Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Dec 1957, p. 18

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mm* rV; §f®lfftlf i&Mte wmm M1fTa H W*!"- by DoAthy Uttich After the BaU If there is one thing for which Lakeland Park may go down in history it will be its dances. If the orchestra had not tired, if the Bartender had not closed the bar, if the lights had not been turned out, the dance might have gone on till daylight. Indeed, some of those in attendance, we hear, having been evicted from the club- . house, carried on elsewhere until just before dawn. The occasion, of course, was the Women's Glub's second annual Snow Ball at the McHenry American Legion last Saturday. Most of those preset seemed intent on wasting not a* moment of the music and the floor was just as jammed at 1:30. 6,m. as it was at 10 p.m. when all were still fresh. The holiday atmosphere was 'Supplied by a huge imitation fireplace at the far end of the hall Which was occupied by the orches- , tra. The radiations from this fireplace seemed to have the magic power to keep feet moving in rhythm. • There were about two hundred people who turned out for this dence and Alice Quaiver, Women's club president, pointed put that the success of the dance was due in large part to the preparations' of the dance co-chairmen, Dorothy Meineke and Elmira Kujak and, of course, to all who worked on the committee. lifelong gift for every member of your family and besides get at least a 10 to 1 return on your investment? (This figure was concocted by your writer, Joan Krater, and I feel it to be an exceptionally conservative one). The greatest gift we can give our children is a secure home. Inasmuch as home is not limited to a single structure but extends to those surrounding factors which either increase or decrease the value of your property, both financially and morally, we can only give our children a secure place in which to live, work and piay. This might seem the wrong time of the year to again appeal to those who have not as yet paid their community house assessment; however, I feel that now, with the spirit of giving with us all, we can show our deep love and concern for our families this year by shaving a small amount off of each gift and putting this amount in the community house building fund.,/The small amount taken from each gift will not be greatly missed and the returns will be tremendous. SHOW YOU CARE -- GIVE NOW! Board Meeting The regular semi-monthly meeting of the LPPOA board of directors was . held on Tuesday, Dec. 3. Many items of business to be handled in the new year were discussed. Present day business included an appropriation for holiday decorations at the enr trances. Ed Glorch has kindly consented to undertake this project. Also, for the second year, the LPPOA is encouraging its members to use ..their artistic ability and ingenuity, around their own individual Homes. Details are now in the process of being worked out; however awards will be made to those members having the best outdoor decorations. The aim of the LPPOA is to make this yuletide one of the brightest yet. The outlook for 1958 is a bright one with the community house project fast approaching a reality. Scale Model We hope none of you missed the beautiful scale-model park and community house in the lobby of the Legion clubhouse during the Snow Ball. Steve Kotryck, chairman of the park committee, and chief engineer of the model planning was helped by other park committee members, Bernice Laurence and Floyd Leigh and by volunteer Wally Laurence. The boys worked late many nights last week to finish in time for the dance. Pictures were taken of the model layout and will be shown as soon as possible. The model itself will be displayed in public and information will be published as to where it can be seen. Woodstock -and the, guns will be confiscated. ° These strong measures have been found hi?cessary because some of the residents have had windows broken. Also the pump house windows were broken and this damage resulted in malfunctioning of the entire community water system. This vandalism is costly and must be stopped. The deputies also warn that they are going to start picking up dogs that are running loose. They will be taken to the veterinarians. Pickup costs and veterinarians' costs will have to be paid before dogs will be returned. Every week the deputies and your reporter get a number of calls asking that something be done about the dog problems so won't you dog owners please see to it that these dogs are kept home. ; _ • • Woman's Club Meeting On Thursday, Dec. 5 thirtythree members attended the Lakeland Park Woman's club meeting. The meeting was opened by Alice Quaiver, and ivy Lezak read the pause for reflection. Some discussion was held on the revised bylaws, but the passing of them was postponed until after the first of the year. If you have any suggestions, additions, etc., to offer please bring th^m to the January meeting. Speaking of Christmas, what do you have planned for your family this year? We all wish the sky tould be* the limit where our loved ones are concerned, but even though ,this is impossible, we all nevertheless do stretch the budget to the limit, and perhaps even a bit beyond to make Christmas a time of good will and happy memories. There isn't much anyone of us wouldn't do for our families to provide a good life and secure future. We Lakeland Parkers are' now undertaking what will probably be the greatest project in the history of our community. For a mere $10 we are buying financial security for the future for ourselves, as well as emotional, educational and recreational security for the youth of our community. Where, for $10 can you buy a From the Deputy Sheriffs In order to prevent any further accidental damage or deliberate vandalism due to BB and other guns Lakeland Park's deputy sheriffs are announcing a "get tough" policy. They wish to warn one and all that they are not waitingfor-proof^jfvandalism: Anyone seen with such guns on the streets or vacant property will be assumed to be doing wrong. Offenders and their parents will be taken to the sheriff's office in Social Night If you're looking for a way to relax and forget about the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping, etc., we have a solution. Come to the LPPOA social night which will be held on Friday, Dec. 13 at 515 Shore Drive. The attendance has been picking up right along and everyone who comes seems to have a very good time. Let's see more new faces out- tomorrow night at 8:30 p.m. to present at the Snow Ball dance. The club president, ViriceCina presented Frank Parisi with a check for twenty?five dollars to be ptit in the community housje fund. How's that for cooperation! from our 'teen-agers? Certainty if these 'teenagers can work hard to collect that much among themselves, some of the adults who have been lax about their donations ought to be inspired to dig deep and give. the LPPOA and all its members send a big THANKS to -all, you *teen club members. Deepest Sympathy To Ruth Hauptmann who was called to Georgia last week when her sister, Mrs. Alice Jordan, was killed in an accident. We were all very Sorry, Ruth, to hear this tragic news. Our sympathy and prayers go out to you and your family. So Sorry to Hear That Mrs. Frances Anderson of Shore Drive has been confined to McHenry hospital for the past week. I'm • sure Mrs. Anderson would enjoy receiving cards or cheery messages from 'her neighbors. twice Told Tales FOBT1T YEARS AGO; From Issue of Dec. li, 1917 Miss Florence Granger was united in marriage to Harry Alexander, of Hebron at her home on Main street at noon Saturday, Rev. John Ratciiff officiating. "Attendants were Miss Maude Granger, sister of the bride, and Granger Smith, a cbusin. Mrs. E. Germer, mother of Mrs. N. H. Petfesch of this city, passed away at her home in Chicago Dec. 12. The young folks have been enjoying skating on the pond the past few days and frosBnr-water pipes are a comfhon thing around the city. Damage is estimated at $80,000 Bridge Club Bernice Boyce was hostess for the bridge club on Tuesday evening, Dec. 4. Her home looked gaily festive .with a hint of Christmas here and there. The cards were oh so good, that yours truly eked out first prize from Alice Quaiver. Ann Herzog took home "that other" prize. The others who enjoyed the bridjge game and .the tasty refreshments were Marge Dent, Ivy Lezak, Ann Leigh, Pearl Reinhardt, Louise McEnery and Jean Meyer. Holiday Party The holiday party season is underway and the Lakeland Park Woman's club is having its Christmas party on Tuesday, Dec. 17 at the American Legion at 8:30 p.m. (Last week I said 8 p.m., but that was wrong). Have you called to say you'll be there? The committee would like to know how many are planning to attend so do R.S.V.P. Don't eat too much dinner that night because a scrumptious menu is planned and you won't want to pass up any of the tasty tid-bits. Music, games and party shananigans that are being cooked up Happy Birthday Lee Glorch is so much fun and so well liked that she was honored at two birthday luncheons to celebrate her birthday which was on Dec. 6. On Tuesday the fourth Lee was by Bernice Boyce and her committee are bound to provide a merry and delightful evening. Teen Club Donation The 'Teen club had a surprise "The Worst Sorrows In Life Are Its Fears" •(Author^ Name Below > It is surprising that there are still people who fear to go to their Dentist regularly. They are afraid that he may ; possibly discover a new cavity that needs filing. They forget that neglecting to take care of one early, always results in considerable pain later. Your Dentist can prescribe the proper vitamins or anti-biotics that will help you to keep your teeth longer. Should he suggest any particular dental-aid, we will be glad to follow his instructions exactly. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McHenry 26 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE Pick up your prescriptior if shopping near us, or let us deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we com pound yours? 1 NYE DRUGS PHONE 26 129 N. Riverside Di. McHenry, 11L PRESCRIPTION CHBIIISTS WEDELIVER Quotation by A. C. -Benson (1862-1,925) «• fhrrtlM vm that actually ABfli LUSTER TO YOU! HAS < " '* includes shampoo, shaping, and mi Make your appointment soon/ Jen's Beauty Shop 1 Block East of Old Bridge PHONE 322 McHENRX Insurance of Savings Accounts . - • i . Each account is insured up to $10,000.00 by the Federal Savings and Loan Corporation of Washington, D. C., an instrumentality of the United States Government. This insurance applies automatically to all types of savings accounts held in this association by individuals, trustees, partnerships, associations, organizations, and corporations. Na Federal Association insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Corporation has ever had to invoke deferment of payment of sayings withdrawals. Save at Maiengo Federal Current Dividend Rate 31% PROFEJJIOnflL DIRECTORS' DR. JOHN C. GOETS0BEL Chiropractic Physlclait Naprapathlc Manipulation Steam Baths and Massage taken out to lunch by the birthday club. Joining her for lunch were Joan Krater, Ann Borovec, Helen Strandquist, and Dorothy Uttich. On Thursday of the same week the Wednesday girls gathered at Lee's home for a chop suey luncheon. Marge Franklin, Dorothy Humphrey, , Jean Parisi, Fran Cina, Vicki .feottari, Edith Lavin, and Elaine. Jett presented Lee with a. .gpqjcHooking shower curtain set, a fancy sectioned candy dish, and ar- lovely heart shaped necklace tiiat, is to be a remembrance of the:^jgirls. P.S.--Whoever left the pair of fur lined gloves at the dance can call your reporter and have them returned. sin a fire at Fox Lake Supday w^ich destroyed six. buildings ahd left five ftumliea homeless/ Jaines Boyle, who lias been employed in the Oliver factory In Wbodstock, enlisted in the quartermaster's corps and expects to be called to the colors in- a few days. Those on the high school honor roll for November are seniors; Margaret Miller and Mary Harrison; juniors, Thomas Frisby and Sue Harrison; sophomores, Mary Smith; freshmen, Adeila Heimer, Rosina Freiind and Mabel Krumpen. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From Issue of Dec. 18, 1982 Mrs.' Samantha Button celebrated her. one hundred and first birthday at the home of Mrs. Theresa Culver Dec. 12. In spite of her advanced years she is still able to get around the house and reads without" glasses. Miss Zura Whiting won second place in a field of eleven contestants at tne third, annual beauty contest sponsored by the Farm Bureau at Harvard Saturday evening. Ardelle Voeltz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred ty. Voeltz, died at her home Dec. 12, at the age of 12 years after an illness of influenza and croup. Lowell Nye, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nye took the leading part in the all-college play "The Donavin Affair," in the Egyptian theatre at DeKalb Thursday evening. Joseph Fitzsimmons, a former .McHenry store keeper, died in Chicago Tuesday at the age of 84 years. Approximately 300 people were in the JlfiES iSlnner sponsored by the Christian Mothers of St.vMa*yfs ^church Sunday. Mrs. Joltfi StllJlijjf ^entertained the members of her bridge club at a baby doll party Thursday kfternooo> TEN YEARS AGO From Issue of Dec. 11, 1947 Mrs; Ruth Cowan of Harvard, a former McHenry resident, died at 'the Harvard hospital Dec. 9, after a lingering illness, at the age of 67 years. Mrs. Joseph Smith, 66, was found dead in bed at her honie in Johnsburg Tuesday morning. Patrick, Cleary, an old time McHenry ,. resident observed his ninety-fourth birthday Dec. 3. Mrs. Louella Sompel of Spring Grove became the bride of Russell Arp of Richmond at a service read by Rev. Fr. Dalejdan in the rectory of St. Peter's church, Spring Grove, on Dec. 6. Fred Svoboda, Jr., has returned home from Pusan, Korea, where he had spent the past' eleven months with the armed forces radio service broadcasting sta>r .. tion, where he served as station* msnager and prosram doctor. Motorists are driving safer thiai -- year than last, the National Safety Council says. In 1956, 40,000 persons died in auto accidents. Ifcis year, the toll may drop ^ 39,000. \ "W Join the McHenry State Bank Christmas Club. 29-tf 'Tor Shoes Thai Please See Peter Gies" . • • • Baby Shoes • Boys' & Girls' Shoes • Ladies' Shoes ' • Men's Shoes • Work Shoes • Rubber Footwear Peter Gies Shoes & Shoe Repairs Phone 441-M 107 N. Riverside Dt. McHenry, I1L SAflTT SAVINGS Marengo, Federal Savings AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 102 North State St. Phone JOrdan 8-7258 MARENGO, ILLINOIS TOTAL ASSETS OVER $7,500,00040 804 Bast Elm Street McHenry, 111. Honrs: Mon., Tnes., Wed. & Frl. .<< 10 ajn. to IS p.uitP:" 1:80 p.m. to 8:80 pjv. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. - • Sat. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., . Phone McHenry 748 / ' - DR. O. R. SWANSON Dentist Office Hoars* Daily Except Thursday B to 12 -- 1:80 to IH$0 •(on., Wed. and Frl. Evenings By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 160 . ROBERT A. CAMERON Complete Insurance Service Since 1923 RJ'.D. 8 -- Box 12 McHenry, I1L Phone 1872-R EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Anto, Farm & Life Insurance Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When Ton Need Insurance of Any Kind PHONE 48 or 988 Green & Elm McHenry, OL TOPICS McHENRY Glenn Paulsen Allan McKlm ANTENNAS We were called out on an antenna job "the other day and what I experienced might help anyone who is contemplating erecting their own antenna system, This fellow put his antenna high up On a barn roof top some two hundred feet from his home. His reasoning was that it was higher and therefore it would get him a better picture. • First of all, the longer the lead^in, the weaker the signal becomes. And second, height is not always the answer for the best antenna; other considerations coming before it. In this case, the right type of antenna directly over his roof was the answer to receiving the best signal. Phone 2233 and let the McHENRY TV service your anten^ na problem. We have had numerous experiences in this area and will guarantee you results. It will cost less in the long run. vout, -fatuity St* McHENRY TV 822 W. Main St. Phone 22S3 What could be" more exciting than a gift that meant years of wonderful fun for all the family? Now, with eleven brilliant new Evinrudes to choose from--it's easier than ever to fit boating to your budget. Bring the family. Choose the outfit that's right for you. Low monthly payments or lay-away plan. th» n»w Evlmrutfet.. Boats# Motors, Water Skiis, Radio's, , and many other gifts. North Bridge Marine (on Fox River at Old Bridge) McHENRY PHONE 7 SALES « f SERVICE EVINRUDE t SGHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental £ Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms 8 Miles South on Rt. 81 PHONE 980 H. F. HARRISON CO. Realtors Insurance - Real Estate Appraisals Phone 1910 405 W. Elm Street ' FOR PROFESSIONAL attention to your LIFE INSURANCE needs call on UrQf Booster -- Virgil Pollock The New England Mutual Life Insurance Company *04 E. Elm St. Phone £500 Expert PIANO TUNING and Repairing A. O. SKALA o/o Steffan's Jewelry Store 514 W. Main Street PHONE 123-J DR. M. D. SAVAGE Veterinarian Richmond, 111. Dally Hours: 1 to 2 pjn. except Thursday. Evenings: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 7 to 8 p.m. Phone Richmond 3221 Other hours by appointment. BING SAYS: 1--illlliillg GIVE HER AN AUTOMATIC GAS CLOTHES DRYER I" SHE'LL LOVE YOU ALL THE MORE for this extra-special gift--the handy, handsomfe GAS Clothes Dryer that brings her joy throughout the year. With thtt<modern, automatic GAS Dryer, she'll whisk through the laundry in a jiffy--do in minutes what formerly took hours. Think how pleased she'll bel Thts helpful worksaver damp dries clothes wrihkte-free, ready for ironing--fluff dries them so fmodthly many items can just be folded and laid .away. And GAS dries clothes for little more than 11 per load. Actually saves 80% of the cost compared with other types of drying. You'll make this her nicest Christmas of all--with the gift that's such a blessing to use and own. PHONE McHENRY 2081 12" Sing Crosby Record with any GAS Clothes Dryer delivered before Christmas. $3.9« value. Bing sings his famous "Merry Christinas" medley. Dacca 3314 rpm. NORTHERN I L L I N O I S C O M P A N Y

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