M. I.WK, ~ Thursday, January 2. McHenry Plaindealer Phone 170 -171 Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by the McHenrv Publishing Company, Inc. IATIONAI EDITORIAL as^OCJTATQN mmnsmma W. BURFEINDT. Gen l. Manai ADELE FROEHLICH, Edit SUBSCRIPTION RAT! tai McHenry County 1 Yetu- $3.00 nfe6 Months ? $1.75 Months $1.00 Outside McHenry County I Year , $3.50 6 Months $2.00 3 Months $1.25 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER fflBHHaiiMiuMyHtwmwiiwiiHtBiniiiniiiiiiiniHitwnnnBininniiuiiiiinHmiiiiHmnuiiiHmtmiiiiiiiiiniiiriB 1 j ring wood 1 £ iy Mrs Oeorge Shepard The children of Mrs. Emily sen and son, Charles, of Rich- Beatty and j their families gather- ' mond, and Mr. and Mrs. Wajter ed in the church basement for Low and family spent Christmas their Chrifetmds get-to-gether and dinner on 'Christmas Day. Those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jackson and son Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Roland njackson and family, Mft and Mrs. Allan VanEvery and ffcily of Lombard. Mr. and Mrs | Mrs. Flora Harrison spent Wilmer Montarfye and family of Christmas day in the Ardin Fris- Huntley, Mr. and Mrs. Walter bee home at Greenwood. Wilcox of Woodstock and Mrs. eve in the Beatty-Low home. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sebastian and Mrs. Woods spent Christmas^ eve and Christmas day in the Robert Woods home at Genoa City. <tr m? 1*57 =L>aiiaJ^i5Z \ BSSDCmTlinn ? Entered as secpnd-class mat ter at -the post office at Mc Henr>, Illinois, under the act o» May 8. 1879. < ADOPT RECORD BREAKING BUDGET FOR SCOUT COUNCIL ^The executive board of the wackhawk Area council, Boy Scouts of America, meeting in session on Thursday, Dec. 19, adopted a record breaking budget of $97,000 for the 1958 operations of the Boy Scout program in the six northern counties of Illinois served by the Blackhawk Area Council with headquarters in the News Tower building in Rockford. The council serves youth in I£ee, Whiteside, Boone, McHenry, Ogle Imd Winnebago counties. August Hanke, Mt. Morris, in presenting the budget indicated that more boys seeking scouting means more money and more men to serve them. The Blackhawk Area council of the Boy Scouts of America can and will meet this vital challenge to bring strong leadership to the boys who will be the men of tomorrow. D More than 3,500 adult leader? in the Blackhawk Area Council have served .more boys in 1957 than in any other previous year. Jack Carroll, president of the Blackhawk Area Council, commended the Finance Committee for its objective approach to the needs of our youth, and referred the program of the Boy Scouts of America as "truly a volunteer j-yovement, and not just an organization."- Mr. Carroll commented, "As we review the tremendous strides made in all phases of our Work, we cannot fail to recognizr that they are the inevitable result of a program soundly planned and carried out by the Den Mothers, the Cubmasters, the Scoutmasters, and the Explorer Advisors; by the Unit and District and Council Scouters and Executive Staff who have responded to boyhood's call in such vast numbers. Viola Low. : Supper guests were Mr. and Mist Robert Low of McHenry, Mr; %nd Mrs. Merwin Christenson and family and Miss Betty sSchmitfr of Richmond. . Christmasv dinner guests in the Mrs. r Lena- Peet home were Mr. and/Mrs. Henry Hinze of Cry?- tal/TLake, Mix iand Mrs. Raymond Harrison, Neil Harrison and daughter of Wonder. Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bruce Harrison ind family of Richmond and Miss Marian Peet erf Elgin and Miss Alice Peet. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rowe attended a Rowe reunion at Woodi stock on Christmas day. ^ j Mrs. Curtis is visiting relatives ! at Salem, Wis. over the holidays. ! Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams ind family spent Christmas eve in the Albert Adams home at McHenry and Christmas day with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Joe Condon at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and children of Matteson, HI. spent a | few days the past week with her oarents, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon An- ! dreas. On Christmas day they with Mr. and Mrs. Andreas and j Margo and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Huemann arid son were guests of Mrs. Marion Schwemm at Ivanhoe. Mr. and Mrs. RussH Soddy of Kenosha and Mr. and Mrs. John Blnckman. and pons, Donn'd and Tommy of; Atltioch were dinner j quests in "trie Charles Brennan j home Sunday. j Mr. ant! vJMrs. Webster Blackj man and family spent Christmas ! eve in the Dr. Hepburn home, j Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rowe spent i Christmas eve with parents i Mr. and Mr£. Henry Aissen. j Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shepard I and sons of Atlanta, Georgia came i Saturday to spend Christmas with his mother, Mrs. Ruby Shepard. I They left for home Friday. On Christmas they, with Mrs. Shepard, spent^fCfiristmas in the Alan Ainger h<^e[fnear Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stanck and family of Elkhorn and Mr. and Mrs. AJvin Benoy and family of McHenry spent Christmas day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler.; Mr. and;Mr«. Bosch of Chicago were callers in the Dr. Hepburn home Tuesday., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low1 of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ol- William Claxton and John 'Dreyminer of McHenry were dinner guests in the Mrs. Ruby Shepard home Tuesday.v Mf^aqd Mrs. Charles Ackerman andyf§Kjily and Mr. and Mrs; Leonard^ Ackerman and family visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerman, Sr. at Poplar Grove Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Costello and family-of Hart (arid ahd Mr. and Mrs. C. E. tLovelette and family of Chicago' spent Christmas \vith their parents Mr. and Mrs. William Cruickshank. Mr. a*id Mrs. Gien B§noy and family of Alden, Charles Krohn arid daughter Ethel of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Walker Jr. and family, Mrs. Irving Walker, Sr. of Waukegan and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harrison and family of Greenwood were dinner guests Christmas day in the Roy Harrison home. Robert Schuetze and daughter Ruth of Milwaukee spent Thursday in the Dr. Hepburn home. George Holmes ahd daughter of Fox Lake called on Dr. and Mra. Hepburn Thursday evening. ' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison and son Loren visited relatives in Elgin Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington spent from Monday until Thursday in the Paul Norman home at Glen view. Christmas dinner guests in the Louis Hawley home were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe of Crystal Lake, Andrew Hawley of Fox River Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Reinwall, Sr., of Fern wood and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Reinwall, Jr., and son of Cooney Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Bloger of Bensonville" spent Saturday afternoon with Dr. and Mrs. William Hepburn. Guests in the Clarence Adams home in New Year's Day were. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Condon of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Miller and family and Mr/and Mrs. Phil Parfrey a®d«4an}Hy of Spring Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Condon and family of Grayslake, Gerald Condon and Lynn Of Madison. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson and family spent Christmas in the C. J. Mortimer home at Barrington. Mr. and Mrs: Walter Low spent Christmas Day with'her parents. Mr. and ivtrs. Dale Thomas at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Oxtoby spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Nelson at McHenry. The Jr. M. Y. -F. held their Christmas party;-at the church Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and son, Kenneth,. Jr. of Montrose, N. Y., were, Christmas Day dinner guests in the John Cristy home at Greenwood, v Mrs. Jack Leonard a^id childfen of Lake Geneva spent Friday in- the Fred Wiedrich, Jr.; home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington entertained at a family Christmas party at their home Sunday evening. Those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Benoy and family of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Benoy and family of Elkhorn, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Glen Benoy and family of Alden, Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Benoy and family, M*"' and Mrs. Ray Benoy and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilcox and family, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Moan and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Benoy of Woodstock and Mr. and, Mrs. Alvin Benoy anu family of McHenry. The Kenneth Cristy family'held their Christmas Eve party at the Nelson Cristy home. Those ta attend were Mr. and Mrs. John Cristy and family of Greenwood, Kenneth Cristy, Jr. of Montrose, N. Y.,-Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fossum and family, Miss Mary Lou Police Tips By Chief Grobel . Tips On Property Safety r%To bike owners: When leaving ^>ur bike unattended, put a lock on it. It's a shame to know that some juveniles will help themselves to an unattended bike, not realizing the seriousness of such an act, but it is done every day so the best method of keeping your bike safe is to store it in a safe place at night and lock it when you leave it unattended. I will gladly register your bike 3^1 any - Saturday morning so bring your bikes'in and^ help the police department keep your bikes safe. REACH OOF MILES TO MILLIONS FOB THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 • ifnst East of Route 12 Volo, ID. Phone McHenry 667-W-l . 1 Pfeiffer of Cr^tal Lake and Kenneth Krohn of Harvard. Pvt. Jerry pristy who is stationed at Aberdeen, Md., will come home Sunday |or a few days furlough. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Ehlert and son, jeff of Burlington-"'§pent Thursday afternoon in the John Ehlert home. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley were dinner guests, in the Ernest Reinwall, Jr., home at Cooney Heights Friday evening where they celebrated the birthdays of Louis Hawley and Gary Reinwall. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson attended the wedding of Frank Smith at Lake Geneva Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Spencer and family of Champaign spent | Christmas Day in the Byron Sowers home. ^ ! Mr. and Mrs. John Skidmore I spent Friday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morrison of mm Pig* F1T» Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert and Mr. and Mra. Dick Malsch and family were Christmas dinner guests in the John Skidmore home. Mr. and Mrs. Antone Wieser and son, Mike spent Christmas Day in the James Schneeweiss home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Harvey and family spent Christmas Eve with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Limbaugh, at Ridgefield. Butch Leonard of Lake Geneva in spending a few days in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mrs. Clara Durlin and son spent Christmas Day with her dadghter and family at Crystal Lake. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day guests in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home were Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders and daughter of Sycamore, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leonard and family of Lake Geneva, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn T* of Richmond, Mr. and Brennan and family of Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Bob and family, Mr. and 'Mrs. Wegener, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mr. and Mrs. Bob spent Christmas night with parents at McHenry. WHY - PAY - MORE? LET US INSTALL ONE OF AMERICA'S FINEST FULLY AUTOMATIC WATER SOFTENERS LA GLENN WATER SOFTENER Call L. H; BUCXNER Phone JUstlce 7-0065 Fox Lake, Illinois Join the McIIenry State Banl; Christmas Club. 29-tf KM* OOT MILES TO MILLIONS gl McHENRY HOSPITAL 308 South Green Street, McHenry, Illinois With the McHenry Hospital xlosing it's first year of operation, we find it hard to appropriately express thanks to the many friends who have supported us and worked with us in serving the sick of the community. We have been assisted in many ways by a grejRt number of people and to these we are humbly indebted. V$jf YOU CAN WIN A PUREBRED REGISTERED HEIFER AND GET A FREE SYRINGE OR TUBE OF AUREOMYCiN* Chlortetracyclino MASTITIS PRODUCT WITH EACH 5 PURCHASED BOLGERS PHONE 40 "S. Green St. McHenry || We wish to thank the Women's Auxiliary especially for ijj|r untiring effort of working for the hospital and for the' de- Hffhtful Christmas decorations. Also we wish to thank the numerous individuals who assisted uS during the Hospital Fund Raising Campaign, the Medical Staff for their cooperation and the many Carollers who provided so much warmth to the patients during the holiday season. The service organizations, hospital suppliers and former patients who have remembered us with their many kind considerations, we also give thanks. To these arid many others who have given so wholeheartedly of their support, our most sincere appreciation. McHENRY HOSPITAL V1 V7^' * Board of Directors and Manda B. Roe, Administrator \ . . . . ; :'•! :.ic $ Be Luxe Super Champion NYLONS • Racing tire construction principles for extra safety in high-speed turnpike driving. • Safety-Tensioned, Gum-Dipped Nylon Cords for extra resistance to impact on rough roads. • Exclusive Bladed Tread design for quicker stops, safer turns, longer mileage. 50 COMPLETE TAX INC. - NO EXCHANGE *~i T A fa ffi/rfl'iftftf'ri IT r 11 m Firestone GUARANTEED TO GO... THRU ICE, MUD or SNOW ALL SIZES ON SALE 20% OFF i! SPECIAL PERMANENT ANTIFREEZE $96° gal. PASSENGER - TRUCK TRACTOR TIRES ALL SIZES ON SALE \ . • • ' ? McHENRY TIRE MART 526 W. Main Street Walt FreundL Prop. OPEN SUNDAY TIL 12 NOON PHONE 294 MtHmry, Uliali i •,4 :• r- I I ' 1; ' k.-v