Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jan 1958, p. 7

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= \ Thursday, January 16, I LASSIFIED aj' •• THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 4 REAL ESTATE McHenry & Vicinity Lunch room, in town on highway. A good place for a couple. Rent $60 per month. Price $5,000. Mhree bedroom home, oil heat, large recreation room. About 3 blocks, from Riverside Shopping district. Price $14,250. Tavern,^ and restaurant, on high- , way, a good location. For appointment call at our of-, fice in Johnsburg. JACOB FRITZ - Realtors Rt. 5, McHenry, Illinois 0 TEL. McHENKY SI 37-tf ^ ROOM house, 2 car garkge, au tomatic heat, electric hot water tank. On % acre with some fruit trees. Close to , school. Private beach and all year 'round fishing. Price $6,500. Can be had $2,000 down and balance like rent. Call Crystal Lake 1307-W-l. ' 37 • WANTED We have buyer for 3 bedroom ranch. Not over $20,000. Must have dining room or living-dining area, basement and garage and walking distance to shopping. McHenry or vicinity. Call MR. HEINEN McHenry 2527 # BAIRD and WARNER, Inc. 37 SITUATION WANTED START YOUR spring cleaning early! Painting, carpenter work wanted. Phone McHenry 797-R. -2)37 M WILL do baby sitting in Pistaicee Highlands by the day or week while mother works. Phone McHenry 599-J-2. *37 CARPENTER work wanted. Farm --residential, r.ew construction, additions, garages, remodeling, repairing. Contract--time anfl material. Frfee estimates. Phone Wonder Lake 3931 or Woodstock =4540-R. *37 4fcANE>YMAN wants work cleaning, janitor work,, light carpenter work, etc. By hour. Call Wonder Lake 3363. *37 CHEF -- experienced in buying, menus, butchering, for country club or exclusive restaurant by May 1. Reply c/o Plaindealer, Box 335. ' 37-39 WILL DO ironing in my home, (g^hone McHenry 1548-W. *37-2 WANTED TOP PRICE PAID lor Iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock 1610-M-2. 43-ti LIST YOUR • FARMS WITH US or Contact us if you wish to buy L. B. ANDERSON & CO., Inc. WHEELING, ILL. £ Phone TYhe^Bng 53 or GLENN H. WILL, Salesman Rt. 1, Alden, HL Phone Hebron 3114 49-tl WANTED TO BUY fkx>D used Maple or Pine dining room set, prefer with hutch. Call Hebron 2826. 37 YOU CAN WIN A PUREBRED REGISTERED HEIFER AND GET A FREE SYRINGE OR TUBE OF AURE0MYCIN* Chlortetraeyellno MASTITIS PRODUCT WITH EACH 5 PURCHASED BOLGER'S PHONE 40 It. McHenry! ! LOST A1I& fOtitii) WIN COMMENDATION LADIES gold wrist watch lost while shopping early Thursday on Elm or Green S{. Finder please call Mrs. French. Phon« McHenry 1483-R." ^ '• 37 MISCELLANEOUS MOOSE DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT ' ' . • PJfc Music By The Town & Country Boys 1st & 3rd -Weeks of Each Month The 3 G's and a Tee 2nd & 4th weeks of each month LEGALS MEMBERS & GUESTS "at the McHENRY MOOSE V LODGE On Route 120 McHenry, XU. 19tf In a ceremony at the Industrial Manager, Electronics/Ordnance department at Great Lakes, six civilian employees received letters of commendation for their outstanding performance of duty at Naval Air Technical Training Unit Olathe, for the installation of training equipment designed to afford training for students in air control procedures. Cdr. A. M. Weiss is shown commending the following: left to rights Robert Majewski, Kenosha; Donald. Pujterbaugh, Kenosha; Earl Ross,. Winthrop Harbor.; Paul jgtrom, Kenosha; Lawrence Deja, Lakeland Park, McHenry, arid Norman Ervvin, Route 1, Grayslake. HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS COMPANY OFFICERS In connection with the incorporation of the Morton Chemical company, it has been announced that Joseph E. Rich, formerly vice-president of the chemical division of Morton Salt company, will be president of the new company. Dr. Robert L. Frank, Morton research director, has been elected vice-president in charge of research for the new company. Dr. Walter S. Guthmann, former president of Ringwood, has been named manager of Ringwood plant operations. Sale of Panogen products will continue under the direction of Petrus Hellman, former Panogen president. Properties transferred to Morton Chemical consist of four plants, including those at Ringwood and at Woodstock. OBITUARIES Christina Snyder Mrs. Christina Snyder, 87, a native of Volo, died at a Waukegan hospital Sunday, Jan. 12. She was born June 7, 1871. Survivors include two sons, Earl of Libertyville and Harold of Grayslake; two sisters, Mrs. Lena Bohr of McHenry and Mrs. Catherine Wagner of Waukegan. Services were conducted from the Strang funeral home in Grayslake at 2 o'clock Wednes-" day, with burial in East Fox Lake cemetery. Olive Wallace Mrs. Olive Wallace, 89, died at the Florence Rest home, Marengo, early Wednesday morning, Jan. 15. She had been ill since the previous Sunday. The deceased was born in Evansville, Ind., Oct. 3, 1868. She was the mother of Mrs. James Hughes of McHenry. Other survivors include another daughter, Helen Augspurger, of Los Angeles; and four sons, Earl and Wayne of ORDINANCE 58-0-2 Amendment to Section 187 -- Article IV BE IT ORDAINED by the President and the Board of Trustees •of the Village of Lakemoor that the Village Code of the Village of Lakemoor be amended by adding the following provision to Section 137 of Article IV covering alcoholic liquor dealers: "Holders of Class E (Club) License shall be permitted to sell alcoholic liquor for a period of two hours beyond that prescribed above. " All places operating under the Village Liquor License shall be vacated within „ fifteen minutes after the closing hours herein prescribed and no person shall be permitted to remain on. such premises except members of the family and such' employees as are required for cleaning and maintenance work". Passed by the Village Board of Trustees this 9th day of January, 1958. CLAUDE F. McDERMOTT, Village President Attest: RICHARD J. HYATT, Village Clerk (Pub. Jan. 16, 1958) the Village Code of the Village of Lakemoor be amended by id' ding • the following provision at the end of Section 123 of Article lv covering alcoholic liquor dealers: "(5) Class E License -- which shall authorize the holders of Class A Liquor License who serve full menu of food in addition to the sale of alcoholic liquor to remain open for an additional two hours beyond the closing hours prescribed by Section 137 for Class A License. This shall be known as a Club License and the annual fee for such license shall be the sum of $300.00. Passed by the Village Board of Trustees this 9th day of January, 1958. CLAUDE F. McDERMOTT, Village President Attest: RICHARD J. HYATT, Village Clerk (Pub. Jan. 16, 1958) BE IT ORDAINED by the Presi- Chicago, Hugh of Bloomingtonyf^"!. a"d T111 the Board of Trustees and Rithard of Crystal Lake. ^ th<? VUlage of Lakemoor that For a number of years, Mrs. Wallace made her home with Mrs. Hughes. The body is resting at the Peter j M. Justen funeral home. No funeral arrangements had been made as the Plaindealer went to press. ORDINANCE 68-0-1 Amendment to . Section 123 Article IV LEGAL NOTICE Village of Lakemoor, notice is hereby given that copies of Ord inance 58-0-3 an amendment to sub-paragraph B--of Section 409 --Article 17 of the Village. Code are,now available at the Village Clerk's Office. Copies of Ordinance 58-0-4 an ordinance to amend Section IX of Zoning Ordinance are*now also available at the Village Clerk's office. RICHARD J. HYATT, Village Clerk Village of Lakemoor (Pub. Jan. 16, 1958) UPHOLD ACTION IN SUSPENSION OF LIQUOR LICENSE Lakemoor local Liquor Commissioner Claude F. McDermott was upheld by the Illinois Liquor Control Commission on two suspensions of the liquor license of B o c « t l q r J © • t w :I n n -- I n tbeVOi^rHlf l^ltaaobr. . ThC~~2iiinoif Oototrolf Conwnisstoh'Vtated tftat the'local Liquor Commission of the Village of I^onbor acted properly and was justified in taking action on the suspensions of Aug. 30 for fifteen days, and Sept. 30 for twenty days, one of which covered the sale of liquor to a minor. WILLIAM WRIGHT AUCTION GORDON STADE & WILLIAM RUSSELL, Auctioneer* When a woman is dieting, best not to argue with her. HARDEST BUSIEST CHEAPES1 WORKERS IN TOWN PLAINDEALER WANT ADS iniou ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK OVER 70 PUMPS M STOCK EASY TERMS Mtllwy Co--ty Wet & Hf Co. WELLS DULLED <nmnm ImM In Ik* VUhgt of TT-» Laka m buy (wj drug items from Prescription Specialists # Do not be misled by persuasive salesmen offering "food supplements"--often at prices three to six times higher than drug store items of equal potency. And avoid buying staple drugs at nondrug retail outlets. Only your pharmacist is fully qualified to dispense health items; to counsel you in your selections. For safety and service, buy all drug items from the source you entrust with your Doctor's prescriptions. And at this pharmacy, we're always happy to help. Call on us! Bolger's drug store 10S So. Green Phone 40 McHenry, 111. Bus. McHenry 244-R 1 Res. McHenry 1257-R BOB'S BODY & FENDER SHOP Car and Truck Painting Glass Installed :-- Wrecks Rebuilt -Robert C. E Ins par Prop. 609 Front St. McHenry, 111. Because of a disability, the undersigned will sell at public auction, on premises located 1% miles straight West of Huntley, Illinois ob the Huntley-Unjon blacktop road on ' ; -} TUESDAY. JANUARY 21. 1958 at 10:00 AJL 70 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK PUREBRED & HIGH GRADE HOLSUN 44 milk cows, 2/3 of these cows have freshened in the last 30 to 90 days, 6 springing, balance rebred and milking good. 100% of the herd is calfhood vaccinated and are mostly in their 1st, 2nd or 3rd lactations. This herd is under DHIA testing and has many cows making over 500 lbs. butter fat under normal farm conditions. 25 Heifers, from 2 months old to 24 months, some springing; younger Heifers ideal for 4-H projects; 1 - 18 iftoirth . old registered bull, Anthony breeding. ' \ FARM MACHINERY r J.D. Model 60 tractor with 2-iW cult., 1 season old; Case Model 300, used 1 season; Case automatic/twine baler-with motor and starter; J.D. blower, nearly new; J.D. 2-16 plow; J.D. 16-ft. grain drill on rubber with grass seed attach., 2 yr. old; New Idea side delivery rake; 1 flare box wagon; bunk wagon; Kelly Ryan PTQ manure spreader; 50 ft. Little Giant elevator, like new; 3 H.P. elec. motor; 2 small motors; oil stove; feed carts; J.D. "A" with 2-row cult; Case 1-row corn picker; Case ensilage chopper; J<D. 3-14 hyd. plow; Int. 10-ft. disc; J.D. No. 290 corn planter; Niew Idea mower; 2 self unloading ensilage wagons; 2 flat racks and gears; 4-section steel harrow; power fanning mill; J.D. 12" hammermill; 1 H.P. motor; air compressor; Stewart clipper; Scale; 50 & 60. ft. drive helts and many other items. FEED 300 bales second cutting mixed Hay; 300 bales straw; 1000 bo. ear corn in crib. MILKING EQUIPMENT Majonnier 218 gal. bulk tank with 2 h.p. motor; 4 Surge milkers; motor, pump and pipeline; 30 gal. water heater! rinse tanks, pails and strainers, etc. POULTRY 125 Leghorn pullets. ~ « MORSCH LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS TERMS: All sums of, $25,00 and under cash. Over this amount onefourth down and the balance in six monthly payments, interest at 6%. Make arrangementsMor credit with clerk before sale. WILLIAM WRIGHT XUCTION # McHENRY STATE BANK, Cleric Men's SLIPPERS 20$ OFF Shoe Clearance SALE Ladies' HEELS $9.95 - $10.95 $597 MEN'S Dress & Casuals $935 - $10.95 - $16.95 $8- *9-*12 CHILDREN'S Dress & Play Simplex & Proudfit Reg. $4.95 - $5.95 - $7.95 - $8.50 *3.99 - *4.99 - *6.49 GIRLS' Flats & Loafers Reg. $4.95 - $5.49 - $5.95 - $7.95 *3.98 - *4.98 - *6.50 BOYS' Dress & Play 3* . 6 $5:95 - $7.95 <4.49 - $6.49 LADIES' A CHILDREN'S Slippers 20% OFF LADIES'! Sno-Boots Over-the-Stocking Boot -- Reg. $8.55 *7.98 MEN'S Work Shoes $6.99 US RUBBER Footwear For the Family -- Off 10% & 30% OFF For the Lady in White SIMPLEX NURSE'S Oxfords Heg. $9.95 - *7.89 EXPERT SHOE FITTING FOR QUALITY FIT STYLING PETER GIES SHOES 107 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. PHONE McHENRY 441-M ADDED from BURIED TREASURER LOOK! To Your ATTIC To Your GARAGE To Your BASEMENT To Your CLOSETS FOR THOSE UNWANTED ITEMS USELESS TO YOU USEFULL TO OTHERS 20 GOLDEN WORDS FOR ONLY «1 SELLS A WAITING MARMT 00 r-<" V -: V; WANT AD CONVERTS USELESS ITEMS TO BEADY CASH PHONE TODAY! McHENRY 170 „£ it

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