Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Apr 1958, p. 17

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ScTOuradby. Afrit tit 1958 >€?U -•;>v .* .r .-^y / j Vi#'! •;.v •3 ^'S ,w4x;^ if'PisiakUi Highlands WHY PROJECTS ASSH MEEIM6 by Carla Bales and Hazel Morley 2895-J • 640-J-l . 2* Robert Heilgeist gave a talk ^,"l5n his mosquito abatement program. He offeree? his opiit- "#pns about forming a mosqui? to abatement, district which would make each property and -home owner responsible for his share of the cost. It is too late to form such a district this year but we should all give it thought for next year. Mr. Heilgeist stated that with the response he has received :,.he feels quite sure the mosquito abatement program will be farried through and we will ave a mosquito free summer. We want to thank him for the time and effort he has put into this program! • The entrance light at Route 12 was again discussed. The bids the association has received to have the light installed were all too expensive, so we are going to find out how similar subdivisions have (^one it for less. Wally Misavice is now our police commissioner and plans to have a meeting with the deputies soon. It was stated at the meeting "that all cars parked on the roads, that is cars parked at a spot constantly and stationary, will be either towed away, for which the car owner will have to pay the charge, or will 0e pushed off with the bulldozer. Wilson reported that to black-top our roads and bring them up to fcounty specifications, it would cost $50,000 which is out of the question. ,t The social and bake sale held at the community center Sunday afternoon brought in a total of $50. We wish to ^hank Floyd Johnson and all --Whe many women who baked .. cakes, coffee cakes and bread to make the social and bake sale a success. Mr. VanZevern reported that he has decided on a design for our vehicle tags and has them on order. They will have serial numbers and should be here shortly. Betty Warczak will receive pin for obtaining 100 percent ®iembership in her block. Two men from the Johnsburg lire department gave short speeches. They report that we are now in an A rating fire ^district which should make our fire insurance lower. These men were also sellinng tickets to a dance to be held April 12 in Johnsburg at the hall. The proceeds from this dance will e used to purchase equipment, uch as smoke masks, which the district does not furnish them with. So let's see a good turnout for this worthy cause. THE McHENSY PIAINDEALE& Seventeen grade mothers will be the hostesses for the meeting. Sea Scout Jtiews The Sea Scouts are going to have a bake kale in about two weeks. The boys are going to sell the bakery goods from house to house, taore details later. Right now the boys are hard at work on their whale boat, under the careful guidance of their skipper. They are all eager to go for a spin and hope to have the boat in the water by May 1, If anyone would like to, have their boat hauled, down to the channel and made ready for sailing, please call Skipper Ed Pfingsten at 2772. Brownie News At their last meeting the girls wrapped the Easter gifts they made for their mothers. It is a cute felt sewing kit for your purse, containing needles, pips and thread. The girls also sent thank you „cards and a sewing kit to all the committee members for their help in the Brownie Investiture. Tues» day, the girls marked the trail and went for a hike along with their leaders, Janice Janquart, Dot Erban and Lee .Conway. Welcome To Roy and Margaret Sluga and their three children, Linda, Tommy and Ronnie who have moved into their new home on Agatha drive. Happy Birthday to Becky Zetterburg who will be 4 years old Wednesday, April 9. She will celebrate with neighborhood friends at a party Wednesday afternoon. Also a belated happy birthday to Bryan Wesslink who was a ripe 1 yedr old. P.T.A. News At the next P.T.A. meeting, ' April 15, Dr. Gfiesbach, will ..speak on "Childrens Problems." Plan to attend this meeting, as the new officers • ^pvill be installed. The first P.T.A. Breakfast at the community center Wednesday was a success. Many mothers and their children turned up to have a good time along with coffee rolls, and milk. 'Teen Club News Boys on the rifle team' fired twenty-two calibre rifles at the McHenry army reserve range Saturday. Everyone participating in this activity is gaining a great deal of firing and accuracy from5 this program. The boys are learning the proper handling and care of weapons also. There was a big turnout for the last basketball- volley ball game of the season. Everybody had a good time and are looking forward to next year. Delores Formella (along with other juniors and seniors from McHenry high school) is taking a pleasure trip to Washington, D. C. The trip will last five days, and there is plenty of places and lots of things for Delores to do. Don't forget the Barn Dance at the community center on Friday, April 11, at 9 p.m. There will be square dancing, polkas, and group dancing. Everyone always has fun, so why don't you join in too,-see you there! Friday afternoon, Milton Croasdale, Bob Messel, Don Roekel and Don Bentz are renting a trailer to bring the 'teen club juke box to the community center from Milwaukee. Here and There - V ' Marcia and Eddie D'owd are serving Easter dinner at their housev Sunday. Their lucky guests\ure Marcia's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Dickman and Mrs. Dowd. Mrs. Leonard and her three sons are visiting her folks' Mr. and Mrs. Rodamel for a vacation After the birth of her new arrival, she will leave tor Germany, where she will join her husband, who is stationed there. Mr. Schlick was operated on Wednesday morning. The doctors think the operation was successful, but only time will tell. Wanda Dobecki entertained her card club Wednesday evening. Hie girl^ ehjoyed an evening of cards, gabbjng and deilicious refreshments. The Bales family is spending Easter with Carta's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Andrew of Fox Lake. Janice Janquact went to Waukegan the other day on an Easter shopping spree. Wait till Jerry hears! Also along for the day were Dolly Madine and Loretta Holland Of Fox Lake and Mary Nelson- of Round Lake. Dot Erbin's folks--Mr. and Mrs. John Schurak of Wheeling, spent Monday here in the Highlnds. We hear the grand* children even got Grandpa to fly a kite. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thuipday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED 41 VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DA|LY 9 TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO 5 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:30 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 PROFITABLE SAVING No other McHenry County savings institution has consistently paid as high a rate of return as Marengo Federal to its investors - - and this has been true over a twenty-five year period. Current Dividend Rate VA% Marengo Federal Savings and Loan Association MARENGO/ ILLINOIS JOrdan 8 7258 Over $234,000.00 In Dividends paid In 1957 SAFETY OF SWINGS Down Meadow Lane George aand Darleen Neeson of 409 W. BrOadway, were happy to see Darlene's mother and 'father, Mr. and Mrs. Strange of Broadview, and her two brothers, Lee and Keith. The boys enjoyed playing in the wonderful fresh air of the Highlands. They had a very enjoyable Sunday. Betty Warczak spent the day >in Berwyn, a visit with her dentist blemished another nice day out. Jane Malek took her new baby for a stroll Monday. Many neighbors came to take a peek at the Httle girl, who is the image of her daddy. Jim. Running dogs 4are doing much damage around Meadow Lane. Property owners are getting pretty disgusted and some have threatened to take drastic measures, so it would be a good idea for dog owners to keep their pets in their own yard. , Jim and Ruth Lemmons spent the week end visiting Jim's dad in Kentucky., ' William Bright of 311* W. A hn oh his right hand at work and is home unable to work for' a week. • ~ - Lou and Dotty Tomao are highly elated, they are now residents of a year standing, as of April 1. We hope it will be many more happy yearis for them in the Highlands. Betty WarczaH was .in bed all day . last Tuesday. She had some teeth pulled and suffered loss of blood and badly swollen face and lips. Tom was her great little helper, for the day. A little black and. white puppy is either lost or someone has -turned it out, It is hanging around the Meadow Lane area looking for a home, .so it anyone has lost it, it is still roaming. Dick Madock came to the rescue of Andy Brill when he got caught between the rafters in his attic. Slenderella anyone? Tonight two of Hazel Morley's sisters-in-law will be'honored at a baby shower given in her home. Thelma Morley and Glenda Paschke (Dick's sister) will be the' lUcky ones to receive some lovely things for their new babies. Twentyseven guests are expected jand refreshments will be servecj along with a few games, and of course Mr. Stork will take his proper place on the table with the two beautiful cakes. Here and There Mrs. Risto celebrated her birthday Monday, April 7. Many more. The chicken pox has caught Up with Tommy Hurekes and mama Hurekes hopes that's as. far as they go. , • Mr. and Mrs. Kolb attended the burial of Jerry's* step-mo- Jher last Monday. Our sympathy goes out to you; Mr. and Mrsj RocWeTs daughter, Rose and her husband,1 Bob, have been coming out to visit her folks while awaiting the arrival of their first child sometime in August. Mrs. Balazssa will soon haVe her little grandson staging with her for a little vacation. That should keep grandma busy. Kathy Mclnerney made the all star basketball team in McHenry. The juniors played against the seniors. Result: seniors won. The Freslin boys are taking turns having the measles. Just as one got over them the other one came down with them. We were hoping Mir. Metis 1%s would be out of the way f< awhile, but it looks like he; still around. " ' - , . Hazel Rodge's mothe*/ Mrsi.j Perkins and her sister, "M r s;^ Gates paid Hazel a pleasant1 visit all the way from DeKal^' Hazel was very^elad to them both. f A virus infection which affects theheaijL jeftifj and' cat headaches^ .h&S _, Johnson ori the sick list. Maybe that shot of penicillin will help. Terry (age 4) and Sharon (age 2) Froney yrere christened on Palm Sunday in Chicagdi It was also their mommie's birthday. They all spent a very pleasant day. . i^»; George and Marilyn Lamimert had Marilyn's folks, Mr. and Mrs.«' Eugenie Delarey, as guests for Easter dinner. Mrs. Maria Greiner is Critically ill in the Mercy hospital in Chicago. She is very lonesome and I know jf anyone would send her a card or a few words of cheer it would be greatly appreciated. You can send your cards and letters to her -in care of Mercy hospital, Chicago. Mrs. Greiner was formerly a resident of Bunny Ave. Easter Egg Hunt The Easter egg hunt was very nice and all the kids had a swell time hunting for all the pretty colored eggs. All the children from 7 to 10 went home with a cream filled egg. Even if they found the hard boiled ones. The 4 to 6 year olds all took home a candy bar and the little fellows 3 on down carried away a chocolate Easter bunny. Our thanks to Lee Conway and her two helpers, Marilyn Lammert and Dot Erbin and also to all the Easter Bunny helpers, who helped hide all the eggs. * Hard Time's Party It's on the nineteenth of this month at the Johnsburg school and given by the P.T.A. It should be a lot of fun. Just put on your oldest clothes and let's dance. School Board Election This is the last week that we can ask you to please be sure to get to the polls this Saturday and vote in the school board election. Let the gardening and raking go for twenty minutes and try to get to the polls to support your .candidates. It's a Happy Birthday to little Johnny Ray Hensley who was 2 years old last Tuesday, the eighth of April. Our Schools (by Classroom Teachers) Honor RolT The Junior high school has recently established an honor roll system. This was done for two purposes, to give recognition to those students wfio do above average work in their studies and to encourage those who could be doing better work in school. The system works in this manner. After the report card is made outsat th^end of the grading period, therriome room teacher averages the gracjes the student received during that grading period. If the student received a 2.5 average he is placed on the "A" honor roll. If the average is 2.0 he is placed on thie "B" honor roll. The basis of this system is determined by allowing 3 points for an "A", two points for a ""B", one .point for a "C", a minus .one for a "D" and a minus three for an "E". The names of the honor roll students are then given to Mr. Brunswick to be arranged on the honor roll card, which is then placed in the main hall of the school, for all students to view, which they do with much interest. Listed on the honor roll for the fourth grading period are Sandra Berkley, Kathy Hubert, Valerie Peterson, Chris Levesque, David Armit, Kathy Leibach and Susan Marchi, sixth grade; Karen Kittredge and Susan Prawl, seventh: Peggy Marchi, Carmen Anderson, Bob Beckenbaugh and John Boyle, eighth. There were twenty-four on the "B" honor roll in sixth grade, sixteen -in seventh grade and nineteen in eighth. What Size Is Your Dinosaur? Throughout Edgebrook school numerous examples of projects correlating to school subjects are in process. In the' back of Mrs. Ward's third grade class is a colorful mural on dinosaurs Of various shapes and sizes in their prehistoric setting. The detailed work expresses the childrens' interest and creative ability that were stimulated by their social studies activity. 1 The artists who contributed to this .masterpiece" were: Sandy Minters, Ricky Looze, Sandra Lindgren, David Carlson, Carol Erickson, Roy Pasternoke, Karen Anderson, Mark Alderson, Tommy Evans, Kit Carsten, Dorothy Conrad, Tifti Wirfs, Terry Morrison and Sam Koffski. Those giving reports on the different dinosatirs are: David Carlson, Mark Alderson, Sandy Winters, Terry Morrison, Wayne Kidd, Ricky Looze, Kit Carsten, Dale Woods and Tommy Evans. You can see by this mural that science, art and language are related by one theme. Student Council Promotes School Clean-Up The student council of the McHenry Junior high school formed a committee to find out why and how our new school gets so dirty and how we can clean it, and keep it clean. Tiina Kerrberg, the council president, will head the committee. -- ' 5 . and Peggy Marchi were appointed to the president's cabi-4 net • ..A ; Sandy Passalaqua, repreK sentative from 8A, was ap/- pointed to find if it was possible to have a'.suggestion box and where could we put it if we got one. The McHenry Junior highschool, was fortunate last week in having the Round Lake band play for them in the school auditorium. John Yardis, the band lead* er, gave demonstrations and explanations on several instruments. Some of the instruments cost over a thousand dollars each. Keeping out of the ruts is? the main difficulty in travelling the road to success. -i. Advertisement for better homes for lowest prices SEE us ROBERT HAY CONSTRUCTION Co. F.H.A. & V.A. FINANCING • Masonery • Concrete Carpentry PHONE: 1907 1377 r well and guard your health! • Our large prescriptions volume permits ns to maintain ample stocks, including many rare drugs and the newest specialties Thus, we are prepared to compound all prescriptions promptly--and precisely as directed. As a special precaution* we dou ble-check each compounding step. Yet, you'll find our prices no higher than elsewhere. Try us, next time. 103 So. Green Phone 40 McHenri Rom where I sit... ty Joe Marsh Grown-up "Kid Stuff" The kids around here are sure ptdliitg a lot of weight with local businessmen these days. , For instance, Monk McCarthy jhaffcl^collected and" patched .old inner tubes all winter. He'll pass them put for the swimming hole season-^rith this stenciled on: "Courtesy of McCarthy Auto Service." And Mr. Troy, over at the bank, Jias put in three new shiny high chairs--for visiting mothers to park their kids in. There's a sign over the chairs: "Save now for a happy future." From where I sit, I like the way people take to new ideas to promote their business. It shows that they are open-minded. We all could stand a little more of it in our personal lives too. For example, you may prefer tea or buttermilk to my choice of a glass of beer. But if we're "openminded" we accept the other fello/ s choice. &ot OtCuuf; Copyright, 1958, United States Brewers Foundation Bob Beckenbaugh, the vicepresident, was appointed publicity chairman. Chuck Miller! WATCH THESlf MARCHING FEET n "Live It Up" this spring with a handy kitchen phene In color! With a kitchen phone there's no need to leave whatever you're doing to answer-a call or take that ^'telephone break" you deserve. Just reach! All this and color, too--to give your kitchen that fresh, spring* time look! Your Service Representative at the telephone business office will be glad to make all arrangements for your kitchea phone iii color. Call her today; The number is on page 1 of your telephone directory. Or ask any installer - repairman you see. ILLINOIS BILL TKLEPHONI 136 N. Riverside Dr. Modern homes have handy phones 3 big reasons why you woi't want to miss... CHEVY'S APRIL 1 SPECTACULAR STYLE-- Proved by leading fashion designers! The smartest look on the road! That's Chevrolet in all 17 glamorous models. And proved, too. For Chevrolet's sculptured elegance and gracefully sweeping lines captured the imagination of world-famous designers, inspiring a fabulous collection of women's fashions: 2 SPECTACULAR PERFORMANCE --Proved on a round-trip run over the Andes! From coast to coast across South America, up over the Andes from Buenos Aires to Valparaiso, and bade again in just 41 hours and 14 minutes! Chevy went all the way with the hood sealed shut, without a drop of water or oil added-- experiencing every extreme driving situation you can think of for 1,900 straight miles. Chevrolet proved its sure-footed roadability and boundless* V8 energy, with the Automobile Club of^Argentina certifying the results. 3 SPECTACULAR VALUE-- Your Chevrolet dealer's ready to prove &! He'll show you that Chevy's the only completely new car in its field, today's biggest dollar buy. Yet prices begin right at the bottom of the ladder: See him this month for sure! ammrn You'U get (he best buy on ike best seller! Tk» AJr tmpala Sport Coop* wHk Bodjr bf Fislm, Bnry window ai every Chevrolet k Safety Pto«» Gfan> TOP ENTERTAINMENT-lW Dinat> Shore Chevy Show-Sunday-NBC-TV and the Pat Boone Chewy Showraow weekly om AfiC-tV See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer , «„ rupi/PAr gf PJ* w 'o '.y wuu * *tv i • x Jil I .no 204 W. ELM ST. McHENRY 277 McHENRY, ILL. vr • ....

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