Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Nov 1957, p. 7

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^ y;*- v rr Kit Y" f ^ *- ^ ^T v ( v • w >w-< -^rT^"f. i ' "' i\^V«? ;M. J^l»»i»4«y> Ifoircmbfir ?i« 195? THE McHENRY PLA1NDEALER [ CLASSIFIED SEAL EST McHENRY and AREA 'Hound •/ Homes. Seasonal fann^,,; vacant. Home sites, fbcakne properties. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS fn Jchnftburg, Phone McHenry 37 Rt, fi, McHenry, Illinois 7 18-tf .m McHenry Area 3 bedrooms, living, kitchen and Utility. Attached garage--a good toy at $15,500.00 JACOB FRITZ - Realtors IN JOHNSBURG Rt 5, McHenry, Illinois Phone McHenry 3? A 28-tf „ Incoxtie Property 5 room, 1st floor, and 3 large room apartment on 2nd. Large ldt well landscaped. 2nd floor rental f?0. per month, 2 car garage, near tteach, a good buy. Price $17,500. For information call at our office in Johnsburg. * Jacob Fritz Realtors In Johnsburg -- McHenry 37 27-tf WANTED "LISTINGS WANTED* HANK Pine Tree Tower Rt. 120 and Johnsburg Rd. McHenry Office Phone 16S5 Residence 1216 49-tf RIDE or' car pool to Park Ridge. Working hours 8:3C a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Call McHenry 643-J-2. 29 Wanted INSURED SAVINGS SaVlngB invented in Crystal O Lake Savings and Loan Association are Insured by the Federal fiaviaga and Loan Insurance Corp., and earn 2%% phis %% extra. tt-tt TOP PRICE PAID tar irqn. metals and Junk cars. Ed Marsh, jDfanne Woodstock 1610-Mn2. 1 43-tf LIST YOUR FARMS WITH US or Contact us if you wish to buy. % L. B. ANDERSON & CO., Inc. WHEELING, ILL. Phone Wheeling 53 or GLENN H. WIIX, Salesman Rt. 1, Alden, HI. Phone Hebron 3114 WANTED TO BUY PIANO BENCH -- preferably Mahogany finish. Phone McHenry 813-W. 29 PRIVATE PARTY wants to buy from owner in McHenry, 5 room gea ted home. Reasonable & near railroad. Contact E. Zima, 1625 W. Cortland, Chicago. 29 LOST AND FOUND $1EN'S glasses, with dark upper rims, in brown leather case, vicinity of Pistakee Highlands and Johnsburg about a month ago. 'hone 2097. 29 JERMAN SHEPHERD dog lost in Lily Lake vicinity. Wearing collar with 3 Chicago dog tags. Please call McHenry 680-M-l. 29 LARGE black male cat, white feet and chest--reward. Phone J846-J. 29 GREAT DANE dog--brown with black mask. Call collect, McHenry , . .. ,, M Christmas Club. 28-tf MISCELLANEOUS 1953 Chevrolet 2 Door Good Running Condition Good Body . Very Clean Inside $595.00" LON H. J. SMITH, PHONE 1326 29 FEATHER PARTY Sat. Nite - Nov. 23 Lunch & Refreshments Sportsman's Inn 513 Main St. McHenry, HI. 28-2 MOOSE DANCE EVERT SATURDAY NIGHT » Fit Music by The Town & Country Boys 1st St 3rd Weeks of Each Month The 3 G's and a Tee 2nd & 4th weeks of each month MEMBERS & GUESTS ONLY •t the McHENRY MOOSE LODGE On Routs 120 McHenry. HL 19tt HAS YOUR DRINKING beconM a problem? Men, Women, tf m wri'je Alcoholics Anonymous, Rt 5, Box 80S, McHenry, IUL Meet tags every Monday 8:30 pjn. 12-tl NOTICE PINE TREE TOWER will be closed all day THANKSGIVING DAY 29 NOT RESPONSIBLE for any debts contracted by anyone other than myself as of today, November 14, 1957. As I am now completely out of business known as Roy Grooms Scrap Iron & Metal at McHenry, 111. Roy M. Grooms. *28-3 NOTICE MOSLEY'S CAFE (formerly known as The Nook) Will be Open Sundays from 6 am until 3 pm. 408 Front Street 29 SINGING STAR McHenr? friends will be happy to learn that Stanley Nienstedt of Woodstock, known professionally as Stanley Cpover, has a singing part in "Time to Remember" in New York. The cast Is headed by Helen Hayes. Stanley is a brother of Mrs. Elmer Freund of McHenry and a few years ago appeared with one of casts of "South Pacific." -- McHENRY RECREATION -- a D. of B. Leight, 432; S. Hertel, 495; R. McGinley, 433; D. Reinboldt, 194-507; B. Dallnls, 439; M. Harrison, 176-485; lit Thennes, 180- 465; A. Gaulke, 476; V. Diedrich, 192-476; M. Fuchs, 488; J. Schmunk, 452; D- Schaefer, 441; E. Albright, 190-490; D. Tonyan, 184-468; L. Braidman, 182-491; A. Vaupell, 188468; J. Weyland, 455; B. O'Brien, 454; G. Doyle, 197- 480; T. Steffan, 181-490. Nite Owto-- M. S tubbings, 450; B. O'Brien, 432; D. Cusack, 434; R. Kluk, 189-506; G. Steinsdorfer, 479; R. Zimmer, 438; C. Colman, 454; L. Stone, 178-438; S. Sutton, 213-550; j; Rosing, 188-467; A. Grosso, 4§4; 1. Stoller, 201-213-176-591; D. Moffett, 441; E. Koenemann, 208-521; V. Groh, 200-492; D. Dowell, 441; C. Freund, 430; P. Hignight, 190- 473. Railroads picked up: A. Schwingl, 5-7; I. Stoller, 6-7; H. Hafer, 5-8-10. (Previous Weeks) Wednesday Nite Twelve-- M. Cristy, 430; P. Wight, 191- 509; A. Mrouka, 181-495; D. O'Neill, 197-460; H. Mailfold, 443; T. Jinga, 190-198-542; M. O'Brien. 186-441; M. Gates, 451; ' D. Sehmitt, 441; N. Cristy, 180492; P. Wight, 184; I. Krueger, 434; J. MotuJewicz, 176-448. Wednesday Nite Twelve-- M. Cristy, 203-457; M. Cristy, 441; A. Weretka, 173-468; M. Gates, 179-472; D. Sehmitt, 175- 487; T. Jinga, 177-197-539; F. Matchen, 433; M. Sandgren, 193- 479; C. Noble, 213-519. Commercial Leafjue-- A. Brink, 232-588; J. Martinucci, 202-531; R. Newlon, 504-213-535; E. Amann, 546; H. Lottchea, 206- 587; R. Vaughan, 222-559; M. Gath, 201-573; L. Bradley, 556; J. Kalk, 220; R. Gilliford, 565; R Kleinhuizen, 580; R. Osttrby, 530; E. Whaples, 532. 9 O'clock Forestor League-- B. Klapperich, 613-201-595; Pitzen, 211-577; H. Steaffans, 208-570; E. Thennes, 202-568; T. Michelson, 218-552; L. NimSgerm, 203-546; J. Wagner, 232; L. Blake, 543. Business Men's League-- L. Thomas, 210; L. Meusling, 222-205-575; A- Hafer, 227; G. Golding, 529; D. Samuelson, 213; E. Pieroni, 207-581; W. Weyland, 200; R. Weyland, 202-573; t>. Hignight, 552; G. Qutzman, 529: A. Steinsdoerfer, 204; R. Snyder, 544. Thursday 9:15 League-- Krier, 531; Otto, 232-594; VrWk, 201-525; Krause, 539; King, 525; Kreutzer, 203^214-612; Corso, 205: W. Webb, 200-529; B. Schwieger, 212-552; N. Dalby, 222-556; Hansen, 210-231-610; McCarroll, 214- 213-592; R. Boro, 210576; 0. Pirce, 545; R. Brodgeon, 224-574; Jerry, 215559; Jock, 214-536; Ken, 542; Chuck, 201-593; Freund, 212- 558; Sehmitt, 203-534; Hojnacki, 202-213-601; S. West, 206; G. Kinsala, 206-557; J. Larkin, 525. CQUNCiL in Tuesday S9ers-- H. Busch, 179-465; B. Gilpin, 433; T. Stilling, 459; C. Buenzli. 438; L. Freund, 434; V. Doherty, 490; L. Cairns, 438; L. Knox, 191- 444; J. Pieroni, 181-497; S. Harms, 1^9; C. Antonson, 432. -- Johntbnrg Bowling Resort -- Thursday Nite Ladles-- B. Hettermann, 178-468; MVoase, 185-467; C. May, 453; V. Smith, 448; E. Hanks, 442. Thursday Nite Gutter Dodge H. Meyer, 193-507; E. Clausen, 438; L. Turbush, 453 ; 3. May, 178- 472. Railroads picked up by Alid Becker, 5-7. CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this oppQJ> tunity of thanking everyone for the Masses, prayers, cards and flowers while I was in the hospital. Everything was greatly ap> predated. 29 Mrs. Thomas Wilson. Insured Savings: Savings invested in Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Association are Insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insur ance Oorp^ and earn 8-+ !4 %• 20-tf LOST Hundreds of dollars each week by people with used things to sell who do not use the Plaindealer Classified Ads. CAPSULE It was bid-taking time at the City Council meeting Monday night. Three bids were received on the sewer construction project in the Millstream Park area, but action was deferred until the property owners' association has time to place money in escrow. Bids were as follows: Bacon Bros. & W. T. Hay -- $68,188 20 Lakeland Construction Co., tnc-- $67,205.70 Preston-Woodal Co. of Glenview-- $60,353.00 A.S. Blake Motors, Inc. were the only bidders for furnishing a new police car, submitting bids on Plymouth and Dodge cars. The council chose a 1958 Dodge police pursuit 'car with heavy duty equipment at a net cost of $1,399.00. COUNTY CHESS TOURNEY DRAWS LOCAL AREA MEN GAED OP THANKS Slay we eJctend our heiurtfelt thanks to those of you who expressed your sympathy in so many thoughtful ways during our recent bereavement!. Your kindnesses have meant much to us. *29 "Hie children of the * William Etten Family. CARD OF THANKS We wish to convey our most sincere thanks to our friends and neighbors who have been so kind during our sorrow in the loss of our dear one, Dr. George E. Peasley. Dr. and Mrs. Edgar E. Peasley LEGAL CONSTABLE'S NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of a certain judgment entered, in the Justice Court of Chas. M. Adams, wherein John M. Sehmitt, plaintiff received judgment against Mr. and Mrs. Edward Browne, and said judgement against Mr. and Mrs. Edward Browne, and said judgment having been satisfied, said court has issued execution which has been properly served according • . i to law and now cprniftarrti tttv dersigned CoiutaUe to hdU| pub> lie sale on the following foods and chattels:. 1 Kimball Consolette piajio^.. 1 Coldspot Refrigerator 1 Kenmore Electric Range , 1 piece Carpeting 12 x 26 wfc " pad ^ on Saturday November 30, 1957-- 11 A.M. at the home of John M. Sehmitt located at 39 North Ave nue in Jak Ana Heights, Johiuk burg, in the township and county of McHenry. ELMER R- MURPHY, ConsUiUt (Ptd>. Nov. 14-21, 19B7) •I '?* The first McHenry county chess tournament is underway, with a total of eighteen entrants. The event will take about a month to complete. Local men entered include Don Laird, Dick Pearson, Ron Walsh and Art Targo of Wonder Lake; Phil Wheetock, Tim Wheelock and Norman Knaack of McHenry. Anyone interested in playing an occasional game of chess can get in touch with this group by phoning Wonder Lake 7811 or dropping a postcard to Box 46, Woodstock. SENIOR MYF NEWS The Senior M:Y.F. of the Community Methodist church was to have had a hayride Nov. 2 but it waq postponed until Nov. 16 because of raih. On Oct. 27, the Senior M.Y.F. went trick or treating for UNICEF and afterward enjoyed a Hallowe'en party at the church. There was a rally at Crystal Lake Nov. 3 and some of the M.Y.F.ers attended. Anita Barger NEW RESIDENTS New residents of McHenry are Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Eckert, who are living at 201 Riverside Drive. Mr* Eckert of Woodstock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Eckert, was married to Miss Dorothy Fischer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fischer of rural Woodstock at Nativity Lutheran church, Wonder Lake, Saturday, Nov. 2 at 10:30 o'clock. Orcfcr now for Hie Holidays LINGON BERRIES LUT-FISK - LIMPA BREAD - POTATO SAUSAGE COOKED $H$IMP « PICKLED HERRING - BOND OS^ See our selection of Gift Boxes For the Gourmet on your Gift list Chocolate covered Ants - Fried Grasshoppers and Worm - Smoked Octopus - Smoked Oysters - Smoked Baby Trout - Smoked Rabbit - Baby Bees in Soy Sauce and Snails ' Have you tried a Barbecued Chicken or Spare Ribs from our Rotisserie? PANTRY DELICACIES 134 RIVERSIDE DRIVE PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHONE 75* Open daily 9:00 A.M. 'til 9:00 P.M. -- Sunday 'til 7:00 P.M. : ii •1 HARDESl* BUSIEST CHEAPEST WORKERS Df TOWN fLAINDEALER WANT ADS GIvm you brilliant performance plus new economy! Ira the mlghtiaat, moal efficient Rocket yet I All tha power you can uae, with greatly Improved gaa mileage I FEATH ER PARTY Saturday, Nov. 23 Old Bridge Tavern 140 No* Riverside Drive Door Prize - Refreshments No Need for -i- ^ Continuous Advertising! PREACHERS - Should preach only one sermon or so a year. People are against sin anyway, so why harp on it* 29 Open Thanksgiving Snug Harbor Boat Club Fox Street -- McHenry, DL SERVING DINNERS STARTING AT NOON Complete Turkey Dinner - *2.50 Child's Order - 1.50 LmaM Vi mile South of New Bridge on Fox River PHONE McHENRY 2671. ^ TRAFFIC LIGHTS - Should be turned off at dangerous intersections to save electricity. Everybody knows TFs a dangerous spot and that is sufficient. TEACHERS - No need to review lessons. Tell the children just once and they'll never forget. HIGHWAY POLICE - Stop driving up and down fhe highways. No need to caution drivers by patrolling highways. Drivers know the law and should obey. OUT OF TQWNERS - That advertise and mail order firms that send c^taloges arfe wasting their money. Everyone knows what is sold at stores in town and they'll all shop at home. BUT-If you are one of the foolish kind, like the Notre Dame cathedral that has stood for six centuries but still rings the bell every day to let people know it is there, and believes in continuous profitable advertising, then you wil.l advertise in The McHenry Plaindealer

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