Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Feb 1958, p. 11

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•bruary 10, 19! WV f:: '\- 1 A THE McHENHY PLAINDEALER I-- i; IAkeland park Page E1»Y»I» Committed ;e Projects In Area :\-r by Berniee Boyce On Sunday,-Jah. 19, the. beach ccynmittee met at Roy ftleineke's home. The meeting started promptly ait 12 o'clock and lifeted until 4:30. The main ^cojects >krere the coming carnival which will be held June 26- »*% The ride books will be available soon. Last year there Vjfife 500 books which were WR out completely well in fee advance of the carnival fyflth many families finding no books available, , so this year the committee has ordered 1000 books and tope this will take care of everyone. The next project was the west beach. Dredging will start this week if the weather is »ve the zero mark. They dredge out 40 feet and cut back 40 feet making a total of $0 feet. The beach area edge Will be 150 feet wide and will be cut in so that it will be a half circle edge. The dredging will be trucked over for fill to' the Park „ sijte, which in other words will be accomplishing two projects in one. The beach will gradually taper from nothto a depth of 4 feet. At depth there will be ropes with floats as a warning of approaching deeper waters. FYom this point the depth will continue gradually until a total depth of 6 feet which will actually be 7 feet as there will be a foot of sand at this point. There will also be- a diving float at this depth. Roy also tpld me that they H#e had to forego the cement slabs at each beach as the costs of these slabs is much too great if they are constructed properly. They have asked for bids on a large black top slab for the East beach where tennis can be played and dances can be held, however thib too depends on the price. I think we all owe Roy Meineke and hfe hard working committee mlebt of (hanks. i Woman's Club \ ( On Thursday, Feb. 6 fifty wos men braced the cold to attend our social night. A short business meeting was held with Ivy Lezak, vice president presiding in the absence --=of-our~president-Alice Qualver.| ^ : who, we were sorry to hear, v*s ill.) May I note that Ivy Cezak i,flid real well even though ishe was actually shaking in her boots. Marge Casey read the minutes from the previous meeting and Lee Glorch gave the treasurer's report. The following committees, entertainment and refreshments and by-laws had nothing to report, however Dorothy A^ineke, chairman of the ways and means, had a glowing report on the Snow Ball. $1000 was the sterling amount made on the Snow Ball. Dorothy asked that a vote be taken to turn this amount over to the L.P.P.O.A, to be added to the building fund for our community house. The vote was taken and was carried unanimously. Joan Krater, secretary of the I#>.P.O.A. gave the thanks to the women on behalf qf the association for their efforts and for the combined total of $2000 raised by the two Snow Balls and donated to the L.P.P.O.A. community house fund. Joan closed with a note of humor by saying, "Which only proves Who is the better half of the family--Let's face it." Dorothy Meineke also announced that another bake sale will be held on March 15, at Justen furniture store on Green Street. She said that each girl on her committee has been assigned certain blocks and would be contacting the wSmen in each territory for donations for the bake sale, so get oljt your best recipes gals. The meeting was then ajoumedand our, fun began. We had as our' decorations a valentine theme which was carried out throughout Jo Rizzo's basement and looked real pretty. Each table had a dish of valentine candies and bowls of pop-com on them. Games were played and everyone seemed happy with the prizes we had selected. The women were served cake and coffee. The' cakes were really beautiful with all the valentine trimmings. 1 wish to thank my committee for baking all the cakes and for all the help they gave me. They are Lucille Jones, Helen Haynes, Alice Quaiver, Betty Bockman and May Deja. I also want to give special thanks to Jo Rizzo for all the work She did to make our social a huge success. Thanks, gals, you're wonderful. Sportsman's Club On Thursday evening, Feb. 6, the Sportsman's Club of Mc- Cullom Lake had a "Movie" night for the families and fri&nds of their members. It was held at tTie Legion Hall with forty-five people present. The movies were in color and sound and by all I hear they were just beautiful. The movies shown were, "Honkers of Illinois" which was a picture on geese. "Silver Tip" which was a picture on Moose and Deer. As an added attraction for the children a Mickey Mouse movie was shown. I bet the grown-ups enjoyed it too, another movie night is planned for the middle of March. Watch for the date in my coming columns. I am sure there would have been a much larger attendance if it hadn't been that it fell on the same night as the ^Woman's club it really was worth seeing. Floyd Frye, secretary of the Sportsman's club announced that there are still 150 pheasants to be released at their controlled shooting area. Good huntin' sportsmen.' Social Night Don't forget the social night tomorrow night, Friday, Feb. 14. It will be at the Larry Strandquists' at 515 Shore Drive. By now you all know OPEN CLOGGED SEWEkS WITHOUT DIGOINei DIMOIVM ReoN, Sludge, Qnmtm, Paper easily md inexpensively! BOYER ROOT DESTROYCR ACE HARDWARE ISO Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111, PHONE 728 Yowr Doctor's order it our low.. eee W e ' l l compound It without flaw! O Bring your Doctor's prescriptions to this professional pharmacy where precise compounding is a specialty. Skilled Registered Pharmacists and ample stocks enable as to compound all prescriptions promptly and exactly as the Doctor directs. Each step double>-checked for accuracy. Yet, our prices are alteays fair. Try us next timet Bolger S Drug Store 10S So. Green Phone 40 MeHeary the reason behind these gatni?Sj so do try and attend. ' virtth them and thought how tiftey woulii just walk in and set it all out^ b^t ala% Lee was not Oar Mailman horhe an<i lio one knew where Hps $ske$ the cooperation of was. After,j diecking all th| r^sicterits of Lakeland ^rk | over with theh«tr of friends; by clearing, the snow from in ihas, theyffii%lly located front of the mailboxes. He is h<* at the Cina home. Lee not compel^#* to leave; his' went dashing home and there truck. He has* been doing $ a11 spread out was all the deout 6t the goodness of his heart, so how about clearing the way for him. If he wants he can pass us up if the way isn't cleared for him, so if you still have snow piled up from the last storm remove it and if we have another storm be sure tor keep this in mind and remove the snow before delivery. None of us want to jeopardize our mail service as we all remember the early days of having to pick our mail up in town or at our entranced Happy Birthday TO little Colleen Rogers who celebrated her very first birthday on Saturday Feb. 7. The celebration was a two day affair when Grandma and Grandpa came on Sunday, To Beverly Grote who' celebrated her twelfth birthday on Tuesday, Feb. 11. To Linda Lihks, who celebrated her tenth birthday on Jan. 31, with a birthday party at school. On the Mend Bpverly Grote is home and doing just fine, Mama Virginia tells me she expected to go back to school, Monday; Jim McEnery is home from St Anthony's hospital where he, spent a couple of weeks bouting with pneumonia. Louise tells me he is doing quite well, but the doctor says, "No work for another couple of weeks." Take it easy Jim and enjoy all the attention. Dolores Belohalvey is happy to be home with her husband and two little boys again after spending quite a spell in the McHenry hospital. I hear she is doing real well too. So happy they aye all on the mend once again. Parties! Parties! Parties! On Feb. 4, Lee Glorch went coffee Matching at Fran Cina's house. She didn't tell her family where she was going. Shortly after Lee left, three of her Chicago pals came out to surprise her. They brought all the trimmihgs for a good lunch licious food her friends had brought witi), them- ?oor Lee had herself a terrible^ time as She had feasttfd nfoelt at Fran's but had to make an effort after all of her friends trouble. Her friends of thirty-three years were Christina Sorenson, Effie Siljander and Hazel Wright. Then on Saturday, Lee had Phylis Koehler and Jean Neault both of whom live in Lakeland Park for a pizza supper. Oh yes, Lee was able to eat heartily agaihl A Tripoley party wais held at Grace Mand^laTa house on Wednesday, Feb. 5, Tti°se present were Marge Dent, Dill Reinhardt, Ivy Lezak aiid Ann Herzog. Grace served a delicious prune and apricot cake and coffee. < Ann Herzog took home most of the* loot. These gals really have the right ideh for passing these miserable winter months and profitable for some of them too. A surprise party was held at the Parisis home on Feb. 8, the guest of honor was Bonnie Bucaro the event being her thirteenth birthday. Congratulations, Bonnie you are now in your teens. What a party it was with the following guest toasting Bonnie (with coke of course) Pete Parisi, John Parisi, Shirley Gustafson, Gordie Rehberg, Sue Dahlquist, Margie Parisi, Joan Koerper, Linda Pedicone, Diane Koerper, Jim Becker and Sandy Bucaro. After dancing and several party games they were served barbecues, potato chips and coke. A good time was had by all especially Bonnie and why not, it was her bitrhday anil that is really an important event in a young gals life. Our Teens Sandy Bucaro, secretary of the Junior 'teen club reports that negotiations are in progress for senior 'teens and the junior 'teens to merge as one club. Of course because of age differences each age bracket of the Teen club would have their separate socials. CVefamtt! NOW, FOR THE FIRST TIMI IN OUR TOWN You've never heard anything so beautiful 7 before I wthbuitt-ii LESLIE TREMQL0 SYSTEM CHIMES OMEGA percussion and reverberation controls To Lovers of Organ Music ... you are cordially invited to drop in and hear or play the sensational Gulbransen Transistor Organ. We feel that our first showing of these superb instruments is really an occasion and we want you to share, it with us. For the first time in history, here's the miracle of the TRANSISTOR in an electronic organ. A tone generating system of unprecedented musical resource, undreamtof dependability and long life, a new standard of abhievement in organ tone excellence. It's the easiest of all to play. With no previous training . you'll be amazed how quickly you'll become an accomplished artist. See us--or write for folder. Sales & Service McHenry Electric & Supply BRUCE KLONTZ 60S MAIN ST. 1 McHENRY PHONE McHENRY 30? SALES DISPLAY & INSTRUCTION Alyce Joyce Studios 808 W. ELM McHENRY, ILL. PHONE MsSjjENE-Y ®i; - / The junior 'teens would continue to have their monthly meettegS which are held* on the first and third Wednesday's at the1 Jerry Roger's home. Then there would be one big business meeting once a month with both clubs participating. The Lakeland Park Senior 'Teen club had a bowling party on Feb. 8. Those attending were Carla Johnson, Ghuck Anderson, Ray Bujak, Bonnie Short, -Sharon Ozog, Carole Franklin, CoUete Partipilo, Janice Parisi, Donald Parisi, Joseph Cina. Vincent Cina and Mrs. Jean Parisi. Of course Mrs. Parisi doesn't belong, to the 'Teen club, but was their chaperone, but surely looks young enough to join in which she did do by bowling right along with them. Congratulations to Butch Bujak, I Understand he was the bowler with the most. Watch for my report of .the 'Teens' dance which will be held on Tuesday night. Remember Vince you said that you would call and tell me all about it. Christening On ^Sunday, Feb. 2, little Judy Devine was christened at the Zion Lutheran church. Ken and I were honored to be asked to stand in as proxies for the Godparents. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Bril who live in Santa Monica, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Bril are cousins of Evie Devine. After the services we all returned to the Devines abode for delicious coffee cake and coffee, followed a wonderful afternoon with hors d'oeuvres and cocktails before a most delicious dinner. What about Judy, oh she slept through most of the day as she was just plum tuckered out from all the fussings and picture takihg. Eastwood Manor PUNEVBWK OFFUMFOR ASS* PARTY by Peggy Garrelts The committee for our association party on Feb. 22 met last Friday at the Sheehy home to make plans for the big event. There will be nice prizes, refreshments, and an evening's fun for everyone who attends. We hope to have a good turnout as all the profits go right back into the treasury for future projects designed for our entertainment or benefit. Sneakies No names mentioned, so relax, but if the shoe fits, wear it. One of our women club members had a very embarrassing incident happen to her. She lost her girdle. One of our well known Lakeland Parkers has been dieting and exercising like mad. Her sister-in-law ,who lives across the street was watching her from her window and had a good view of the proceedings, March of Dimes Thank you to everyone for your generous contributions to the March of Dimes collection. Rita Simpson was chairman for Eastwood Manor and helping her were Marge Pickett, Mr. Sheehy. Lois McCormack, Betty Lahman, Donna Rohrer, Jackie Grom, Marilyn Fultz, Betty Radner. and Carol Hayes. We think these folks deserve a lot of credit for going out in the cold and snow to do this job. Collections from small communities like ours all over the country have made possible the medical advances in the right on polio. This and That Rita and Tom Simpson entertained twenty-six relatives last weekend in celebration of four family birthdays which occurred within a week of each other. The Simpsons were glad there was snow on the ground but couldn't figure out why she shopped half way up, so took a better look. It seems that as this party got half way up from her toe touchings she would stop to take a drink of coffee out of a cup she had on a table nearby. Now who has a sister-in-law that lives across the street from them I know. Thanks again for all the news. 1 Bye now, see you next week. Claire Beauty Shoppe Phone McHenry 10 200 8. Green St. FEBRUARY SPECIAL *5 PERMANENT Including Shampoo, Set & Haircut WE FEATURE PATRICIA STEVENS C0SMETICS as that kept the kids out of doors and out their hair most of the time. Bob and Connie Dethlefson entertained as. an; overnight guest, Ken Montgomery from San1 Francisco who was in Chicago at a sporting goods show. Warren and Lois Krebs entertained Warren's mother, Mrs. Henning. Larson this past weekend. Betty and Ed Radner went into Chicago this past week to attend Betty's brother's silver wedding anniversary. Mrs. Elmer Webber from Painesville, Ohio, was a guest at the home of Sam and Betty Weiskoppf recently to celebrate the birthday of Mrs. Marie Weiskoppf, Sam's mother. The Bunco club met'at Marie Thies' home the fifth of February. First prize was won by Lydia Fenner; second prize was won by Ann Ritter; and Marge Tinkler took third prize. The group is planning a Valentine's party at Vern Bauer's home on Feb. 20. Rosemary Newlon had a home demonstration party last Friday. Many of the girls cooped up by the cold weather got together for a pleasant visit and refreshments. ' day of Sandy Radner, who will be 15 years old; Lee. Hanseq who just says he's, ovef 21, asg| Ricky Wool wine who admit? to 6 years. Tom Birmingham has a birti£ day to all the folks and hope they have .many more. Happy Anniversary Bob and Connie Dethlefson are celebrating their anniversary the nineteenth. When we tried to find out from Connie how long she has been putting up with Bob the only answer we could get was, "Too long!" Happy Birthday Bob Dethlefson celebrated his birthday the thirteenth of this month. Ricky Weigman will celebrate his birthday the nineteenth. The fifteenth is a big day aroUnd here as it is the birth- Sick List Gerry Wood was home from work for a few days with pleurisy, but at this writtjng, is con*; ing along fine. V' Timmy, Gale and Tim M& Cormack have all been laid i# with the flu. Needless to say* Lois has been busier than that one-armed paper hanger waiV ing on her group.. Bob Newlon has been laid uft too, with that mean flu bug. Hope he's better by now. ' Even tho' old man winter has put a stop to all outside improvements we understand the Lindermann family have remodelled their basement, finishing it off with California redwood. When they get through, they plan a basementwarming party. Hope the rest of you will keep us informed on your pajPK ties and any news items. Until next week -- so long and keep in touch. 2101. PHOTO CONTEST Gov. William G. Stratton announced that his fourth annua) state park photo contest will again begin April 1 and clofe Aug. 1. For the fourth consecutive year, amateur photographers will have opportunity to make their spring and summfer family outings at Illinois parks and memorials pay for themselves. The governor said that a total of $500 will be awarded to winners. The prizes will be presented to the winning amateur photographers by the gojv«s ernor at the Illinois State Falft August 8-17. SAVE MONEY! AVOID WASTE! READY-MIX CONCRETE RADIO DISPATCHED McHenry Ready Mix Co* Inc. 606 Front St. PHONE 920 McHenry, Illinois Air Conditioning--temperatures made Kx order-- for all-weather comfort. Get a demonstration! Newer and , finer in every way. Yet-- CHEVROLET IS 10WEST PRICED OF THE LOW-PRICED THREE IN THE MODELS MOST PEOPLE BUYf Chevrolet is by far the newest, nicest car in its field--the only one that's new from ride to roof. And in the models most people prefer, Chevy costs you les& than the other two Ibw-priced cars.* Chevrolet does more Car your dollars than any other car in the low-price field. Even the lowest priced models share in Chevy's unique new beauty and costly car feel. Every Chevrolet's a full nine inches longer--lower and wider, too. When you hitch these new dimensions to any of Chevy's new engines, you've got a big serving of spirited action. See your dealer to find out how little Chevy's brand of fun will cost you. You get more for your money in every model--and Chevrolet is the lowest priced of the low-priced three in the models most people buy:! OufyJrtmeidstdChtvnlM duUrt -- | -- r display this Janums tradtmirk , -i The Bat -Air Sport Coop*, fvery window ol evary Chevrolet is Salety Ptote G'oss. See your local authorized Chevroletdealerjor quick appraisal-- prompt delivery! •fiASEO ON FACTORY LIST PRICES FOR COMPARABLE SEDAN AND HARDTOP MODEL Si FOtVKUO

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