Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Feb 1958, p. 7

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Thuriday/Fe 2>. THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER CLASSIFIED REAL ESTATE 2 BEDROOM, 5 room home, glazed porch, 2 car garage on 50x100 river front lot; gas heat; water softener; wall-towallcarpeting in living room; alum. comb, storms & screens; stpve. and refrigerator. Fruit trees and shrubbery --• $19,000. P®ne McHenry 2139-J. . 43 McHENRY VICINITY McHENRY - Fox Street, 1 blk. from. New bridge, . 5 rooms, . bgtti, full basement. Lot 100 x 125. Price $11,800.00. -- WAKTEET TOP PRICE PAID for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock -- 1610-M-2. 43-tf WANTED: Apartment size gas kitchen stove, tabletop, in good condition. Phone after 6 p.m. McHenry 3247-J. 43 MISCELLANEOUS LAKELAND PARK . 2 bedroom home, living, kitchen, large "utility, attached garage. Price $10,000.00. Extra lot also available. SUNNYSIDE - A nice 2 bedroom home, plastered walls, oft floors, full basement, attached garage. Price $16,800.00 terms. 2 bedroom home. Living, kitcherv utility. Attached garage. Range & refrigerator. Wooded lot. Price only $10,900.00 Water front, new 3 bedroom brick home 1 Vz Ceramic tile bijpns. Oak floors, gas heat, 2 c&r attached parage. l ot 80 x 150. Price $21,500.00. JACOB FRITZ :: REALTORS EXCLUSIVE AGENTS For inspection call at our office in Johns'oiirg - Ph. McHenry 37 43 3 BEDROOM HOME for sale Living room with fireplace. All large rooms. Attached garage, gas heat. Also 4 room furnished apt. attached, provides additional income. Call Wonder Lake 5654. 44-tf 2 BEDROOM Year Round Home on half acre ground--Eis-- takee»Bay. Lake and pier rjpits. Liquidating $11,750.00. Terms. Write c/o Plaindealer, Box 344. 43 McHENRY Cape Cod, 2 bedroom expandable. Basement, 2 car garage, centrally located. Owner will sell under contract with very low down payment. A REAL WONDER LAKE Unusual 3 bedroom home on lake shore in most desirable location. $3,000 will handle. PRICED RIGHT. CALL MR. HEINEN S, McHenry 2527 AIRD & WARNER, Inc. 43 LENTEN SPECIALS Boneless Perch 75c Broiled Wall-eyed Pike $1.25 French Fried Jumbo Shrimp .... $1.50 12-Oz. Lobster Tail ........ $2.25 Above served with tomato juice, french fries, lettuce & tomato salad, hot rolls and butter. CLUB LILYMOOR ROUTE 120 V/2 miles East of McHenry Phone McHenry 9869 43 MOOSE DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 9 P.M. MEMBERS & GUESTS ONLY i • i I LEG A LS at the McHENRY MOOSE LODGE On Route 120 McHenry, 111. LEGAL, NOTICE In the matter of the application of Lakeland Park Property 'Owners' Association, an Illinois corporation, not for profit, for a zoning amendment and variation of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance. NOTICE A notice is hereby given in compliance with the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance that a public hearing will be had before the McHenry County Board of Appeals in connection with an application for an amendment' arid • variation of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance with respect to the following described property: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Block 3 Lakeland Park, Unit No. 3, being a Subdivision* of part *of the East One- Half of the East One-Half of Section 28, Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the 3rd P.M., according to the plat thereof recorded September 8, 1953, in Book 11 of Plats, pages 90 and 91, as Document 269384, in McHenry County, Illinois. This application is for the purpose of obtaining an amendment or variation of the zoning ordinance with respect to property belonging to the applicant and held for use as a community recreation center, and for the put-pose of changing the applicable zoning from R-l to B-2, Commercial. The hearing will be held at 3:00 P.M.. C.S.T., on Tuesday, March 18, 1958, in the City Hall in the City of McHenry, Illinois, at which time and place any person desiring to be heard may be present. McHENRY COUNTY BOARD OF APPEALS By: Harold J. Bacon, chairman EDWIN F. ZUKOWSKI, »101 No. Main Street i Crystal Lake, Illinois Phone: Crystal Lake 574 Attorney for Petitioner (Pub. Feb. 27, 1958) 19-tf TO BE GIVEN AWAY TO BE GIVEN AWAY, Two young dogs. Phone McHenry 559-M-l. 43 GERMAN SHEPHERD Pups, 10 weeks old to be given away. Please call McHenry 2197-R. 45 NEW 4 room home, garage, hardwood floors, oil heat, immediate possession. Located in Maryville Heights. Phone McHenry 1259-W. , 43 SITUATION WANTED JUNG MARRIED woman de sires night employment. Wait ress work preferred have experience, but will consider other work. Phone McHenrv 26^6. *43 WAITRESS wants full or part time work. Experienced. Phone McHenry 571-R-l. 43 WTLL DO BABYSITTING for waftdng mother. Henry 365. Phone Mc- 43 WANTED CONTRACTOR to build several rental cabins near Fox Lake, monthly payment" basis. Write H. C. Martin, 114 W. Seiberling Ave., Peoria Heights, 111. t> 43 LIST YOUR FARMS WITH US or Contact us if you wish to buy. B. ANDERSON & CO., Inc. WHEELING, ILL. Phone Wheeling 53 or "3LENN H. WILL Salesman Rt. 1, Alden, 111. Phone Hebron 3114 V 49-tf February 28 Crime Stoppers Meeting -- City Hall--6 p.m.--Movies. . March 4 Fox River Valley Camp, R.N.A. Regular Meeting. March 6 'Teen-Agers Dance -- Moose Lodge March 11 St. Patrick's-School Mothers' Club Regular Meeting -- 2:45 p.m. -- Church Hall. March 14 Woman's Club -- Legion Home -- 1:30 p.m; March 16 Annual St. Patrick's Day Dinner--Sponsored by St. Patrick's Altar and Rosary Sodality. March 20 'Teen-agers Dance -- Moose Lodge Community Methodist Church International Luncheon--Public Invited. March 28-29 Rummage Sale -- Ringwood Methodist Church -- Friday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.'; Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. April 16 Woman's Club Style Show-- Legiop Home State of Illinois ) ) ss. County of McHenry) In The Circuit Court of McHenry County Illinois HERBERT FREUND, d/b/a S. H. FREUND & SON. Plaintiff, vs STANLEY ETHAN ALLEN, and CRYSTAL LAKE SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOJ and "UNKNOWN Defendants. IN Party March 9 Benefits Parents' Group Of UCP A party for the bertefit of the parents' group of United Cerebral Palsy will be held at the Crystal Lake Moose home on Sunday, March 9. Many prizes will be awarded during the event. The UCP parents' group is composed of parents of handicapped children at the county classroom for the handicapped at Greenwood school, as well as parents of cerebral palsy victims. Ed. Peterson is president of the organization. CIATION, OWNERS' CHANCERY No. 35538 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Affidavit showing • that the defendants, "Unknown Owners", have gone out of this State, and on due inquiry cannot be found, so that process cannot be served upon said defendants, having been filed in the office of the Clerk of this court, notice is therefore, hereby given to said "Unknown Owners" defendants that the plaintiff in the above entitled cause filed his complaint in said cause on the 3rd day of September, A.D., 1957, and that said action is now pending and undetermined in said court, and that you, the said "Unknown Owners" defendants must file an answer in this rase, or otherwise file your appearance in the office of the Clerk of this Court, on or before March 29, 1958, and in the event you fail to do so. default may be taken against you for the relief prayed for in the complaint. LESTER EDINGER. Clerk' of said Court (Court Seal) ' LOOZE & KINNE Attorneys for Plaintiff 112 E. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois (Pub. Feb. 27 - March 6-13) -- McHenry Recreation -- C. D. of A.: R. McGinley, 440; E. Nell, ,178; L. Braidman, 441; A. Vaupell, 434; M. Fuchs, 182-190- 539; T. i Steffan, 462; E. Wirfs, 456; A. Gaulke, 464; D. Schaefer, 445; J. Weber, 202-491; B. Dalinis, 432; G. Barbian, 178- 180-503; J. Kralowetz, 448; M. Harrison, 473. Wednesday Nite Twelver F. Matchfcn, 466; M. Cristy, 175-453; A. Grosso, 449; T. Jinga, 461; J. Motulewiez, 435. Wed. - Nite 7 O'clock - Foresters J. Etten, 228-208-601; J. Herdrich, 247-583; L. Thennes, 202-550; D. Weber, 544; H Schmitt, 151 average, 533; B. O'Brien, 209. Commercial League: R. Newlon, 205-541; H. Lottchea, 213-547; R. Stilling, 222- 561; P. May, 201-583; A. Brink, 213- 569; R. Burns, 203; R. Gilliford, 210; M. Gath, 225- 214-626; R, Osterby, 535; L. Thennes, 245-607; E. Freund, 538; E. Kania, 200; R. O'Brien, 233-596; T. Mortimer, 206; E. Whaples, 537. Nite Owls: R. Romkowskl, 448; R. Kluk, 455; G. Bradley, 493; M. Kuna, 445; M. Etheridge, 431; t>. Moffett, 178-452; P. DeVoss, 433; C. Colman, 186-479; P. Kleinhuizen, 188; B. Dowell, 434; M. Cone, 454; J. Rosing, 454; A. Grosso, 435; I. Stoller, 434; L. Worts, 448; F. Svitanek, 186-181-582; Railroads picked up: M. Ehrhardt, 3-9- 10; S. Sutton, 5-10; P. DeVoss, 5-10; M. Cone, 5-8-10; J. Rosing, 5-10; P. Rosing, \ 5-9-10, 5-8-10; E. Hoyte, 3-10. Bnsiness Men's League: R. Stoller, 205; L. Ehrhardt, 538; R. Hignight, 203-556; Sell, 220-539; Thomas. 200; F. Schmitt, 537; A. Steinsoderfer, 542; R. Pieroni, 206; R. Weyland, 537; S. Buenzli, 577. NOTICE City vehicle licenses were due January 1st. Penalty of 50 cents will be in qffect Saturday, March 1st. If you cannot pick up license in person, mail check with description of vehicle to City Clerk's office Phone 43 for information. City of McHenry (Pub. Feb. 20-27, 1958) Tues. Night Playboy League: G. Golding, 207-210-222-639; S. Buenzli, 210-588; J. Kupic, 536;' A. Otto, 534: G. Paulsen, 204. Thurs. 9:15 P.M. League: Krier, 201; Krause, 200-542; WrHojnackir215-550; E-Kochy 206-581; Noonan,..526; S. West, 215-569; Kinsala, 223-589; Sut-' ton, 547; Larkin, 202-211-562; Crouch, 532; A. McCarroll, 222- 602. Johnsburg Bowling Resort M. Kelly; 459; N. Larkin, 175^- 433; E. Cross, 431; E. Smithson, 446; G. Vrbik, 434; M. Steinsdorfer, 176-433. 7 and 9 o'clock C.OJF. T. Thennes, 549; D. Fredricks, 200-548; V. MiUer, 529; B. Kreutzer, 528; H. Freund, 200-551; A. Schaefer, 528; Hendrich, 540; Frost, 529; Etten, 226-585; G. M. Freund, 556. Thurs. Nite Ladies League: L. Schmitt, 459;. B. Freund, 180-446; D. Hettermann, 181- 443; L. Hiller, 441; Z. Malochleb, 440; M. Hettermann, 432; E. Schaefer, 195. Gutter Dodgers: D. Korwin, 462; J. Sladek, 448; I. Godina, 189-516; J. May, 499; E. Peisert, 452; Railroads picked up: A. Becker, 3-10; D. Pieroni, 3-10; D. Strouser, 1- 3-7. -- Palace -- 1 and 9 o'clock Ladies-- M. Fuch, 195-470; M. Doherty, 209-526; J. Doherty, 443; L. Ferwerda, 445; L. Michels, 456; G. Smith, 180-466; J. Dillon, 440; M. Powers, 189-456; A. Gaulke, 446; T. Steffen, 442; E. Winkel, 455; L. Paluch, 179-462; M. Donnelly, 480. Wednesday. Nite Ladies: T. Meyer, 188-198-544; V. Herdrich, 179; E. Hester, 451; Tavern League: F. Matthesius, 565; G. Schaefer, 209-615; D. Weingart, 211- 541; C. Behnke, 541; A. Jackson, 203-531; W. Pierce, 548; J. Feffer, 204-584; Popelka, 542; Forti, 213-566; Worm, 562; Winters. 209-570; Weiser, 209- 535; Low, 534; H. Behnke, 216-274-612; Rosing, 212-236- 621; Jager, 539; S. Miller, J203; H. Steffes, 215-225-632. City League R. Rode, 214-547; J. Cristy Sr., 553; D. Schaefer, 202-230- 581; R. Mailfold, 214; F. Matthesius, 216-593; G. Erber, 532; E. Koch, 200-549; Johnson, 554; Kreutzer, 204 - 200 - 571; H. Smith, 549; E. Peisert, 539,; A. McCarroll, 202-546. GIRL SCOUTS Senior Scouts The Senior Girl Scout troop held its regular meeting on >Feb. 18 at 7:30 p.m. The Girl Scout northern district rally to be held at the Crystal Lake fieldhouse on March 8 at 2 p.m., was discussed. Each Scout must have a permission slip from parents and bring it to the next meeting. Karen Bailey, Camille Warnes and Judy Gregory will represent the local troop as flag bearers and color guards. The local troop is putting on a drive for old cotton blankets to be used in the service project. The committee consists of J.i net Gardner, Gail Johnson, Camille Warnes, Linda Morris and Betsy Kauss. chairman Please call 129-M if you have any of these blankets to donate. The six Scouts who are go- ,ing to read, write for and set "the hair of the patients at the test home this week are Judy Gregory, Linda Morris, Karen Bailey, Kathy Prawl, Nancy Fisher and Gail Johnson, chairman. Every other week, six other girls from the troop will visit and help these people. Mrs. Gregory announced that the McHenry Kiwanis group Will sponsor the local troop and have offered to buy the senior 1*rocp flag. She also reported that the McHenry Legion auxiliary will give the troop an American flag. The Senior Scouts are grateful to both of these orgahizations for this help and also to the Boy Scout organization 'for asking them to serve for the father-son banqfuet and appreciate the donation to the troop treasury. The remainder of the meeting was spent on making up a work chart and trying to figure out a yearly calendar of troop activities. It was stressed by Mrs. Gregory that all girls should attend the next meeting as eight membership requirements must be finished. The meeting will be held at the Delmonte home unless otherwise notified, on March 4 at 7:30 p.m. OBITUARIES George B. Freund George B. Freund, 71, of Deerfield, a native of McHenry, died last Thursday, Feb. 20, in Highland Park hospital. He was born here May 23, 1886, son of the late Peter J. and Gertrude Bonslett Freund. Mr. Freund spent his early life in the McHenry area. He was a member of Carpenters' Local 80 of Chicago, an honorary member of the McHenry council, Knights of Columbus, and was a commissioner of drainage district 1 of Deerfield. His wife, Elizabeth, died in 1955. He is survived by three sons, Edwin A., of Minneapolis, Charles A., of Deerfield and Richard W. of Joliet; a daughter, Mrs. Aletta M. Villano, of Melrose Park; two brothers, Walter of McHenry and Arthur of Woodstock; twelve grandchildren and a great-grandchild. .A requiem Mass was sung at St. Mary's church in McHenry at 10 o'clock Monday morning, with burial in the church cemetery. Before that time, the body rested at the Peter M. Justen & Son funeral home. William Wright McHenry friends this week mouned the death of William Wright, 90, of Wright Road, Nunda township, who died in his home following a short illness. The deceased was born in Sheffield, England, and came to the United States in 1873. He had resided in the Burton's Bridge area for the past sixty years and farmed on the same place for a half century. Survivors include two sons, William R. Wright, of Riverdale subdivision and Edwin C. Wright of Des Plaines; a daughter, Mrs. Charles (Marie) Rossman at home'; five grandchildren and fourteen great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Mary Agnes O'Neil Wright, on March 18, 1957. The body rested at the Querhammer funeral home in Crystal Lake, where services were held Saturday afternoon. MARCH 4 HEARING On Tuesday, March 4, at 3:45 o'clock in the city hall at McHenry, the petitioner, Wonder View Improvement association, is asking for a -ehange--of--classification--from "R-l" residential to "B-2" business, allowing them to erect • a community building which will be used for recreational activities. The jjroperty includes Lots 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 and 19 in Block 18 of Wonder View subdivision. POSfOfTlCETEttS^ NEED OF INCREASE IN POSTAL BATES Word comes from' the Post Office department in Washington, stating why increases in postal rates are needed now. They give as their reasons: 1. provide better mail service; 2. reduce huge postal losses; 3. meet emergency defense costs; 4. balance the federkl budget. Their reasons are many. They say postal rates are now the same as they were in 1932 for first class letter mail, only 3 per cent greater for second class mail and 38 per cent greater for third class mail Meanwhile, everything the Post Office department buys and uses has more than doubled in cost since 1932, just as household and business expenses have. The proposed rates on . first class mail would produce additional revenues of $360 million from the 5-cent non-local letter rate; $146 million from the 4-cent Ideal letter rate; and $34 million from the 3- cent post card and drop letter rates. Increases from 6 cents to 7 cents an ounce on air mail letters and ftom 4 cents to 5 cents on air mail cards would yield $17 million a year in new income. Present rates for both second and third class matter sent by non-profit religious, charitable, fraternal and educational organizations are not increased by the current proposals. Newspapers with circulation of 5,000 or le6s are also exempted. Many o„ther postal systems of the world, in recognition of their higher costs, already have established a 5-cent rate and in some cases even higher. Canada has had a 5-cent nonlocal and a 4-cent local rate on the first unit of weight of letter mail since 1954. Page Se ven &-M. STATE FEDERATION HOSTESS IN MARCH TO WOMEN'S CLUBS / Troop 89 v Seven of the girls went to serve at the Boy Scout banquet. We are thanking the Boy Scouts for the money they paid us. We received $17.50. Mary Kirk, scribe FIRST AID COURSE A Red Cross first aid training course will begin on Wednesday, March 5. Classes will meet weekly, promptly at 7:30 pm. in the fire house in McHenry, under the instruction of John Beckman of Harvard and George Meyers of Woodstock. For additional information call Mrs. G. Barbian or Mrs. Larry Murray. ^iiiiiiiimiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiniiiiuiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiii^ = New Construction " Masonry |j E or and 3 § Remodeling Frame Homes § | J. R. LEVESQUE & CO. ( | General Contractors 1 1 FRAME or BRICK HOMES I McCULLOM LAKE, ILL. Phone McHenry 2171 S Satisfaction Guaranteed ' _ illllllMIUIilllUlliniUIIUIIiUJIIIHIIIIUIIIIIilUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUJIIUIllllUllllllllllJllllUllBlUllllllllllllllllf Call For § Free Estimates = Claire Beauty Shoppe Phone McHenry 10 200 8. Green St. SPRING PERMANENT TIME Call us for an appointment on a Bargain Priced Permanent WE FEATURE PATRICIA* STEVENS COSMETICS SUFFERS BRTTTSES Jack Thennes, 9-year-old £on of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thennes, suffered only bruises when he was hit by the front wheel of the city vehicle used for parking meter collections. The accident occurred Tuesday as the boy was crossing the street. He was hospitalized over-night. BOARD MEETING On Monday. March 3, there will be an official board, meeting at 8 o'clock at the' Ringwood Methodist church. Be not simply good. Be good for something. . The Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs will be hostess to club leaders of twelve midwestern states when the General Federation of Woman's Clubs holds its annual Mississippi valley conference in Chicago on Friday, March 7, at the Hotel Sherman^ The one day meeting will open at 9:30 a.m. The president of the General Federation, Mrs. R.. I. C Prout, of Wakefield, Mich., and Washington, D.C., will address the club women at the closing banquet at 6:30 p.m. on Friday evening. According to Mrs. E. J. Heckel of Downers Grove, president of the Illinois Federation, a luncheon Is also planned, and the visiting delegation will be honored at a reception on Thursday evening, March 6, at 8:30 p.m. The business program will consist of three panels -- one conducted by twelve state presidents, one by three chairmen of general Federation departments and the third by state junior directors. Those from the 11th district who will attend are Mrs. Willir Peter, president, of Algonquin and Mrs. Ralph Erlanson, vice-president, of Aurora. Auxiliary ^ by June AlWa • ' ^-,1 A regular monthly boat"d ^ meeting of the woman's - auxH^ 'M iary of the McHenry hospital - was held on Tuesday, Feb. 11, 1958. ' _ . Some very pretty manorial boxes were displayed by Georgiana Thornton's committee and will be displayed in the local funeral homes in the near future. Anyone desiring information about the memorial fund may call McHenry 1487. Mrs. Mae Stinespring was the hostess for a Valentine Tea at her home on Thursday, Feb. 13: Tea, coffee and dainty mor^ sels were decorously served. The Tea was given in honor of the active volunteers who have served at the hospital, reception desk or have worked at the Pink Lady Shoppe. Mae stated that the success of an auxiliary depends on its volunteer service workers. Miss MandaV Roe,, hospital administrator thanked the group for their many , hours of service to the hospital. She said that each volunteer really helps the patient indirectly and many tildes directly. She also outlined the charac> teristics which a volunteer should have as suggested by the American Hospital associa^ tion. Although funds do not warrant the purchasing of further equipment at this time, it has been necessary to do so. The two new pieces of major equipment that the hospital is proud to possess are a thoracic thermotic pump which provides suction in sufficient volume for the needs of chest surgery* The other is a resuscitator which serves a myriad of uses 1 throughout the hospital as re-' suscitation, aspiration and inhalation, all in one unit. It is good to know that this type of equipment is nearby. Should anyone with a generous heart care to step forward and donate either one of there pieces of valuable equipment it would be most greatly appreciated. MOOSE LODGE WOMEN OF THE MOQ6K syiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiuiiii|£ Specialize in Cement Work Only Band L Equipped to Do Any Size Job | CONSTRUCTION COMPANY f I CEMENT CONTRACTORS | i Phone 409 1 s • k s | BOB PEPPING, Owner = illlUIIIIIIIIIIHIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinilllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllf?: The second meeting of the month was held at the McHenry Moose club Feb. 18 and there was much business to take care of. We find that March is going to be a busy month for us. ^ -- • On Sunday afternoon, March 9, beginning at 2 o'clock, we are to take part in the Mooseheart Music Day which is to be held at Antioch in the high school auditorium. This is to be an open meeting and eVWfyone is welcome. Saturday night, March 15, the women are having a St Patrick's dance at the Moose club here. March 23, there wiB be a bake sale. Watch, fat further information. / At the close of the meeting, a very enjoyable social hour was spent and a nice lunch was served by the home chapter committee. Hazel Bowman, soM water serv/CE A£ low as $2.75 each 28 days For Information Call ROBERT KREIER McHENRY 1058-R or R. O. ANDREW C& WOODSTOCK 428 You Are Cordially Invited to Attend The First Session of the WEAVER REAL ESTATE COURSE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27. 1958 7:00 P.M. ROCKFORD SCHOOL OF BUSINESS WHY LOSE A DAYS PAY WHEN YOUR CAR BREAKS DOWN # We have available, cars thai you can use^J while your car is being repaired. • Our staff is factory trained to service all makes of cars and trucks. S19 W. Jefferson Street Rockford, Illinois ROBERT W. LINDGREN, prominent Rockford Real Estate Broker, will have, charge of the-class. Come as our guest. See the class .in action. Then make your decision as to the- opportunities available to you. 9 The most "service for the least money. • Service Department open until 9:00 P.M. BRADY-KENNEY MERCURY. Inc. 16 RAND ROAD McHENRY, ILL. Phone McHenry 2669 LAKEMOOB

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