y '}•£ vj HunOHHiiiiiiiuuniiiiniiiDiiiiiiHiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiii NGWOOD . By Mrs. George Shepard llllllli'lilllllllllllUIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIfH minis; Loren Harrison, were visitors at -- Waukegan Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Harrison of Round Lake called on his mother, Mrs. Flora Harrison, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Attelt of Waukegan spent Sunday after- W.S.C.S. i :Woman's? Society of Christ- " Service met at the church Wednesday evening. Mrs. Ken- , IWUi Cristy closed the meditation III the sanctuary and all adjourned to the fellowship room. Mrs. Runel Rasmuasen, Mrs. William Crfcty and Mrs. Kenneth Crist y the lesson on Japan and itlideiB were shown. Rev. Gardiner Wyoiann • also gave a talk on ) Japan. The usual business meet-' i jug followed and a fine luncheon to charge of Mrs. An tone Wieser •11* Mrs. Russel Rasmussen was x served.; John Dreymiller. Will Clapton noon with Mr. and Mrs. Bob 500 Club 'and 'Mrs... Pete Sebastian entertained their '500'/club at their ihjbme Tuesday evening. H'^h scores went to Ben Walkington and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and low to Mrs. Ben Walkington and B. T. Butler. Lunch was served. J.. 1 * Patty Low Entertains Patty Low entertained the girls of the upper room at school At a sleigh ride party at her borne Saturday in honor of her birthday. A lovely lunch including a birthday cake was served by; her mother. Round Up Club The Round Up club held a party in the church basement Saturday evening. Fire The McHenry fire department was called to the J. C. Ewell hope Saturday evening where an overheated motor caused smoke and the walls to be so hot they were nearly on fire. Not much damage was done. Morton Chemical Co. < Hie Morton Salt Co. announced the incorporation of Morton Chemical Co. as a subsidiary. It will handle .manufacturing, sales and research afrtivities ih the chemical field. They haye taken over the Ringwood Chemical Co. . Dr. Walter Guthman will be in charge. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington left by plane Wednesday for Phoenix, Ariz, to visit relatives and friends. and Mrs. George Shepard called on relatives and friends at Hampshire and Marengo Thursday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Koekebacker and daughter Patsy, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Plosha, Mrs. Ann Laufor of Chicago and Mr. apd Mrs. Ronald Rowe were Sunday dinner guests in the Henry Aissen home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family, Mrs. Emily Beatty and Mrs. Viola Low spent Sunday in the Walter Wilcox home near Woodstock. Mrs. George Shepard and Mrs. William Hepburn'were visitors in Chicago Saturday. , ! • • Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler were Elgin visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Costello and family of Hartiand were Sunday dinner guests of > .her parents, Mr., and- Mrs. William Cruickshank. 3$r&. Louis Hawley and Mrs. Tom Huemann were visitors in the Ernest Reinwall, Jr., home at Cooney Heights Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and Mr. and Mrs., Charles Ackerman attended the wedding or Carol Ann Roberts of McCullom Lake and Arthur Hafer of McHenry which took place in the Ringwood Methodist church Saturday and the reception at his parents home at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Ehlert of Burlington spent Thursday evening with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert. Mr. and Mrs. D. Drake and daughter of Wauconda called on Dr. and Mrs. William Hepburn Sunday afternoon. Kenneth Cristy, Jr., left Sunday for Montrose, New York, after spending the holidays here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John Stitzer of DesPlaines called on Dr. and Mrs. William Hepburn Thursday. Jim Pearson was home from DeKalb over the weekend. Jerry Cristy left for Aberdeen, Md., Sunday after spending his furlough here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy. Mr. and Mrs. John Blackman of Antioch called on his parents, Dr. 'and Mrs. William Hepburn Friday afternoon. Mrs. Edith Jones and brother. Brennan and family Mr. and Mrs. Roberf>"~W3b4s and granddaughter, Helen Bullis of Genoa City were dinner guests in the Pete Sebastian home Sunday. Mrs. Clara Durlin and son visited her daughter and family at Delavan. Wis. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and family and Mrs. George Shepard spent ' Sunday evening in the William Claxton home at McHenry. MisS Marian Peet of Elgin spent the weekend with her mother NEWS PROM SUNNYSIDE ESTATES From A to Z in Sunnyside Estates A reminder: Your association dues were due the f|rst of January for the first six months of 1958. However, if you prefer ypii can pay it for the whole year "to i he treasurer, Henrietta Rau. . Another money matter (we hate such things too) is the snow plow fee which is payable, to Mr. Kimbro. This is something of vital importance to us all so if you haven't already done so won't you plehse take care of it as soon as possible. School News The Johnsburg school P.T.A. meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 21 will und sister Mrs. Lena Peet and j have as its special guest speaker, Alice. Dr. Griesbach of the McHenry Earl Sonnemaker returned here Medical Group. Subject of his talk Thursday from India where he was a foreign exchange student. He vyent to Peoria Sunday to spend a few days with his parents. Mrs. John Hogan (and daughter, Patricia, and Mrs.. Paul Walkington attended a 4-H leader's training school in clothing at Huntley Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson were dinner guests in the Martin Tullberg home in Chicago, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mi's. Stanley Jepson and son were visitors at Wauconda Saturday. U.S. SAVINGS BONDS ER FUTURE PROFEtflOtlflL DIRECTORY TYNE and LORD AN AUCTION WILLIAM SULLIVAN - Auctioneers - EUGENE FREDRICK Having decided to quit dairying, we will sell our dairy and some milking equipment on the Farm known as the old Lordan Farm in Alden, 4 miles Southwest of Alden and 3Vs> miles East of Harvard, 2 miles South of Route 173 at Nolan farm to the end of the road, tum right, OR turn left a^ Sam Greene Road, 2 Ms miles West, on FRIDAY. JANUARY 24. 1958 Commencing at 12:80 P.M. The following described personal property, to-wit: 86 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Consisting of 34 milk cows, 11 of which are close springers and the balance milking good. Th^Se are mostly 2nd and 3rd calf heifers. 2 Holstein heifers to freshen by date of sale; 7 Holstein heifers, bred; 4 Holstein heifers 1 year old; 5 Holstein heifers 6 months old; 1 Guernsey heifer 6 months old; 6 Holstein heifers two months old; 1 Holstein bull 18 months old. ALSO 12 Gilts. MILKING EQUIPMENT 3 newt : Universal milking machine units; 15 milk cans. FEED 2,500 bu. Ear Corn. _ • NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS TERMS: USUAL BANK TERMS NO^PROPERTY TO BE REMOVED UNTIL FULLY SETTLED FOR. TYNE and JLORDAN, Owners FIRST NATIONAL BANK of WOODSTOCK, Clerking [• -i Member Federal Reserve System Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEL Chiropractic Physician Naprapathic Manipulation Steam Baths and Massage 804 East Elm Street "" McHenry, I1L Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed. A Fri. 10 a.m. to -,12--p.m. lsSO p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Phone McHenry 748 ..... ............... DR. C. R, SWANSON Dentist Office Hours: Dally Except Thursday 0 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:80 Mon., Wed. and Fri. Evenings By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 160 will be "Mental Health". The meefting .starts promptly at 8 p.m. Special Notice 1 It has been brought to our attention that some of the; school children have been running out into the blacktop in the morning to stop the school bus or catch it at the store on its way to the highlands. Cars going north 'on the blacktop can't see anyone crossing yntil they are over the crest of the hill and by then it may be too late to stop, especially on the slippery pavement. If they can't read this themselves won't you please try to impress upon them the danger involved here. To use a trite, but true, old adage, "an ounce of prevention, etc.", we hope we can avoid a tragic accident. Now to, the lighter news, qf the week '. [' '• " Wanda Berg .and', son, Wally, had an enjoyable drive to Milwaukee last week when they rode back with Mary Ann to St. Joseph's convent where she has resumed her studies. Mary Ann spent the holidays at home witjj Wanda and Gus and her two brothers, Wally and Paul. Birthdays and Anniversaries We missed quite a few birthdays last week so here is a great big belated birthday wish to all. Gus Berg, Jan. 7 and Kandy Kobus who was seven on the eleventh. - Eric Mikkelsen who ^was four on the twelfth. Steve Kanter who was two on the thirteenth. Joe Di Francisco who was three on the fifteenth. Mrs. Hertha Zeiger the fourteenth and Lillian Mischke the fifteenth. Our anniversary wishes are, belated ^also for Gus and Wanda Berg on Jan. 7 and Ted and Diane Bierchen on the tenth. The birthday children for this week are Diane Voight who will be a tiny four on the twentyfirst and Louis Fellcetti who will be a big sixteen on the twentyfirst also. Many happy returns' of the day. ' SPRING GROVE 'By-Mrs. Charles Frfcund Christening: The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul May was baptized at St. Welcome To our. newest neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Maule and their j Joseph's church in Richmond on children, Michael, age 3 and Pat-' rick, who is 16 months old. Dale and Charlotte moved into their new home on Oak Drive last weekend. --26--_ Winter Sports - The skating and tobaggdning are now in full swing and oh what fun. Send the kids to the rink and come along yourself to watch them enjoying themselves, or if you are so inclined join in the fun. The men have been flooding the rink every evening but it has to be swept of old ice and snow before each flooding. If you are in the vicinity about 8:30 bring along a broom and help with the sweeping. Sunday. Sponsors for the bab/ were Robert Sutton and Diane May. He has been npmed Michae'l Stanton. day afternoon. The game was tie and a good* time was had by""' . aft. 1 . . ' ,i «.{? • & V "• • ' Firemen.Meet I The firemen held their regular i meeting at the fire house on Monday night. There was also a social evening at cards and a lunch was served. * W Meeting- Fathers Daleiden and Plesa and the ushers of St, Peter's parish met at the home of Walter Brown on Wednesday night. Following a meeting cards were played and refreshments were served; Join the McHenry State Bank Christmas Club. , 29-tf A CHAT WITH US, Regular check-ups and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs to you! Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S SI 6 Front St. 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE Phone 811 -- Residence 91-B McHenry, 111. Basketball Members of the Catholic Youth Club of St. Peter's had a basketball game with St. Mary's of McHenry at St. Mary's gym on Sun- j ment on the islands Visitors Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer of Round Lake were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner on Thursday night. Church Dinner Members of • the Methodist church enjoyed a pot luck dinner held at the fire house on Sunday noon. Guest speaker was - MisfJ Hu from Hawaii, a student of Garrett Bible Institute ?t Evahston. An interesting talk was given on the ways of religion and govern-- for better homes. for lowest prices SEE US ROBERT HAY CONSTRUCTION Co. F.H.A. & V.A. FINANCING • Masonery • Concrete • Carpentry i PHONE: 1907 Bus. 1377 Home = OWStMlOotC*. 805 E. Elm St. McHenry --LOOKof a//ffyese WOWSmtl, MODEM FEATURES... BURNER-WITH-A-BRAIN Bring* automatic cooking to tho top of the rang*--ends pot-watching. AUTOMATIC ROTISSERIE Roatte and fowl are batted in their owl juices! Your family will love that "opeiv fire" flavor. Here'* barbecuing at its best--the year around! RICHARD REEVES and DR. GEORGE L. CAREY. A U C T I O N WILLIAM H. RUSSELL - Auctioneers - EDWIN VOGEL tfe ROBERT A. CAMERON Complete Insurance Service Since 1923 R.F.D. 8 -- Box 12 McHenry, 111. Phone 1872-R EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm & Life Insurance Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need Insurance of Any Kind PHONE 4S or 90S Green ft Elm McHenry, 111. Having decided to quit farming, I will sell all of my personal property on the farm known as the D. C. West Farm on the Alden -- Woodstock' Blacktop Road to the Hartiand Church Corner, 1 mile West and % mile South, and 4 miles Northwest of Route 47 on the jyden blacktop, on 11 THURSDAY JANUARY 23, 1958 Commencing at 12:00 The following described personal property, to-wit: ' 150 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Consisting of 85 feeding Pigs; weighing 90 lbs.; 21 feeding Pigs weighing 150 lbs.; 30 pigs weighing 50 lbs.; 10 open Gilts; 4 open >. Hampshire Sows. Also 6 year old Palomino stock horse. MACHINERY and EQUIPMENT McCormick Deering Super M.T.A. diesel tractor; Ford Ferguson tractor; 3 hot. 16-in. International plow on rubber (late model): 4^row McCormick Deering corn planter on rubber; 10 ft. field cult- ; ivator, power lift; McCormick Deering 10 ft. wheel disc; Allis Chalmi e« field chopper with com attachment, hay cutting attachment and pickup attachment. 7-row Farm-Right sprayer; Gehl P.T.O. hammer- " mill; 4 section $teel drag, with folding draw bar; 2 rubber tired wagons with self unloading boxes; Easy-Flo side dresser; 300 gal. . over-head gas tank with 200 gal.-Diesel fuel; wagon jack; 4 speed shields; set of cultivator disc openers; set of 12 x 38 tractor chains; , 4*row McCormick Deering cultivator; front end loader; 44 ft. John Deere Elevator; 10 ft. McCormick Deering grain drill on rubber; i Model 24 International corn picker; Allis Chalmers blower with " mounted motor! New Idea semi-mounted 7 ft. power mower; P.T.O. New Holland manure spreader with chopper box; John Deere side rake on rubber, 4 bar; 1947 Dodge pickup truck; 10 ft. grain auger With motor; 5 h.p. Briggs and Stratton motor; bench grinder; 2 International weed chopper electric fencers; set of 10 x 23 tractor chairis.. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS TERMS: USUAL BANK TERMS. NO PROPERTY,TO BE TAKEN OFF PREMISES UNTIL FULLY SgHTLgD FOR. PEEVES and CAREY, Owners |j; }'•••.•' JriltST NATIONAL BANK of Woodstock v / v Member Federal Reserve System , Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation MTrVAii' 7 .Si • • - -- • SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental A Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms I Miles South on Rt. 81 PHONE 900 H. F. HARRISON CO. Realtors Insurance • Real Estate Appraisals Phone 1910 405 W. Elm Street K AUTOMATIC CLOCK-CONTROLLED OVEN Set It and forget M--turn* on, turns off AUTO' MATICALLY (even if you're away). AUTOMATIC MEAT THERMOMETER Have your meats rare, medium or well done . jutt the way you like them... automatically! o THERMOSTATICALLY CONTROLLED GRIDDLE Exact, even heat is maintained ... automatically. You'll enjoy new delight in preparing grilled treats. l IS}--=4 do o oo mw , FOR PROFESSIONAL attention to your LIFE INSURANCE needs call on Carry Booster -- Virgil Pollock The New England Mutual Life Insurance Company 204 E. Elm St. Phone 2500 Cuttom Automatic 36' cooking lop. Self-lighting top burners and oven-broiler. One thermostatic top burner. Electric clock with 1-hour time reminder. Illuminated ronge 'op. Oven light. oo OOO 00 Ultra Deluxe ^6" cooking top. Self-lighting top burners and ovenbroiler. One thermostatic top burner. Electric clock with 4-hour time reminder. Roost guide indicator. Top-ofrange griddle. Oven light. " ^ n •---- - oo O oo * ^ ->l y OAS Ranges! *3 1 • le • 1 BS L • oo 00 • R O P C P Value-line, 36' cooking top. Self-lighting top burnersandoven-broilff. One thermostatic top burner- Electric clock with 4-hour interval timer. Fluorescent top lamp. C R O W N Regal-line 36" cooking top. Self-lighting top burners and ovenbroiler. One . thermostatic top burner. Electric clock with 4-hour interval timer. Oven light. Ztnweteui/ 30" cooking top. Self-lighting top burners, oven and broiler. One thermostoSic top burner. Automatic dockcontrolled oven and I-hour interval timer Automatic meot thermometer. Oven light. Deluxe 36"cooking top* Self-lighting^ top burners and oven-broiler. One thermostatic top burner. Electric clock with 1-hour interval timer. Fluorescent top lamp. Oven light Rotitserie optional equipment. Expert PIANO TUNING and Repairing A. O. SHALA c/o Steffan's Jewelry Store 514 W. Main Street PHONE 123-J DR. M. D. SAVAGE Veterinarian Richmond, 111. Daily Hours: 1 to 2 p.m. except Thursday. Evenings: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 7 to 8 p.m. Phone Richmond 8221 Other hours by appointment. The ranges shown are just a few of our feature-packed values now being offered. AS LOW AS took..* J your DEALER, too, is now J featuring GAS Range Specials... | and remember... J GAS cooks better | --for Vi the cost! i Only $5.00 down. Take as long as 36 montfts to pay. Visit our nearest store today--select the range to fit your needs. NORTHERN I L L I N O I S GdS t) COMPANY PHONE McHENRY 2081 I r ,s