Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Mar 1958, p. 21

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<£ yi v; ^ >"V^ *^.r ' J' • - •-. > , , , , f «••* *• «w« ,,4*. f „ , i""v ' ^• Thursday, March 27, 1958 " * ""' * -- t ~ • ~ r ' . v * > % ^ McHENItY •T i. mi O:T-' '. - NOTICE OF V ..> SPECIAL ELECTION , •»»j(NOTICE is hereby given ^tflat on Saturday, April 12th, 1958, an election will be held at the established precincts in ,.?>jchool District' 156, McHenry •County, Illinois, for the purpose of voting upon the fOllow- -<iag propositions: Shall the maximum'tax rate ...,for Educational Fund of Mc- . H e n r y C o m m u n i t y H i g h ^ .School' Distmict 156, Mcx^ jHenry County, Illinois, "be established, at .86% on full i) Mfair cash value instead of 65%, the maximum rate otherwise applicable to the next taxes to be extended? " U n d e r t h e maximum r a t e now in effect, the maximum yield is approximately $292,- „ .,000.00. Under the proposed .86% majrimum, a maximum yield of 5386,000.00 would be -4p>ossible.) ---• Shall the maximum tax rate for Building Purposes of McH e n r y C o m m u n i t y H i g h School District 156, McHenry County, Illinois, be established at .2000% on full fair cash value instead of .1875% the maximum rate otherwise applicable to the next taxes to be extended? (Under the .1875% now in ®cffect, the maximum yield,is approxi m a t e 1 y $84,300.00. Under the proposed .2000% maximum, a maximum yield of $89,900.00 would be possible.) For purjtoses of this election the following precincts and polling places shall be established: ELECTION PRECINCT NO. I: rhall consist of all that part Community High School District Number 156, McHenry County, Illinois, which is situated within Sections 1 to 20, inclusive, and 23 to 36, inclusive,. Township 45 North, Range '8 East of the 3rd Princ i p a l M e r i d i a n , M c H e n r y County, Illinois; all that part of said Community High School District No. 156 which i$ situated within Sections 1 to 12 inclusive,. Township 44 North, Range 8 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian, McH e n r y C o u n t y , I l l i n o i s ; and also all that part of said Community High School District Number 156 which is situated within Section 5 to 8 inclusive, 17 to 20 inclusive and 29 and 30 of Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the 3rd Prin- < £ f t a l M e r i d i a n , - M c H e n r y County, Illinois. POLLING PLACE: McHenry Community High School Building Boy's Gym Entrance McHenry, Illinois ELECTION PRECINCT NO. II: of Community High School Shall consist of all that part fcstrict Number 156, McHenry lunty, Illinois, which is situated within Sections 5 and 6, Township 44 North, Range 9 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian, McHenry County, Illinois, and alsp all that part of said Community High School District Number 156* which is situated within Sections 31 and 32, Township 45 North, 'flange 9 East of" the 3rd Principal Meridian, McHenry County, Illinois. POLLING PLACE: Charm House Lakemoor, Illinois ELECTION PRECINCT NO. Ill: Shall consist of all that part of C o m m u n i t y H i g h S c h o o l District Number 156, McHenry .County, Illinois, which is situated within Sections £1 and 20 Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian, McHenry County, Illinois. POLLING PLACE: Beach House McCullom Lake, Illinois ELECTION PRECINCT NO. IV: Shall consist of all that part of Community High School District Number 156, McHenry Wunty, Illinois, which is situated within Sections 5 to 7, inclusive, all that part of Sections 8 and 18 that are situated and lie Northwesterly of the Fox River, all in Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian, McHenry County, Illinois. POLLING PLACE: Sunnyside Estates Office iuilding Sunnyside Estates, Illinois The polls will be opened at 12 o'clock* noon and closed at 7 o'clock p.m. of the same d^y. By order of the School Board of said District 156, McHenry County, Illinois.Dated this 27th day of March, A.D., 1958. H. RALPH BENNETT, President DON HOWARD (Published March 27, 1958) NOTICE OF ELECTION ON PROPOSED INCREASE ON THE MAXIMUM TAX RATE IN SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. is , • ;t Notice is hereby given that at the annual school election on the 12th day of April, A.D. 1958, a' proposition to increase the building J tax rate in School District NoS-15 of McHenry County, and Lake County, IlliT nois, will be submitted to the voters in the said district in the form of the following proposition: Shall the maximum tax rate for building * purposes in School District No. 15; McHenry County and Lake County, Illinois, be increased from .18%% to .20% of the equalized assessed value • of allWoperty in said district? TheVapproximate amount of taxes \extendible under the maximum rate now in force is $58,000.00. _ The approximate amount of taxes extendible under the proposed increased rate is $62,000.00, said amounts being estimated on the last known full, fair cash value. For the purpose of the submission of the above proposition to the voters of the said School District No. 15, McHenry County and Lake County, Illinois, the same polling places and precincts as are used for the annual school election shall be in effect, namely, ELECTION, PRECINCT NO. I: Shall consist of all that part of Community Consolidated School District Number 15, McHenry and Lake Counties, Illinois, which is situated within Sections 19 and 20 and 23 to 36, inclusive, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian, McHenry County, Illinois; all that part of said Community Consolidated School District Number 15 which is situated within Sections 1 to 12, inclusive, Township 44 North. Range 8 East of the 3rd \Principal Meridian, McHenry County, Illinois; and also all that part of said Community Consolidated School District No. 15 whi is situated within Sections 8, 17, 19 and 20. and 29 and 30 of Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian, McHenry County, Illinois, and also all that part of said Community Consolidated School District Number 15 ~ which is situated within Sections 16, 27 and 28, and 33 and 34 of Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian, Lake County, Illinois. POLLING PLACE: - McHenry Community High ' School Building Boy's Gym Entrance McHenry, Illinois ELECTION PRECINCT NO. II: Shall consist of all that part of Community Consolidated School District Number 15, McHenry and Lake Counties, Illinois, which is situated within Sections 5 and 6, Township 44 North, Range 9 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian, M c - Henry County, Illinois' and also ~P Melvin "Stretch" GRIEBEL OPEN CLOGGED SEWERS WITHOUT DIGOINGI ^tSOlVM Roots, Sludge, QnoHb easily and Inexpensively! •OYER ROOT DISTROYER ACE HARDWARE ISO Hiterilde Dr. McHenry, I1L PHONk all tjiat p&rt of Community Consolidated School District Number 15 which is situated within Sections 31 and 32, Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian, McHenry County, Illinois. : ""\- POLLJNG PLACE: ^ Charm House Lakemoor, Illinois ELECTION PRECINCT NO. Ill: Shall consist of- all that part of Community Consolidated School District Number 15, McHenry and Lake Counties, Illinois, which is situated within Sections 21 and 22, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian, McHenry County, Illinois. POLLING PLACE: ' ' Beach House , McCullom Lake, Illinois ELECTION PRECINCT NO. IV: Shall consist of £(11 that part of Community Consolidated School District Number 15, McHenry and Lake Counties, Illinois which is situated within Sections 7, 8, 17, 18, 19 and 20, Township 44 North, Range 9 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian, McHenfy County, Illinois. 1 POLLING PLACE: Joseph J. Willard Residence Island Lake, Illinois The Polls will • be opened at 12:00 noon and blosed at 7:00 P.M. of the same day. By order of the Board of Education of said District No. 15, McHenry County and Lake County, Illinois. Dated this 18th day of March, A.D. 1958. ELMER FREUND, President HUBERT SMITH, Secretary LEATHER AWARDS The 1958 Illinois State Fair, -»Aug. 8 through 17, will ^e the first state fair in history to use leather awards instead of satin ribbons for its grand champion livestock winners, Fair Manager J. Ralph Peak announced. Purpose of the innovation is to promote a strictly agricultural product. Leather banners and rosettes, purple with gold lettering will be givetf winners of the Premier Breeders' Awards and grand champions of each sex of livestock, Peak said. (Political Advertisement) So the People May Rnowr- -<* X Aa A. >' - ' 7 > v'*m •0 To be voted April 8th, 1958 for election of committeemen, arid for the nomination of State Congressional, Senatorial and County Officers, in the County of McHenry, in the State of Illinois. Republican Candidate for SHERIFF 7 years as Deputy and present Chief Deputy 7 years of Banking' Experience World War n Veteran I sincerely solicit your vote and support at ihe Primary, April 8 th. X The Man IT71 for the Job lii Do you know what a "roorback" is? The dictionary says that it is "a false story or slander about a candidate for office, circulated for political effect." So, if you hear that I am openly or secretly FOR one or the other of the t tv o Woodstock lawyers who are my opponets--that's a roorback. A false story circulated for political effect. It is just the attempt of machine politicians to descredit the only independent Republican in thlf contest. This is a campaign for judicial office and should be free of the tactics of machine politics. For my own part, I shall continue to point to my own qualifications as a lawyer and a citizen. I have been a practicing lawyer for more than 25 years, with wide experience in the practice of law. I am the present City Attorney of Harvard, on a merit basis, and a former Special Assistant Attorney General. In civic life, I am a former President of the Harvard Chamber of Commerce and the present attorney for the Harvard Community Memorial Hospital District. Let each of my opponents £peak for himself. For myself, I have no political deal with anyone. If elected, I have only one pledge to redeem. It Is a pledge to all of the people ... to serve them fully and faithfully, as a just and upright County Judge. On this pledge and my qualifications for the office, I ask that you nominate as the Republican candidate on " April 8 t h . . . WILLIAM J. GLEASON FOB COUNT* JUDO% • C--- • Veteran ot War It COUNTY CLERK of McHenry County, Illinois FOB STATE TREASURER: (Vote for One) D WARREN E. WRIGHT • LOUIS E. BECKMAN V FOR SUPERINTENDENT OP PUBLIC INSTRUCTION: j (Vote for One) • GERALD W. SMITH • LAR (AMERICA FIRST) DALY « • FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS: FOURTEENTH DISTRICT. • " (Vote tor one) • ELMER J. HOFFMAN FOR STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEEMAN: CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. (Vote for one) r SPECIMEN DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY BALLOT To be voted April 8th, 1958 for- election of committeemen, and for the nomination of State^.Congressional, Senatorial and County Officers, in the County of McHenry, in the State of Illinois. COUfl of McHenry Co CLERK Illinois FOR STATE TREASURER: (Vote for One) • JOSEPH D. L0HMAN • LLOYD • LER0Y A. MOTE 4 • -FOR FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION: (Vote for One) • GEORGE T. WILKINS FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS: FOURTEENTH DISTRICT. (Vote for One) • PETER J. FIEFER • CLARENCE E. J0SEPHS0N • LESTER C. ELLIS FOR STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEEMAN: FOURTEENTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. (Vote for One) 'ATIVE IN- GENERAL 1EMBLY: THIRTY-SECOND DISTRICT (Vote for one or two) . • A. B. McCONNELL • JOHN P. IfANNING • WILLARD W. JONES • CHARLES B. ALLEN FOR REPRESENTATIVE COMMITTEEMAN THIRTY-SECOND DISTRICT (Vote for One) • FRANK J. GREEN FOR COUNTY JUDGE (Vote for One) • DON A. WICKS , • JAMES H. C00NEY • WILLIAM J. GLEASON FOR COUNTY CLERK / (Vote for One) • MARLL ROBERT COLLIER • VERNON W. KAYS * FQR COUNTY TREASURER (Vote for One) • HARRY C. HERENDEEN * FOR COUNTY SHERIFF (Vote for One) • MELVIN GRIEBEL • LYLE R. HUTCHINSON • EVERETT "ANDY" ANDERSON FOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS (Vote for One) • RICHARD L. TAZEWELL • 0. COLEMAN O'HARA • JOHN F. PETIT • JOHN J. C0L0MER • MASON BARLOW FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL ASSEMBLY: THIRTY-SECOND DISTRICT (Vote for One) • FERNE CARTER PIERCE • ARTHUR J. DESMOND • DONALD M. AMOS FOR REPRESENTATIVE COMMITTEEMAN THIRTY-SECOND DISTRICT (Vote for One) • CHAS. M. ADAMS Q E. M. PHILLIPS FOR COUNTY JUDGE (Vote for One) • FOR COUNTY CLERK (Vote for One) • GILBERT C. WII1EY FOR PRECINCT COMMITTEEMEN {Vote for One) • • FOR COUNTY TREASURER (Vote for One) FOR COUNTY SHERIFF (Vote for One) • ELMER R. MURP FOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS (Vote for One) • FOR PRECINCT COMMITTEEMEN (Vote for One) n ?

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