Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Nov 1957, p. 6

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:w'< ^g'IS-|cWj|g*r^:%;;.; •• T.--, .--nil- •• r ' • -i>i •••••*•••>••_<• '-^ •"• •- • vS' ' • -••-••• - ....: '• . , . ... ; wedniiflaii SM / rc^rp"' - WANT ADS PROVE THAT GIGANTIC JOBS ARE DONE BY MIDGETS ' BING 4.QOODOOR BELLS FOR SI.QO WITH APLAINDEALER WANT AD! \v&; •*•-•' Wfx T1*M0 ". '• ' MQ tfSfr s&K Plaindealer Want Ada No ad counted less than 20 >tt>rds, $1.00 minimum. 1 insertion •"... $1.00 (Count 5 words per line) '25c service charge on all blind ads. Cash with order. Card of Thanks - $1.00 minimum Want Ads close promptly, at 10 a.m. Wednesday. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: $1.00 Col. inch -- 2 Inch Minimum. Classified Display must include a minimum of one 18 pt. head and one 18 pt. signature or its equivalent. 3 lines of 8 pt. allow- -•d per inch. CASH WITH ORDER on folcwing classifications. • Wanted To Rent Situations Wanted . ' Business Opportunities AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Coven COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 block East of the river bridge. Jpen weekdays: 9 cum. to 6 pm Sundays: 9 ajn. to 1 pjn. 44-tf 1957 PONTIAC 4 door sedan. Many extras, like new, less than 6,000 miles. Price $2475. cash. Call mornings until 1 p.m. or evenings between 5:30 and 6:30. McHenry 587-M2. 29-2 1949 NASH--radio, heater, directional signals. Good condition -- reasonable. Call 644-M-2 evenings or weekends. 30 USED CARS TURKEY DAY SPECIALS Guaranteed -- Reconditioned '57 Ford 4 door sedan --$1845. 56* Dodge Coronet sedar) --$1695, '55 Hudson Hornet sedan --$1095. '55 Dodge Royal sedan --$1395 '54 Ford club coupe --$ 775. '53 Buick Riviera- 4 door --$ 745. *51 Dodge 4 door sedan --$ 295. A. S. Blake Motors, Inc. McHENRY PHONE 156 30 BUSINESS SERVICE HIGHLAND Improvement Co. General Contractors Homes, additions, porches, dormers, concrete, plumbing and electricity. Union work. No job too small. . PHONE WONDER LAKE 5812 52-tf BUSINESS SERVICE bAW SERVICE. Hand and circular saws machine sharpened and repaired. Edw. Heyward, 106 S. Riverside Dr. V»hone 445-M, 47-tf GARAGES 14 x 20-ft. with overhead door, Concrete floor and shingle roof. Choice of siding and 2 windows. *695 • No Money Down. 5 yrs. to pay. WALSH Home Improvement • Waukegan Call FRANK GANS 300 Riverside Drive McHENRY 1878-W 4-tf Candid Weddings tram Rome, Church and Reception KOLJN Photograpners Baby Pictures, Taken , In Your Home. Call us far appointment. eL 566-W-l McHenry, Hi. 4*-cr Free Estimates - Work Guaranteed JIMKREIN ROOFING & SIDING FHA Financing No Money Down 36 Mo. to Pay PHONE McHENRY 591-W-2 Repairs Fully Insured 9-tf I Pump Cesspools and Septic Tanks G. A. Douglas Lakeland Park Subdivision Phone McHenry 1480 Station Box 38 38-tf "HOURa._ RA'IjUS for jackham* mer service. Call us for the hard work. Arnold N. May Bldrs., Inc., Richmond, 111. Phone Richmond 4381." 26-tf Well Drilling And Septic Systems Trenching and Digging Water Lines • Seepage Beds Morrisson Water Systems Installed. Walter M. Garrelts McHenry, I1L Phone M,Henry 2101 1-tf EMERGENCY eye glass repairing Eyes examined; Glasses fitted. Dr. W. H. Herzog, 208 Lakeview Ave., Lakeland Park, McHenry. Phone 2512-R. 29-tf 1950 CHEVROLET, good- condri l tion. Phone McHenry 672-W-l. 30 '47 CHEVY club coupe. Call after 6:30 McHenry 2254-R. 30 BOATS & MOTORS Boats All types outboards - alum., wood, fjbreglass, Christ-Craft Cavalier, Owens, In boards and Cruisers. New Motors - 3 to V50 h.p. Also used boats and motors. Buy Now and Save 1 on Lay-Away Plan. No Finance Charges. ED. J. WENDT BOATS RICHMOND, ILL. On U.S. 12, 3 blocks north of Rts. 12 & 173. Open daily & Sun. RICHMOND 3281 26-tf General Carpentry Remodeling, Additions and Garages Brick, stone, block work. Masonry, chimney repairs & tuckpointing; brick veneering. Industrial, institutional and farm maintenance. Fully equipped and insured; reasonable rates, 34 years experience. No job too small or too large. Work done within 50 mile radius. CALL Frank J. Rezabek & Son, Crystal Lake 2548, OLiver 8-7716, OLiver 8-4611, or send post card. All Work Guaranteed 22-tf ,12 Vt INCH cohsole T.V. with phonograph and A.M. & F.M. radio. Good condition'--$35. Call 593-J-l after 6 p.m. 30 PAINTING, interior ana exterior. Paper hanging, wallboard tapeing -- Free estimates. Nick Huff, Ph. Free estimates. Nick Huff & Son. Ph. 570-M-l. Rt. 4, McHenry. 36-tf McHenry Disposed Service Phone 2221 for DEPENDABLE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE WM. DE VRIES 115 3rd Ave. 47-tt Bacon, 206 Main Street, Wonder SPECIAL -- Watchs Clock and jLsike 5933 or McHenry Telephone Jewelry repairing; alarm clocks repaired. 24 hour servjee. Also chimes, electric and antique clock service. Steffan's Jewelry & Records, 514 Main St., McHenry -- phone 123-J. 29-tf . Home Improvement Service Carpentry, Floor & Wall Tiling "No Job too Small" Free Estimates Howard Reinboldi Sta. Box 42, McHenry, 111. Phone 261 29-4 KMING SEASON ACMt •nil whan ih* temparotura drppt, a MlM» Herat* definitely JnaMMOt Ib« «d about your homo-or buthwta. tottar diacfc your Imuranca futt to ba Ml mt hoyo anough. tartar dtack u| . THE KENT CORP. Insurance & Real Estate For Over 29 Yean Insure through this Agency and Feel Safe. PHONE 8 S. Riverside Dr., McHenry, I1L FOR SALE TERRA COTTA RESALE and Consignment Shop open daily except Mondays, 1 - 5 pjn. Also open Tues. & Thurs. nights v6 • 9 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Clothes for the entire family in good jCondition. Also miscellaneous - items. Sirs. ft. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Road. Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. 44eow FOR SALE PUREBRED Dachshund pups for sale--Arthur Tonyan, McHenry-- 917. 30 DOLLS ^ REPAIRED Doll Clothing and Wigs McHENRY DOLL HOSPITAL 1 Block East of Old Bridge Pistakee Road Phone 2725 20eow SINGER, elec. portable sewing machine; set of Limoge china dinnerware, a few pieces missing; electric mixer; set of gold plated sugar, creajper salt & pepper: Also shoffcy summer coat, fur coat, and doth coat all size 12-- 14. McHenry 1206 on Saturday or Sunday only.vf *30 A.K.C. Registered German Shepherd pups, 6 weeks old, hunting and show stock.. Chicik'pin Kennels, McHenry 1472. „ 30 ELECTRIC refrigerator and apt. size gas stove. Phone McHenry 1328. 30 MAN'S tweed lopcoat, like new, size 38, zip lining--price $20. Call McHenry 1202-R. / *30 FOR SALE Sears Roebuck & Co. Building Materials Gutters - Plastic Tile Aluminum Comb. Windows and Doors \ ** Floor Tile . Garage Doors Railings - Jalousie Windows ~ Roofing and Siding Materials or Applied Easy Payment Plan Call 1878-W or Write Frank Gans, - Representative 300 Riverside Dr., McHenry 46-tf XMAS TREES AFTER DEC. 1ST REASONABLY PRICED Balsam Wreathes from $2.50 Grave Blankets - plain $5.00 Grave Blankets - Decorative $7.00 STANLEY JEPSON RINGWOOD, ILL. Phone Wonder Lake 3755 *30-3 2000 CHRISTMAS TREES 3 to 15 ft. individually wrapped from Canada. Christmas Tree Center of McHenry County at Hwy. 14 & 176, Crystal Lake, 111. Tel. 2139. FREE trees to needy families of McHenry County. See E. C. Andreas, Royal Oaks Mobile Home Sales. 30-tf FOR SALE REGISTERED Chihuahua puppies, lots of nice colors. Reasonably. Will hold till Christmas. Black's HELP W ANTED AN UNUSUAL opportunity: Sales and service position, age 25 to 40. Married, group insurance, hospit- Happy Hour kennels. Kingston, alization, retirement. A life-time 111. Phone Kingston 413, *30-2 i career, opportunity for advance- -- J ment. Starting salary , $87.50 STEWING HENS, $1.25 dressed.; weekly. Call DE 6-8025 days, or 30 MA 3-6713. Mr. Brown evenings for interview. 28-3 Tel. McHenry 1245-W. FOR RENT ROOMS for. rent in McHenry. Furnished. Al£o garage space. Call McHenry 214-R after 6 p.m. weekdays, or weekends. 105 Waukegan Rd. 27-tf 1. BEDROOM for two; 2 single beds. Also 1 bedroom with kitchenette. Call" Wonder Lake 2761. 30 OFFICE SPACE at 539 Main St., phone 1119, Elmer W- Jensen, 518 Waukegan Road, McHenry, 111. 30-4 6 ROOM house in Fox Lake, automatic gas heat, basement, deep freeze, gas range, refrigerator, garage, blear shopping & schools. References required. $110 per month. Phore JUstice 7-8911. 30 MODERN 4 room house--1 bed room. heat, near 30 KEY PUNCH TRAINEE v Learn to, Operate IBM Key Punch Machine Free Hospitalization, Medical & Life Insurance Permanent Hours 8:15 to 4:45 BARCO MANUFACTURING CO. 500 Hough St. Barrington, 111. Phone Barrington 1700 30 EXPERIENCED waitress, full or Automatic neat, garage, Morni,lf ?r afternoons. McHenry--$75. Call 1541.j. i A^ply in person, Mosley s Restaurant, formerly The Nook, 408 Front St. 30 STORE FOR RENT Phone 2042 In New Modern Building Located in heart of Town on Elm street .Size 17' x 63' Ideal for any type business or Professional office. 9 PIECE dining room set; 9 x 12 rug 'with pad. Also boy's 26 in. bike. Phone 216-R. 30 COMBINATION storm doors $16.75; 8' x T garage doors $63.50; house doors $9.75; Mahogany wall Johnson Motors Molded Fiber-Glass Thompson FREE OIL With Insurance Budget Plan CALL THENNES OIL CO. PHONE 32 Degree Day Delivery Gator Trailers Marine Supplies Service - Refinishing - Storage NEW -- USED BANK FINANCING BILL'S OUTBOARD MOTORS 4 104% S. Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 1076 . 29-tf BUSINESS SERVICE WELLS DRILLED 01 DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS -- We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill j paneling"i9%c per ft.;alfkinds of plywoods, etc, Clarence J. Smith, Johnsburg, McHenry 1515-J 26-tf SPECIAL DeLuxe Aluminum Combination Doors Installed with complete Hardware £ree Pneumatic Door Closer $39.90 Each K Wm. W. Albert McHenry 901 30-tf 167. 26-tf FRANK S. MAY TRUCKING Black Dirt Sand, Gravel, Driveways, JOHNSBURG, RT. 5 -- McHENRY Phone -- 1786-M "20-tf _ __ _ . , FOUR ROOM furnished, apart- WHILE IT LASTS--gum, candy, j mcnt ith one bedroom on Wau- lifa eotrAM . Ao lA/i nnnntt * fAf 1 _ APT. SIZE gas range. No reasonable offer refused. Call McHenry 1742-M. 30 10 CABINETS with sliding doors. Ideal for hardware or haberdashery--$ 35 each. Phone McHenry 470. 30 ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired. Industrial, commercial and domestic. Rickert Electric. 480 Center St., Grayslake, Hi. Phone -- lAldWin 3-&491. 16-tf 27-tf PIANO TUNING & repair. Walter Steffen, Tel. Woodstock 2540. •29-3 t l Peter A. Freund SANITARY SERVICE I clean and pump . aepUc tanks A cesspools Phone McHenry 1819-J Residence Fox Street 10-tf Join the McHenry State Bank Club. HQ Sewers Clogged? Complete electric sewer, rodding and root cutting equipment PHONE McHENRY 1950 ELMER GLOSSON 106 John St. MaHenry, 111. 42-tt TREE MOVING TREE CUTTING Stump Removal Planting Large Trees This all requires proper equipment -- We Have It -- Call -- Geo. Schuman McHENRY 2438-J 30 BEAUTY WORK done in. my home by licensed operator. Reas onable prices. H. MacGregor. Ph McHenry 954-J. River Terrace, Johnsburg; 111. 30 Flocked Christmas Trees life savers 4c, 10c candy 3 foi 20c, 29c to^\£9c cookies 21c, Vinegar gal, '49£, quart 13c,. 3 lb. Crisco 69c, l^uiidry soap 6c, reg 19c Kleenex 3 for 50c, Skippy 1 peanut butter large 35c, apple ljutter 2 for 25c, mops 29c, handles 25c, Xmas paper reg. 15o--9c, anti frffeze 35c qt., Heet 49c, 100 razorr blades 69C, spices 5c can, greeting cards half price, toasters pop-up, waffle irons, steam irons, deep fryers, elec. fry pans $9.95, flashlight batteries 2 ' for 25c, ladies shoes $1.19, rubbers & boots 49c, ladies shoes $1.19, many. Qther bargains. Open 9 to 9, 225 Benton St., Woodstock. 30 Pink - Blue 5--6 ft. trees White $15.00 others according to size -- All orders before Dec. 15 Also retail & wholesale trees. Guettler's Service Station Hwy. 31 -- South CALL Jerry Kalk 2464-R If no' answer call 9831 ask for Ed or Jerry. Buy your rubber stamps at tat MeHenry plamdealar. 30 SPINET, Hammond organ with percussion M-3, walnut finish, with bench. Call McHenry 1260. 30 WINDSOR Construction Company We Specialize in Carpentry - Concrete Work Septic Systems - Garages Alterations At prices a working man can afford. Phone McHenry 2530 29-4 Buy UA savings Bond* GARBAGE - ASH - RUBBISH REMOVAL RESIDENTIAL -- COMMERCIAL Illinois Sanitary Service FLOYD LEIGH Phone McHenry .1900 LICENSED and BONDED 81-tt 209 Elm Street McHenry, 111. 30-tf LARGE 4 bedroom home, near business district and churches in McHenry. Write c/o McHenry Plaindealer Box 327. 30 2 ROOM semi-furnished apartment. Ideal location in McHenry. Phone McHenry 83-M. 30 INVENTORY CONTROL CLERK (Female) Must be able to work quickly and accurately with figures. Free Hospitalization, Medical ana Life Insurance. Permanent Hours--8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m., BARCO MANUFACTURING CO. 500 Hough Street Barrington, 111. Phone -- Barrington 1700 30 REAL ESTATE 5 ROOMS & bath with garage. Close to school and depot. References required. Write c/o McHenry Plaindealer--Box 328. 30 GARAGE at 305 Richmond Road. Phone 732-J. 30 TWO BEDROOM HOME; attached garage; basement; oil heat; fully furnished; $90 a month. Airspun Real Estate. Tel. McHenry 430. £ 30 j kegan street; available Dec. t 'Tel. McHenry 933-R. 30 COLljIE puppies., Registered sables--$ 30 etfch. Hold until Christmas. Earl Tessendorf, phone McHenry 501-J-2. VA miles south of McHenry on Highway 31. East side of road. 30 ATTRACTIVE 2 bedroom home, unfurnished, garage. Located in Lakeland Park. Phone McHenry 986. 30 HELP WANTED SECRETARY for private investment office on farm near Cary, 111. Requirements--typing, dictation, bookkeeping experience, familiarty With securities. Good pay, normal hours. Telephone »-- MErcury 9-7286.' 30 Insured Savings: Savings invested In Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Association are insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp., and earn 8 + Vi%. 29-tf THE WELCOME MAT is out at ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE Apply Now For Job as a TELEPHONE OPERATOR In McHenry EX-OPERATORS -- Salary credit given for past experience. Drop In and see Miss Marshall at 102 N. Park, McHenry, or call her on McHenry 9901. She'll be glad to talk to you about the opportunities available. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE 2*5 5 ROOM house, full basement and garage. Living room knotty Pirie with fireplace. Tile floors. At McCullom Lake. Phone {545-J-2. 30 Income Property Tavern, restaurant, liquor store, including building and 3 cabins. 3 bedrooms, large living room 2nd. McHenry vicinity. For appointment call at our office in Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 37. JACOB FRITZ - Realtors In Johnsburg Rt. 5, McHenry, Illiifois 29-tf ADJOINING Country Club goli course^ ranch house witji 6 extra large rooms, 1V2 baths. For sale by owner leaving city. 610 Allen Ave. Shown by appt. Call McHenry 1406.. 30 REAL ESTATE 3 BEDROOM HOME for sale. Living room with fireplace. All large rooms. Attached garage, gas heat. Also 4 *~iom furnished apt. attached, provi^es-tadditional income. Call Wonder Lake 5654. ' 44-t^ LOT NO. { McHenry Shores Approx. 79 ft. frontage on River. Approx. 190 ft. frontage on Channel. Some landscaping. . -j Complete with sea' wall, boat dock and boat well. . . q Will remove part or all of - sea wall to reduce price. - . ^ Now taking $1500.00 loss to sell Phone Robert Kirwin, CRYSTAL LAKE 301 or The feent Corporation McHENRY NO. 8 2S-U FOR SALE-- HOMES--FAERBVf S CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATE 405 Richmond Road McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry 431-J 42-tf Modem Ranch Home Shell Full Basement - 26 x 42 You can do your own finishing. We will furnish th^ materials. $8,600. NO MONEY DOWN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS 25 YR. FINANCING ROBERT HAY % CONSTRUCTION CO. 305 E. Elm St. McHenry, Illinois PHONE: OFF: 1907 RES: 1377 16-tL 2 BEDR.OOM year 'round home, large picture windows, lake view, ' sumara mahogany paneled living room, draw drapes, built-in book case. Large closets, Textolite counter tops in kithen and bath. ]$ohler plumbing fixtures including- twin porcelain laundry tubs. Full basement, basement garage, landscaped lot. Lake rights - 2|j| So. Highland, Pistakee Highlands? Phone 644-M-2 evenings or weekends. Will consider selling on contract. 19-tf FARMERS TRADING POST DUROC BOARS, meat type- Russel Rudolph. Spring Grove. Phone Ridimond 3162. 27-4 REGISTERED Spotted Poland Chirja boars. Tel. McHenry 1244 Bernard A. Freund. 28-t| DOWN and CRIPPLED Ctttla wanted, at better cash prices. Orville Krohn, Woodstock. Phone 1651-Rrl, collect. 1M1 FARMERS Dead and Crippled Animals Wheeling Rendering Works Phone: Wheeling No. 3 10-tf HOGS wanted. All classes and weight for, highest net return Monday through Friday 8 aLm to 1 p.m. Marengo Daily Hoi Market, phone JOrdon 8-7291. 50-tJ GEO. P. FREUND Authroized Dealer for SALES * SERVICE IONE McHENRY 420 001 Crystal Lake RoM Adult Farmer Class The next meeting of the adiJ| farmer class will be held Tuesday, Dec. 2, at 8 o'clock in the schodL Dr. H. S. Fike will address the group on the subject, "Animal Disease Laws". 30 ATTENTION to Farmers-- We buy large also pullet eggs. We pick up at farm. Telephone Woodstock 2577. 30-tf McHENRY EQUIPMENT CO; rii SALES & SERVICE GUS FREUND PHONE McHENRY IBS 808 W. Elm St. (basement) WILSON Bulk Milk Coolers for sale. Disston and Homelite chain saws sold with service by Lath rence E. Anderson, Dairyman's Supply Co., McHenry 475. 23-tf R. M. FLEMING & SON NEW IDEA -- PAPEC DEALKS TRACTORS SALES A SERVICE A Complete Farm Implemmt Service. PHONE McHENRY 88 5St Waukegan Road

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