j. Thursday, November 21. 1957;: T " "V"" ^ ?ir THE McHENRY PtAINDEALER m New Angel Cake Ddighf ;tf & # Here's a spectacular summer dessert that even a novice can prepare with the greatest of ease. This Peach I6e Cream Strawberry Shortcake - is top heavy with the goodness Of cake, fruit and ice cream. All it takes is ah angel food cake from your grocer's readyto- eat cake department, a quart of vanilja ice cream, anrf either canned or fresh strawberries and peaches. r Peach Ice Cream Strawberry Shortcake , , 1 round angel food cake ^ 2 cups drained sliced 1 quart vanilla ice cream sweetened peaches 1 cup drained sliced sweetened strawberries Cut angel food cake crosswise into 2 even layers. Spread top of each with slightly softened ice cream, filling center hole of bottom cake layer. Place in freezer to harden ice cream. Just before serving, place bottom layer on serving plate and cover with V2 of the peacHes and berries. Top with second layer of angel food. Cover with remaining fruit, filling hole of top cake with fruit Garnish with whipped cream or softened ice cream. Makes 8 to 10 servings. TINT'S D WIT $ k AND plAlt CLOSE CALL! On JULY 12,1664. AS THE CONFEDEJMTE TROOPS REACHEC^THE OUT5KikTSOP IVASMINSTON, D.C., PRESIDENT LINCOLN STOOD ON THE PARAPET OP FT. STEVENS, WATCMIN6 THE B A T T L E . W I T H I N A FEW FEET OF HIM, FUTU OUFMABNA WPLArS WKIQLULENDP SADND/ ANOTHER PIONEER ^PLANE THE FIRST PLANE TO BE PURCHASED BY THE U.S.ARNM WAS BUILT BY THE VKRKSHT BROTHERS IN 1903. IT WAS A BIPLANE WITH A HO FT. IVINSSPREAD, 25 HORSEPOWER H CYLINDER ENGINE EQUIPPED WITH Z SKIDS FOR LANDING. IT COULD RgACH A SPEEO OP V/ M/CSS PER HOUR AND REMAIN IN THE AIR FOR AN HOUR/ 2 m KHItjr man fw.r SERIES E GAVINSS BONDS NOW PAY 3'/l*fe INTSttST WHEN HELD TO MATURITY. AND-THEy MATURE EARLIER, TOO.' NOW, MORE THAN EVER; ITS SMART TO SAVE W/TH US. SAVINGS BONDS. RINGWOOD 3y Mr& George Shepard Home Circle The Home circle met at the home of Mrs. George Shepard Thursday with Mrs. Stanley Jepson as co-hostess. A luncheon was served at 12:45. The usual business meeting was held and the program in charge of Mrs. Louis Winn included bingo. Bazaar and Supper The W.S.C.S. will hold their bazaar and roast beef supper in the church dining room Saturday, Nov. 23. There will be plenty of aprons, fancy work and home made candy for sale also stuffed toys. - - • W.S.C.S. The November meeting of the Woman's society of Christian service was held at the church Nov. 13. Mrs.. Frank Harrison closed thp silent meditation before the meeting. Mrs. B. T. Butler conducted the worship service and the lesson "The rrjind that was in Christ" was led by Mrs. Mitchell Kane and Mrs. Paul Walkington. Mrs. William Cristy and Mrs. Mitchell Kane were hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. William Crulckshank were callers in the Howard Bell home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hinze (Sharon Block) of Cheboygan, Wis., spent Thursday in the home of her grandparents Dr. and Mrs. William Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe of Crystal Lake were callers in the Louis Hawley home Tuesday. Mrs. Stanley Jepson attended her card club at the home of Mrs. Jean Franks at Ingleside Friday evening. YOU CAN WIN A PUREBRED REGISTERED Mrs. Violet Rilling, of Arcadia, Calif., Mr. and Mrs.- Ed Summerfield and Mrs. Smith of Chicago were dinner guests in the Wolf Shadle home Saturday. d Mrs. - Ella Gratton and Mre. Georgia Thomas and son,. Loreji, of Woodstock were dinner guests of Mrs. Ruby Shepard Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Saturday evening in the Ernest Reinwali, Jr. home at Henry- Mrs. Charles Anderson and daughter spent Friday with relav tives at Roselle, 111. Mrs. Jack Leonard and children of Lake Geneva spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. an<jl MVs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr. jg< Mrs. Bob Brennarx and children were visitors at 'Waiikegan Satulf day. ' ; Mr. and Mrs.Alan Ainger ara family of Hebroti and will Claxton of McHenry were Sunday dioitet guests of Mrs. Ruby Shepard.. ft Mrs. William Cruickshank s] Saturday morning in the Francis^ COstello home at Hartland. Mrs. Davis of Genoa City spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock spent Sunday in the Beatty-Low hqme. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jackson of Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Thompson of Greenwood spent Sunday with her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan. Mfs. Laura Landwehr and Mrs. Flora Becking of Woodstock called on Mrs. Flora Harrison Saturday. Pftge Nine Mrsr ^red-rWiedrich;--Jr., is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Phelps Saunders and family at Sycamore. Jim Pearson was home from De Kalb for the weekend. Mrs. Beard of Woodstock spent the weekend -with her daughter Mrs. Frank Harrison and family. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington and family spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Benoy at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Rush and daughter Sheryl of Sheboygan, Wis. spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. William Hepburn. Mrs. Jack Leonard, daughter, Nancy and son, Jimmy of Lake Feather Party Saturday, November 23 AL'S WHITE HOUSE LUNCHEON SERVED geneva spent, -Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr. Mrs. Flora Herri son had luncheon with her daughter, Mrs. Ardin Frisbee at Greenwood Friday. Mrs. Waller of Delavan, Wis., called on Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn Sunday. j Mrs. Wcldon Andreas and daughter, Margo and Mrs. Tom Huemann and daughter, Lisa spent the, weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Smith at Chicago Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low ant/ family attended the Thomas reunion at the American Legoitt home at McHenry Sunday.' Mrs. Edith Jones went to CMrjago Saturday and saw "My Fair' Lady." Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison attended the Rummage sale at Greenwood Friday. :;£.. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze O? Crystal Lake spent Sunday with Mrs. Lena Peet and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. William Cristy attended the wedding reception for Judith Pohlman and. Paul Hertel at the Legion Hall in McHenry Saturday evening. A CHAT WITH US, itegular check-ups and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs to you! Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service All Mechanical Repair* Complete Motor Overhauling 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE 516 Front St. McHenry, HL Phone 811 -- Residence 91-B Tit* in NMMPIOIUIV •m I. Mi s r<inr a ai • i i liiin •rag m .x.%- « ,i a kBTI.iM II B aauacsaaa NOW AT NATIONAL FOOD STORES • • • • • • AND GET A FREE SYRINGE OK TUBE Of AUREOMYCIN* Chlortetl-acycllne MASTITIS PRODUCT WITH EACH 5 PURCHASED BOLGER'S PHONE 40 Green St. McHenry^' r;. if I|I».|.4I » at GLADSTONES "STORE FOR EVERYONE" ** S. Green St. Phone 182 McHenry It's the "smoothie" that makes a wardrobe look belter % 1NEW AMBUSH by f AS SEEN ON • • • • • • • • • « • • • • • • • • IN EXQUISITE FORM THE LADY IS YOU! t Now.. .when you slip into a sweater, blouse, or sheath, tell-tale bra lines disappearl Exquisite Form's new Ambusft is smoothness personified I The cups are moulded, naturally rounded and covered with seamless Helanca. Nothing But smoothness showsl The dainty, embroidered cotton broadcloth that outlines the bust, sides and back...stays in the background. Stylo 4487 with breathe-easy elastic gusset front. White only. 32:34 Jr. A; 32-36 Aj 32*38 8; 32-38. C. *2 95 • "Here is my brand-new 12" Hi-Fi recording of your favorite music! ..at less than Yt the price you'd expect!" Famous Holly wood movie and TV musical director ,.. composer of "*Holiday For Strings' # » » •m. with any purchase-- $3.98 value ONE OF THE $3.98 "LIVING SOUND" RECORD ALBUMS IN NATIONAL'S =RECpRD-A-WEEK OFFER! Every week we add an exciting new record to our Masterseal record rack...at less than half the price you'd expect to pay. That's because we j buv them directly from the manufacturer! ? bon't confuse these with other low-prjced records. MASTERSEAL records are all fine quality 12" recordings that play with the brilliance and clarity of true high fidelity. They come to you factory-sealed and factory-fresh. They feature famous American and European soloists, orchestras, name batids and show personalities. "TRIAL AT HOME GUARANTEE!" invite you to listen to any Masterseal record--on your own record player. It you're not completely satisfied--your money will be returned without question. A FEW OF THE 12" HI-FI SELECTIONS NOW AVAILABLE--EVERY ONE A $3.98 VALUE FOR ONLY $1.69 jONGKOti STAMP AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS--Exciting nnulie from Miehaal Toda's Academy- Award (nation picture, composed by Victor Young. Beautifully recorded in living tound to ' help you recall this fabulous film experience. tIZfT CARMEN SUITE-- This limoiis pictorial suite H beautifully reproduced to bring you the full color of the magic moments in the reknowned epere ... a must for ell music lovers. All AMERICAN MARCHES --The spirit of all colorful parades, the marching band on the gridiron, it's here for you to enjoy in living sound. Stars end Stripes, National Emblem . . . e(l your favorites. VIENNESE WALTZES --The most lilting of the great Welti Melodies, es gey end enchanting as old Vieinne. This is music for ell occasions recorded by Fontanne, the exciting new French discovery.