Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Dec 1957, p. 15

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c' . »*, •"..u***** .. p*\ ssiafis#. Thursday. December 19, 1957 -'..a -w u v,' * t '. ,'*•' •• " • "i „• , -,. -- ',, \ s ;:I *iy "'pi; < '•' ^ " ' THE McH^Y MJUNDEALER News by lane Dueey (Continued from page li) Lorraine Stahl, Marion Cannon, and hostess Laoda Freund. Following the meeting, cake and coftee were served. Itesaning Petition Granted The McHenry county board of supervisors in their Dec. 10 sessign granted the request to rez< tfie 182 acres from farming to residential, made by • Gerson Widoff and p. R. Joslyn. Mr. Widoff, who presently owns 70 acres of the tract which are east of Wonderview and between that subdivision and the Wonder Lake blacktop, proposps to dievelop the tract. Itflr. Jjslyn has stated that he docs nfit himself intend to develop a subdivision at this time. acres of the tract owned by Joslyn Which front on Wonder Lake were given Lake privileges by the syndicate in the original transaction. Christmas Party The Wonder Woofis Women's association had a most enjoyable Christmas meeting in the recreation room of the Sandgren home Monday, Dec. 16. A large group ttsfhed out to play games and spend a social evening. The room was beautifully decorated ^ fpr Christmas with a large tree dccupying one corner. Catching the eye on the refreshment table was a bowl of red punch with a frozen green star floating in the center. Refreshments consisted of Christmas hors d'oeuvres, cake, cookies and coffee, with carols for background n£«ic. It was announced that the Wonder Woods association will give a prize for the best decorated house in the subdivision. It was decided that Santa would make his rounds Sunday afternoon, Dec. 22, for all the children in the subdivision. It was also announced that there will be a Polio card pafcty benefit at -Millies Pizza Jan. 20. . Sheriffs Committee Meets At ..the meeting of the sheriff's cotamittee at 16 a.m. Friday, Dec. 20,, the question of Wonder Lake residents operating a squad car in the area under the sheriff's jurisdiction, including insurance, Will lie considered. ~Thfi committee will- make its recommendation to the McHenry ociunty board «of supervisors at tw next meeting in January. Eastern Star Installation Five Wonder Lake ladies were installed as officers of the McHenry chapter of the Order of Eastern Star in ceremonies conducted Saturday night, Dec. 7, at Acacia hall in McHenry. They were Anita Hansen, associate conductress; Gertrude Silva, chaplain; Rose Murphy, marshall; Conswtnee Ayers, Adah, and Marion Cannon, mistress of ceremonies. •-. /? 4 ."h? i **C\ ' * 3 Legion home in McHenry Dec. 11. "Hie Wonder Lake contingent brought beautifully decorated cakes as their contribution to the pot luck luncheon. The j*Qstess committee was composed !'iW dies frond McHenry. Scouta.jattending from the lake ytere the Mrs. ttussell Spuehr, George Rink, Carl, Walker, and Wallace '.Sinclair. s Mrs. George Weisenberger and Mys. Wallace Sinclair will serve on the day camp committee for Valley View neighborhood. Mrs. Nick Tabor of McCullom Lake Is chairman of the committee and Mrs. Morris Granger of McHenry has been appointed camp director for the coming year. Girl Scout Investiture A Christmas party for the Girl Scouts in fourth, fifth and sixth grade troops, and investiture ceremonies for the fourth and fifth grade troop took place at Harrison school Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 18. The girls put ^on skits, had' a gift exchange, and were served refreshments of dip cakes dnd hot chocolate. The^girls invested were Sharon \^®ro\vne, Roberta feurns, Pamela feeybner. Judy Jurgensohn, Kathy. lti^ecriy, Jeanette McCall, Kaihy P^d^rsen, Louise Ruggero, Julie Thdmpson, Peggy Coss, Lois Rice and Susan Walker. Hostesses were leaders Mrs. Gail Wrede, Mrs. Gordon Pedersen and Mrs. Andy iCnackstedt. Brownie Christmas Party A Christmas party f&egjjtil the Brownie troops at the Elk£ was held at Harrison 8cho<ft»:,fr<>Bi 3 to 4:30 Wednesday ^f^Moon, Dec. 18. The girls had ft: ^ift -exchange and refreshmeig^jf ice cream and cookies. - Girl Scout News. There was a Christmas party for adult scouts at the American Job's Daughter Installation Joan Hansen of Wpoded iShores was crowned queen' of J^ttyel 98 in installation ceremonfi^'held at Acacia Hall in McJJenryY^at'urday n i g h t , D e c . 1 4 . D o r o t h y w a s installed as junior princess./'and Susan Watkins at third ^ inessenger. Bebe Liedtke was fhe ^^gknist and Darlene Sqrensen* ssijlg in the choir. Mrs. Harriet Dc£la of Riiigwood was Joan's gtiest of honor, and brother William Hansen gave the ode to the flag. News Briefs The way weheard it, parlene Murdock, daughter of Mi;., and 'Mrs. Paul Murdock, afeked Daddy for money for Christmas. Father jokingly told her to go Qjut ahd shine shoes ahd earn some.1' A short while later t)arlene and friend Janice . Jurgensohn • turner* up with 50c a piece. . Whfre did they get the money? Whefre else? They had gone door , to cteesMown Lake Shore Drive.- - The nicest "home for Christmas" we know is that of George Unwin, who has been discharged from the Lake county Sanatorium for KEEPS. Tiria Topp celebrated her birthday Monday, Dec. 16, with a party at school for h^r friends. Miss Brickley's first aHdiecond grade enjoyed cookies and ice cream in honor of TiraV aeyenth year. The fire department t lowered a furnace fire call at tHp"home of Mrs. Mildred Yager iri Indian Ridge, at 3 p<m. Wednesday. Although tjie floor furnace had been cleaned, it seemed badly carboned up -and much smoke damage wajs done to the interior of the house. We extend best washes to Flo Dean who has been in beef for the past two weeks. She will go into the hospital after the holidays for surgery. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. David Swanson of Wonder Center is confined to her bed. We wish her a speedy recovery for the holidays. Mrs. Antoinette Gignac of Highland Shores, who underwent surgery at the McHenry hospital the past week is now recuperating at the home of Mrs. Leon Buss. H»e Bud Elbersen family has left the lake for Florida to spend the holiday season. Happy birthday to Carol Sandgren who was 11 years old Dec. 11, and to Carl Moraw, Jr., who will be 16 Dec. 20. Twenty-eight members of the family will gather at the Kenneth Grothmann home in Wonder Woods for Christmas dinner, coming from Chicago, Rockford, Itaska and Michigan. ' . Garden Club The Wonder "Lake Garden club met Dec. 12 at the home of Mrs. Anne Nagel of Lookout Point for their annual Christmas party and gift exchange. Members, in addition to the grab bag gifts, brought gayly wrapped gifts for the Hartiand home such as tobacco, cigarettes, cigars, candy, jellies and jams and other gifts, all to be delivered before the Christmas holiday. Members also displayed table decorations, wreathes and kissing balls, all very cleverly made. Mrs. Arthur Hoppe and Mrs. Forbes Kohler led the group, in playing parlor games and singing Christmas carols, after which a delicious lunch of fruit cake, Christmas cookies, candies, and ice cream Cnristmas trees, coffee and tea was served. A new member, Mrs. Kinley' Engvalsen, was welcomed to the group. Luther League The Luther League will have a holiday party at Harrison school Saturday, Dec. 28, to which all JPage fifteen young people of the community are invited. - The cost of admission to the "Holiday Hop" is one Christmas tree ornament. The church extends its thanks to everyone who contributed clothing to ithe Lutheran World Relief Thanksgiving Clothing Appeal. Many clothes were received that are sure to ke^p jour European brethern warm . during the cold months of winter 'ahead. Buy Safe TSf|>| This Christmas In cn interview good old St. Nicholas, O. L. Hogsett, extension safety specialist at the University bf Illinois, found the genial gentleman perfectly willing to cooperate in providing safe toys for children at Christmas time. But Santa insisted that he needs parents' help too. "Certainly I think children should have safe toys," Santa "But many times parents order things that turn out "to be dangerous. I just fill their orders and deliver the goods. Speak to the parents about it." Play is a child's world and entertainment. But it also stimulates growth of his physical, mental and social abilities. So select playthings that are appropriate to the age, interest and mental and physical abilities of your child. Also see that playthings are sturdy and well made. Avoid cheaply constructed or breakable toys that will come apart or be. broken under strenuous child play leaving jagged edges that may cause cuts and infection. Santa also had a word of advice for those who plan to drive during the holidays. "Take it easy and drive carefully," he said. CONTINUE HEARING Kenneth Meyers of McCullom Lake was blamed for an accident in which the car he was driving collided with . another auto operated by Robert Wissell on Rt. 31, south of McHenry. Hearing on the case was continued. Buy OB. Savptjc^'Band* CARE Launches Food Crusade With the help of the American people, CARE will feed over 11 million people a day for the next twelve months, it was announced by the overseas relief agency's midwest director, Miss Martha L. David. Publicly launching CARE'S 1957- 58 Food Crusade, Miss David stated that this year's $1 CARE package will average 22 pounds of surplus food. A' typical package will contain 5 lbs. milk powder (enough to make 20 quarts), 7 lbs. cheese, 5 lbs. cormeal and 5 lbs. flour. • CARE plans to distribute 3,000,000 Food Crusade packages abroad, each bearing the nanje arid address of an American sender, between now and spring, Miss David said. Each 22-pound package will feed' a family of about fiye for one month. "Since it only costs $1 to send one package, $100 will send a ton of packages, enough to feed about 600 people," Miss David pointed out. In order to pay the packing, shipping and distribution costs, CARE is appealing to 'the American people for contributions of $1 per package. Food Crusade packages will go to Ceylon. Columbia, West Germany and Berlin, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Italy, Korea, Pakistan, Peru and Yugoslavia. Contributions of $1 or more are needed and should be sent to FOOD CRUSADE, CARE, CHICAGO. The surplus food made available to CARE from U. S. government supplies for the 1957-58 Food Crusade will total 54,949,784 lbs. worth $7,-588,075. In addition to Food Crusade packages, CARE will distribute, through its "Country Feeding Programs," 299,346,340 pounds of surplus food valued at $42,000,000 in 15 countries whose governments pay the shipping and distribution costs. The combination of Food Crusade and Country Feeding programs totals a distribution of 354,296.124 pounds of surplus food worth $49,588,075 to needy people abroad as a gift from the American people through CARE. M COSMETIC SETS PERFUMES STATIONARY ffCANDY CAMERAS WALLETS CLOCKS MEN'S SETS SCHAEFER PEN and PENCIL - SETS SCHAEFER PENS FLASHLIGHTS STAMP ^LBUMS TOBACCO CIGARETTES PIPE SETS PIPES LIGHTERS CIGAftg TOBACCO POUCHES SHAVE BRUSHES Electric RAZORS TOYS GAMES CHILDRENS BOO&S 4" MODEL PLANES And ENGINES -- TRAIN KITS Decorate Your Home for Xmas Complete Line of • Ornaments • Indoor & Outdoor Lites 9 Xmas Lite Bulbs - Xmas Cards -- Wrapping I" 'tinsel -- Ribbons -- Seals ALBERT KRAUSE & SON NEWS AGENCY OFFICE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT &P- McHenry- JUL P.'JW m NEVER tEFORE SUCH A QBVRKUNGI ' Vs PICTURE New Developments > i! %Armiw SLIMMER, TRIMMER CABINET STYLING THE KENT Model A2MS 21" jnM». 282 sq. In. rectangular picture area. In trained Mahogany or Blond Oak finlaha*. p/uc *26995 NE:w SUPER HORIZONTAL . CHASSIS With Extended Band Video Amplifier--allows up to 350,000 more cycles of picture information to reach the TV screen for greater picture detail, depth, realism than ordinary narrow band TV receivers. Hay 18,000 volts of pic* tuiy power. N£ \A/ SUNSHINE PICTURE TUBE with new Zenith high speed electron gun that drives electrons against ihe screen hard and fast --pictures sparkle with bright highlights. New design eliminates troublesome ion trap magjtet which, when improperly adjusted, causes low brightness, fuzzy detail. COMPARE THE PICTURE SPAfiKU 4-H NEWS Cherry Valley The Cherry Valley 4-H club met Nov. -29 at the home. of Katie Stamper, with thirteen members and twenty-one guests present. The achievement meeting for the Cherry Valley 4-H club was called to order by our president, Karen Schmelzer. Neil Zimmerman gave a welcome for the parents. Dick Wissell led in the 4-H pledge. When the roll call was taken, each member introduced their parents. A Christmas party was discussed. It will be held at Karen Schmelzer's on Dec. 27 at 8 p.m. Business & Service Directory oi Wonder Lake CRISTY Mid STENDEBACH General Contractor* NEW HOMES Pfcon* Wonder Tntrf 5432 Awards were handed out by our leader, Mr. Curran. After the awards were handed out, Mark Zimmerman gave a speech on his appreciation to the 4-H leader and members that helped him in his past 4-H club work. Earl Baylor, assistant farm adviser, spoke before the group. Meeting was adjourned. Refreshments were served 6y tftie* club members. T Our next meeting will be held Dec. 27* at the heme of Karen Schmelzer. Mr. Baylor showed a movie to the group after the meeting. Judy Bohl, reporter " "U?- Buy U S Savings Bonds ^W5»a3W58atn55Ka385S»5jas;3aawajaa3e553sat5»s333a0W5S55)8SCK3BS5t5as5^ *4$ •-TV* % May we take this op- | portunity to wish our jf many fpiends a . . . J VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS |I * and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR I RUDY BECKER'S KENNELS 5 1 Mile North of 120 -- S Miles West of U.S. 12 m R.R. 1, BOX 875 McHEXRY -- S PHONE 2486 I kWdaq- WHISKEY 5th IMPERIAL ....1. $3.99 JIM BEAM $4.99 SCHENLEY RESERVE $4.50 OLD TAYLOR $8.39 SEAGRAM'S 7 CROWN ....... $4.50 P.M. BOURBON $3.98 OLD CROW $4.85 WALKERS DELUXE $5.35 OLD GRANDAD $6.39 CANADIAN CLUB $5.99 EARLY TIMES , $4.89 I. W. HARPER J. $6.39 MBW tOSS CINELEN8* FACE GLASS • PULL-PUSH ON/OFF KNOB . TONE CONTROL • SPOTUTE DIAL • EASY Ot|f FACE GLASS • fOP TUNING PORTABLE TV 14" diajp. hmos* TABLB TV WOttO'S FINEST QUAUTT PtRfOMANCI 104.14. in. rectangular picture area THE EDINBURGH--Model ASM SI' dlag. meas. t62 sq. In. rectangular picture area. Sunshine Picture Tube, Super Horizontal Chassis, plus other Zenith feature*. Base available at extra cost. In Topaz Brown or Ebony colors. $ | 99.95 fl/EW BUILT'ON rOLD-A-WAY BASI Plus new Wavemagnet TV antenna! Legs fold up underset when not in use. New button indoor antenna uses no ugly "poles" -- "dials" in the Best TV reception. Model A1515W in Sand Stone White-Aluminum cabinet. *169.95 CfiKKY CLUB COCKTAILS READY-MIXED Heublins & Caterers Special Dry Martini, Manhattan, Side Car, Old Fashioned SCOTCH "All the Best Brands" WHITE HORSE HAIG & HAIG JOHNNIE WALKER AND OTHERS THE WORLD'S FINEST W I N E S - ITALIAN SWISS COLONY GREAT WESTERN MOGAN DAVID WIDMERS PETRI ZENITH PORTABLES TV START AS LOW AS L > H TELEVISION 606 FRONT ST. PHONE 909 SEE THEM TODAYI AND APPLIANCES McHENRY, ILL. WE ALSO HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF: CORDIALS, LIQUERS, RUM, BRANDY, VERMOUTH, VODKA & GIN BOLGER'S PHONE 40 McHENHY. ILL. 103 SO. GREEN ST. 141 'S4

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