Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Dec 1957, p. 19

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.jgraggr •wp%' Thursday, December 19; 1957 '& • f-A\ 3S? THE HcHENRT PLAINDEALER Page Nineteen Richmond Community News By Ptiylll* GorlMo '^s'* Christmas Bake Sale Saturday morning at 10 a.m. the women of Grace church wiil hold a bake sale of Christmas cookies and other Christmas treats and some white elephant items. There will be a few Christmas candles too. The sale will be held at the parish house directly across the street from the Lutheran church. v Christmas Party The State Bank of Richmond held its Christmas party last Saturday night with -about twenty people present. The guests had dinner and enjoyed dancing. Roast duck and roast pheasant were the featured main courses. There was a Christmas tree and a gift exchange. see if parents of boys 6f .Icouting age are interested in forming a Boy Scout troop. Basketball Last Friday the Richmond team played at 'Marengo and lost. On Saturday they played Harlem here at the high school. The first game, a freshman sophotnore game, Richmond won 48-38. Hie second game Richmond lost 51-47. That ends the season until Jan. 10. Baby Baptized Sunday morning Steven Frederick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roeske of Rt. 1, Richmond was baptized at Grace church. 4K< .-J. ' Obituary ^; ' Fred Norwood Wilson of rural Richmond died of a" heart attack ' Monday Dec. ,9 at his farm home. He was 75 on Nov. 30. He was born in Chicago and has lived here since 1923. The rescue squad was called when Mr. Wilson had his heart attack, but he could not he revived. He leaves his wife, Preston, two sons, Norwood of Miami. Fla., y|5d Taylor of Tujunga, Cal. and nine grandchildren. He and his wife celebrated their forty-fifth wedding anniversary in November. Mr. Wilson was buried in the Richmond cemetery after a funeral service at home with Pastor Carlson officiating. Cab Pack Meeting ^On Monday. Dec. 9 the RichfflAnd Cub Pack met at the high school for its monthly meeting. The boys were quizied by the committeemen on some questions of safety and first aid. Den 1 had the opening. Den 2 the closing and Den 3 the skit. The skit, entitled, "The Night Before Christmas." Its characters were really characters -- Jimmy Hoffman as Santa Claus, Frank tepra and David Schultz as rein- Wer, Greg Duncan as the father, (ferry Swartzloff and Paul Carlson as the "children" and David Carlson as narrator. Everyone ^as in „a gay mood after seeing poor St. Nick fall on his way to deliver the Christmas toys. The Cubmaster, Henry Cairns, and his assistants presented the boys with feathers to wear In the headbands they- -had painted. The feather depicts the rank the boy mis earned in scouting -- Wolf, bear;or lion. Everyone enjoyed the Christmas cookies served by Den 5. Boy Scouts A meeting was held in the Legion Hall last Thursday night to -Christmas at the Community Chinch Last Sunday there wj|s a manger service during tlWir Sunday School hour at the Community chiirch. The children*; ^brough t gifts which Were dist^rjputed to needy children in the>fChicago area for Christmas. J The junior youth ^fellowship met Sunday evening at The church and saw a Christmas film. Next Sunday afternoon there will be a Christmas vesper service after which the young people will go carolling. The Christrrt&s pageant will be presentec£' at this time and the junior choi£ will sing. held at Grace church. The choir has many beautiful songs ready and Pastor Carlson will have a meditation. The service will end at nrudnight when the celebration of the birthday of a King begins. See you in church this holy season. St. Joseph's church will have Christmas masses to- which all Catholic people are invited. School Holiday Beginning tomorrow the children will have a Christmas holiday. They will await eagerly a visit from Santa Claus "on Christmas Eve. Santa Claus Is Coming Saturday afternoon Santa Claus will be in Richmond at the village hall to greet each boy and girl. He has contacted the Rotary to help him out in giving each child a gift. . Christmas at Grace Church Last Sunday evening the. Senior youth fellowship met at Grace church to view a Christmas film and make further plans for'earolling next Sunday. If you wish the carol lers to sing for you phone Pastor Carlson 3442 this week. After singing the seniors will have a party at the home of Sue Johonnott. Saturday morning the children of the church school will rehearse for the program Sunday evening. On Sunday,night at 7:45 p.m. the children will present their Christmast story in narration and song. Each child will bring a gift for a child at the Nachusa Children's home. Christmas Eve at 11 p.m. the annual candlelight service will be . * Rotary Last week the/\nen teachers were the guests pf Rotary. Each of the pedagogues talked a little of his experiences. Dave Harris ancK John Vierke also were guests of Rotary last Week as they had attended. Boys State and told of their experiences there. This week Tuesday the Rotarians had a Christmas party with their wives as their guests. The party was held at the Community church. \ A Festive Holiday Pudding Christmas Safety Pays Dividend New Physical Ed. Teacher The staff at R.B.C.H.S. is now complete with the addition of a girls' physical education teacher. She is Mrs. Ed Reeves, wife of the coach. She went to Carthage college where she majored in Physical Education has taught for eight years at Astoria, 111. Her native home is Harvard. a r,heave,nl ry dessert, what a compliment to a holiday meal! It s Fruited Holiday Pudding, a delightful blend of juicy tangerine sections, figs, almonds and raspberry-flavored gelatin crowned £.1.. an,extra topping of whipped cream and tangerine sections Chill and serve in your mpst elegant crystal bowl. You'll glow with pride when this fluffy pink dessert appears on the table/ Fruited Holiday Pudding 1 package raspberry-flavored 2 tangerines, sectioned and ; gelatin • ground 1 cup hot water * iv 3 cup ground figs V2 cup cold water V, cup slivered toasted almonds 1 cup whipping cream • Dls^(? X? Statin in hot water. Add cold water and ground tangerines. Chill until slightly thickened. Whip cream. Then fold in fi-s oXi ?- whipped cream. Turn into serving dish. Chill. Garnish lif u ll o whipped cream and tangerine sections, if desired. Makes 6 to 8 servings. Injured Karry Buchert cut his hand and had several stitches taken in it. We hope he is recuperating by this time. High School News Four students received straight "A" on their report cards--they are Napcy Vogel. Mike West, Bonnie Hart and Diane Hora. Tomorrow there will be a Christmas party. The noon menu consists^ of perch or turkey, a Christmas skit by the C. A. A. and carolling by the students. The film, "My Sister Eileen" will be shown. Mr. Reaves has conducted some special noon hour activities. Three days a week there is basket shooting. Two days a week there is a sock hop. Christmas Party Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Roy Todd entertained the postal employees at a party in their home. Supper guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Motley, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Frey, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn, Mr. and Mrs. Courtemash and Maxine, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Slovens, Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Khorn..Mr. and Mrs. John Pierre and Mr. and Mrs. DuWayne Sheldon and Karen. The guests enjoyed themselves and will work on the Christmas mail with renewed vigor. A free press is vital to the liberty of any people and when you see governments surpressing freedom of spt; jfc you witness a government thai is getting ready to rule without regard to the wishes of the majority. Before deciding where to put your Christmas tree this year, consider these safety factors. Place the tree close enough to &n electrical outlet to make it unnecessary to use an extension cord. This will eliminate the danger of shock and fire .from a faulty cord, says O. L. Hogsett, extension safety specialist at the University of Illinois College of Agriculture. If you j)ut your tree in a large bucket of sand and keep the sand moist, your tree will not dry out and the needles will not drop so easily. Thus you will re- ! duce the fire hazard. «The most satisfactory strings of lights are those that are wired in parallel; that is, when .one bulb burns ouf the rest will remain lighted. - Be sure ail of the bulbs screw far enough into the sockets to prevent tinsel from touching the metak. part ,^f the socket. The hotter strings of lights have a fiber washer that is pressed j against the socket by the bulb. i This keeps out foreign material l and also prevents shock. Chock (to see that the Underwriters' (Laboratory label is on any string that you buy. Whenever you leave the house, he sure your lights are off. Also .be sure the fuse on the circuit supplying the tree lights and electrical toys is not more than 20 amperes. One strange thing in life is that the very persons you don't want to see appear when you least want to see them. OLD FOLKS HAVEN Private - Convalescent - Bed Patients A Real Home All Comforts - Best of Food 24 HOUR NURSING CARE SPACIOUS GROUNDS - REASONABLE RATES PHONE McHENRY 2880 | Our Kitchen Will Close At a I 8 P.M. Xmas Eve | I - | * Kitchen Closed All Day Xmas i S Our Bar Will Remain Open $ m Xmas Eve 2 Gifts, sure to please We know exactly what men like in sport shirts ... and that's the kind we have ... in a selection so wide thct you can gear your choice to your particular man's taste . . . and win his warm approval. $2o« * Serving Tom & Jerrys Xmas Day | From 8 A.M. Til 12 Noon | Ml PLACE i TAVERN & RESTAURANT | 121 So. Green St. Phone 9877 McHenry, III. jjj & Take It Easy- Take A Cab! Wben the weather's bad . When yon want to reach your destination In a hurry . . When yon have luggage or heavy packages with yon. It's time to call us for a cafe. Remember our number McHENRY CAB PHONE 723 AFTER TftE TURKEY DINNER If you think all you can do with a deck of cards is play card games, you're in for a mild surprise. People And all sorts of ingenious tises for the popular pasteboards. Suppose, for example, you are entert a i ning f r i e n d s who don't know how to play any particular card garjie. If they like to watch an exciting horse race, they'll enjoy this game with cards that offers some of the thrills of the "sport of kings.", To play this game, take a pack of regular playing cards and remove the four aces. Then shuffle the deck and remove any seven cards from the remainder of the pack; Place these seven cards face down in a line on top of the table to form the race course. ^ Now you are ready to start the game, which can be played by one as a Solitaire pastime or by as many as four players, one. for each ace. The four aces which are the race horses, are placed in • a line even with the bottom at the seven cards, . the starting point to form an inverted T. Now turn up the top card of the remainder of the deck which ha* been placed aside, face down. If the upturned card is from the spade suit, then the ace of spades racehorse is moved forward along the course the distance of one card length. Then another card is turned up. If it is a diamond, then the ace of diamonds racehorse moves forward on the course the length of a card. The next upturned card may be a heart or a club. If so. then the respective ace cards are advanced as previously explained. This procedure Is followed until one of the ace cards is even with the last of the seven cards forming the race course and beeomes the "winner" of the race. To make the "race" more interesting, certain variations may be introduced. A deuce, for example, might be designated as a wil® card, permitting either an extra leap or a penalty, whichever is agreed upon by the group. Or a player who has turned up a card • of the same suit as his ace "Racehorse" could be allowed to continue drawing as long as he turns up a card of the same suit. 1 This racehorse with cards is almost as much excitement as being at the races and far less expensive. ^3aa3a^3ga3ag3aa3est35g3s^3ea»a3aa3ga?3gs55^3ggt3as53g3g3i3g.»s^3aau8g3agtr^ I M I KREMERS ) HILL VIEW SHOPPING | CENTER fi U.S. 12 - RICHMOND, ILL. £ PALMER HOUSE, Chicago S FROM ARIZONA -- | SQUAW DRESS of cotton £ Georgette, fine as Chiffon. ^ Yards of Lurex braid trim || blouse and rippling skirt, ft, Washable, drip dry. 5 Beige, Toast & Aqua S Sizes 10 to 18 8 $42.50 | For Christmas Giving . . . 8 • Exquisite Jewelry S • Famous brand Lingerie S Knitted Dresses, all types * • Scarves | • Blouses- | $ A complete collection of sweaters in Cashmere, Fur-blends, £ ^ and Orion . . . Glitteringly trimmed or classic styles. g $ | KREMERS for Unusual Gifts | K "WHERE GOOD TASTE IS NOT EXPENSIVE" * g Open Most Evenings 'Til Xmas. Tel. Richmond 2541 | for the VERY FINEST ... m \ /> YOU & YOUR FAMILY HAVE EVER ENJOYED TRY and YOU'LL BUY - "THE GIFT WITH A FUTURE" Chrysler is making news .in the medium-price field today! For the all-new Chrysler Windsor ... a companion in prestige and quality to the brilliant Chrysler New Yorker and Saratoga . . . can actually be yours today for the price of an ordinary medium-price car. Never before has it been possible to own so much glamour ... so much luxury . . . for so little . . . and only Chrysler offers it to you today. See the -CHrysler Windsor . . . new "Luxury Star" of the medium-price field today at your Chrysler Dealer's. Three Great Series in Three Price Classes . . . NEW YORKER • SARATOGA • WINDSOR AN ALL-NEW LUXURY CAR IN A LOWER-PRICED FIELD! THE ALL-NEW CHRYSLER WINDSOR The Newest New Car for 1958 Men's White Dress Shirts --• $2.98 14V4 -- 16^ BEN FRANKLIN STORE STORE HOURS Thru Dec. 23rd -- 9 A.M. 9 P.M. Daily -- Sun. 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. IN THE HEART OF THE GREEN ST. SHOPPING CENTER RICHMOND MOTOR SAtLES FRANK BERC.SMA, Prop MAIN STREET U.S. ROUTE 12 RICHMOND, ILLINOIS r TEL. RICHMOND 2011 "NO FINER DEAL -- ANYWHERE" Advanced--New Flight-Sweep styling! Glamorous--New "Luxury Look" interiors! Lively--New 10 to 1 compression ratio! Wonderful--New Torsion-Aire Ride! No extra cost! Smooth--New TorqueFlite transmission!* Safest--New Total-Contact brakes! Modern--New Pushbutton controls!* Easiest--New Constant-Control power steering!* Scenic--New Compound-Curved windshields! Reliable--New slip-proof Sure-Grip differential!* Exclusive--New Auto-Pilot!* •Optional at extra cost THE MIGHTY

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