Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Apr 1958, p. 2

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Community Club to Meet April 7 ITie next' meeting of the Johnsburg Community club Will be held Monday, April 7, at Memorial hall. Due to important business, all members are urged to be present. -Refreshments will be served the committee, consisting of Richard Freund, Joe Frett, Robert Frett, Ray Groh, Emmitt Hansen, : Louis Hartman, William Haag, Fred Huemann and Tom Huemann. Tell Engajrment Of Paula O'Leary Mr., and Mrs. Paul E. O'Leary pf Volo recently announced the engagmerit of their daughter, Paula, to Robert A. Sonne, son of the August Sonnes of Morton Grove. . A Junp wadding is planned.* Miss O'Leary attended Moser college. EVENING STYLE SHOW PLANNED BY AUXILIARY The woman's auxiliary pf the McHenry hospital is happy to announce that it y/iil be sponsoring something (entirely new ip the community, an evening style show to feature summer time styles, for women and men. The Casual shoppe arid White's Men's shop will cooperate in presenting this unusual fashion show Thursday evening, May 8, at the Wing and Fin lodge. The style show will begin at 8:3p p.m. Another unusual feature of the show will be special hair styles for the mpdels created for the .evening by Riverside Hair Styling: salon. - .' Co-chairmen for the event will be Mrs. Clarence Keim and Mrs. Louis Consago. Christen Irifaipt, Skm. Of Richard J. Schusters Richard Patrick: is the name given to the infant" son of Mr. and Mrs. Ripfiard J. Schuster of Waukegan. He was born March 17 to the former Helen Harrer of McHenry. Thei maternal grandmother is Mrs. Helen Harrer of McHenry and the paternal grandmother is Mrs. Elizabeth Schuster of Minneapolis. : On Sunday. March 23, the bjaby was bantized at St. Thei# e by Fr, Philibert Harr^of Gold Springs, Minn. Spbnsors were Mts. George Milkintas of Chicago and Joseph Harrer of McHenry, aunt and uncle of tbe baby. "• Richard Patrick wore his^ mother's christening gown. Other guests in thp Schuster hoine were Mrs. Joseph $i§rrerchildren, Joanne $iid Jenny.. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Igebgef arid children, Johnnie f^d V Eject pf{|(!erR fWf Ccwjiftunlty PTA ' 'The McHenry Community P-T.A- enjoyed a very interesting address by Rev. Maxwell of Woodstock at the monthly meeting held Thursday. March 27 Slides of the county home at Har^and were shown by Mr. Nehllg, superintendent. New officers were elected at tbe flrieetin^: Mr. and Mrs. August tJ^icb. co-presidents; Mr. qnd Mr$, Roy Grote, first covice- presidents; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wittrock, second covice- presidents; Mrs. Nick Tabor. treasurer; and Mrs. Harold Sanford, secretary. Supt. C. H. Duker explained to the P.T.A- members the importance of supporting the bond isjmes to be voted April 12. Twins, a boy and a girl, were born March 27 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davenport. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Buenzli are the parents of a son. born March 30 at Memorial hospital. • A son was born March 28 to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Machalinskf of Wonder Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson are the parents of a son, born at Memorial hospital March 28. Mr. and Mrs. ijenneth Massheimer are the parents of a laughter, born March 28 at Memorial hospital. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Baldwin at Memorial hospital on March 25. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wines of Wonder Lake welcomed a son on March 25 at Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Smith of Spring Grove are the parents of a son, born at Memorial hospital March 25. Mr. and Mrs. John Rogers are the parents p daughter, bom at ^Memorial hospital March 25. A son was born to Mr pnd Mrs. Allen Schmitt on March 25 at Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Miller are the parents of their first child, a son born March 25 at Memorial hospital, weighing 7 lbs. 5% oz. He has been named Kenneth Donald. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Reinboldt of McHenry and the paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller of Ringwood. Mrs. Miller is the former Joan Rein*' boldt. SlfrfcS WITH CHOIR Shirley Thurlwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Thtir^well, has been chosen to sing witli'. the Monmouth college' choir in their annual spiring tour. " This year the J:hoir will travel for five days p northern" Illinois and Wis consin. ' • (Advertisement) Save at McHenry State Bank where all your deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. 45-4 - Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Deroche of Pistakee. Bay' have been enjoying a twelve day cruise to the "Caribbean ports of the Netherlands WeSt Indies, Venezuela and Colombia. Mrs. Harvey Damnj of Kenosha, Wis., visited her mother Mrs. Zena . Bacon' Wednesday- - , Mr: and Mrs. Harold Cubbon of Galya, 111.; called on Mrs. Gerald ^wman Saturday. Mr. end Mrs. Robert Thompson a$d Miss ^laud pranger were recent guests in -the Everett Thompson bome in Western Springs. Mrs. Ella Walkup of Greenwood,; spent the " Weekend' in the Raymond Powers home. Miss Ann Loretta Weber arrived home from Clarke Col- 'ege, Iiubuque, Iowa^/ Wednesday, to spend the faster holidayis \yjth her parents^ Mr. arid Mrs. Robert L. Weber. Mrs. Jake Stoffel and Mrs. Anna Miller attended a bridal shower hQnoring Miss Barbara Ami Cannon at the home of Mrs. Elaine TWell, in Crystal Lake, Sunday; Mrs. Robert Conway visited her sister Mrjs. Stella Calbow, ;n Crystal Lake, Friday and attended the funeral of Arthur Wilbrandt at the Evangelical Lutheran church. Mrs. Carl Hiatt of Waukegan, was a Saturday visitor in the Mrs. Zena Bacon home. Mrs. Harvey Rapp of Arlington Heights was a Sunday guest. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Staines of Powers Lake, Wis., visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Staines and other relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mendel and sons. Gerald and' Charles, of Westchester were Sunday guests in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rolfs and Mrs". George Rauen of Kenosha, Wis.; visited McHenry relatives Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson of Kansasville, Wis., and the Marion Messman family of Woodstock were Sunday visitors in the home of Mrs. Elizabeth. Thompson. •Miss Ilpne Bassett is home from her teaching duties near Denver, Colo., ' to spend the Easter vacation with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Lisle Bassett. Mrs. Kathrvn Worts has returned from Miami. Fla., where she spent the past several weeks • . Mr. and Mrs. Richard Overton have returned from a vacation in Florida. They were accompanied home by Mrs. R. I. Overton and sister, Mrs. Ada Hoelscher. of Elgin, who had been spending several weeks in Orlando. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wayman and children. Pat, David and Bobby of Arlington Heights visited McHenry relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Lingenfelter and children were dinner guests in the Peter Kolouis home in Western Springs Sunday. Arthur Larson was a visitor in the Alfons Adams home Saturday. Mr. Larson, who was employed in Aurora for the winter, is returning to his FOR THE FINEST IN A CATERING SERVICE • WEDDINGS • PARTIES • LUNCHEONS • INDUSTRIAL • PICNICS • BANQUETS ALL TYPES QF CATERING Norman Graham John Graham Worth em ^Qiiinois (^cilerin 119 SO. MAIN ST. -- ALGONQUIN, ILL. Phone OLiver 8-7021 . 9 B r If f i THERE IS STILL TIME TO Ja&hiona n > Best for Easter Let our expert hair stylists design a hairstyle to best flatter you and your Easter outfit. TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY ONLY Helene Curtis SPECIAL LIMITED OFFER Stygropoo Si Set U ftenty Net . - * Regular $3.75 Value $1.75 .90 ONLY $2.65 YpUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS vversiJe ^J$a,irstyl<ing ofluJio Drive Phone 147 McHenry, 111. Open Tue»-> Thurs., and Fri. Evening* 'til 9 netka is $pendi in tfiq home Otifer sister. Mr^ l^erb $imon. Mr. and Mrs. Thorny Roche ^nd child^n Joann, Paul, Mriry Lou ap<| Johnnie'."of Jloefc Island, were Sunday guests In the Clifford Wilson home.' ?" Amos Noonan of Chicago, was a weekend guest of McHenry relatives where he was called by the death of l»is setter, MiSs May Noonaip.' Miss Barbara Egggrt, ^ student nurse «t Wesley MemQf4«l Hospital, Chicago, wag ,a Sveeftend gue^t of her mother, Mrk P^brman Eggert. ' ; Mr. and Iwcs. William I)rgyer ahdL E. Bolgamanri of est ? Park, called on relatives here Sunday. I Mr. and -Mps. A! fens Adiarhs attended an invitational «rcberv shoot at FYeeport Sunday. ... . Out of tpwn folks who helped Mrs. Pearl Patzke celebrate her birthday at the home of her mother, Mrs. Martha Feltz, Sunday included Mr. and M^s. Ralpb Patzke of Champaign, William Boettcher of Chicago and Ollie Kamholz of Cary. Cynthia Freund, daughter of the Gus Freunds, Barbara Rauen, daughter of the Arnold Rauen s and Carol Pillar, daughter of the Frank Pillars of Wonder Lake, students at Sacred Heart, Lisle, 111.; are spending their Easter vacation at their respecjdve homes. DonaltfJMenne, Northern Illinois usiversity sophomore, has recemfF pledged Pi Kappa Phi, nat(pd&l social fraternity. Donald son of Mr. arid Mrs. Bejpt: F.- Henne of Rt. 3, McHenrj^li ' . . • •terry iWMd, NIU junior, was recently/i|ittitiated Into the Nii cbaptfir Sigma Zeta, national ho^dr^t^ science 1. fraternity. Tiriy 'is the son pf Mr. ^n4 Mjrsi James K. Reid-of E^nerald P^rk subdivision. / iPaul Borchajrdt, Northerly freshman, is pledging Alpha Phi Omega, national service fraternity -Pauf i$atHe son of Mr.H&iMis. Fi'ty. Borchardt ' " " srs COOKIE turns/ OStRiIlT AL J Mrs. "Torchy" Krause has returned home from St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, where she underwent surgery. McHenry Hospital Patients at McHenry hospital this past week included Roberta Kerr of Fox Lake; Henry Gumprecht and William Schimpf of Crystal Lake; Helen Fernstoji, Herbert Grudd, M a r g a r e t Henne, Gregory Freund. Louise Smith, ?John Reinboldt, Helen Heuserc? Evelyn Patzke, Clyde Eddy, George Reiker, Agnes Prazak and; Robert Meyer'of McHenryPaula Pickhardt of Barrington^Jphn Miller pf Wauconda; Thomas Perrie of Lakeland Park and Patty Ann Karls of Richmond: Memorial Hospital ' Patients • at Memoiial hospitalthis past week included feernice K-rochman. Christian Jepsen, Kate Wegener and William Jepsen- of McHenry, Meta Elkins and Richard Russell of Wonder Lake. CARRIAGE LICENSE ' Earl Boyd Dowell, McHepry and Edith Pearl Joncjjs, Ringwood. } The 1958 Girl Scout ycookie sale got underway at fb meeting at the home of Theodore Eichlor, general i chairman for the Sybaquay council cookie sale, in Dundee Mar. 10, which was. ^attended by representative^ from all; over the council. ^e^J^wokije! sale will begin April 16 and!; will close April 28; during which time Girl Scouts and Brownies in Neighborhood 7 will selling the familiar boxes of sandwich creme and peppermint cookies in order to supplement the funds needed to obtain an established camp of their own. The points of distribution of cookies have been anhounced for this year's sale in Valleyv i e w n e i g h b o r h o o d . Mrs. Frank Gregory will be the distributor: fbr troops in McHenry, Lakeland Park, Lakemoor. Pistakee Highlands and Holiday Hills. Mrs. Pat Der Wald of Wonder Lake, has been named distributor for Wonder Lake, Richmond, Spring Grove and Johnsburg troops. Neighborhood cookie chairman is Richard Pickrum of Wonder Lake, and Charles Spurr and John Ducey are co-chairmen of the district. At the neighborhood meeting April 9 at the Legion hall in MfcHenry, the executive board will convene ft It :30 am. and the general,,business meeting will start at^2".30-;v^r. tPic^; rum will be presenFto outlirie the details of the cookie sale to the troop leader?. CARD 0F THANKS I-wish to express my thanks and appreciation to all those who remembered me with prayers, cards, gifts and flowers during my recent illness. 48 • Mrs. Ella Krause There's still time to get set for % EASTER with Spotless SANITQNE CLEANING at RAINBOW CLEANERS SAME FRIDAY and SATURDAY at our 109 NORTH FRONT J^'REET and you \¥ SAVE 10% Cash "N" Carry For PICKUP SERVICE PHONE 927 Always Plenty FREE Parking \ at RAINBOW'S DRIYS-IN Hour?: * a.M. to 6 P.M. Daily-- FRT. SVE to A P.M. These twins are fg»rmer J6jjnsburg resident?, r K. ?f et Adams Hainer of "tSrass 'Lake and Peter Adams, Sr., of "Richmond, who observed their seventy- eighth birthday amiiversary March 22. B^oth are tgir health and active. ^ ^ " 4 The twins were born in Gehrig, Gei^rnahy, the children of Mr. and Airs. M£tt jA^dams. They came to this ? Mcountry when only 7 . mpiiihs old With4 their parents and i three other children, Jacob, Mary -and John. v The family settled at Johinsburg, living in a log cabin three miles from the little town and the children walked to school each day. Margaret Adams was -married in lowa id Geprge Hafner, who died several' years ago. She has one son, Geprge, arid two grandchildren in Brechsville, Ohio. Peter. Adams lives in Richmond. . His children are Paul cif Rjchmpiid, V|ola Pester of Gtrayslltke, Vera Hosch of- Richmond, Julia Coulman of Splon Mills, Lillian Shattuck of Grayslake and Peter Adams Jr. of Richmond. For thfe psist ten years, Mrs. Hafner has kept hPuse fc>r her brotl?er-ih-law, John Jackson. only othpr living member of the family is Henry Adams, a brother, vvbo resides in Richmond. \ : •V'T ; • • April 8 'Teen-Age Dance -- MpCfe Lodge--7:30 to. 10 p.m. / • April S v J*-. Bake Sale--JPink Lad^ShoQ. Bake Sale-rHuppy ^fid Leo's Grocery--10 a.m. tQ 2 pjij.-^ Sponsored by Woman's Auxiliary of St. Paul's Episcopal churchy . > > ' ' April 8 \ O.E.S. Friends' Ni^it -- 8 p.m. r-- Masonic Hall. ^ St. Patrick's Mothers' Clro Regular Meeting--2:45 p.m.-- Church Hall. 1 Hospital Auxiliary Board Meeting--Methodist church • • • April 10 Young Athletes' Honor Ban- <3fti6t--Hfglit 'School Caf§terUir~ Sponsored by the Moose: '* } : April u, *>- *• McHenry Woman's'Club R^feular Meeting--r-L$giqn;< Homl)- 1:30 p.m. , • X Bake Sale Jby zion Lutheran Ladfes}^ p.m.--Art Smith, Msu^pat..: - Johnsburg Firemen's .Dt -l--Memorial Hail, Jobnsbui v' April -16 > ^ Woman's ClUb Style 'Show?-- vLegiim Home • Dedication Service--8 p.rreV St. Paul's Episcopal Churcn CARD OF THANKS I'd like to take'*this means of expressing my gratitude fpr the many prayers, cards^ letters and gifts which I received during my recent convalescence. These things meant so much and surely helped toward my recovery. Thank you ag^in for your kindness. *48 Marilyn Anderson One of the hardest i&crets for a man to keep is his ppitiipii of himself. compleie OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE FURNITURE 308 E. Elm St. raude PHONE 878-J °n McHenry^lJL I » oiceg rais^a in song ... hearts lifted in prayer . . • the . miracle of spiritual rebirth ancf of life eternal • • • all this is part of the glory and proniise of Easier* For ypu, if means a richly-rewarding spiritual experience* &qd comfort for every day of your life. Come to chufaph ... come to worship on Easter. McHENRY STATE BANK Interest Paid On Savings peposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, Member Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040

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