»y. December 12, 1957 S5WPS# itcHEtmr [ ^ > * - . > ' \ EASTWOOD MANOR JBy Peggy Garrett* Christmas Party The Christmas party for the children of Eastwood Manor will held on Saturday, Dec. 21 from 5:30 to 5 p.rh. There "will be a visit from Santa, favors, songs, and movies. Fun for everyone attending. Call Pat Kellogg 2626-J or Rita Simpson 2634-J to give the committee the information they need to get some idea of how many children to expect at the festivities. The parents will congregate At _the barn on Friday night Dec. 4t$bth to decorate the' Christmas tree and get things set,up for the children all hands are welcome, to help. If you-have any ornaments that you would like to donate to the cause (cause we are short) they may be left at Warren Kreb's home. Let's all pitch in and give the kids a big time. Church News The newly organized Presbyterchurch will hold, two morning services. One Dec. 15, and one on Dec. 22 at 11 a.m. in the finished, heated, Eastwood Manor community barn. Dr. Cummins will officiate at these two services. The church is showing great progress, from the first four families to the now present twentyseven families. Anyone wishing to worship with this group is urged *Jo do so. Rev. Jack Mclntyre from Grayville, 111. visited with the steering committee this past week for the purpose of deciding on becoming the permanent pastor of the new Presbyterian church- During - his stay Rev. Mclntyre was a guest in the home of the Lynn Stjiarts New Residents We wish to welcome two families to their new homes and to ^fcastwood Manor. The Thomas Birminghams and the John Hays moved in this past weekend. We wish to invite them to join us in all the activities of the E.M.P.D.A. and in our social functions. week, one which slipped up on Lois McCormack Monday, Dec. 2. Belated greetings Lois and Ray Lessard wouldn't tell bis ^ge but the date is Dec. 16. Many returns of the . day, Ray. This and Thsit / The traveling Robert Kellogs returned home last week- from two glorious weeks in the land of sunshine v Home nev^r looked better but the weather have been nicer. From one extreme to the other the Kelloggs are off in a couple of weeks to spend the Christmas holidays with Bob's folks in Duluth, Minn. Hope you all have your longies. Doris Shaw spent the time of Otto's latest trip with her folks in Chicago. Otto was gone all week. It must 'be nice! The. Ed Radners entertained Betty's mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Lightholder and Betty's sister, Sally, last week. They spent an enjoyable visit. Lee and Mim Hansen gave Lew arid Pat Kellogg a bit of moral support and straw bossing last week while they were papering their kitchen; A little less lip and a bit more, paste huh kelloggs?! "Hie Octettes had their last meeting at Ann Ritter's home this past week and old LUCKY Vern Bauer walked off with first prize again, Bert Stoll received second and Ann Ritter received third. The Bunco club will have their Christmas grab bag and special holiday refreshments at their n6xt meeting at Lillian Zgorskis. The holiday season opened with the Bill Harners having a glug party. From what I understand this is a Swedish drink made from prunes, raisins, apricots, and plums cooked for days. It comes out pretty potent but the gang had a ball trying tHe stuff. That's all for this week but we know you will have lots of news for the next few weeks so jot the things of interest down and call us at 2101. Birthdays We have two birthdays this McHENRY STORES will be J Open Evenings Starting Mon., Dec. 16th POST 491 "Gifts To The Yanks". The American Legion auxiliary's calendar of events during the month of December spotlights the rehabilitation of disabled veterans throughout the nation, according to Mrs. Lauretta Homo, president of McHenry Unit No. 491. Although this is an urfceasing auxiliary activity during the year, the Christmas season brings an opportunity for special remembrance, riot only to the veteran himself, but to his family. The "Gifts to thd Yanks" project is made possible through the generous contributions of the 933, American" Legion auxiliary units in the State of Illinois. The McHenry unit 491 assisted this phase of the rehabilitation program with their generous contributions. There are eighteen Christmas gift shops sponsored by the American Legion auxiliary set up in various hospitals. The hospitalized veteran receiving $20 or less per month government compensation may select, without Cost to him, carefully chosen gifts for the members of. his family. Auxiliary nun jmw ON DISPLAY SS THEM WORK OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK EASY TERMS McHwy County Wet & Pomp Co. ' WJ3XS DRILLED OS DHTVE* Located i> Ik* VUbg* d McCntba Late Om bS* fnn Mdifniy on th» MECUDAI •ad Wondn Lake Road % 4 iJ t .. LASTING PLEASURE! FAMOUS NAME BRANDS SUCH AS G.E. & DORMEYER A Complete Selection NOW AT AITHOFF'S TOASTERS IRONS MIXERS WAFFLE IRONS FRY PANS COFFEE MAKERS Thrill the man who "does it himself" with gifts of our professional quality hand and power tools to make his work lots easier and lots more fun. TOOL CHESTS JIG SAW BAND SAW ROTARY TOOL ELECTRIC DRILL THE FINEST BRANDS -- SKILL - - PORTER CABLE BLACK & DECKER ALTHOFF'S HARDWARE 501 Main Street McHENRY PHONE 284 members wrap the gifts with gay holiday paper and ribbon and mail them to his family with his personally signal .Christmas card enclosed. There - is no organization identification on the package. The gifts are personal gifts frorft the veteran as far as the family is concerned. A group of members of the local1 unit will assist with this Christinas gift shop program at Downey hospital. Mrs. Ruth Mrachek is rehabilitation chairman of the unit. Junior Auxiliary The Junior auxiliary meeting was held at the Legion home on Nov. 23, president Elyse Falsetti, presiding. The girls decided the J would like to try entering the tray favor contest and perhapS win a trophy at the conference in Springfield next June. To do so we must make at, least 100 tray favors a month. We would greatly appreciate any help the senior members of the Junior auxiliary could gfve us \vith this project. Any girls willing to give the little ones a hand in trying to win this trophy, please, contact either Marie Diedrich,, 224-R, or •Ilaverne Gregory, 1422. How about it you older Juniors? Help us bring this honor to our unit. \A11 the Juniors are asked to save crossword puzzles and the answers for the veterans at Downey. These will be mounted on cardboard for easy handling by the vets. Dec. 21 the Juniors will hold their Christmas party. Those who were present at the last meeting drew names for their gifts. All those who were not there, please bring a gift of not more than 50c for a girl their own age. , After the |neeting Santa Claus tray favors were. made. Since they were not finished that day, the following girls met at the t MAKE YOUR 3 3- CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR'S EVE DINNER PARTY RESERVATIONS NOW - . '• AT THE TOWN CLUB 201 RIVERSIDE DRIVE PHONE McHENRY 12 No Finer Food or Drinks Served Anywhere REASONABLE PRICES OPEN EVERY EVENING EXCEPT TUESDAY THANK YOU -- THE TOWN CLUB home of Dorothy Weictimann the next Wednesday; Mary Pat Mrachek, Debra Kuhlman, Karen Nerstad, Barbara Seeber, and Jo Ann and Donna Weichmann. Will the girls who took their fly swatters home, please bring them to the December meeting. "The annual Christmas party for the Legion auxiliary will be held on Monday, Dec. 16 at 8 p.m. Pledse try to make this the biggest and the best one yet. Everyone is asked to bring a one dollar grab-bag gift A candy shower will be held for the boys at Downey. and a can of food for the Christmas baskets would be appreciated. A bowling party was held at Downey on Nov. 17 and the following members attended; Ruth and George Mrachek, Stan and Dorothy Diedrich, Delia and Nick Freund, Lauretta Homo, Lillian Jensen, Ed Reid, Skip Wirfs, Gladys Soucie, and Clair Seeber. Dec. 19 there will be a Christmas mm party held at Downey. Anyone who wishes to attend, please contact Ruth Mrachek. Join the McHenry State Bank Christmas Club. 29-tf KMNOOT to MiUIQIIS M YOUR SATURDAY CLEANING SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY Reg. $1.50 Value 2 Skirts or 2 Pair Pants 99 CASH & CARRY WATCH THE PLAINDEALER FOR THESE WEEKLY SPECIALS LOCAL CLEANERS 206 S. Green St. Pickup & Delivery PHONE 20 McHenry, HL Open Fri. Eve Til 9 P.M. X m si si s: s: si si si si < s: si Si s: si si s: si si s: si s si si si m si # s: s: s: si s: is isi s: i s: si :< :< \<M :< ;Si m J <£ :< is: si mm s; m s: si s; :s: si Si s: Si Si s: s: Si :si Si s: Si s: Si s: Si s: s: s: Si s: This handy list will help make it easier to select the right gift for those on your Christmas list. Just check the items you know will be most welcome. We'll be glad to show them to you, and you can look them over leisurely and picture how each product will delight a loved one on Christmas morning. - • In our store, you can enjoy your shopping. You can compare one item with another, you can ask questions and get the answers immediately, you can be sure of pleasant and efficient service. Shopping here is real fun because we have full stocks, and we never are too busy to help you. GIFTS FOR THE HOME Alarm Clock . Ba^y Bottle Warmers Bathroom Scales Clock Electric Heating Pad Flashlight Heating Lamp Hot Water Bottle Nursery Lamp Picnic Jug Sun Lamp Vacuum Bottle Vaporizer GIFTS FOR HIM Alarm Clock Ball Pen Billfold Camera Camera Outfit Clock Cigarettes Cigars Electric Razor First Aid Kit Flashbulbs Pipe Playing Cards Shaving Supplies Shampoo Shoe Polish Set Soaps Wrist Watch Travel Kits Toiletry Sets Tobacco Humidors Stationery Soaps Shaving Brush Razor Aerosol Lather Bomb After-Shave Lotion Shaving Kits Razor Set Sports Equipment Stationery GIFTS FOR HER Bathroom Scale Bath Salts and Oils Ball Pen Billfold Camera Candy Cigarettes Compact Cosmetics Dresser Sets Electric Razor Flashbulbs Flashlight Gift Wrapping Sets Greeting Cards Hairbrush Heating Pad Jewelry • Lighter Lipstick Manicure Set Perfumes Playing Cards Pen and Pencil Set Photographic Equipment Soap Stationery Stocking Stuffers Toiletry Set Wrist Watch Fountain Pen Hair Dressing Jewelry Sets Luggage GIFTS FOR YOUNGSTERS Baby Gift Set Ball Pen Bath Salts or Oils Billfold Bubble Bath .Came,ra Camera Outfit Candy Film Flashlight Hairbrush Key Holder Manicure Set Pen and Pencil Set Photographic Outfit Toys Wrist Watch DECORATIONS Artificial Snow Aerosol Bombs Candles Christmas Tiee Lights Christmas Tree Stands Christmas Wreathes and Mistletoe Door Ornaments Gift Wrapping Paper Gift Ties and Ribbons, Tape, and Seals Table Centerpieces Tinsei BOLGER'S SRi 103 S. Green St. PHONE 40 McHenry, Illinois M :* m >: m m m m & m m >: >: m m M *m >: 'M m-> >: >: m >: >: »: >: m >: m »: >: & £ »: »: »: »: & m >: m m >: »: >: & i>: >: .& >: m m