P«g» Sixteen' WONDER L/ Highland Shores Property Owners ^faking Plans For Rescue Squad / by Jane Dneey -- 27S1 A rescue squad for Highland Chores and surrounding area lis in the organizational stage, following a discussion at the Jan. 31 meeting of the Property Owners association. They plan a ten man squ?d, trained in advanced first aid and use of the inhalator, and the purchase of a resuscitator and an alarm signal. At the present they are in the process of collecting money to set up the squad, and have collected about 30 per cent of the necessary amount in donations from the area. A fund raising committee has been appointed consisting of chairman, Orville Yaeger, a n d c o m m i t t e e m e n J a m e s . Laing, Bob Asmus, and Robert Wiggins. A donation frorn any -interested citizen would be appreciated by the committee. In addition to Highland Shores, the squad would service Sunrise Ridge, and probably Greenwood. The program which has the complete backing of the Woodstock fire department, arises from the fact that it takes too long to get rescue service from Woodstock, which is the fire protection district for the area. Fifteen minutes is the shortest time the rescue squad has been able to answer a distress call, and in bad weather this time is considerably longer. Because the inhalator is in a Woodstock fire truck, the department tyros the call over to the sheriffs office to see if a car which also carries an inhaltor, is available; thus the Woodstock area would not be short of fire fighting equipment if needed. If the sheriff's office cannot take the call, the Woodstock fire department then goes out to the Wonder Lake area. The Highland Shores group visited the Wonder Lake fire department meeting last Thursday to learn about the rescue squad here and points about equipment. The Wonder Lake squad services Wonder Woods and White Oaks Bay in addition to the east side of the lake. young people to attend the youth conference, to be held Friday and Saturday, March 7 and 8 at the Bible church. TTiis conference is being held for the spiritual and social welfare of ceive the citation: Mike Powers, Henry Enstrom, Keith Noble, Douglas Sellek. Walter Hunt, Ed Druml, Jr., George Sorensen, Bruce Sansone, Roger Hunt, David Druml, Robert Dickman, Ronald Doherty, Norbert Reglin, Donald Mahal, Daniel Tronsen, Brian O'Connor, John Eberle, Jr., Allen Jacobsen, and Richard Wright. Scoutmaster Ed Druml wishes to personally commend the three Lutheran and one Catho- Christian youth of the sur- i lie boys for their efforts in atrounding area, and everyone is J taining the religious awards welcome regardless of church , which were presented recently affiliation. A full, schedule has been planned, starting 7 p.m. March 7 and lasting until 9 p.m. March 8. The Sunday school contest is underway and Wonder Lake is doing fine with more points earned than the Sunday school with which they are competing. In addition to the group incentive of enrolling new stuents, there is a free week at camp as a goal for the individual contestant. The teacher's ref re sher course is proving interesting and profitable to everyone who j This will be safety in automohas been attending. Conducted ; biles and on the highway, by Rev. Richard Wright, the class is held following the regular Wednesday night prayer service at 8:45 p.m. Teachers, prospective teachers and substitutes are enrolled and it is reported that even the "old timers" are learning something new about, teaching. on Scout SUTfday. Scouts so honored were Kurt Weiseriberger, Richard Johnson, Mike Powers, and Ed Druml, Jr. A friend of Boy Scouts, who wishes to remain annoymous, has offered to. provide prizes for the three individuals who achieve the most advancement in scouting in the troop during the period from Oct. 31, 1957 to Oct. 31; 1958. The troop has covered the second phase of. its work on the yearly safety program, and is ready to start the third. Decklation Day Set Dedication Sunday for the newly remodeled Wonder Lake Bible Church has been set for March 23. at a recent meeting of the board of directors of the church. It is planned to de- i Koennekers. Their otherUaughvote the weekend to the dedi- , ter, Mrs. A1 Zima of LaGrange Birthday Celebration A party honoring Herman Koenneker of White Oaks Bay on his sixty-sixth birthday was given by his wife Saturday night, Feb. 22. Mrs. Koenneker served a Bohemian dinner of duck and sauerkraut to family and neighbors who came to offer congratulations. Mr. and'Mrs. Bud HoUda of the subdivision and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hlava of Fox Lake were there. The women are the daughter and niece of the cation ceermonies, with a supper and social time scheduled for Saturday night, March 22, at which time a movie wiil also be shown. The weekend activities are planned to accommodate the summer residents and guests, so that they may be present at the Sunday services on that daiy. Guest speakers have been scheduled for the Sunday service and the program will be when final plans are made. Park was unable to come and sent her congratulations. Neighbors who attended were Mr. and Mrs. F. Fuentes, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hermann. Christ the King Church News Rev. Thomas O'Maliey will conduct the day of recollection, Sunday, March 2, from 1 to 4 p.m. He is the regional chaplain of the Young Christian Workers of Chicago, and has given many retreats and conducted days of recollection to both men and women throughout the archdiocese of Chicago. He is now assistant at St. Gertrude's parish on the North side of the city. All the women of the parish are asked to attend this series of conferences, as a very appropriate preparation for a devotional Lenten season. They are also asked to prepare questions for a question box. which Father will use in an open discussion during the conferences. Private conferences will be available for any who wish them. There will be no confessions heard that afternoon, but rather from 7:00 to 7:45 on the Saturday before, March 1. Mrs. Edward Sliney or Elgin, will be the guest speaker at the next meeting of the Altar and Rosary sodality, Thursday evening, March 6, 8:30 p.m. Mrs. Sliney7 is the organization and development chairman of the Rockford Diocese main council of the NCCW. A film will also be shown and refreshments will be served following the business meeting. The Holy Hour which will precede the meeting is changed to 7:45 p.m. at the church so that the meeting will begin at 8:30 p.m. promptly at the Ray Mendyk home.in Indian Ridge. Nativity Evangelical Lutheran Church News Dr. Bertha Shafer of Richmond will be the speaker of the evening at the meeting of the "Women of the Church" Monday. March 3, at 8 p.m. She will talk about the Mc- Henry County Physical Therapy center in Woodstock which is supported T)y the Easter Seal society, and present a film showing the activities carried on at the center 'for crippled children and adults. Reports will also be given on the workshop in Waukegan concerning work among the aging, that was attended by several members recently. The third sermon in the series entitled. "You Are There", will be given at the mid-week Lenten Service on Wednesday, March 5. All mid-week Lenten services begin at 7:45 p.m. The Evangelism committee of the church will meet after the worship service. Wednesday evening, March 5. Men's Bowling League Paul's Hardware still leads the League with 46, games won and Cristy & Stendebach and Krueger's Oil are tied for secannounced ond with 45 Bames- Krueger's Oil had a hot game last week with the league's highest series of 1150, which is the highest ever known around here. Still no 600--what's the matter, fellas? Trying too hard, huh. Van's Wonder Lounge won 2, W. L. Oil won 1, Ed Obrien 232-504: Paul's Hardware won 2. Mill Inn won. 1; G. Gergits 530. J. Wurm 547, W. L. Builders won 2. Lake View Inn won 1; T. WilJUg 544-212. V. Gustavson 503. E. ^Johnson 541. Krueger's Oil won 3, George's Firemen won 0; G. Gutzman 514. J. Weisenberger 553-223. A. Dietrich 540-206, Ed Bell 513. Cristy & Stendebach won 2, Circle Inn won 1; B. Ramsby 517, Cristy Sr., 500. Lake Cleaners won 2. Silk's Snorting Goods won 1; G. Pederson 209-565. Boy Scout Troop 145 Nineteen Boy Scouts of Troop 145 are to receive citations following the recent emergency disaster program of instruction * which the troop took. The following scouts passed the necessary requirements and are eligible to re- Fiestas Hold Meeting Two new members were voted into the Wonder Lake Fiestas a newly organized Hot Rod club, at the meeting Monday night at the home of Mrs. Barbara Dee in Wonder Center. They are Dick Aissen of Ringwood and Joanne Reuter, who will have honorary status. Lester Sellers was accepted at last week's meeting; all three members are accepted on a thirty day trial period, after which the club votes whether or not to retain the applicant. At present there are nineteen active members, most of whom are teen-age, and three honorary members, who are the local police chiefs in the area, Qaulifications for membership include age minimum of 16 years, a driver's license, a car, an active interest in the club, and residence in Wonder Lake or the rural area surrounding. A state charter has been'applied for in the National Hot Rod association and a constitution and by-laws are being worked on at each meeting. "To Create, Not Destroy" is the motto which has been chosen, and the members put this into practice by promoting safe driving and helping motorists who are in difficulty. A courtesy card is issued to the rescued motorist, who in turn hands it in to his police department. The cards are then returned to the club here; to date they have, received fifty cards, some coming from Elmwood .Park and. Cicero. On the creative side the members study design and body styling and can build a custom car to enter in shows: They also hope to acquaint the public with the sport of hot rodding such as takes place pn one-fourth mile drag strips, where the boys compete to see whose car has the best performance. Officers of the club are Randy Sellek, president, Frank Houda, vice-president, Quen-V tin Moeller, secretary, Tony Morris, treasurer, and Chuck Spielman, publicity. Red Cross Kiek-Off The kick-off luncheon • for the Red Cross Drive in Wonder Lake has been postponed from March 2 to March 9. Sunday, March 9, at 1 p.m. there will be a luncheon meeting at Harrison school for all drive captains and workers. Home Bureau Meeting Mrs. Elsie Hoppe will be hostess to the Ringwood unit of Home Bureau at their regular meeting March 4. There will be two lessons at this meeting/ "The Use of the Sewing Machine" and "How You Wear Your Clothes" both lessons to be given by Mrs. Ann Weretka. Heart Fund Drive A successful Heart Fund drive was carried on at the Lake Sunday, Feb. 23, according to drive chairman, Mj*S. Nancy Franz, and co-chairman, Mrs. Ethel Van Kanegon. News Briefs / Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Burr Look Out. Point are <pareqtt of a 7 lb. 10 oz. daughter bo^ Friday, Feb. 21, at 2:50 a.m! at the Memorial hospital. They have named the baby Jill Louise, and mother and daughter came home Monday and are doing fine. Other Burr children are Jacquie Sue, age 8, and Johnathon, age 6. Paterr nal grandmother is Mrs. Cathe-t rine Burr of Wapping, Conn, and maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Leon Switzer of Deep Spring Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Boettcher of Highland Shores returned last Tuesday from a two week vacation in California where they visited their daughter, Mrs. Richard (Audrey) Nero of LaPuente, near L. A. They visited Disneyland while there and report the California weather perfect for Wonder Lake Bible Church News Twenty-three churches have been invited to send their FEET HURT? Quick Mliff At a Cost of only a Few Pennies DrSchof/'s ZINO-PAOS For Corns, Soft Corns, Callous** and Bunions. 43c PrSchoffb (00T POWDER Fair Burning, Perspiring, Odorous Foot. O w • D-rScholls SOLVEX Ointment for Athlete's Foot. Largo 1 % oz. (or. 98c DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO 5 J\M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:80 P.Bf. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT 1 PHONE McHENRY 452 the entire trip. Y ' ; 1 Mrs. Leo Wines was hostess to the canasta group which plays for the Memorial hospital last week. Mrs. Dorothy Michaels and Mrs. Dolores Peterson had high scores. Others attending were the Mrs. Prudence Grabovy, Ann^Weretka, and alternates Sybil Johnson,, Betty McComb and Sylvia Pearson. The group donated six dollars to -the hospital building fund. Catastrophy has not ceased for Mrs. John Russell of Highland Shores, who recently was burned out of her home. She will have to be off her feet for a period of four to six weeks as the result, of a fall down the stairs in Woodstock, which caused a pulled ligament in her leg. Kiwanlans To Hear Burlingham Lloyd Burlingham of Wooded Shores will be the guest speaker at farmers' night, Monday, March 3, at the Kiwanis meeting at EaGreca's Lake View Inn. The program will be the occasion for another celebration, since March 3 is also Mr. Burlingham's birth date. All Kiwariians are asked to bring a farmer guest to this farmers' night for 1958. Candidates Meeting The McHenry Township Republican Women's club extends an invitation to the general public to meet all candidates in the primary election at their meeting March 18 at the Legion hall in McHenry. Following a three minute speech by each candidate, there will be entertainment and refreshments served in the social period afterwards. Panel On PTA Program "How Good is Your School" will be the subject of a panel discussion on the program of the March 11 meeting of the Harrison parent teachers Association. Superintendent Merle Thomas will, act as moderator and the panel will be composed of four memoers. who j&re feachers at Harrison and parents of students there. The candidates for county superintendent of schools have been invited to the meeting also. Richard Tazewell, who is up for re-election, and O. C. (Dixie) O'Hara, who has been on the faculty of the Woodstock Cojnmunity high school for 12 years, will each give a 3 minute speech outlining their qualifications. A brief question and answer period will follow. Business & Service Directory of * Wonder Lake CRISTY and STENDEBACH General Contractors NEW HOMES Phone Wonder Lake 5432 - Officers of the Harrison P.T.A. for the coming year will also be elected this evening at thte very full meeting , which will begin promptly at 8 p.m. Hostesses for the evening in the refreshment hour following will be the mothers of Mr. J o s s e r a n d ' s s e v e n t h g r a d e class. PTA Cotonty Council March is a busy month at Harison school where in addition to the local meeting, the Coupty council of P.T.A. groups will also meet. Lorence Stout who is superintendent of the Cary Community school and legislation chairman of . the council will address the group on legislation, March 6. March 6 is also ~one of the evenings that parent teacher conferences will . be taking place at Harrison and Mr. Stout will be placed last on the program to enable parents and teachers present at conferences to attend the meeting and hear this timely talk on new legislation needed in the schools today. Members of the Lake County council have been invited to present a program- on the organization and details of study discussion groups at this meeting. The public' is invited. We Invite You V* Attend • • • PrT} 19S8 FARM AND HOMI FISTIVAl MARCH 27, 3B end 29 UNIVEMITV,OF IllNQIS COLLEGE Of 4fti|fCMLTURC miANA.ILLINOIS D-rSchofis Air-Pills Insoles Perforated » Air VtntilatiRg 59 Mode if Utex FOAM... like Walking en Pillows I BOLGER'S Drug Store 103 Sr Green St. McHenry PHONE 40 "NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of LILLIAN M. KELTER Deceased.' Notice is hereby given to all persons that April 7th, 1958, is the claim date in the estate of Lillian M. Kelter, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. City National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago by E. C. REID, Trust Officer HAROLD F. WAGNER, AUGUSTINE FREUND Executors Attorney: RICHARD L. PHELAN 105 W. Madison Street RA 6-8885 , (Pub. Feb. 13-20-27, 1958) , SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of execution number 35812 issued out of the Clerk's office of the Circuit Court of McHenry County and State of Illinois, and to me directed, whereby I am commanded to make the amount of a certain judgment recently obtained against ROBERT WINKEL and MARGUERITE F. WINKEL, his wife, in favor of WALTER BORDEN-doing business as Dunes Coal, Lumber & Material Co., out of the lands, tenements, goods and chattels of the said ROBERT WINKEL and MARGUERITE F. WINKEL, his wife, I have levied on the following proper* ty, to wit: Lot fifteen (15) in Edge> brook Heights Addition to McHenry, a subdivision of part of the Northeast Quarter (NE .%), of the. Southwest Quarter (SW&) of Section Thirty Five _ (35), Township Fprty Five jriB) North, Range Eight (8), East of the Third Principjd Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded January 6, 1953, as Document No, 260822 in Book 11 of Plats, Page 68; THEREFORE, according to said command I shall expose for sale at ptiblic auction all the right, title and interest of the above named ROBHKT WINKEL and MARGUERITE F. WINKEI* his wife, in and to the above described prop* erty, on Friday, the 28th day of March 1958 at ten (10:60) o'clock A.M., at the East front door of the Courthouse^ in Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois: Dated at Woodstock, this 17th day of February 1958. , HARRY C. HEREND^JN Sheriff of McHenry County, Illinois (Pub. Feb. 20-27, March 6, *58) MILK PRICES Producers shipping to Federal Order No. 41 handlers (Chicago and Suburban market) will receive 13 cents per cwt. above the January order price of $3.52 for 5:5 perd(Jkt milk delivered in the 70-mile zone, according to H." L. Edwards, director of sales for Pure Milk association. This will make the price paid in this area $3.65 per cwt. Be sure to read the Plaindealer Want5 Ads each week. LOW LUSTRE Rubberized Wall Paint Cm y to Extremely washable $5.98 gaL O'Brien's Sateen is the only rubberized paint that dries with a rich low lustre. Goes on juickly, easily with brush or roller. Covers in one coat. Dries quickly. No painty odor. Washable and durable^ Ov B E I E N PAINTS TOP QUALITY SINCE 1675 MAIN PAINT CENTER 418 Main St. / McHenry, III. PHONE 1115 DfSchoU's AIR-PIU0INS0US Cushioning Latex E?QC foam. Perforated. i##ri. D-Scholls BALL-O-FOOT CUSHION for Tenderness, Col- aa. buses, Burning at Ball BOLGER'S Drug Store 108 S. Green St. McHenry PHONE 40 SAVE MONEY! AVOID WASTE! READY-MIX CONCRETE RADIO DISPATCHED McHenry Ready Mix Co., Inc. 606 Front St. PHONE 920 McHenry, Illinois Availability... Your savings are immediately available at Marengo Federal Withdrawals may be made without prior notice. In over 30 years, every withdrawal request has been paid immediately. Like other financial institutions, our charter provides for the right to defer payment of withdrawals. We have never invoked such deferment. OUR CURRENT SArETV SAVINGS RATE • a START AN ACCOUNT TODAY Marengo Federal Savings AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 102 North State St. Phone Jbrdan 8-7258 MARENGO, ILLINOIS TOTAL ASSETS OVER $6,000,000.00 GLADSTONE'S . "STORE FOR EVERYONE" PHONE 182 McHENRY, ILL A . TWO-marvelous for words FLOATING ACTION BRAS by AS SEEN ON 2-section cup comfort in "Co-Star" Style 172 - 4-sectlon circle stitched cup in famous Style 392 ...IN EXQUISITE FORM THE LADY IS YOU! S M A* T.t DasH through the day...dance the night through? Then.feotfi of these Floating Action bras were mad* for you! No matter what you do...where you go» these bras never stray out of place. The secret? Tangent Straps that hold up the entire bra frame without annoying bite or pull...leaving the cyps free to curve you in comfort! You'll want both brat... see them todayl PACKAQt loth styles in white or black broadcloth ...A, B and C cups $4)50 Style 392 in D cup $450 32-36 A; 32*40 B; 32-42 C A 34-44 V