted Graham, phone McHenry -- 1858. • ? 28-2 Income Property 5 room, 1st floor, and 3 large rbom apartment on 2nd. Large .lot well landscaped. 2nd floor rental $70. per month, 2 car garage, near beach, a good buy. Price $17,500. For information call at our office in Johnsburg. Jacob Fritz Realtors In Johnsburg -- McHenry 37 27-tf 3 BEDROOM HOME for said. Living room with fireplace. All large rooms. Attached garage, gas heat. Also 4 *r>om furnished apt. attached, provides additional ^income. Call Wonder Lake 5654. „ 44-tf McHENRY and LAKE AREA Year 'Round Homes. Seasonal homes, farms, vacant. Home sites. Income properties. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS In Johnsburg, Phone McHenry 87 Rt 5, McHenry, Illinois 18-tf FOR SALE or RENT on Pistakee Bay Wooded Estates, end of Regner Road, 3 bedroom home. Utility room, garage, gas heat 6 hardwood floors. Beautiful ($350 kitchen cabinets, 18 months old. On % acre ground. Interest in park & pier on Bay. Rent $125. per month. Phone McHenry -- 1539-J. Frey Farms. . 28 TWO BEDROOM HOME Basement, 2 car garage, unfinished 2nd floor, like new. Near schools and shopping. Owner moving to another city--$13,500 subject to offer. List your property with us. Call Mr. Heinen McHenry 2527 BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. Est. 1855 WATER LOT in McHenry Shores, landscaped, pier. Reasonable. Ph. Wonder Lake 7242. 28 SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED; Typing or office work in my home or your office. Phone: W.L. 6593. 28 I WILL do ironing in my home. Phone McHenry 2461-M. 28 WANTED RIDE desired to Waukegan -- near Utica Street. Pasenger resides in Wonder Lake, 111. Tel. W.L. 5801. 28 "LISTINGS WANTED" hank L E • • II K. LL REAL ESTATh Pine Tree Tower Rt. 120 and Johnsburg Rd. McHenry Office Phone 1695 Residence 1216 WANTED -- Gifis figure Ice skates - sizes 7% or 8 and size 1 or smaller. Call McHenry 1471-J. 28 HOWARD FREUND AUCTION ED VOGEL St WM. RUSSEL Auctioneer* Having decided to discontinue farming, I will sell all my personal property at public auction on the old John N. Schmitt Farm located 2 miles North of Johnsburg 3 miles East of Ringwood blacktop road and 2bb miles South of Spring Grove, on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 1957 Commencing at 11:80 27 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 22 Holstein cows, 6 fresh, 3 Springers, balance milking good. 5 Holstein Heifers, 2 ready to breed; 3-8 months old and vaccinated. FEED 2,000 bu. of Ear Corn. MACHINERY McD C tractor with cultivator; McD H tractor with set of 11 x 38 tractor chains; Case T tractor mower; McD 2-214 plow with yetter coulters; Mcto corn planter with tractor hitch; McD 8' grain drill; Papec silo filler with pipes; Challenge grain blower; 4 Sec. drag with folding draw bar; 5 rolls of snow fence; McD corn binder; McD tractor spreader on rubber; 10' cultipacker; 24' grain & corn elevator; Air compressor and paint sprayer; rubber tire wagon and box; Gehl hammer mill; Rosenthal 4 roll husker; Chicken feeders, waterers and nests; 2 jack screws; grain box; McD 8' disk; Case 6* combine with Wise, mower; McD side rake; 2 wheel trailer; 300 gal. gas tank and stand; 30' drive belt; hog feeder. MILKING EQUIPMENT 12 milk cans; 3staintesssteel Surge milking tnacWnrti falmogt U0it$; stainless steel strainer; electric w&ter heater; ,2 ablution tanks; G.E. drop in milk cooler; McD pump and motor pipeline for 30 cows. Not Responsible For Accidents Lnnch Wagon on Gronnds -- Usual Bank. Terms HOWARD N. FREUND, Owner McHENRY STATE BANK, Clerking : WAHJSP Farm Wanted I have a tmyer for about 166 acre farm with good buildings. Alsd a buyer for a wooded tract of 20--50 acrea. See or call Arnold May Real Estate broker, Richmond, 111. Phone office Richmond 4381 or residence Richmond 28 FEATHER PARTY Sat. Nite - Nov. 2$ Lunch & Refreshments f Sportsman's Inn Wanted INSURED SAVINGS Savings Invested In Crystal- Lake Savings and Loan Association are insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp., and earn phw extra. POP' PRICE PAID tor Iron, metals and junk can. Ed Bfaridi, phone Woodstock 1610-M-2. 43>tf LIST YOUR FARMS WITH US or Contact us if you wish to buy. L. B. ANDERSON & CO., Inc. WHEELING, ILL. Phone Wheeling 53 or GLENN a WILL, Salesman Rt 1, Alden, 111. Phone Hebron 3114 49-cf WILL ANYONE drlvtrifc to Elgin via Rt. 25> 5 days' & week, contact Mr. Nuber, McHenfry 1494. •28 WANTED TO BUY OLD PLAYER PIANO ROLLS. Will pick up. Call Wonder Lake 2131 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 28 WANTED TO RENT STANDARD OIL representative Wants to rent 3-bedfpom house by Jan. 1. Write 503 W. Dixon, Polo, 111., or call collect Polo -- 6-3283. *28 US 513 Main St. McHenry, 111. 28-2 MOOSE DANCE EVERY • SATURDAY NIGHT 9 PJML . Music by The Town & Country Boys 1st & 3rd Weeks of Each Month The 3 G's and a Tee 2nd & 4th weeks of each month MEMBERS & GUESTS ONLY at the McHENRY MOOSE LODGE On Route 120 McHenry, DL 1914 HAS YOUR DRINKING becomr a problem? Men, women. If « wri'.e Alcohol'cp Anonymous, Rt 5, Box 508, McHenry, DL Meet Ings every Monday 8:30 pan. 12-tf FEATHER PARTY Clydes 120 Club L&kemoor SATURDAY, NOV. 16th Refreshments Served •28 f Join the McHenry State Bank Christmas Club. 28 CHAPEL HILL Country Club anid Dining Room Open to the Public "We are setting a New Pace!" TUESDAY through SUNDAY From 5 P. M. to 7 P. M. ALL COCKTAILS • 50* Served In our Rathskeller »^>vxvyyow*«»»v««wwwwvv LOST AND FOUND r ffe; I f j v;1;"1;-;- ijr'1 r", R W* • •" MAN'S GRUEN Curvex wrist watch, inscribed "To Tom". Finder please contact J. English, 206 E. Elm or call 1850. Reward. 28 NOTICE NOT RESPONSIBLE for debts contracted by "The Nook' Restaurant" after November 5 th, 1957. Ed and Marion Cannon. 28 LEGALS NOTICE The Mosley's wish to announce that they have taken over < THE NOOK RESTAURANT at 408 FRONT STREET We wish to welcome all . our friends and hope to serve you as in the past. JACK & FA YE MOSLEY 28 NOT RESPONSIBLE for any debts contracted by anyone other than myself as of today, November 14, 1957. As I am now completely out of business known as Roy Grooms Scrap Iron & Metal at McHenry, 111. Roy M. Grooms, •28-3 TO BE GIVEN AWAY WILL GIVE away Beagle & Terrier bred puppies. Also mother. Phone McHenry 615-W-2. 28 Insured Savings: Savings invested in Crystal Lake Sayings and Loan Association are Insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp., and earn 3 + Vi%. 28 One of the Few Home Owners Who Don't Need a PACKAGE POLICY! WEDNESDAY 8c THURSDAY from 5 P.M. to 10 PM. BUFFET TABLE FRENCH FRIED SHRIMP -- COCKTAIL SAUCE MARINATED HERRING IN WINE SAUCE SMOKED CHUBS BRATWURST and SMOKED THURINGER SAUSAGE CHERRYSTONE PEPPERS -- KIDNEY BEAN SALAD "ASSORTED RELISHES" STATE OF ILLINOIS) ) ss COUNTY of McHENRY) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR McHENRY COUNTY NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF NAMES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on December 13, 1957, the undersigned will file in the Circuit Court of McHenry County, at Woodstock, Illinois, their petition to change their names as follows: BERNHARD GRAW to BARNEY GRAFF .MARGARET GRAW to MARGARET GRAFF BERNHARD GRAW MARGARET GRAW Petitioners R. A. STUEBEN Attorney for Petitioner 532 Main Street McHenry, Illinois (Pub. Oct. 31, Nov. 7-14, 1957) CONSTABLE'S NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of a certain judgment entered, in the Justice. Court of Chas. M. Adams, wherein John M. Schmitt, plaintiff received judgment against Mr. and Mrs. Edward Browne, and said judgement against Mr. and Mrs. Edward Browne, and said judgment having been satisfied, said court has issued execution which has been properly served according to law and now commands the undersigned Constable to hold public sale on the following goods and chattels: 1 Kimball Consolette piano 1 Coldapot Refrigerator 1 Kenmore Electric Range 1 piece Carpeting 12 x 26 with pad on Saturday November 30, 1957-- 11 A.M. at the home of John M. Schmitt located at 39 North Avenue in Jak Ana Heights, Johnsburg, in the township and county of McHenry. ELMER R. MURPHY. Constable (Pub. Nov. 14-21, 1957) Join the McHenry State Bank Christmas Club. 98 'Steves <lOB!TUAMESi®« August Setanodt August Schwandt, 57, tyville, brother of Mrs. Gertrudt Barbian. of McHenry, died thk^p week. He leaves his wife, two daughters, two sons, seven sisters and two brothers. $ Services were conducted from I • the Lutheran church in Liboftj*» ^ ville Tuesday, Nov. 12 at 2 pjn, £ij with burial in Garden of Memorial cemetery in Waukegan. Anna Anderson Services were held at 2 o'clock Saturday from the Querhammet" funeral home in Crystal Lake for Anna Anderson. 89, who died -at her home on Maple street, CrTf." stal Lake, Nov. 6, Burial was ill Elmvvood cemetery. Mrs. Anderson is survived by a son, Walter Anderson, who resides on the Crystal Lake blacktop; a daughter. Bertha Anderson, at home; two grandchildren, Mris. Phillip Wheielock of McHenry and Mrs. Phillip Clouth of Crystal Lake; and eight great-grandchildren. - • Paul C. Schmidt ^ Paul. C Schmidt, 71,' of Fiat I-ake, died last Friday in McHenry hospital after, a brief illness. He was a retired baker. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Sm&lley, of Chicago; two sons, Paul R., of Franklin Park and William G. of McCullom Lake; six grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Services were held at 2 o'clock Monday from the George Justen & Son funeral home, with Rev. J. Elliott Corbett officiating. Burial was in Fox Lake cemetery. ^*4 COMING EVENTS November 14 Pre-Christmas Sale -- Legion Home--10 ajn. to 5 p.m.--Luncheon from 11:30 ajn. to 1:30 pm. --Sponsored by St. Paul's Episcopal church. W.C.O.F., St Clara's Court- Regular Meeting 8 pm -- St. Mary's EtaH. November 16 Johnsburg P.T.A. Fun Fair--4 to 10 p.m.--Booths, Games and refreshments. November iW Feather Party -- St. Joseph's Social Hall, Richmond -- 8:30 p.m. LADY DIPLOMAT WANTED MOST PEOPLE DO! Insurance for glass, including Eicture windows", is one of e many features of our / PACKAGE POLICY for r home owners. % This convenient package «Im ^ covers fire, theft, wind, personal liability... in fact, nearly all of the major.hazards threatening the financial security of your home. Call us today for complete information. Stof f el & Reihansperger Insurance since 1888 507 Main St., McHenry PHONE McHENRY 800 After the Buffet you will be served a THICK CUT of PRIME BIBS of BEEF Mashed Potatoes Salad - Choice of Dressing • Rolls it Butter - Dessert *2.90 FRIDAY T.A1TB MICHIGAN PERCH -- Whol# "All you cln eat With the trimmings!" *1.00 SPECIAL! • AFRICAN LOBSTER PLATE *1.75 <3 SATURDAY and SUNDAY 6-Courte REALLY SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN Baking Powder Biscuits - Chicken Gravy These specialties will continue along with our Regular Menu Rathskeller Open 'til 1 A.M. Catering to small and large parties, orgaWzatiohal, weddings and buffets. Specializing in Swedish Smorgasbord by appointment only! Phone McHenry 1792 28 If you are looking for, or just wishing for, a different kind of job -- one that offers ftiore than the dull routine usual in office jobs for women --• we invite you to investigate this opening right J? now. As a telphone Service Representative, you'll be doing interesting customer relations worfk which brings you in daily contact with people. It is a rewarding job, because it makes full use of ' all your talents, particularly your ability to solve people's problems with tact and diplomacy. And you'll work in nice surroundings with a friendly group of people. ' You need no experience, receive full pay while learning. High school diploma is required, and we give special salary consideratioh for business experience or college training. If this unusual type of job appeals to you, please call us for an interview appointment while there are still openings. We'll be happy to arrange to talk to you evenings or Saturdays if you wish. Phone Mr. R. C. Zahn on McHenry 9981 or see him at 136 North Riverside Drive McHenry, Illinois ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE 27-2 KTUOWlTYUimnTMNT nuua h r Ksauacf etvur MOST I M P R E S S I V E STYLE Y O U ' V E EVER SEEN ! EVERYTHING'S NEW, EXCITING *.. IN GOOD NOW! SEE THE F E A T U R E S OF THE FUTURE AT YOUR A U T H O R I Z E D OLDSMOBILE Q U A L I T Y D E A L E R ' S !