m| lursday, April 3, 19581 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Nlnt Village ol Sunnyside.. . . ObstlreTde'r ! 4U& *; V McHenry 1471-J * * <• W; f Lil Niemiec. . McHenry 2778 After a long absence we are returning with news from S»unpl^ side. I have accepted to be your weekly reporter and will try my best to keep you inttjmed on the news in our vil- I would like to make it ^column that everyone will be' locking foj-ward to reading each Week, but 1 do need the cor gyration of Mich and everyone. Any nevfg from the vil- Jagers wUl be greatly appreciated. • • ^ Social Club v We have organized a Social that will meet once a month. The next meeting is scheduled fpr Saturday, April 19 at 8 p.m. in back of Vogels this meeting we will have an election of officers. Those already up for nomination are Cfcorge Schumann fpr president; Mrs. Jackie CiOs and Mrs. Lill:an< Niemiec for vice Resident, Mrs. Mac ^ Lauglin fjjf secretary, Mrs. S. Obstfeldw and Mrs. Casey for treasurer. Nominations are still open for new candidates. We will also vote on an initiation fee for the members. A social party is to* be • held after the meeting. We would like to se.e ts many as possible attend. The purpose of this club is to have the people in our village get together, enjoy themselves and get acquainted with their neighbors. P.T.A. News _': . Mr& Katherine Fredricks was nominted as president and Mrs. Lillian Niemiec as secretary of St. John's P.T.A. The meeting was held March 24 at Johnsburg Community club. Sing at Elgin; The seventh and eighth graders of St. John's^ school took a trip to Elgin, March 25 to sing at St. Mary's church. Those from Sunnyside who went on this trip were Celine Schneider, Kathy Mann, Susan Schultz, Billy Niemiec and Fred Kupstis. Egg Hu|it Don't forget the children's Easter egg hunt Saturday, Apr. 5. The egg hunt will take place at 2:30 on our beach grounds. In case of rain or heavy snow it will have to be cancelled. Any donations of colored eggs will be greatly appreciated, but please do hot send any yellow colored eggs as this coWr will be specifically used for the winning of prizes. Please bring your youngsters for ,an afternoon of fun. 1 Recovering / We hope that the following are now well on the road to recovery. , Mr. Gamperl who .suffered a heart aftack--Mary Therese Schneider who had her appendix removed--two little youngsters who have come down with the measles, Nancy Fritz and Stevie Williams- Alice Niemiec who had the chicken pox. Praise Rescue Squad At this point I would like to mention the Johnsburg Rescue Squad. They really deserve a word of praise for their efficiency and speed in arriving at an emergency. Their speedy Arrival has ho dqubt saved the life df Mr. Gamperl, a resident of Sunnyside. Mrs. Ganiperl cannot find the words to express the thanks she feels in her lieart towards the men who are on the Johnsbufg Rescue Squad. ' Fire Can The johnsburg fire department and rescue squad were called to our aid again March 26. It seems that" Mrs. Katherine Fredricks accidently left the gas' on under her supper while she went to pick her husband up at work. Mrs. Leah Fritz noticed smoke coming •from the window and called the fire department. It was quite a shock to the Fredericks when they came home "and saw All the commotion by their house. Their supper? It was burfyed td a crisp. Happy Birthday Birthday congratulations to Mrs. Mary Jane Heitz, whose birthday was April 1, and to Danny Mulesky who was 5 years old March 27. Watch the Children Now that the nice weather is here our children have taken to playing outdoors a great deal and riding their bicycles. So please let us all drive slowly and carefully. I'm sure none of us would like to see any of our children hurt. Sunnyside Estates CHAHfitSiPMl MEETIN6MPT From A to Z North Dakota wbd> is Katherine's sister. r ^ > jir- Since our next-meeting night falls on Holy Thursday, the April meeting has been cancelled until the following., week 1 an asset. With such fine equip- New Additions J At the Stevens and Kimbro home are a two car garage and patio which is in the building •process. Be sure to let us know 'when you have your patio •warming, Polly. Jim and Polly are also the proud owners of a new twelve foot outboard. They plan to get in ia lot of fishing this summer ard a good boat is always which will be April 10. Watch"! ment there won't be any ex f4-o/Mr« the ttiiKmi e and pHIl ace, in our A. 1_ _ 1-- * -- u _ next column. We have been' asked to remind • those who haven't adready done so to pay their dues as soon as possible to Henriet-* ta Rau, treasurer. If anyone has any news for publication please phone me at McHenry 2778 or Mrs. Obstfelder, McHenry 1471-J. Remember, what you may ndt conisider as news we may. P.T.A. News The Johnsburg P.T.A. sponsoring a breakfast on W< nesday , morning, April 9 at the Pistakee Highlands Community center. Why not plan to attend this breakfast and bring along a hungry friend. St. John's P.T.A had thc'r election of offiqers for the coming year at their March meeting. Those1 elected by A unanimous vote, \yere: Catherine Fredericks, president, Jean Sfriech, vice president, Lil Niemiec, secretary and Mary Hettermann. who was elected to a second term as treasurer. Congratulations and the best of luck to these officers in the coming year. , \ \ Travelers Bert and Katherine Reece took a trip to LaPorte, Ind. recently to spend the weekend with their niece, Miss Madaline Graham. While there, they were plesantly surprised by a visit from Madaline's mother, Mrs. E. Graham from cuse for the big ones getting away. Egg Scramble or vice-versa when the kids start hunting. We are planning an Easter egg hunt for the children, if the weather permits, on Saturday, April 5 at 11. Anyone interested in having their" children participate call Bernice Fry at 3052-R or Lorraine Major at 2409-R for 'urther information. Zeiger on April 4 and Randy Kobus who will be 12 years old on April 9. A belated happy birthday to Lu Davis who celebrated on March 29. IUsick Take your,pick--are you ill or are you sick? No matter how you say it you still feel miserable. With all the nast> bugs in the air there doesn't seem to be a family untouched by one or the other. Mr. Kimbro has just recovered from a botit with the flu. After four .days of running a, high temperature, Mary jane Lakowske and Michael Bott broke out with those colorful red spots otherwise known as the measles. .Debbie Noah, using the woman's prerogative to be different, came down with the chicken pox on the same day. The only consolation as we see it, is that they will be all . through by the time the balmy weather sets,in while some of the rest of us may be just beginning, . > • 'v Condolences We wish to extend our cere sympathy to John and Lillian Mischke on the death of their infant son. After a beautiful Mass of the Angels last Saturday he was laid to rest in St. Adelbert's cemetery -irf Chicago. <1 ' M riS. Hope you have a holy and a happy Easter. Birthdays A happy birthday to Adeline OPM sfpnc SYSTKMS MSr NO DIGGING! • Dltl*lvM llixlt*, m««i * wmta • Ofws deseed DrainflaMt • Imyt* apply ©IT 90YER Septic Tank Cleaner ACE HARDWARE ISO Riverside Dr. McHenry, IiL PHONE 722 NO NEED TO WORRY! I SAVED... • MONEY •TIME • BOTHER and AGGRAVATION on my INCOME TAX Year Round Permanence Prepared By McHenry Accounting AND Tax Service U 12S RIVERSIDE DRIVE McHENRY, ILL. PHONE 343 For Appointment KNOW YOUR CANDIDATES - - VOTE WISELY (This information has been compiled by the League of Women Voters tpd is being presented to readers by the Plaindealer as a public service.) CANDIDATES FOR STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Republican . LAR DALY -- 844 W. Vermont Street, Chicago. Attended Holy Cross grammar school, Chicago, 8 years and De LaSalle h school 1 year; forced to leave school to-work; selfucated since. At age of 8 began selling fruits and vegetables to people jn their homes, and has been in business for hiniself ever since; went into furniture moving business and then 6ecame jobber for stools, chairs an(J tables-Strong supporter Of General MacArthur whose name he has filed for President, ifr' Illinois Republican primary every 4 years, beginning with 1936. Has sought unsuccessfully the Republican nomination for Various offices including U.S. senator, mayor of Chicago. 111. governor. ' Statement -o" I will impose teaching of the . . . Christian religion in all public elementary and high schools . ; adhere, up per cent to the educational and administrative policies of V-- superintendent of public instttictidn : " ;• Will ask him to serve as superintendent "emeritus" ... pupils who warttonly commit crimes will' be considered "criminal hoodlum punks" . . . and immediately expelled; ... I will definitely wipe out *all aspects ... erf Deweyistic "progressive education/' GERALD W. SMITH -- 1910 N. 73rd Avenue, Elmwood Park. Graduated Knox college cum laude 1928, M. A.. 1934, State University of Iowa, graduate work since 1934, University of jpwa and University of Illinois. Has been employed in the educational fipld except 4 years in military service, 1942-46, i&ere his highest rank was lieutenant colonel. Most recent position has been superintendent of Elmwood Park Community "igh school and Elniwood Park elementary schools since 1955. "as been a member and held positions in/a number of educatiohal and service organizations including president, Illinois Secondary Sohool Principals Association, 1949-52. Has published number of articles on school problems: * Statement -- Experience includes teaching, supervising, and Administration, in grades, kindergarten through junior college. Positions have been held in rural counties, areas with typical sized cities, and in the large metropolitan area of Cook county. Schools served have varied from the small high school to the Vge, and from the small unit district to the large. Responsibilities on advisory committees have provided experience with the problems of higher education in the state. Education and training have been planned especially for .service in school administration. Elemocratic " GEORGE T. WILKINS -- 64 Circle DriVe, Edwardsville. Graduated from Southern Illinois University and.M.A. in education from University of Illinois, has done additional work at Michigan University. Taught six years in a rural school; lyre served 19 years aa> superintendent of schools, including \&jh elementary and high schools; has also taught both on- (Smpus and off-campus courses at Shurtleff, McKendree, Monticello and Southern Illinois University, has been county superintendent Of Madison county schools since 1947. Active in civic, Service and welfare, as well as educational, organizations, including president twice of Nashville block of county superintendents. While he has been county superintendent in Madison county "the entire county has been reorganized along the lines of present trends . . . into 15 districts." Statement -- I am a candidate through the support of school administrators- and teachers froip all parts of our state. In my opinion, education must not be neglected, \nust not be accepted & is, ahd must not be destructively changed. I promise, if elected, I will give the same dedicated, devoted, sincere and honest leadership and service to the people of the state of Illinois that I have given to the people of Madison county in the past 11 years as their county superintendent of schools.""^" CANDIDATES FOR STATE TREASURER Republican LOUIS E. BECRMAN -- 8 Chatham Circle, Kankakee. Graduate of Univei-sity of Illinois. Is the founder of a real estatedevelopment firm in Kankakee and operator of a*#arm. Served 4 years in World War II, highest.rank being^TOutenant colonel. Member of American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars and ffltary club. Active in civic affairs of his community including Chamber of Commerce, Kankakee County Housing Authority and Kankakee zoning board. Elected to Illinois House of Representatives 4 times, 1950-56. Has served on several government boards and commissions including secretary of Illinois Toll Road Advisory committee, member of State Aviation commission, and vice-chairman of the Legislative Audit commission. Statement -- Sincerely" believe that my 8 years in Illinois Legislature and specific work as chairman, of the House Banking committee, along with my efforts in the Appropriations, Revenue and Executive committees well qualify me for the important office of state treasurer. In addition, my personal •Biness career has likewise giVen me an excellent background for this office. ' WARREN E.' WRIGHT -- 128 N. Merrill Avenue, Park Ridge. Education, high school in Murrayville, 111., and special course at Harvard University.. His military service included overseas service in World War I and n. Was in the hardware and implement business in Murrayville and later the feutorntobile business in Jacksonville, 111. Served as postmaster in Murrayville. Lists his occupation now as real estate broker and oil business. Has held various Republican party positions such as precinct committeeman, county chairman in Morgan county* and member of state central committee. Served as state treasurer 1941-1943 and -again 1955-1957. As state treasurer he instituted a monthly printed report and a monthly radio report on the condition of the state treasury. No statement furnished about his candidacy. > " Democratic ' < JOSEPH D. LOHMAN -- 4804 S. Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago. B.A., University of Denver and M-A., University of Wisconsin. On faculty of University of Chicago 1939-42 and since 1947; was also on faculty of University of Wisconsin and visiting professor at.Washington, Louisville, Michigan, Denver and American universities. Has been active in many ways in the area of criminology including chairman of Illinois Parole and Pardon board 1952-53 and on editorial board of Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology. Has served as arbitrator in labor disputes and publip panel member of National War Labor board, 1943. Has been consultant to many federal agencies including Atwrjic^ E^eqgjr anfl Tennessee Valley Authorities4£r Department of the1 Army, and United Nations Command Re-fm patriation Group. Has written numerous articles on crime, human. relations and community problems including "The Police and Minority Groups." Has conducted several TV programs dealing with various phases of law enforcement. No statement furnished about his candidacy. REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS -- 14th DISTRICT ELMER J. HOFFMAN -- Republican, age 58, high school education. Served in World War I, has operated a trucking concern, been Sheriff of DuPage county two terms, is serving a second term as state treasurer. ( Statement •-- Believes he knows the people of the 14th district well enough to be able to vote as the majority would wish him to and intends to keep a close relationship with them in order to know the tenor of their thinking. "I am for legislation which will make this a strong country, keep our defenses strong, keep our economic situation so that.a depression cannot occur." •« CLARENCE E, JOSEPHSON -- Democratic; age 60; B.A. University of Wisconsin, (Phi Beta Kappa), S.T.M. Union Theological Seminary and Cdlumbia University. He served in the U.S. Navy 1918-1919; 10 years with Aluminum Company of America; Minister 1st Congregational church in Passaic, New Jersey for 4 years; Presjd^nt Heidelberg college, Tiffin, Ohio, for 8 years; 2 years with the,U.S. Office of Education distributing surplus war property to educational institutions; was the Head- of the scholarship program of, the World Council of Churches in Geneva, Switzerland, 1947-49; and has been assistant to the president of Elmhurst college, Elmhurst, 111., since 1950. v - * Statement --» Supports United Nations; advocates strong military defenses, vigorous prosecution of cold war wjth renewal »of Reciprocal Trade Act, continued contributions for foreign aid and a positive program of negotiations with Russia to reduce the burden of armaments; he opposes the Bricker Amendment; wants a common-sense program for our loyaltysecurity problem so as to encourage scientists and protect the individual. Believes first in measures' to provide useful employment for the unemployed and a tax reduction only if such measures fail; opposes freeing natural gas producers from rate regulation; insists on the greatest possible economy in government expenditures consistant with national security and governmental services to the people; believes in the.conservation and intelligent use of our national resources. district to the national convention in 1952. He is at present serving his first term -as legislator. Statement --- Is interested in legislation concerning schools. FERNK CARTER PIERCE -- Democratic, age 37; attended California public schools and Mills college for Women, Cal. She worked with Lockheed Aircraft in California before marriage, has been a housewife many years and now serves' in the state legislature. She has had considerable experience in agriculture with her own farm. Statement -- She believes in the open primary; the repeal of the "enforced use" tax; revision of legislature regarding old people and T.B. patients; and wants a more realistic approach to education and school aid. Thinks the public needs to be more fully impressed with the importance of their representation in government and, therefore, should be more informed as to the qualifications of the candidates they are voting for. DONALD M. AMOS -- Democratic; age .39; has a B.S. deree in social science and industrial arts. He has been in the ftsurance and real estate fields,-which, he believes, has given him broad experience in serving people. Statement --- "1. Being free of all bias; 2. Having no precommitted obligations; 3. Ability to weigh the facts and render judgment in the best interest of the people," are his beliefs for serving in this office. WILLARD W. JONES -- Republican; age 59; graduate of University of Illinois. He has been a school teacher and a justice of the peace. Statement -- Believes in streamlining local .government; favors larger counties and larger townships; wants to. abolish municipal government and incorporate it into at) enlarged and improved township government. CHARLES B. ALLEN -- Republican; age 33; high school education. He has served 3 years with the U.S. Marine Corps.; 2 years City Police Officer of Rochelle; 2 years patrolman with Illinois State Police; 2 years as/chief of police of Rochelle and 3 years as Ogle county sheriff. Statement -- He is especially interested in public institutions such as the Geneva School ror Girls,- Vandalia, St. Charles, etc., but believes this must be more on a committee work basis rather than legislative. H^ thinks it necessary to have closer contact with the public on issues coming up for vote in the Legislature. ARTHUR J. DESMOND-- Democratic; age 5l; educated in Woodstock high school and College of Advanced Traffic. He has owned and operated an oil business^ and is now employed with an electric company. He has been a member of the City Council Woodstock for 8 years and is how a member of the^planning commission and zoning board. Statement-- He believes representatives should consider it an obligation to attend every session of the Assembly and vote personally on every bill. He prefers to state his Other beliefs and opinions at the Candidates Meeting. County Judge JAMES H. COONEY -- Republicah, age 39; attended St. Mary's elementary and high schpol, Woodstock, 111.'; A.B. St. Joseph s college; L.B. Kent Colleg^ of Law. Has been in the private practice of law and served as Mayor of Woodstock since 1952. He supports the Judicial Reform amendment for the bettdrment of the administration of justice in Illinois. Statement -- "I would make the McHenry county cdurt a working court establishing days of court that would make for convenience of attorneys and litigants in attending to their . business before the court, and encourage the filing of civil LESTER C. ELLIS -- Democratic, age 49, educated in pub- ma^ers which are now filed in the circuit court but which lie schools- of South Dakota. He has done factory work and been a salesman;- for pasf 11 years has been a painting contractor; owns and mafaages an apartment house. He has served as precinct committeeman; member of Aurora township Democratic cehtfal committee, Kane County central committee, and health and iafety committee of Ke-De-Ka' Area Boy Scouts; was Aurora Civil Defense director. Statement --" He believes we should cut our foreign aid spending; that we need legislation to remedy unemployment; legislation to channel our defense money Where it will do tho most good; legislation to have the homes of the unemployed during recessions;' substantial unemployment benefits; outlawing of the "right to work" law so it does not interfere with Federal Labor laws. He does not want wages lowered except as taxes are lessened; favors raising the exemption from $600 to $800; is against the five-cent stamp unless it will raise postal employees' wages; and is for more help to the schools. He is opposed to "shooting our tax 'dollars at the moon" in vie^r of the uncertain unemployment situation. PETER FIEFER -- No response to questionnaire. REPRESENTATIVES IN GENERAL ASSEMBLY # 32nd DISTRICT A. B. McCONNELL -- Republican; age 56; educated Woodstock high school ana Illinois Univei^ity's School of Agriculture. He has been a farmer and is now serving as our State representative. He has been on the McHenry county board of supervisors for 14 years and served 1 term as its chairman. Statement -- He supports any legislation he believes beneficial to State, County and local governments, especially in economy measures. He is in favor of increasing the legislative term of office from 2 to 4 years.. JOHN |>. MANNING -- Republican; age 65; 2 years high schoo[ education. He has been a Republican precinct committeeman for 30 years; committee chairman of Ogle county for 24 years; was. a national delegate for the IGiii Congressional could properly be brought before the county court, thereby relieving the circuit court of some of its work load. This would also encourage the filing of matters before the county court of a civil nature which are now filed before justices of the peace and then appealed to the circuit court making for multiple costs and expense to the litigants." WILLIAM J. GLEASON --- Republican, age 51, received his A.B. and L.B. from DePaul University, Chicago. Has been in' private practice of law for 25 years, served in World War II, was in federal service as a lawjfer for 1 year. At present is city attorney for Harvard, 111., is attorney for the Harvard Community Memorial Hospital district and is special assistant to the attorney-general of Illinois in charge of county court toll-highway condemnations. Favors Judicial Reform Amendment. Statement -- "In an administrative office there is usually no difficulty in pointing out administrative procedures to be changed for the betterment of the working of the office. In a judicial office this is not, generally, true. If a lawyer has a broad background of' practice, as a judge he brings this experence to the bench with him and the litigants and the lawyers and the public generally benefit. The duties of the office should be discharged with dignity and courtesy. The rules of evidence should be applied firmly and fairly. The business of the court should be carried on with dispatch. In the performance of duties of the ..court relating to minors and widows, humanity and understanding should be foremost. Without implying that any of these things are neglected under the present sitting Judge, if elected, I intend they shall be done." DON A. WICKS -- Republican, age 51, attended Woodstock public schools and the Chicago Kent College of Law. Has been in the private practice of law for 27 years; served 9 yea!rs as assistant state's attorney of McHenry county and 12 years as state's attorney. statement -- "Full time and attention to the duties of the •< f :-:i % ' 'ri county court; a probation system, when probation is warranted, 'ti that will provide close supervision plus air in rehabilitation; a program of having estates closed as soon as practical under|; the law so that heirs may have the benefit of their inheri- ;;<| tance; a fair and impartial administration of the law based^i upon the facts and the law applicable thereto." County Clerk ( MARLL ROBERT*COLLIER -- Republican; age 36; attended; Belvidere, high school and had three years of college at Illinois State Normal and the University of Illinois. Served with the U.S. Army, European theatre, for 3 years, was a county service;;j| officer of the Illinois-Veteran's Commission, served 1% years | as assistant department officer of American Legion, has worked jj 1 year with the McHenry County Title Company, has been Vj deputy county clerk since 1954. Has served as clerk of countyx'.;| and probate courts and board of supervisors through deputy J clerk position and is experienced in the general office routines^ of the county court, including the preparation of Tax Rolls, .-tlM, Annual Budget, etc. " ' *i r ; Statement -- He believes in centralizing government at the^ local level and maintaining a constant vigil to keep taxes down. Also favors more mechanization of office detail,to accommodate ^ the rapid growth of population in the county. . GILBERT P. WILLEY -- Democratic; age $8; high school ^ education; has been in building work most of his life and had ; |j 4 years office work experience. | Statement -- Hie is in favor of'the bond issue for the re-; 1 construction of the Hartland Home for Old People and consid-. V< ers it shameful Jthat we are not able at present to> take cares of 54 old people as human beings. He also advocateV bringing > v of county clerk files up to date, especially the voting records. ^ VERNON W. KAYS -- Republican. Did not respond to* ! questionnaire. \ \ Sheriff <* ?1J EVERETT ANDERSON --• Republican; age 44; graduate of^l Woodstock high school and Illinois State Police school. Serve#-S with the Army 3 years; has been a factory worker, ct guard at « the Illinois state prison at Pontiac, has served 7 Vt years with the Illinois state police, and been self employed as a butcher and grocer. * Statment -- Advocates the safety program now being pub* > licized and a better understanding of the teen-age problem. Wants more cooperation with other police departments. MELVIN GRIEBEL -- Republican; age 45, graduate Marengo . -Community high school and attended Rockford Business college. He has had 5 years with the Marengo Republican News, 7 years with Marengo State-bank, served 2% years with the Navy, 6 years with New York Life Insurance Company, and has been in the McHenry County Sheriff's office for 7 years serving as radio operator, bailiff in circuit and county court, . criminal investigator and since 1954 as chief deputy sheriff. * Statement -- Is vitally interested in Home Rule for all phases of government. Is in favor of the formation of a County Safety Commission to try to reduce deaths on the highway. Expects to continue to operate the Sheriff's office on same high level as at present. LYLE R. HUTCHINSON -- Republican; age 42, graduate . Harvard high school. He has served 3 years as Chief Deputy Sheriff of McHenry county, 7 years as deputy sheriff, 5 years he was in business for himself (Hutchinson Delivery Service), and is a graduate of the FBI school. ' Statement -- Is very interested in working with youth and favors a Youth Commission for every town to work directly with the sheriff's office to combat crime among teen-agers. ^ Believes we should provide more sports for the county. ^ E. R. MURPHY -- Democratic; age 67; high school educa-^ | tion, graduate of FBI school. Has been in > police work since 21 years of age. Served in Worltjl War I, was a guard for Brinks, Inc. for 19 years; 11 years as constable and deputy sheriff; was a U.S. deputy marshall in 1918-1919. f Statement -- "I am opposed to higher taxes. I do not know J how effective the office (of sheriff) is and would not be in. ,fl position to offer any improvement at this time." County Superintendent of Schools yv |i RICHARD L. TAZEWELL -- Republican; age 49} B.S. fmm>| University of North Dakota, M.A. Northwestern University,. work towards Ph. D. Northwestern U. Life work since leaving | school has been in education -- 7 years elementary teaching; J 5 years high school teaching; 8 years superintendent of 'elementary and high school districts. " i Statement -- He is interested in the local control of schools, in providing additional educational services and in attaining the highest level of teacher personnel. Believes it necessary for this office to keep abreast of all the newest developments. ..i in educational techniques. O. C. (DIXIE) O'HARA -- Republican; age 39; received ^ B.A. from Northern Illinois Teachers' college, M.A. University ; 1 of Illinois. He has had 16 years teaching experience as coachand dean of boys, city recreational director, physical recondi- ^ tioning instructor with U.S. Army, and has done construction work during summer months. He is certified by the State ^ Superintendent of Public Instruction as being qualified for this •, J office. - 1 Statement -- "Anything that is for the betterment of OUT i schools today". Believes in full cooperation and assistance to y the schools arid community on any educational problems. - County Treasurer "fi HARRY C. HERENDEEN -- Republican. Did not respond to J; questionnaire.