Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Dec 1957, p. 12

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Twrifi ' 'i~" '< Wll-ki •an ..' e] jk i Wonder Lake News Men's Bowling League George's Firemen won 1, Krueger's Oil won 2; Weisenberger 535. W. L. Oil won 2, Van's Wonder Lounge won 1 r» P. Marke 534, A. Nemsick 215-512. Mifl Inn won 2, Paul's Hardware won 1; S. Simon 557, B. Odeen 522, H. Hill 204-531, C. Kopp 225-576, H. Brady 572, P. Gergits 520. Silk's Sporting Goods won O. Lake Cleaners won 3, G. Stromberg 527, B. Schau 208-553, J. Gruel 525. Circle Inn won 2, jCristy & Stendebach won 1; B. Detwiler 202-229-600, R. Johnson 203-521, J. Cristy, Sr. 210-567, W. L. Builders won 2 • Lake View Ijin 'won 1; T. Willig 515, E. Johjgbn 542, R. Pipowski 545. ' 4-H Group Meets The 4-H Handy Helpers, whose leader is Mrs. C. L. Wright . of Wooded Shores, iiad their first meeting of the winter season last Sunday, arid " Will continue to meet once a month. The girls are "planning meals" for their cwking project, with emphasis on| "friest, poultry and fish." Thejf.! wil| continue with sewing proj&ts, " and some are learning handicraft. , News Briefs Mrs. Rosalind Ferris of Highland Shores is in St. Joseph's hospital in Elgin for treatment following surgery at the Memorial hospital for McHenry county. She will be in the Elgin hospital for several weeks, coming home on weekends only. Get well wishes and cards wjptjJd help the time pass more quick#, as Mrs .Ferris has spent eleven days in the Woodstock hospital already. Guests at the William T. Born home in Wooded Shores this past weekend were Mr. and Mrs. W. Jr. Born, Jr. of Tulsa, their daugh- / ter Mary from Madison, Wis. where she is in ^school at "the university, Miss Msjrgaret Born of Chicago, Keftneth Sherer and twins, Lynn "and Claudia of Wheaton, and Gene Blondeau of Tulsa. The W. T. Borns stayed on through the tyeek for an extended visit. Kirby Walker of White Oaks Bay is still in the Memorial hospital with several casts immobilizing the fractures he sustained in an auto accident on the Greenwood blacktop four weeks ago. The people of his subdivision think of him and wish him a speedy recovery. Everyone is welcome to the worship services to try and prepare himself for ;|Christ's coming at Christmas. The Brotherhood of the church Will meet Monday evening, Dec. 16. at 8. The evening's program will be the showing of two movies, "Promise of the Trees," and "Look to the Sea." All men are welcome to attend. The Christmas program of the Sunday school will be presented at Harrison school on Sunday evening Dec. 22, at 7:30. Everyone is welcome to this program that will be represented by every department in the Sunday school, ranging in age from three to fourteen years. Canasta Group Benefits Hospital The Wonder Center canasta group, which plays for the benefit of the Memorial hospital for McHenry county, met at the home of Mrs. Lenore Jaeschke Thursday, Dec. 5. The ladies who had high scores were the Mrs. Ann Weretka and Judy Rasmussen. The group donated $6 to the hospital building fund. Others present were the Mrs. June Kiddell, Marie Milbrandt, . Pat Gallas, Grace Markel and Neva Fuhrer. The next party will be at the home of Mrs. Rassmussen, Jan. 2. Nativity Evangelical Lutheran Church News Saturday, Dec. ,14, the Nativity junior choir will1 make its annual Christmas visit,to the nursing and old peoples homes in Woodstock. This year the choir will sing at the county home in Hartland, the Old Peoples Home on Route 47, and the Woodstock Residence. The choir will meet at the church at 1 p.m. In this season of Advent when we make ready for Christ's coming, we try t£. find the deeper spiritual values in Christmas as we see ourselves in relation to Jesus having to be horn to save us. The sermon topic for Sunday, Dec. 15, is "Holy Doubting." Christ The King Church News All the children of the parish are invited to the Christmas party at Mathews hall Sunday afternoon. Dec. 15 from 2 to 4 p.m. Christmas Carols, refreshments, and a visit from Santa promise a delightful afternoon of fun for all the family. Each child is asked to bring a Grab Bag gift worth fifty cents specifying whether its for a boy or girl. Mom and Dad are welcome to come and join the fun. The sound of Christmas carols welcomed members and their guests to the annual Christmas party for the Altar and Rosary sodality last Thursday evening at Mathews hall. A report from the president, Mrs. Andrew Nemsick on the past activities and a final report was read, followed by the regular business meeting. Mrs. Alice Condren was congratulated on her recent appointment to library and literary chairman of the Rockford Diocese. An ap-, preciation gift was presented to Mrs. Nemsick by Mrs. Thomas Thorne, vice-president, on behalf of the members of the sodality for the wonderful job and all the hard work of the past year. Following the business meet-1 ing, Father Vanderpool gave a report on the progress of the parish building program. He congratulated the outgoing officers and conducted the election of the new officers for the coming year. Mrs. Jack Rice, president; Mrs. Richard Pickrum, vice president, Mrs. John Gustek, secretary; and Mrs. Lloyd Gondeck, as new treasurer. All were elected by acclamation. Father Vanderpool congratulated the new officers and re-appointed Mrs. Dolores Wines as parish reporter. The meeting closed with Christmas carols sung by candle light, and New Construction or-,.,, RemodeHng Masonry and Frame Homes J. R. LEVESQUE & CO. General Contractors FRAME or BRICK HOMES McCULLOM I-AKB, TT.T. Phone McHenry 2171 Satisfaction Guaranteed CaU For Free Estimates FLOOR & WALL THE SPECIAL SALE PLASTIC WALL TILE Beautiful Colors 19* GENUINE CERAMIC Wall Tile 49* sq ft. sq. ft. ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM TILE hVic each 11c each RUBBER VINYL TILE 14c EACH TUB ENCLOSURE Reg- $1Q95 $79.95 • Fluorescent Lighted MEOpXB CABINETS Reg. $39:$5 • Reg. $59.95 $18.88 ea, $28.77 ea. BRING THIS AD FOR GIFT WITH ORDER OiO«*4f\ 219 So. Genesee St. TILE WAUKEGAN, ILL. Phone MAjestic 3-0855 a visit from St. Nick. A beautiful Christmas tree with homemade ornaments provided by the members was the center of the party; Mrs. Elaine Pipowski was awarded a prize for the most original ornament Christmas centerpieces made by Mrs. Lea Hartog decorated the tables, and an English wreath made by Mrs. Esther Leckband was hung from the ceiling completing the holiday decor. Punch, cake and coffee were served by Mrs. Allan Jacobsen, Mrs. Paul Marke, Mrs. M. Stromski, Mrs. Ray McMahon and Mrs. Ray Pipowski hostesses for the evening. Coming events: Each Tuesday night at Mathews hall, games night sponsored by the Holy Name society. 8j$.5 p.m. Alcoholics Annonymous meeting each Wednesday 8:30 p.m. at the church. \ THE McHENRY PLAINDEA1XR ' - " ---- • Wmi -rn- -i. Harrison Vs. Avon Harrison won both its games with Lake Villa's Avon school, played at the Grayslake high school gym, Dec. 4. 35 to 13 was the score of the varsity game. The first team is composed of George Erber, Waynne Konecny, Richard Mann| Howard Dolce, Doug Marion, Doug Sellek, Bob Hager, Donald Burns. George Sorenson, and Terry Haak. The junior string includes Bob Dickman, Fred Sorenson, Billy Hansen, Stan Wenck, Steve Harris, Fred Kusch, Bobby Nielson, Herb Baerwaldt, and Tom Etheridge. The next game in the Lake League conference will be a home game, with the Channel Lake school at Antioch traveling to Harrison, Jan. 10. Monday Night Ladies League Lake Cleaners are still in the lead with 31% games won, Violas are second with 25 wor», Fredricksen's won 24, and Cardinal and Handy Pantry are tied for fourth with 21 won and 21 lost. Gutzman's won 16, Reuters won 15 and Mayers won 14, lost 28. Christmas Post Office Regulations Effective December 13 through 23 there will be changes in the window hours at the Wonder Lake post office. The money order window will be open continuously from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Stamps and packages window hours will be 7:30 a.m. until 7 p.m. Sunday^ Dec. 15 and Sunday, Dec. 22, the stamps and packages window will be open 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. aoirt liave to SCRATCH for it when •uouuse VtftNTADS Scouts will have .a round table Thursday, Dec. 12, at 8 p.m. "at the Hebron high school. The theme for January, which is "movie makers," will be taken up at this district meeting. There will be a Christmas party for Cub" Pack 358 Tuesday, Dec. 17, at Harrison school at ^8 p.m. Awards will be presented at this meeting, too. Parents are urged to be present, as cubbing is ff family affair. There has been an increase in adult participation, according to Wilbur Haak, who leads the Cubs, and he finds this very gratifying. The Cubs have been making decorations with which to trim a Christmas tree to be erected ,in the triangle for the holiday season. Home Bureau Has % Christmas Party The Ringwood Unit of Home Bureau met Tuesday, Dec. 3, at the home of Mrs. Charles Kopp in Wonder Center. After the regular meeting the ladies had their Christmas party, including a gift exchange, and singing carols. The house was decorated in keeping with the season, the mantle being adorned v/ith evergreen boughs with twinkle lights throughout, and the creche ajs the" focal point of the arrangement. (Stockings hung already, too)". The table was decorated with a red cloth with-a metallic silver cloth runner and a centerpiece made up of silver sleigh containing Santa, drawn by red plush reindeer. Refreshments were cake, date-nut bread, assorted Christmas cookies, coffee and tea. The door was handsomely decorated with a cascade of sixteen copper-toned bells ranging in size, set against 3 front of evergreen, and tied with a large ribbon bow. These bells were made of tin-foil plates, sprayed with copper paint. The next meeting will be Jan. 7; 1958 at the home of .Mrs. A. Weretka who will give the lesson on the efficient use of the sewing machine. Garden Club Christmas Party The Wonder Lake Garden club meets Dec. 12 at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Anne Nagel of Look Birthday Celebration Billy Wines had his belated seventh birthday party last Saturday from 2 to 4. The guests were Billy O'Brien, Tommy McMillan, Toby Zandier, John Kennedy, Chuckie Mansfield, Robin Ruzicka and sisters, Lynn and Mary. The children played games and enjoyed refreshments of punch, cake, ice cream, candy, peanuts, and pop corn. Billy's grandparents arrived unexpectedly to crown the day's celebration. Cub Scout News The Kishwaukee district of Ctfb WE'RE OPEN at the RT. 14 and , HARVARD SOUTH of CITY LIMITS 16 AUTOMATIC LANES Visit our Modern Cocktail Lounge HOURS -- 1 P.M. - 1 A.M. V.-i PHONE HARVAHD 1528 OPEN BOWLltfG 7r*r? W 0 1 M DRUG STORE m A visit to our new exclusive Norcross card department will solve all your card problems. hristmas cheer is in the cards for every name on your list, thanks to our big selection of the nicest cards anywherel We have cards that are humorous, sophisticated .. . spiritual, sentimental . . . even cards to delight the kidsl All at modest prices, tool BUY THEM TODAY AT BOLGER'S Out Point for: a Christmas party f circle of ^Indiana, Kentucky and and gift exchange. The ladies {Tennessee, where she had Thankswill bring gifts to be7 taken to giving diniier with the G. the county home at Hartland, Vaughns of Bollivar, and enjoyed such as home made jellies, cig- [a visit with her sister, Mrs. Eloise arettes, cigars and tobacco. Mrs. 'Hargis in Clarksville. On the Arthui*. Hoppe and Mrs. Forbes Kohler will demonstration of Christmas decorations* for door, mantle, etc. Get-Together In Wooded Shores' Mrs. Robert Bh-d of Wooded Shores was the hostess at a preholiday party for some ladies in the subdivision Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 4. • After a lunch of ravioli and salad,. home-made pie and coffee the guests played cards. Present were Mrs. Harold Young, Mrs. Clemence Grabovy, Mrs. Ray Hansen,. Mrs. Daniel Dolce, Mrs. William Born, Mrs. Walt Petersen, Mrs. Kiehard Ruzicka, and Mrs. Kirk McComb. News Briefs We are sorry to learn Mrs. Henrietta Schau of Indian Ridge will be confined to the Memorial hospital for McHenry county for about a week, following surgery performed Tuesday. • Some getwell quick wishes would speed her recovery. Heard fropt George Dickman (who is really taking life easy) in Phoenix, that the sun has shone all through the past month. He misses Wonder Lake but is enjoying his extended vacation. Mrs. B. R.- Redman returned last Thursday from a two week' Business & Service Directory of Wonder Lake CRISTY and STENDEBACH General Contractor* NEW HOMES n Phonn Wonder Lake 5432 return trip she and Bert visited, the Harold- Redmans in Centralia. Mr. B. ^. Redman attended the biennirial,, meeting of the Illinois Bookmen'? Club and the State department of Education' in Springfiei^. last Tuesday 'and Wednesday: culminating with a banquet Wednesday night •-The William Haerles were proud to receive a personal letter from... Goy,.:; Stratton congratulating th'ern on their golden wedding anriiversfuy. Wonder Lake JBiMe Church News The pioneer girl's club is being formed and any girl interested in joining is asked to call Miss Ruth Osterlund at W.L. 6731. Also, any boys who are interested in joining a good group are asked to call Dan Tomano at W.L. 6393 for membership in the pal's club. ° Both the day and evening groups Of the Missionary Guild will meet Thursday, Dec.. 12, a.t 7:30 p.m. at the parsonage, for the annual Christmas party. ThiS; event promises to be fun for all, for it is at this party that the secret pals „ of last year wilf reveal themselves, rind also new secret pals for the coming year RUPTURE -EASER lakes Life Worth living FOR MEH, WOMEN, CHILDREN UU tuna •MM O INnOt -MFITitToIiNl Go,r bmaetrheelyr biudxjubst •bnaackp Ilna elmaio t!a ndG lr*la gm e(turuapr**-, dmoemate na. roaitmatdo to(1wx1e*a t apra rkt f«tf aaidb*at double. Onr ljOOOjOPOCi utofafQb--I BOLGER'S PHONE 40 will be chosen. Each lady asked to bring a $1.00 grab gift, and also a gift foi* her pal if $he chooses. The will spend the time packing Christmas candy boxes for Sunday school program. Mrs. Lilly Cartan and Mrs. Westwood will furnish refreshments an<|f plan a few games fcr all to enjoy. Saturday, Dec. 14, at 7 p.m., the young people are invited to (Continued on page 15) -i ----_ One of the Few Home Owners Who Don't Need a PACKAGE POLICY! * MOST PEOPLE DO! .Vandalism Insurance is one of the many sources of loss covered by our PACKAGE POLICY for home owners. This convenient package also cpvers fire, theft, personal liability ... in fact, nearly all of the major hazards threatening the financial security Of your home. Call us today fot Complete information. , ^ Stoff el & ReOiansperger Insurance since 1888 507 Main St., McHMry PHONE McHENRY S00 ClMCIOALTTMiflKTTI srtwua me nBHUNcfc csanun UlTniD, CMEC11CBT ; i <5 for that WARM WELCOME HOLIDAY LOOK Guaranteed by ~ Housekeeping •vf? «Dvnmsto SWm Ooot FEATURES Built-in w«ath«r stripping gives greater Insulation' 9 . Two mullion and heavy comer braces giv* greater strength- ^ Three section door |amb gives a better Hf Many styles of grill work to fit the style of your home ALEXANDER LUMBER CO Highway 31 -- 2 Blocks South of Main St. PHONE McHENRY 1424 WISCO ALUMINUM CORPORATION BUILT TO LAST A LIFETIME Wisco All Aluminum Storm Doors and Screens add that extra beauty and dignity to your home that is so important to gracious living ... truly a door that is a genuine satisfaction to own ... but that's not all . . . Wisco <Storm Doors are built to last a lifetime from extruded aluminum . . . two mullion and double corner braces give added strength ... a three section door jamb assures a better fit . . . see > this outstanding yalue before you buy* / v

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